Cutiebpocfest programme 2015

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We would like to thank everyone who was behind making the first Cutie. BPoC festival possible. Without your energy and support there would not be this great opportunity to build and strenghten our Cutie.BPoC „communties“ Why a Cutie.BPoC Fest? A group of us, organisers in Berlin are planning a three-day Cutie.BPoC festival here by and for QTIBPOC (Queer_Trans*_Inter*_Black_and_People_ of_Color) during 24-26 July 2015. This is a groundbreaking focused event that has not previously occured in Berlin in this form but is building on the work of connected coalition projects that focus on self organising platforms for marginalised groups. As QTIBPOC, we are often left out of Queer events for being Black and PoC (People of Color) and in PoC events for being too queer. This is why this dedicated space is so important. We welcome anyone who self-identifies as both queer, trans*, intersex and Black People/Persons (People) of Colour. Queers, Intersex, Bisexual, Pansexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Travestis, Lesbian, Gay, Dykes, Kuchus, Faggots, Gender-Queer, non-binary, GenderVariant or non conforming, Femme, Butch, Asexual, Demisexual or Greysexual, Two-Spirit, Stud, Undefined, Questioning… andThose who are descended (through one or more parents) anywhere in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Indigenous peoples of Australasia, the Americas, the Caribbean, Indian Pacific, and Roma, Sinti (and) Travellers. (This does not include either descents of Europeans who migrated to Africa, Asia or the Americas for occupational/colonial reasons, white European migrants and those who do not experience racism!!!). We explicitly welcome and invite mixed race people . Our group includes people with varied ‘race’, ethnicity and sexual and gender identities. *This definition of PoC is based on experiences and it reflexes our realities in a german context. This is a working definition, which is vulnerable to critic.

Wir möchten uns bei allen bedanken, die das erste Cutie.BPoC Festival möglich gemacht haben. Ohne eure Energie und Unterstützung gäbe es nicht diese großartige Möglichkeit unsere Cutie.BPoC „Communities“ aufzubauen und zu stärken. Eine Gruppe aus Berlin plant ein 3-tägiges Cutie.BPoC Festival hier in Berlin für QTIBPOC (Queer_Trans_Inter_Black_and_People_of_Color) zwischen dem 24. und 26. Juli 2015. Dieses Festival ist in sofern wegweisend, da es bisher noch keine Veranstaltung in Berlin gab, die den Fokus auf selbstorganisierte Bündnisse legt, welche marginalisierten Gruppen eine eigene Plattform bietet. Als QTIBPOC werden wir bei queeren Veranstaltungen fürs Schwarz sein und PoC (People of Color) sein oft außen vor gelassen und auf PoC Veranstaltungen fürs queer sein. Dies ist der Grund, weshalb dieser speziell gewidmete Raum für uns so wichtig ist. Wir laden alle herzlich ein, die sich sowohl als queer, trans*, intersex bezeichnen, als auch als Schwarze / People of Colour. Queere, Intersexuelle, Bisexuelle, Pansexuelle, Transgender, Transsexuelle, Transvestiten, Lesben, Gays, Dykes, Kuchus, Faggots, Gender-Queers, nichtbinäre Leute, Gender-Variants oder nicht der Norm entsprechende Leute, Femmes, Butches, Asexuelle, Demisexuelle oder Greysexuelle, Two-Spirits, Studs, Undefinierte, Fragende… und all jene, die (durch einen oder mehrere Eltern) Wurzeln in / von Afrika, Asien, Mittleren Osten, Indigenen aus Australien, Amerika, der Karibik, im Indischen Pazifik und Roma, Sinti (und) Travellers haben. (Dies bezieht sich nicht auf Leute, deren Wurzeln in Europa liegen, die aber nach Afrika, Asien oder Amerika aus beruflichen oder kolonialen Gründen ausgewandert sind, weiße Europäer und all jene, die keinen Rassismus erfahren !!!) Wir laden ausdrücklich mixed race Leute zu unserem Festival ein. Unsere Gruppe besteht aus Personen mit verschiedenen Herkünften und Vordergrundsgeschichten, sexuellen und gender Identitäten.


Who is the festival for?

This festival is specifically for queer, trans*, inter* Black and People of Color, and allies of Color are welcome as well. If you are not sure if this festival is for you, check out ‘Why a Cutie.B.Poc Fest’ text.


