爵 舞劇 首 次 挑士 戰 爵 劇 影 色 舞團
A vow m
a d e a fte r Ta n g le . O 是 f lo 一 v e a n 種 d a p romis e . 愛 與 承諾 轉身 後 的 約 定,
First Jazz Drama.
Je Jue Yin Se Dance Company’s
序 PreFace
藝術顧問 | 明華園戲劇總團長 陳 勝 福
一場充滿生命張力 不只是舞蹈的 類戲劇爵士舞
Artistic adviser |
Mr. Sheng-Fu Chen, Head of Ming Hwa Yuan Arts & Cultural Group A performance full of life’s tensions More than a jazz dance. More like a drama.
我原與『 爵劇影色』素昧平生,只知道他們是一個爵士 舞團,卻曾一直默默在明華園戲台下觀摩。直到有一天,他 們鼓起勇氣找我加入舞團的藝術顧問行列,我才和這個充滿 生命力的團隊結下不解之緣。 答應擔任舞團的藝術顧問之前,我去看了他們的表演、 瞭解舞團的運作和日常練習。我發現,爵劇的每一位成員都 非常用功,即使設備簡陋、資源有限,仍不減他們對爵士舞 的熱情。我對爵劇最欣賞的地方,是他們不但保有現代舞的 時尚,更極力融入傳統藝術的經典,不是一味模仿西方,而 是一個有思考、有創作力的舞蹈團隊,他們更有著源源不絕 的創意,每一年都有令人驚艷的新作誕生。 爵劇在舞蹈表現上的能量與獨特風格,使他們在舞林大 道的電視節目中脫穎而出,甚至勇奪 MTV『 決戰舞道館』
In the beginning, I did not know very much about the Je Jue Yin Se Dance Company. I knew nothing more than that they were a jazz dance group. I also noticed that they attended Ming Hwa Yuan performances. I did not start working with this lively dance group until one day they mustered up the courage to invite me to be their artistic adviser. Before responding to their request, I went to their rehearsals and performances to learn about the Group and how they operated. I discovered that everyone in the dance group is very hardworking. I also saw that poor facilities and insufficient resources did not put limitations on their passion towards jazz dance. However, what I admire most about them is that they employ not only modern dance moves but also blend classic elements of (Taiwanese) traditional arts into their performances. They do not merely imitate Western dance moves but rather are a truly thoughtful and creative dance group. With their unceasing innovation, there are dazzling new productions every year. The energy, unique style and chorography shown in Je Jue’s dances made them stand out from all other groups on the ‘Let’s Dance’ TV show. Furthermore, they were the million dollar champions of MTV Live Battle which was also great recognition for this dance group. However, Je Jue has not been trapped by the sugar coating of the entertainment industry, but rather has persisted in pursuing a higher art level of jazz dance. This determination has paved the way to the creation of this theatre performance.
百萬冠軍,這是對舞團實力的一種肯定。儘管如此,爵劇並沒有迷失於影視圈的光鮮亮麗,反而更執著追求爵 士舞蹈在藝術層次的更高表現,並進而帶領爵士舞蹈走入劇場。 這次演出,也是爵劇的自創作品,我覺得很有意思的部份是,他們將時下社會一些氾濫的負面現象『 吸毒』 融入創作之中,讓舞蹈變成一種『 類戲劇』的表演形式,以前世今生的劇情串連,透過舞蹈的肢體語彙,傳 達毒品對人類的戕害、情感的糾葛、陷入毒癮的痛苦…等,舞團更自行創作主題曲,讓舞蹈,不再僅是單純的 視覺饗宴,而能傳遞社會價值的反思、戲劇的情緒與感動性、同時又能展現音樂的豐富性,這些,都是爵劇在 爵士舞藝術上的創新與突破。 現代社會對時下年輕人,有著不負責任、不能吃苦等負面評語,但也有不少年輕人,執著在自己的夢想之 路上耕耘努力,爵劇影色就是這樣一個團體,我認為應該要多給這些年輕人一些鼓勵,也期待他們為台灣表演 藝術界帶來更多豐富的色彩!
爵劇影色 藝術顧問
This performance is written and produced by Je Jue. What interests me is that the story revolves around drug addition, a major social problem, and that they developed the dances to be more like drama. The plot connects one’s previous lives and this life expressed through their dance. They spread the message of how drugs ruin one’s life through a tangle of feelings and the pain of drug addiction. The dance group also composed the theme song, making the dance performance not only a visual one but a performance with a richness of music which not only invites introspection on social values but also expresses emotions and sensations which are more commonly seen in drama. All these are innovations and breakthrough in jazz dance which have been achieved by Je Jue in this performance. Young people today are perceived very negatively as irresponsible and unable to persevere through hardship. However, I believe there are still a number of young people who through persistence strive to realize their dreams. Je Jue Yin Se Dance Company is one of them. I believe they deserve a great deal of encouragement and I look forward to seeing their accomplishments in Taiwan performance arts.
