3 best lightweight php frameworks to build up

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INTRODUCTION When it comes to web development, PHP is considered as the mother of many languages. And that is for obvious reasons. Being one of the most powerful web development languages, PHP can be used for a great variety of purposes. From the development of some very basic websites to that of some robust APIs, PHP comes in handy for an effective completion of the tasks. The great utility of PHP language is the reason why there is a great demand for professional services by an expert PHP developer in India. However, the acknowledgment of the efficiency of PHP language on such a wider scale has given rise to one problem – too many PHP frameworks! Thus, it becomes a bit hard for a professional PHP developer in India to find the best framework to carry out the complex PHP development tasks like building the REST APIs.

LUMEN A superfast micro framework by Laravel, Lumen has been built to deploy the Laravel micro services in a rapid manner. Before version 5.2, Lumen had been considered as intimately related and identical to the Laravel framework. However, after the 5.2 version of this PHP framework, things changed quite a lot! To make this framework lighter and much leaner, the experts have removed the reviews and sessions feature from it. Now, these features are found in Laravel only. Lumen is now considered best for providing the microservices by the expert PHP developers India. Microservices usually consist of the components that are loosely coupled together. These components are built independent from each other and are to be used as standalone components in numerous development projects. All these functions are very efficiently performed by Lumen, making it the best PHP framework for handling microservices and other requests. Features:

• Easy deployment • Superfast development speed • Fast response time • Easy in syntax • Lighter and sleeker than Laravel and more!

SLIM Considered to be one of the most competent PHP frameworks for building of the REST APIs, Slim has been the first choice of every competent web application development company. Slim is compatible with PHP 5. Thus, it is ideal for advanced web development projects. With features like complete control and flexibility of the web development tasks, Slim helps the web developers in completing their web development and API development work with a great ease. With so many features in the favor of efficient REST API building and web development, Slim is one of the best PHP micro frameworks that every PHP developer in India must master in. Slim Features

• HTTP Router • RESTful Routing • Dependency Injection • Middleware • Named Routes • Custom 404 Page • PSR-7 Support and more!

SILEX Formed on the grounds of Symfony and Pimple, the Silex micro framework takes inspiration from Sinatra and is known to be one of the finest small PHP frameworks, hands down. Its great repute in the development of REST APIs and web applications is the reason why most of the PHP developers in India prefer to use the Silex framework for these tasks. The best thing about Silex is that it is available for free to the developers with MIT license. The framework is available in two versions – the fat version and the slim version. In the fat version, the framework comes with the components from Symfony, template engine, and more features. However, the slim version comes with just the basic components, basic routing engine, and other features implemented through base extensions. Silex Features

• Super light framework • Easy and fun to use • Concise API • Extensible Framework • Easy to test the apps and more!

CONCLUSION So, if you’ve been looking for the best lightweight PHP frameworks to build the REST APIs, you must go for one of these. And to get better in the PHP web development game, why not try your hands on all the three? Besides the three frameworks mentioned here, there are many other lightweight PHP frameworks ideal to build the REST APIs and these are – Wave, Limonade, PHPSX, Guzzle, Phalcon, Zend Expressive, Flight PHP, and more. So, find the most suitable one and take your pick!

GET IN TOUCH Wanna build up the REST APIs with any of these best lightweight PHP framework? Contact Us: https://www.softprodigy.com/contact

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