For privacy and safety reasons, please do not take photographs of anyone at the festival without first receiving their consent. This includes random people standing around who might not want to be in the background of your photo. There are plenty of ways to ensure that your friends/whoever you want to photograph are the only ones in the frame. Thank you for respecting this-many of us simply do not want photos of ourselves floating around the internet, Facebook, or anywhere else. We do have a Cutie.B.Poc Photo Wall which is specifically for photos-hang out there and take as many as you like!

Things to Remember Even though our festival is by and for queer_trans_inter Black and eople(s) of Color, we do not all define these words the same way, we do not necessarily share similar backgrounds, similar experiences of discrimination, or ways of dealing with them. What we do share is the context of Berlin and the Cutie.B.Poc festival, and space to meet each other, chill, talk, hang out, party, and learn from each other. We want this festival to empower us, to open up space for conversations that we don’t usually have in our daily lives, and to focus on the struggles and joys of being a cutie.b.poc. To make this happen, it is important that we all be aware of our own specific privileges and how we use them when we speak and act. Racism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, classism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination and violence are not acceptable at the festival. Community Support As queer_trans_inter Black and People of Color, we mostly rely on our friends, partners, and people we love for support--since we often don’t get support from the rest of the world. So at this festival, it is important that we try to take care of ourselves and each other! Kindness is an integral part of our festival. Be aware of your own physical and emotional boundaries and those of others during the festival.

When we take the time and energy to open ourselves up to a space, and to a group of people, this also opens us up to being overwhelmed or hurt. Knowing how to take care of ourselves when we feel shitty can be super empowering. Of course, we can’t handle everything on our own--but there are some strategies that can make tough situations a little easier to handle. For tips on self-care, ask the Awareness Team for info. Try to be aware of how others respond to your presence. If you are having a conversation with someone but they don’t seem into it, maybe you just said something that made them feel disrespected. If you’re dancing with someone and they don’t seem so excited about it, it’s possible they don’t feel comfortable. Take a step back and allow them some space. Remember that everyone has different boundaries, and something that may not seem inappropriate or like a boundary crossing for you still may be one for them. Everyone’s boundaries are completely legitimate and NOT up for debate. You have no right to make another person feel ‘too sensitive’ or ‘uncool’ because their boundaries are different than yours. If someone crosses your boundaries and you need any kind of support, call or send an sms to the Awareness Team. Also: We all say disrespectful things sometimes. We grow up in societies that teach us to act and think in ways that are transphobic, sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. and learning to change this is a long process. If someone points out that you said something exotifying or misgendering, listen to them. Apologize for what you said and reflect on your behavior, rather than arguing. Do not ask them to explain why your behavior was not ok, unless they offer an explanation. The Awareness Team can direct you to useful information and texts on a variety of topics.


Most of us would like to choose the pronouns we use for ourselves--she, he, they, etc.--rather than have others decide them for us. It is great to ask someone which pronoun they’d like to go by, instead of assuming.

Sexual Harassment At the festival, sexual harassment--making other people feel uncomfortable by touching, sexual comments, flirting, etc. that they don’t appreciate--is not acceptable. There are people with many diverse (a) sexualities at the festival, and some people may not want to be flirted with.

What to do if I experience discrimination... or I’m not sure if it was discrimination, but that comment didn’t make me feel good? here are some suggestions: · If you want, ask someone around you who saw/heard what happened. Did they also feel that it was not okay? Can you both find ways to support each other? · Take a minute to figure out what you need. What would make you feel good right now? Getting some fresh air, looking for a friend, or approaching the person and letting them know that what they did was not ok are all good options. · If you don’t wish to speak with anyone around, but want support or want to talk about what happened, call or send an sms to the Awareness Team. · If you feel triggered or overwhelmed by something that happened in a workshop, at lunch, at a party, etc. and do not want to be alone, or feel that you need help, call or send an sms to the Awareness Team. What can the Awareness Team offer? We can offer a quiet room where you can have space to breathe, relax, and take a break from the festival. One of us can sit with you, talk through what happened, and help you think of strategies to deal with the situation, or difficulties you are facing. In the case of violence or discrimination, we can let the other person(s) know that their behavior is not acceptable, and take necessary actions, depending on the situation. We can intervene if a situation escalates or gets physically violent--we will ensure that people who behave violently are asked to leave the festival.