Artistic adviser of Je Jue Yin Se Dance Company
Sheng-Fu Chen
序 PreFace 行政顧問 | 拉縴人男聲合唱團行政經理 黃 世 雄 先生
Administration consultant |
Mr. Shih Hsiung Huang, Administration Manager of Taipei Male Choir
『爵劇影色舞團』是我 2009 年透過中視節目『舞林大道』才認識,一曲『勇敢的查某 子』舞出了台灣精神,感動了許多人,也深深的震撼了我,藝文團體經營相當辛苦,也因此 當王儷陵老師因為經費籌措困難的關係在舞台上落淚,也興起了我希望能盡棉薄之力來幫助
The first time I met Je Jue Yin Se was on the TV show “Dance Avenue” in 2009. The group’s performance “A brave daughter” truly showed the Taiwanese spirit. This dance really touched so much of the audience and also vibrated deeply in my heart. As I well know, running an artistic group is not easy. After seeing Master LiLin Wang burst into
tears after the show due to finance difficulties, I decided to give my best efforts to help Je Jue. Due to my experience
法,在 2010 年,幸運的爵劇影色便入選了高雄市扶植傑出演藝團隊,另外也開始獲
as Administration Manager of Taipei Male Choir, I was able to give some ideas to YiHua on how to apply for
public assistance. Luckily, in 2010 Je Jue was chosen as the Outstanding Performance Group of Kaohsiung City.
Therefore, the dance group started to get subsidies from government organizations and the National Culture and Arts Foundation. Due to artistic competition is very difficult to gain these types of grants. Despite this, the most
important and meaningful issue to the group is the actual support by our audience. Je Jue hopes that over these two
days, that we shall have your encouragement. Your strong support will make our dancing more brilliant so that we may present the most remarkable performance to you.
爵劇影色 行政顧問
Administration consultant of Je Jue Yin Se
Shih-Hsiung Huang
About the Dance Group: Established May of 1993
成 立 緣 起 | 92年5月成立 創團者王儷陵本身從求學階段到多次出國進修一路受西方爵士舞蹈的紮實訓練,但對於東方美學及傳統藝術文化 始終有濃厚興趣。在尚未成立舞團前,曾多次觀賞『 明華園』的演出,無論是內外台的演出每場都親臨現場觀賞,看 著明華園團隊從搭台、彩排、演出、謝幕,一直到收工,每次觀賞完都有不同的感動。王儷陵更敬佩明華園當家小生 孫翠鳳,不管是什麼大小規模的演出,孫翠鳳的敬業精神及用心始終如一。 王儷陵毅然決然創立爵劇影色舞團,希望能將本身專長的爵士舞蹈的肢體語言,融合東方美學元素,更注入當代 的文化潮流。雖然爵劇影色舞團和明華園是不同性質的藝文團體,但對於藝術的推展與文化的發揚,其理念和精神是 一致的,所以創團之初王儷陵邀請明華園的陳勝福團長擔任藝術顧問,同時邀請熱愛藝文的企業經營者陳偉郎擔任團 長一職,王儷陵則擔任藝術總監。
舞團精神 爵劇影色舞團是一個以爵士(Jazz Dance)、Hip-Hop、當代舞蹈(Contemporary)為主要創作基礎的舞團,在此 根基上,結合流行時尚、文化潮流─包括音樂、服裝、創意等面向,不斷突破傳統學院派舞蹈,為當代爵士舞蹈注入 源源不絕的活力與創意,這也是發揮爵士舞融新匯舊的包容性特色。此外,爵劇影色舞團更積極尋求東方美學元素、 台灣本土文化色彩,注入創作中,中西兼融、剛柔並濟,傳統與創新都展現於舞者的身體中,開展無框架的身體語言, 讓人與人、表演者與觀眾的情感交流無國界等各種限制。 藝術總監王儷陵期望將劇場藝術與流行文化結合,藉由爵士舞的當代潮流及多元面貌,透過舞作拓展國人的藝術 涵養、審美價值,及國際視野。舞團除了經營舞蹈教室,透過教學相長,深化也同時推廣舞團的理念和美學外,更多 次參與國內外比賽屢獲佳績:於 2007 年獲得—威寶電信主辦『 明日之星決戰擂台』總冠軍,MTV 主辦『 決戰舞道館』 百萬冠軍得主,更於 2009 年獲得中視舞林大道總決賽亞軍,也因爵劇影色不斷的努力,在 2010 受僑委會邀請籌組台 灣春節文化訪問團,赴東南亞巡迴演出,同年獲得參與台北國際花卉博覽會百藝廣場演出。 此外,爵劇影色舞團除了商演,每年也固定籌備年度公演,透過大型廳院級的舞蹈戲劇創作和國內外的觀眾對話, 呈現舞團對於當代舞蹈的最新詮釋及豐富的創意表現,藉由巡演、交流,逐步累積經驗與口碑,成為台灣兼具有本土 特色與國際視野的代表性舞團。
The founder Master LiLin Wang has continuously trained in Jazz Dance from her early schooling years through her further education. She went to many different countries to train. In addition, she had a very strong interest in Asian Aesthetics and Taiwanese Traditional Culture. Before establishing the dance group, LiLin attended many performances of Ming Hwa Yuan, both in front of the stage and in the back of the stage. During this time, she would watch the Ming Hwa Yuan team work hard from setting up the stage, through rehearsals and performances, to the curtain call and the work after performance. After each performance Master Wang would always be moved in different ways from what she experienced from watching each show. Moreover, LiLin gained a great admiration of the hard working and effort of the main actor of Ming Hwa Yuan-Sun Tsui Feng in both big and small roles. Afterwards, Master Wang established Jue Je Yin Se Dance Company with the hope of combining Asian Aesthetics with the movements of Jazz. Furthermore, she also wished to embellish up the style of the dance group by employing contemporary trends. Even though Jue Je Yin Se and Ming Hwa Yuan belong to different type of artistic group, but the vision of spreading and popularizing the activities of art and culture are the same point. As a result, the director of Ming Hwa Yuan, Chen Sheng Fu was invited to act as the Artistic Advisor of the dance group, Steve Wei-Lang Chen, an entrepreneur with strong passion for art as Artistic Director, and Master LiLin Wang as Art Director and Choreographer.