AWARENESS NUMBERS: +49 (0)15750451091, +49 (0)15750451092 INFO TELEPHONE +49 (0)15750451090

Achtsamkeit & Hilfe Dieses Festival richtet sich explizit an queer, trans, inter Schwarze und People of Color, und Verbündete of Color sind auch gerne wilkommen. Wenn du nicht sicher bist, ob dieses Festival für dich ist, schau den ‘Warum Cutie.B.Poc Fest’ Text an.

Fotografieren aus Respekt zur Privatsphäre und Sicherheit von Anderen, bitte keine Photos von Menschen auf dem Festival nehmen ohne, dass sie damit einverstanden sind. Auch andere Menschen, die in deiner Nähe herumstehen, möchten vielleicht nicht im Hintergrund von deinem Photo sein. · Es gibt viele Wege um sicherzustellen, dass nur deine Freund_innen/Die, die du photografieren möchtest, auf dem Bild sind. Danke für euer Verständnis–viele von uns haben einfach keine Lust, dass Photos von uns irgendwo aufs Internet oder Facebook veröffentlicht werden. Wir haben einen Cutie.B.Poc Photo Wall, was genau für Photos eingerichtet ist–ihr könnt da chillen und so viele Photos nehmen, wie ihr wollt! Obwohl unser Festival von und für queer_trans_inter Schwarze und People(s) of Color ist, wir alle definieren diese Wörter nicht auf der gleichen Art und Weise, wir teilen nicht unbedingt ähnliche Hintergründe, ähnliche Diskriminierungserfahrungen, oder Wege, um mit denen umzugehen. Was wir aber doch teilen ist das Kontext von Berlin und das Cutie.B.Poc Festival–Raum, einander kennenzulernen, chillen, reden, abhängen, party zu machen, und voneinander zu lernen. Wir wollen, dass das Festival uns empowert, Raum für Dialoge, die nicht so häufig in unseren Alltag stattfinden zu schaffen, und ein Fokus auf die Freude und die Kämpfe von Cutie.B.Pocs zu setzen. Um das zu ermöglichen ist ein Bewusstsein für die eigene Privilegien, und wie wir sie benutzen beim Sprechen und Handeln, besonders wichtig. Rassismus, Transphobie, Homophobie, Ableismus, Klassismus, Sexismus, andere Diskriminierungsformen, und Gewalt werden auf dem Festival nicht toleriert.

Community Unterstützung Als queer_trans_inter Schwarze und People of Color, wenn wir Unterstützung brauchen, verlassen wir uns meistens auf Freund_innen, Partner_innen, und andere, die uns nah sind–weil wir vom Rest der Welt sonst nicht sehr viel Unterstützung bekommen. Also beim Festival ist es wichtig, dass wir möglichst viel auf uns selbst und auf anderen aufpassen! Freundlichkeit ist ein entscheidender Teil unser Festival.

Pass sowohl auf deine eigene körperliche und emotionelle Grenzen auf, als auch auf die von anderen Menschen während des Festivals. Wenn wir die Zeit und Energie nehmen, uns in einem bestimmten Raum und mit einer Gruppe Menschen zu öffnen, dann sind wir aber auch offen, überfordert zu sein oder verletzt zu werden. Es kann super empowernd sein zu wissen, wie wir auf uns selbst aufpassen können, wenn es uns scheiße geht. Natürlich können wir nicht alles alleine bewältigen–aber es gibt ein Paar Strategien, die schwierige Situationen leichter machen können. Für Tipps über Selbstfürsorge, frag die Awareness-Team für Infos. Versuche ein Bewusstsein dafür zu haben, wie andere auf deiner Präsenz reagieren. Wenn du dich grad mit jemandem unterhältst, aber die Person scheint, nicht so interessiert zu sein, es kann sein, dass du gerade etwas nicht sehr respektvolles gesagt hast. Wenn du mit jemandem tanzt, aber die Person scheint, nicht so begeistert zu sein, kann es sein, dass die sich nicht so wohl fühlt. Nimm einen Schritt zurück und lass der Person ein Bisschen Raum. Es ist wichtig, sich daran zu errinern, dass wir alle unterschiedliche Grenzen haben, und etwas, was für dich nicht als Grenzenüberschreitend zählt, kann trotztdem so sein für eine andere. Die Grenzen von jeder Person sind völlig legitim und sind NICHT verhandelbar. Du hast kein Recht, eine andere Person das Gefühl zu geben, sie ist ‘viel zu sensibel’ oder ‘uncool’, nur weil ihre Grenzen anders sind als deine. Falls jemand deine Grenzen überschreitet und du brauchst Support, ruf an oder schick ein SMS ans Awareness Team. Auch: Wir sind alle manchmal respektlos. Wir wachsen auf in Gesellschaften, in denen uns transphobes, sexistisches, rassistisches, homophobes, etc. Denken und Handeln beigebracht wird, und es ist eine lange Prozess, das zu ändern. Wenn jemand dir sagt, dass du irgendwas, z.B. exotifizierendes gesagt hast, oder die Person misgendert hast, hör zu. Entschuldige dich für dein Verhalten und reflektiere darüber, was du gesagt hast, an statt zu argumentieren. Frag die Person nicht nach, warum dein Verhalten nicht ok war, außer sie bietet dir eine Erklärung an. Das Awareness Team kann dir Infos und Texts zu viele verschiedene Themen geben. Pronomen Die Meiste von uns möchten die Pronomen die für uns benutzt werden–er, sie, usw.–selbst aussuchen, an statt, dass andere sie für uns auswählen. Es ist super, eine Person zu fragen welche Pronom für sie die richtige ist, an statt etwas zuzuschreiben.

Sexuelle Belästigung

Beim Festival, sexuelle Belästigung–d.h. andere Personen ein unangenehmes Gefühl zu geben durch unerwünschte Berührung, sexuelle Bemerkungen, Flirting, usw.,–ist nicht akzeptabel. Es gibt Menschen mit viele, vielfältige (a) Sexualitäten auf dem Festival, und manche Menschen möchten nicht flirten. Was tun wenn ich Diskriminerung erfahre… oder wenn ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob das Diskriminerung war, aber bei dem Spruch gerade habe ich mich nicht so wohl gefühlt?

hier sind ein Paar Ideen: wenn du Lust hast, frag jemand in der Nähe, die gehört/gesehen hat, was passiert ist. Hatte die auch das Gefühl, dass es nicht okay war? Könnt ihr beide Wege finden, um einander zu unterstützen? Nimm eine Minute um herauszufinden, was du brauchst. Was würde dir grad ein gutes Gefühl bringen? Frische Luft holen, ein_e Freund_in aussuchen, oder zur Person direkt hingehen und denen zu sagen, dass das was sie gemacht hat nicht okay war, sind alle gute Optionen. Wenn du keine Lust hast, mit jemand in der Nähe zu sprechen, aber wünschst dir Support, oder willst über das geschene reden, ruf an oder schick ne SMS ans Awareness Team. Wenn du dich getriggered oder überfordert fühlst von irgendwas, was bei einem Workshop, beim Essen, Party, usw. passiert ist, und willst nicht alleine sein, oder hast das Gefühl, du brauchst Hilfe, ruf an oder schick einen SMS ans Awareness Team.

Was kann das Awareness Team anbieten? Wir können einen ruhigen Raum anbieten, wo du Luft holen kannst, dich entspannen kannst, und vom Festival einen kurzen Pause nehmen kannst. Eine von uns kann mit dir zusammensitzen, reden über was passiert ist, und Strategien entwickeln, um mit der Situation oder andere Schwierigkeiten umzugehen. Im Fall von Gewalt oder Diskriminierung, wir können die Gewaltausübende Person sagen, dass das Verhalten nicht akzeptabel ist, und falls nötig, auch weitere Schritte nehmen. Wir können intervenieren, wenn eine Situation eskaliert oder körperlich gewalttätig wird–wir werden sicherstellen, dass Menschen, die sich gewalttätig verhalten, das Festival verlassen.aACCES

AWARENESS NUMBERS: +49 (0)15750451091, +49 (0)15750451092 INFO TELEPHONE +49 (0)15750451090


The festival is based on donation. Please feel welcome to contact us if you have any questions or any requests about economic accessibility. We are crowdfunding and raising money so we can share some expenses. E-Mail: info(at) Spendenbasis Das Festival ist auf Spendenbasis organisiert. Bitte kontaktiert uns falls ihr Fragen hinsichtlich finanzieller Zugänglichkeit habt oder finanzielle Unterstützung braucht um zum Cutie.BPoC Fest zu kommen. Wir machen crowdfunding und sammeln Spenden, damit wir einen Teil der Ausgaben übernehmen können. expenses. E-Mail an: info(at) Subtitles Majority of the films are in Eng or with Eng subtitles. Languages are: English/ Turkish/ Parsi/Ger. Not all films have subtitles. Filme/Untertitel Ein Großteil der Filme sind auf Englisch oder mit Englischen Untertiteln. Sprachen sind Englisch/Türkisch/ Farsi/Deutsch. Nicht alle Filme sind untertitelt.