The spirit of the Je Jue Yin Se Jazz dance, Hip hop, and Contemporary dance are all components of Je Jue Yin Se’s dance style. By combining fashion and culture, including music, costumes and original ideas, the group continued to make a break from traditional academic dance styles and bring new life and creativity to modern Jazz. Flexible and capable of combining new elements is also a primary characteristic of Jazz. Furthermore, the Dance group is trying hard to remix Asian Aesthetics and the local culture of Taiwan into their work, by presenting a combination of western and eastern styles, and coupling hardness with softness. Combined in this way, the traditional and modern style expressed through dance moves during the performance shows that the emotions between the dancers and audience is unlimited and without borders. Artistic Director Master Wang is trying to join together stage play and pop culture, to help elevate the cultivation of art, aesthetic value and international vision of our compatriots. In addition to holding dance classes, the dance group has also won several remarkable prizes both in Taiwan and overseas, including the Championship of Vibo Telecom sponsored "Rising star battle stage “, MTV hosted ” Battle Dance Hall “ million dollar award winner , and in 2009 as “Dance Avenue” Overall Second Place Winner. In addition, Je Jue was also chosen to represent Taiwan during the New Year Festival Tour which was put together by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council and toured southeast Asia in 2010. In the same year, Je Jue was also invited to perform at the Taipei International Flora Exposition. In addition to these commercial performances, Je Jue also prepares and performs an annual show. This show, as a national class theatre, is Je Jue’s wish to create connections with audiences at home and abroad. With all these experiences, Je Jue’s reputation has been continually growing in prestige to be one of the representative dance groups of Taiwan.
序 PreFace Words from the General Director
團長的話 「結合流行文化與劇場藝術,使爵士舞能扎根更深,進而延伸至學校,使舞蹈教育中除了芭蕾舞、現代舞、 民族風外,爵士舞也能成為必修的一環。藉由爵士舞的時代性及多元性,拓寬並提昇文化視窗及素養,增強國 際觀」是爵劇影色成立九年多來一直不變的宗旨。
"Combining pop culture with the theatrical arts in a jazz dance performance allows the public to understand this type of dance better and hopefully recognize it as an art form on the same level as ballet, modern dance and ethnic dance. “To broaden and enhance people’s cultural awareness and global perspective through jazz’s diversification" has been the goal of Je Jue Yin Se since we established the group nine years ago.
今年、經過所有團員許多日子以來,伴隨著許多的汗水、無數次的跌倒及努力不懈,所換得的成果「轉身」, 終於即將呈現在大家的面前了。我們試著在「轉身」中,讓強調低重心、舒張的肢體語彙、具備有稜有角特色 的爵士舞精神,更加貼近我們的日常生活。因此,我們在舞蹈作品中加入了與現今社會現象息息相關的元素。 希望透過舞蹈與舞台劇結合的詮釋,能獲得更多人的認同。
This year, after long hours of practice, much sweat and countless falls, we are finally able to present "Tangle" to the general public. In "Tangle," through careful choreography, the dancers use dance elements such as lower center of gravity, flexibility and body language to emphasize the jazz spirit which we can relate to in our daily lives. Furthermore, in this performance we added in some features that portray a current phenomenon in our
曾有舞蹈同好者說過:「舞蹈吸引人之處,即在於它能運用肢體而非口語來表達意念,它能表達出我們想 說的、能說的,甚至是不想說、不能說的話。」對舞蹈來說,能夠將所學的實際應用在舞台上,極盡的發揮是 一件很過癮的事。雖然它的過程是辛苦的,果實卻是甜美無比的。 看到每一位團員的認真,是最令我感動的事。但願所有的朋友也都能來分享這樣的感動。因為您們的鼓勵 與認同,是支持「爵劇影色」持續創新、求新、發光發熱最大的原動力。
society. We hope through integration of these two elements that this will be able to reach more people. Someone who shares the same interest in dancing once said: "The beauty and allure of dancing is to express one’s feelings through the body instead of through spoken language. The body can express what we want, what we can do, what we don’t want to say, and even those feelings that cannot be expressed through words." The entire process, from conception to creation, from rehearsal to performance, has been extremely difficult and demanding. However, the final result has been sweet and beautiful and incomparably rewarding. I am truly touched at seeing how hard each one of our dancers has worked for
爵劇影色 團長
this show. I sincerely hope all of our friends can come and share with me this incredible performance. Finally, I wish to give my most grateful thanks to all of our friends for their encouragement and support. These have always been the greatest motivation for our continuous creativity, innovation and growth.
General Director
Steve Chen
轉身創作動機 轉身後的約定,是一種愛與承諾。十年了∼是誰想問誰,
Tangle –Motivation for Creation The promise after “Tangle” would be all about love and commitment. Ten years have passed, who would be the one asking if you remembered me?