Spontaneous translations by volunteers Please speak slowly and clearly when talking at workshops/discussions during the festival so that it can be understood and translated easier. Übersetzungen Übersetzungen finden spontan statt und werden vor Ort von Freiwilligen durchgeführt. Bitte achtet darauf während der Workshops und Diskussionen langsam und deutlich zu sprechen, damit es einfacher ist euch zu verstehen und zu übersetzen.

Festival Costs

Our festival is a non-profit, and we would like to create a space that is not focused on money. All Workshops, discussions, parties, sleeping places and food are either free or by donation only. We have spent the last half a year raising funds so it can be possible for as many people to attend without huge financial obligations. But if you do feel like you would like to contribute a large donation to the festival then we would also be happy. Also if you need help with attending the festival but do not have the necessary funds we will try to work out in which way we can help out.


Unser Festival ist gemeinnützig/nicht profitorientiert und wir wollen einen Raum schaffen, in dem Geld nicht ganz so eine große Rolle spielt. Alle workshops, Diskussionen , Parties, Schlafplätze und Essen sind entweder umsonst oder gegen Spende. Wir haben das letzte halbe Jahr damit verbracht, Spenden zu sammeln damit so viele Leute wie möglich teilnehmen können ohne größeren finanziellen Aufwand. Aber wenn ihr gerne eine größere Summe an das Festival spenden möchtet, nehmen wir gerne weitere Spenden entgegen. Falls ihr gerne am Festival teilnehmen möchtet aber ihr nicht das nötige Geld dafür habt, kontaktiert uns und wir bemühen uns, euch zu unterstützen. Childcare Subsidies Unfortunately, we are unable to provide child care during the CutieBPoC festival. The locations we have arranged for the festival provide plenty of space for children to be accompanied in the yards, meal rooms etc. However, there is also the option for you to exchange contact details at the infostands and arrange group child care amongst you.


Leider ist es uns nicht möglich, Kinderbetreuung während des Cutie.BPoC Festivals anzubieten. Die Veranstaltungsorte, die wir organisiert haben, sind jedoch kinderfreundlich und bieten viel Platz um Kinder mitzubringen und zu beschäftigen z.B. In den Höfen, Essensräumen usw. Außerdem gäbe es die Möglichkeit, selbst Kinderbetreuung mit anderen Festival-Teilnehmer_innen zu organisieren, indem ihr am Infostand Kontaktinfos austauscht.

Travel Costs

travel reimbursement or contribution to costs within Berlin for those who have limited funds or limited access is available. Please feel welcome to contact us if you have any questions or any requests about economic accessibility.


Es ist möglich, dass wir euch bei euren Reisekosten unterstützen oder bei Kosten, die ihr in Berlin habt, wenn ihr wenig Geld habt. Ihr könnt uns gerne kontaktieren wenn ihr Fragen habt zu Kosten und/oder Bedarf an finanzieller Unterstützung.


Wheelchair accessible dixi Klo toilet will be located at our Co.Up venue Gender neutral toilets throughout festival


Im Hof des Veranstaltungsortes Co.Up wird es während des ganzen Festivals ein Dixi-Klo geben, dass mit dem Rollstuhl befahrbar ist. Während des ganzen Festivals wird es Gender-neutrale Toiletten geben.

Awareness Team

There will be an awereness team of volunteers to attempt deal with any issues that may arise. Be aware of your own physical and emotional boundaries and those of others during the festival.If someone crosses your boundaries and you need any kind of support, contact the Awareness Team whoi will be present during the festival. Awareness Team Ein Awareness Team von Freiwilligen wird vor Ort anwesend sein, um sich um unterschiedliche Angelegenheiten zu kümmern. Bitte achtet auf eure eigenen physischen und emotionalen Grenzen und die der anderen während des Festivals. Wenn eine Person Eure Grenzen überschreiten sollte und ihr Unterstützung von uns benötigst, kontaktiert bitte unser Awareness Team.


There will be breaks during the event days. Please feel free to make breaks and pauses for yourselves whenever you need to.

Pausen Es wird mehrere Pausen während der Veranstaltungstage geben. Bitte gönnt euch Pausen wann immer ihr euch danach fühlt. Donation Policy Pay what you can if you can. Parties are on donation basis. Spendenpolitik Bezahlt was ihr könnt, wenn ihr könnt. Parties sind auf Spenden-Basis. Awareness Policy


All our venues are non-smoking. We will have designated Smoking areas throughout the venues. Please ask at Infostands for more details. Alcohol and Drugs: Please be aware of your consumption of alcohol and drug use and any resulting behaviour under their influence. Please be responsible for you own health and safety and those around you who may be impacted by your state/behaviour.