是否你還記得我? 宜樺在寫出歌詞之前是突然來的靈感,有股特殊的感覺一 湧而上。她告訴我,她寫了一首歌,要我幫她作曲,那時真是 想大笑,因為我們都不是音樂創作人,她竟然認真的說想把這 首歌作出來。 我想∼好吧!就試試看囉,一試之下,我也認真的為這首 歌哼了曲子,奇妙的是當我每次唱這首歌時,我就會起雞皮疙 瘩,於是我和宜樺也對自己會作出這首歌感到好奇,原來這首 歌是有原因而來的,經由我的恩師解釋後,我和宜樺才更加明 白,原來是 某 人 想經由宜樺寫出的詞,傳達給她失去聯絡的 好友,讓人聽起來好心酸又心疼。可是要怎樣才能幫她傳遞這樣的訊息,況且又不知道是要將訊息傳達給誰?當時想不出 任何方法來幫她,暫時也就放下這個念頭。 前陣子看了好多新聞有關於藝人因吸毒被補入獄,這陣子又是接二連三的跳樓事件,難道他們沒有替自己的親人、友 人想過嗎?就這麼自私、衝動、無知,如果說自殺死亡的人是死掉的人,那∼那些吸食毒品的就是活著的鬼。人已不再是 堅強的動物了,不斷的毀滅生命,也毀滅無形的愛,這不就是 2012 世界末日的真實畫面。這也就是我決定將一些故事改編 成公演的主題,把它以舞劇的方式呈現。 這是我第一次的創作,第一次編劇,第一次當導演,比起以前純粹編舞的工作難了許多。開始看文章、寫文章、找資料。 真不是我平常會做的事,每一項都是挑戰。當時我找到以毒品為主軸的故事,但總覺得少了劇情中該有的主體張力,有了! 突然想到宜樺寫的那首歌(轉身),因此有了方向,也正好可以利用這次的公演,把這首歌傳遞出去,或許有機會幫助到 想找尋失聯已久的那位好友。 所以我將自己創作的歌名(轉身)做為舞劇的中文名稱,英文名稱為(Tangle),中文是一種動作,英文是形容情感的 糾結,轉身也等於離開,身後的愛與承諾,絕不會因人離開而跟著消失。愛是一種責任,無法逃避,現今社會每一個人都 被各式各樣的毒品綑綁,網路的虛擬世界,或是用購物滿足自己慾望和空虛。人已不再面對面交談,不願意聽別人的聲音, 更無法眼對眼看著對方,流露自己的情感,人活在焦慮恐慌的世界,要怎樣戒了毒品走出來,一切得靠自己。舞劇利用簡 單的人物演出情感的糾結,用舞蹈說故事,不用台詞來表達情緒。 舞者也是第一次嘗試,當舞劇進行到下半場,舞者的心理壓力越沉重,不可否認這場舞劇讓大家皮繃很緊,因為我們 是用心說故事,真正的感動、真正的情緒。
This was the inspiration and feelings YiHua suddenly had before she wrote this song. One day YiHua told me about her inspiration and asked me if I could compose the song for her. I was really surprised since neither of us are in the music industry or have that kind of background. Then I thought maybe I can give it a try. The strange thing is I get goosebumps every time I sing this song which makes me wonder about my own motivations behind composing this song. YiHua and I were curious about how we could write this song together. We realized that there is a reason for this. After we consulted with my mentor about the song, we realized that this song is from someone who has been trying to covey a message to a friend she has lost contact with for quite some time. We thought how can we help her pass on this message? Unfortunately, we couldn’t figure out how to help her in time. So for the time being we abandoned the idea. Recently, there have been several stories in the news regarding some celebrities who were arrested for taking drugs, along with tragic suicides one after another. I can’t help thinking that all those celebrities were very selfish, impulsive and naïve. Suicide is self inflected death, but people who take drugs are no different, they are dead inside. Human beings are no longer as strong as we thought. It is now the year 2012, which was supposed to be the end of the world and it grieves me that some people continually destroy lives and the love. This was the main reason I wanted to present this subject for our 2012 annual performance via the form of dance drama. There are many firsts for me this time including composing, writing and directing which are quite different and more difficult than what I am used to doing. I needed to do the research, a lot of reading, writing and so on. While researching society’s current drug problems, I was reminded of YiHua ‘s song “ Tangle “ and all of a sudden it inspired me of the performance we could do for this year. Perhaps this story will also inspire people to take the opportunity to look for old friends with whom they have lost contact. I decided to name this new dance drama after the song I composed. The character in Chinese means “turning”, however it means “tangled emotions” in English. Therefore, it can mean not only leaving in a physical sense but also that love and commitment will never just disappear along after one has left. Love is no doubt a kind of responsibility. Today most people are addicted to various kinds of temptation such as drugs, internet and shopping. We do those things instead of talking to each other in person or listening to others. It is all about self-determination for those who live in the world with panic to get out of their comfort zone. Thus, this dance drama is tells the story of these ordinary characters through dance motions instead of speaking. This is also a first for our dance group as well, our first dance drama. Throughout the performance and especially during the second half of the performance, we place enormous pressure on ourselves to tell this touching story well. We stretch our dance skills as far as we can in order to be able to express from our hearts the characters’ deep emotions.
(* 無法解釋,只好用 某 人 來描述)
爵劇影色 藝術總監/編導
Artistic Director/ Head Choreographer/ Writer /Director
Li-Lin Wang
創作內容 Synopsis 『阿政』是臥底警察,負責毒品出貨工作,而『Queen』是主要供應者,行事小心的 『Queen』不輕易相信任何人包括『阿政』。一直在追查毒品供應來源的警官『方雲』, 在一次交手中,『方雲』跟『Queen』竟是失聯多年的好友,兩人產生很大的矛盾。 『阿政』與吸毒者『阿芬』在一次巧遇時,互相有了愛意,但是當他看見『阿芬』臂 上的針孔時,對阿芬產生很大的憤怒,卻也有著很深的愧疚,想幫她脫離毒品控制, 也不想再讓更多人受害,因而背叛『Queen』,將與『方雲』聯手用計逮捕『Queen』。 『Queen』因好友『方雲』,而想將生意交給『阿政』接管,於是『Queen』對『阿政』 做出試探,一場鬥智的過程,『阿政』也漸漸地掌控到『Queen』的秘密。 『Queen』被捕後不希望拖累『方雲』,為了不讓『方雲』在友誼與正義間為難,最 後用自殺的方式與好友『方雲』切割 .…。
A-Zheng is an undercover police officer mainly in charge of drug trafficking who has infiltrated a large drug cartel. Queen is the head of the drug cartel and never truly trusts any of her subordinates including A-Zheng. FangYun is the police chief who has been investigating the source of the drug supply. She is shocked to find out during an arrest that Queen was actually a good friend from long ago with whom she had lost contact for years. Between the two “friends” a conflict and an impending sense of collision arises. 現代人雖然通訊科技、交通運輸日趨方便快速,但內心深處似乎卻更加空虛。空虛、無助、 無奈感是當前現代都會,不分國內外都共同面臨,但隱而不彰的深層問題。學子面臨課業壓力、 受薪階級面對工作與失業壓力…等等各種壓力與莫可奈何感,都會讓人想逃避、盡情放縱紓壓。 毒品就是在這樣的背景下不知不覺進入一個人的生命。無論古今中外,毒品戕害人民的身心, 始終是一個嚴重的問題,近年來台灣也有多位藝人因吸食毒品而斷送大好的演藝生涯。
〈轉身〉舞劇中將以中西合併的舞蹈風格及時空交錯的變化,成為強烈的舞台視覺效果,以 舞者肢體呈現戲劇性,利用舞蹈語彙,表達出友誼之間的拉扯,毒癮的痛苦、求救無門的悲傷、 背叛的無奈感…。讓觀眾覺知毒品決不能輕易嘗試,更正視每個人心中的空虛與脆弱,尋求正 常管道紓解及安慰,不依賴毒品、藥物、酒精,養成健康的身心靈。
In today’s world it seems that the more the modern person uses the conveniences of telecommunications, technology and transportation, the more likely he or she is to feel lonely deep inside his or her heart. Feelings of emptiness and helplessness are an untold and universal issue among people living in modern society. Students are facing pressure from school. Salary earners are facing pressure from their workplace. Fears of unemployment and all other kinds of pressures create a sense of helplessness, which causes people to tend to indulge themselves so that they can evade such issues. These are also the reasons why some people turn to drugs and get addicted to it little by little. Illegal drug use has always been a serious and worldwide issue throughout history for it undermines people both physically and psychologically. Recently, there are several cases of Taiwanese artists who ruined their prosperous careers by using drugs.
A-Zheng and the drug addict, A-Fen, meet by chance and fall in love. A-Zheng notices the drug tracks on A-Fen’s arms and realizes she is a drug addict, he feels both anger and shame for his part in her addition. In order to save A-Fen and other people who are suffering from drug addiction, A-Zheng is determined to turn in Queen. FangYun and A-Zheng will work together on a plan to arrest Queen. Queen realizes that due to her position she will someday need to confront FangYun. Therefore, Queen decides to hand over the control of the drug dealing business to A-Zheng. She is continually testing A-Zheng to make sure he is trustworthy. A-Zheng, on the other hand, also controls Queen’s secret by playing mind games with her. Upon being arrested, Queen is determined not to embroil her old friend FangYun in this case and to keep her from having to make the choice between friendship and justice. Queen makes a decision based on her friendship with FangYun……
呈現方式 Performance 透過當代爵士舞蹈的基礎,以舞者的情緒張力與表演渲染力,呈現如電影感般的戲劇 型舞作。
Based on modern Jazz dance, our dancers present this movie-like dance performance by emphasizing the emotional tension of the characters as well as their powerful rendering of their conflicts.
Inspired by this social issue and phenomenon, Je Jue Yin Se hopes that through its performance of this movie-like dance show, they can bring this problem to the attention of the young generation and general public and emphasize the severe damage that drugs could cause to one’s health. “Tangle’s” story line incorporates the essential elements of Eastern and Western dancing styles, along with a strong visual effect of playing between changes in both time and space. Each time the dancers’ movements flow and stretch into various dance moves and expressions, they convey the story and message being told and exchanged within the void. The twisting of friendship, the painfulness of drug abuse, the grief of helplessness and the conflict of betraying someone are all highlighted in this performance. Je Jue Yin Se wishes to encourage the audience to reflect on their own delicate inner selves, and to urge everyone to pursue healthy methods of relieving stress without relying on drugs or alcohol. If we can relieve our stress productively we are all sure to live a healthy life. 10
摯友 close friend 臥底警察
阿政 A-Zheng 顧右存 Erick
hief O 警官 Police C
方雲 Fang-Yun
(真)主 (
cer an real) offi
d agent
曹淑佩 BT 飾
rug Lord 販毒集團首腦 D
王儷陵 Centerw 飾
boss an
d staff
情人 l ov
ers Addict 吸毒者 Drug
阿芬 Fen
李欣怡 Monkey
ation of Fen
前世今生 reincarn
carn 前世 The Rein
阿芬前世 ey
黃郁珉 Courtn 飾
The leading role of TANGLE
觀景窗 Highlight
前世 | Courtney 飾╱
Previous Life performed by Courtney Courtney 老師,大學畢業 後 才 正 式 學 跳 舞,2003 年 當 時她只是個上班族,下班後想 打發時間和運動,得知儷陵老 師的舞蹈工作室剛好在她家附 近,跑去報名,上課之後就幾 乎天天報到跳舞,單純只是因 為喜歡,跳到後來「不知不覺」
文 Author ╱
It-Lîn, Chiā
拾在工創有限公司工頭/爵劇影色舞團合作平面攝影 Foreman of Q IDEAS Ltd. / Photographer of Je Jue Yin Se
就成為團員和師資。《轉身》 中她飾演的角色穿古裝,很難 說「她」是誰,但讓戲劇增添 「上癮五百年」的時間深度。無論是「阿片」(opium),還 是使蒂諾斯(Stilnox),人類依賴物質和藥物填補心靈的歷史 由來已久。空虛,是人世的無間道難題。看《轉身》中的舞 蹈身體怎麼回應這問題?
阿芬 | Monkey 飾 A-Fen performed by Monkey
Monkey 老師,人如其名,很 會跳躍、很會飛。屏東枋寮查某囝,
3 歲學舞至今,來高雄念中華藝校 舞蹈科,她是爵劇資深舞者。《轉 身》中她飾演的角色,戲劇和舞蹈 並重,跳舞轉圈飛躍這些動作對她 來說如請客吃飯般簡單,這次她要 挑戰的是既狂放又內斂的內心戲, 這角色看似甜美但內心有極空虛的 無底洞,吞噬自己,也吞噬周圍愛 她的人。拍宣傳照時喬 pose 花了一點時間,要習慣豪放揮灑 的舞者做內斂的情緒表現,是個挑戰題。9 月看總彩排時, Monkey 老師入戲已深,她精采的舞戲,讓人期待! Monkey was born in Fangliao, Pingdong, educated at the dancing department of Chung-Hwa School of Arts, Kaohsiung, and is an experienced dancer of Je Jue Yin Se. Monkey started learning dancing since the age of three. Given the name of Monkey, she is especially good at jumping and “flying” on the stage. Monkey performs a key role in “Tangle” by showing the essence of drama and dance, circling and leaping are second nature to her. Monkey takes on the great challenge on performing this role of a terribly conflicted character who is wild yet naive. At first this role seems to be a beautiful character but we find that inside she is lonely and empty. The conflicting feelings consume both herself and the people who love her. It takes Monkey a while to capture the restrained feeling inside as opposed to her wild nature while striking poses for taking promotion photos. When I watched the final rehearsal in September, Monkey has truly transformed herself into the character. We all look forward to seeing her perform. 14
Courtney began her professional dance training only after graduating from university. In 2003, she was working in an office and became interested in exercising to fill her time after work. She discovered that LiLin’s dance studio was pretty close to her home. Courtney first began taking class every day out of curiosity. However, she grew to be passionate about dance and as her skill increased she became one of the core team members and instructors. In “Tangle,” she performs the role of a character from the ancient times. Exactly who “she” is in the show is quite unclear. Courtney definitely delivers an “addicted for 500 years” feeling to the timeframe. Human beings have a long history of relying on drugs to avoid loneliness and emptiness using drugs such as opium or Stilnox. Therefore, it seems that loneliness is a long-lasting and unsolved issue. While watching “Tangle” we will see how those issues are addressed through dance.
不管對錯,一切解脫;活著的,無論好壞,還得承受所有。 誰苦?主角宣傳照給她的光量最大,反映正派光明面,但仍 有一點陰暗,看向茫茫的未來。
BT majored in gymnastics when she was in university. Since then she has continued to practice for the past 10 years. For a gymnastics performing event, BT’s classmate YiHua asked LiLin to choreograph for their team. This was how BT got connected to Je Jue Yin Se. She practices and performs whole heartedly. BT gradually became a core team member and an instructor for Je Jue Yin Se. Personally, I think BT’s style and temperament are well suited to help her interpret her character’s role in “Tangle” as the police chief who is both virtuous, cool and calm. The depiction of all the characters and plot of this show were all taken from the police officer, FangYun’s point of view. The people who pass away free themselves from right or wrong. Whereas those who remain alive, have to still bear with all that is good or bad. So who suffers more? In the promotion photography, BT (FangYun) was given a brightening effect, which reflects the bright side of integrity. However I also covered her with a touch of shadow to foreshadow the future.
FangYun performed by BT
阿政 | Erick 飾
《轉身》中她飾演正派的警察是再適合不過,舞劇的副標題, 可以說是從她這角色的眼睛旁觀一切人物與事件。死去的人,
和人應對都很客氣謙虛, 但一上舞台,身體自然就 有 Center Wang 的 氣 勢, 震 懾 全 場。 從 2003 爵 劇 創團首演至今 9 年過去,
Erick 老師, 高中時喜歡跳 舞,自己看蔡依 林、蕭亞軒之類 的 MV 學跳舞, 大學時加入學校 舞蹈社團,因緣 際會認識儷陵老 教室當上課,還參加專攻班,慢慢學習,成為團員和師資。 《轉身》中飾演臥底角色,臥底不是警匪電影的專利,在是 非、善惡、敵我簡單二分的世道,能夠進入對方的生活世界, 就會發現絕對劃分的價值觀,也是一種毒品在痲痹人類,人 世間沒有絕對,但理解這道理是另一種痛苦的開始,要如何
為團員和師資。我覺得 BT 的外型和氣質充滿正氣與酷勁,
今,發現她其實是搞笑咖 (平易近人、沒有框架),
A-Zheng performed by Erick
爵劇的靈魂──儷 陵老師,去年 4 月認識至
BT 老師,大學前是學體操,持續有 10 來年,大學的體
Queen performed by LiLin Wang
Queen | 王儷陵 飾
方雲 | BT 飾
lighting to reflect only a slight part of his deep emotions. There are many ambiguous values and emotions lying within this role such as being thoughtful and selfish are just two sides of the same coin. How to define love and affection? Who has the right to decide? Let’s watch how “Tangle” expresses this issue.
Erick has long been interested in dance. He watches and practices Jolin Cai, Elva Xiao and other singers’ MV through selflearning. He joined the dance club in his university and when he happened to meet LiLin, he began to take dancing class at Je Jue Yin Se. Erick even took a specialized class to concretely build up his skills. Later he became a team member and an instructor of Je Jue Yin Se. Acting in the role of an undercover police in “Tangle” is a challenge since the world is not just black or white. The realization that the difference between the two sides is actually very small is also almost like a drug that paralyzes people. In the promotional photography, Erick (A-Zheng) was given less
已久,自己譜唱主題曲、 寫劇本、編舞,也擔綱劇中核心角色,這角色對人的情義非 常單純卻又執著,戲裡戲外個性都很像她。對於當代舞蹈非 常熱愛的她,有著巨大的情感動力,為爵士舞融入不同舞蹈 文化及台灣的在地特色,她也從不同領域媒材的藝術中吸收 養分,豐富舞蹈語彙和精神層次。剛中帶柔,柔中有剛的高 雄人氣質,在她和爵劇影色舞團身上展露無遺。
LiLin, the soul of Je Jue Yin Se, who I have known since last April, is actually a fun-loving person with a gracious attitude towards people around her. Upon stepping onto the stage, LiLin becomes so powerful in terms of her body language that she can hold spellbound the audience’s attention. This is how she gained her stage nickname “Center Wang.” It has been 9 years since Je Jue Yin Se had their premiere performance in 2003. Since then, LiLin has not only refined her dancing skills but has also risen to the challenge to become the artistic director and principal choreographer for Je Jue Yin Se. LiLin has been working for a great deal of time on the design of this year’s independent creative piece: she created the theme song, wrote the script, acted as head of choreography and even took a key role in the performance. The character of this key role is rather simple but persistent which matches LiLin’s personality very well. Passionate about contemporary dance, LiLin infuses her enthusiasm of Jazz by way of introducing diverse dancing culture and local Taiwanese dancing features into this show. Moreover, LiLin also derives inspiration from a wide variety of artistic fields in order to enrich her performing interpretation and to enhance the level of her performance. Together with Je Jue Yin Se, LiLin defines the typical Kaohsiung person’s spirit as a combination of tender and tough-minded in this splendid show. 15
02 Scene
第二景 Scene 02
毒品交易 場景:街集
Drug Trafficking | Setting : City Streets
在一場毒品交易中,Queen 故意安排阿政去交貨,想試探阿政的能力與 忠心。在警方與毒販交手過程,Queen 與方雲竟是失散多年的好友。方 雲了解 Queen 的想法,為了幫助阿政更快獲得 Queen 的信賴,方雲用 計對阿政下手,讓 Queen 能卸下心防,完全信任阿政。
Not knowing that A-Zheng is an undercover agent for Police Chief FangYun, Drug Lord Queen sets up an important drug deal to test Zheng’s capability and loyalty. Over the many years of interactions between the drug cartels and the police, Queen and Fang-Yun have become to understand each other almost like old friends. Fang-Yun knows Queen’s way of thinking and uses her knowledge to help A-Zheng quickly gain Queen’s trust.
上半場 First Part 第一景 Scene 01
阿芬施打著毒品,一個人的空虛與害怕,讓她無 法接受現實的自己。她的靈魂出現在同一個空 間,上演著前世今生的墮落與悲慘。
Emptiness | Setting : Living Room Unable to cope alone with the emptiness and fear in her life, A-Fen turns to drugs so that she would not need to face reality. Her eternal soul is unable to break free of the downward spiral of the drug addition of her past lives. A-Fen is tragically doomed to follow the same journey over and over again in each of her reincarnated lives.
第三景 Scene 03
Queen 在試探之後,已經完全信賴阿政,第一次帶阿 政到製毒工廠,甚至有意思要讓阿政成為她的接班人。
The Hide-Out
| Setting : The Drug Lab After A-Zheng successfully passes Queen’s test, she takes him for the first time to the cartel’s drug factory. Queen’s intention is to make A-Zheng her successor and take over the cartel.
04 The Encounter 第四景 Scene 04
阿芬是以賣煙為生,街道的流鶯大略知 道阿芬不為人知的一生,一天阿政路過 跟阿芬買煙,阿政看著阿芬,突然來的 感傷,看她楚楚可憐的樣子,有一種同 情又說不出的愛情湧出心頭。
| Setting: City Streets
A-Fen sells cigarettes for a living. The streetwalkers know a bit about A-Fen’s secret life. One day A-Zheng happens to buy a pack of cigarettes from A-Fen. Upon seeing her, he has a rush of sympathy for her plight. After noticing how delicate and charming she is the sympathy becomes love from his heart. 19
06 第五景 Scene 05
發現真相 場景:客廳
阿政來到阿芬家裡,阿芬看他有些疲憊,替他按摩舒緩,阿政也漸漸 有了睡意,這時阿芬毒癮發作施打毒品,因產生迷幻,而勾引阿政, 兩人在過程中,阿政發現阿芬吸食毒品,整個人嚇醒,阿政對阿芬非 常不諒解,憤而離開。
第六景 Scene 06
求助 場景:街集
Seeking Help
| Setting: City Streets
阿政看到阿芬為毒品所害,因此有著很深的愧疚,想幫她脫離毒品控 制,因而求助方雲,希望能盡快破獲 Queen 的勢力。方雲知道阿政 的痛苦,只能安慰他,要他不要如此衝動。而方雲對 Queen 也陷入 友情與正義的拉扯。
After seeing A-Fen’s drug misery, A-Zheng is weighed down with guilt and fervently wishes to save her from her drug addiction. He seeks out FangYun for help and urges her to quickly break down Queen’s power. Fang-Yun understands A-Zheng’s agony and wants to soothe his pain but warns him not to be too impulsive. Fang-Yun is torn between the pulls of friendship and justice.
The Truth
| Setting: Living Room When A-Zheng goes to A-Fen’s home, she sees that he is very tired. After giving him a massage, A-Zheng falls asleep. A-Fen, unable to fight her withdrawl symptoms, succumbs to her need for drugs once again. When she tries to seduce A-Zheng, he realizes for the first time that A-Fen is a drug addict. A-Zheng cannot understand why A-Fen would become so addicted and not tell him about her problem. He leaves feeling betrayed and angry. 20
下半場 Second Part 第一景 Scene 01
誰是鬼 Suspicion
| Setting : Restaurant
第七景 Scene 07
Queen 懷疑有人出賣他們,想找出究竟是誰, 而種種跡象,讓 Queen 對阿政產生懷疑。
Queen suspects that a mole sold them out and tries to find out who it is. The clues seem to point towards A-Zheng.
Queen 與阿政正在製造下一批毒品時,當完成毒品製 作,發現外面有動靜,趕緊逃離現場。
07 Scene
01 The Storm
| Setting: The Drug Lab Queen and A-Zheng are finishing up the next batch of drugs and are almost finished when there is a disturbance outside the drug factory. Everyone quickly escapes.
第二景 Scene 02
抓鬼 場景:密室
Queen 將手下及阿政蒙眼並綁住帶到密室,Queen 拿著槍指著阿政, 問他是不是臥底,而阿政仍表現出對 Queen 的忠心,雖然 Queen 已 經知道阿政是臥底,但她仍不願承認被自己重視且信任的人出賣,在被 背叛之下的情緒,更加憤怒。因此狠心殺掉自己的手下,當成一種發洩。
Expsure | Setting : Secret Chamber Suspecting that A-Zheng is the mole, Queen takes him to a secret chamber and tries to force him to admit that he is an undercover cop. A-Zheng continues to profess his loyalty to Queen. However, she knows the truth and his betrayal makes her fly into a killing rage.
第三景 Scene 03
Queen、方雲、阿政三人之間面對 友誼的拉扯、背叛的無奈。
The Tangle Queen, Fang-Yun and A-Zheng. The friendship and betrayal are tangled among the three of them.
第四景 Scene 04
心碎 場景:客廳
阿芬對毒品的依賴越來越重,完全失去戒毒的意志,為了 要尋求快感,阿芬從脖子施打毒品,卻也因如此阿芬無法 承受毒品的劑量。阿政進到阿芬家,看到阿芬的屍體,無 法承受眼前的畫面。
第五景 Scene 05
轉身 場景:審問房
| Setting : Living Room A-Fen’s dependence on drugs worsens. She completely loses her will to try to stop using drugs. In an attempt to quickly get high, A-Fen injects her drug into her jugular vein. But her weak body cannot withstand the drugs any longer. A-Zheng comes back and finds her.
| Setting: Interrogation Room
因 阿 政 看 到 阿 芬 的 死 狀, 覺 得 毒 品 實 在 是 太 可 怕, 因 而 將 Queen 所有的罪行報告給方雲警官,將 Queen 逮捕到 警局審問。Queen 要求單獨,方雲將所有人撤出審問房, Queen 為了不牽累好友方雲,趁著無人的空檔自殺,當方雲 再次面對滿身是血的『Queen』,心頭一酸浮現彼此的約定、 似曾相識的情感,方雲對『Queen』有種不捨卻又無能為力。
A-Fen’s death makes A-Zheng determined to take down Queen’s cartel so he turns in all evidence against Queen. She is arrested and taken to face Fang-Yun. Queen realizes the pain and struggle that Fang-Yun will face if she has to interrogate her old friend. Queen makes a decision based on love and friendship.
第六景 Scene 06
愛與承諾 The Promise
方雲、阿政獨自一人的時候,因失去好友、摯愛而 恍然大悟,原來轉身後的約定,是一種愛與承諾。
So much of the time, we never appreciate what we have until it is gone. The promise, once made, must be kept with love.
演出者 Dancers
警察/氛圍 氛圍角色 察/流鶯/
雨純 Portia
ie 張慈容 Jam
角 毒販/氛圍
da 蔡立立 Belin
k 馮昭男 Tara
警察/氛圍 氛圍角色
儒 Cynthia
林孟岑 Lisa
龔冠樺 Q
濃濃 Nicky
珮慈 Penny
彭 30
nie 游雅淳 Con
李至淵 LZY
林耀珊 Alice 31
轉身主題曲 作曲:王儷陵
製 作 群 編曲:正文
搭乘歲月時光 飛往人生夢想
是否 存在你我的思念
好久不見 轉身已過了十年 是否曾想起過 彼此的承諾
轉身 不說再見 淚水已佈滿我的臉
拾在工創有限公司 謝一麟
和睦設計 曾俊銘
卻過了十年 歲月時光飛逝 帶走了多少過往 是否 已緊握住你的幸福 好久不見 轉身已過了十年 是否 曾想起過甜蜜回憶 降落夢想航站 期待你我的相見 是否 能夢想實現 轉身 不說再見 淚水已佈滿我的臉 想再見你一面 卻過了十年 歲月時光飛逝 帶走了多少過往 是否 你有你的幸福 轉身 不說再見 淚水已佈滿我的臉 想再見你一面 卻過了十年 歲月時光飛逝 帶走了多少過往 是否 你有你的幸福 是否 你還 記得我
CF 拍 攝、 剪 輯
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