Fri 2-4pm TheatreSpielRaum Dance, Workshop In this workshop you will get some insights into the South Indian dance form Bharatatanyam. We will learn some basic steps and body postures, some Hasta (handgesture) work, go into the expressional part of the form, and learn the historic and present day context of the form. for 20 people and two times 2h30


Fri 14-16Uhr TheatreSpielRaum Tanz, Workshop In diesem Workshop bekommst du Einblicke in die Südindische Tanzform Bharatanatyam. Wir lernen einige Grundschritte und Körperhaltungen, arbeiten etwas mit Hasta (Handgesten), gehen auf den expressiven Teil dieser Form ein und lernen etwas über den historischen und aktuellen Kontext dieser Tanzform. Für 20 Personen, 2x 2,5 Stunden


Boxing Workshop at the Cutie.BPoC Festival Berlin.


Boxworkshop beim Cutie.BPoC Festival Berlin.

Capoeira Libertaria

Sun 11.30- 1.30pm Naunynritze

Workshop By Coletiva Otim

At the crossroads between dance, games and self-defense. Asserting an ancestral black, antipatriarchal connection designed to deconstruct power relations and hierarchies and building lesbian and transfeminist empowerment. First part: presentation of Capoeira Angola and the main instruments: berimbau, caxixi, pandeiro and agogô Second part: Practicing the ginga and basic moves of attack and defense Third part: Presentation and exchange of experiences and knowledge of the basic Capoeira instruments and experimentation of the oral and instrumental songs collectively number of participants: 15 to 20 people

Capoeira Libertaria

Sun 11.30- 13.30Uhr Naunynritze

Workshop mit Coletiva Otim

An den Schnittstellen von Tanz, Spielen und Selbst-Verteidigung. Die Schwarze Vorfahrenschaft aufrechterhalten, antipatriarchale Verbindungen entwickeln, um Machtverhältnisse und Hierarchien zu dekonstruieren und lesbisches und transfeministisches Empowerment aufzubauen. Erster Teil: Präsentation von Capoeira Angola und den wichtigsten Instrumenten: Berimbau, Caxixi, Pandeiro und Agogô Zweiter Teil: Praktizieren des Ginga und von Grundübungen für Angriff und Verteidigung

Comics & mental health Art, Workshop

Sat11-1PM Co Up

A workshop looking at documenting experiences of mental health through comics looking at the ways in which making comics can be used as a tool to explore experiences surrounding mental health and share tips and advice with each other. In the workshop participants will make a mini comic that can then be shared with everyone else in the workshop.

Comics und psychische Gesundheit/Krankheit (Mental Health*) Sat11-13Uhr Co Up Kunst, Workshop

Ein Workshop in dem Erfahrungen mit psychischer Gesundheit/ Krankheit in Comics dokumentiert werden. Es wird sich angeschaut, wie einen Comic zu machen ein Weg sein kann,‚ um Erfahrungen rund um psychische Gesundheit/Krankheit auszudrücken und Tipps und Ratschläge werden ausgetauscht. In dem Workshop werden die Teilnehmer_innen einen Mini-Comic machen, der mit allen anderen im Workshop geteilt werden kann. *Mental health: Im Englischen wird von psychischer Gesundheit gesprochen, im deutschen eigentlich eher von psychischer Krankheit... (Anmerkung der Übersetzerin)

Creative writing Creative writing workshop at the Cutie.BPoC Festival Berlin. More information about this workshops (facilitators, how to participate, dates, etc) soon to be announced…. Stay tuned!!!

Kreatives Schreiben Kreativer Schreibworkshop beim Cutie.BPoC Festival Berlin. Mehr Infos zu diesem Workshop (Anleitung, wie ihr mitmachen könnt, Zeit usw.) wird noch bekanntgegeben.... Bleibt dran!

Community Accountability Sun 2.30-4.30pm Naunynritze Workshop By Claudia Garcia-Rojas

In this workshop, participants will be asked to illustrate the connections between various actors in the prison system, and where we all fit in, and to define the prison nation. We will consider how enlisting community accountability strategies helps dismantle the prison nation, and will discuss the import that these strategies hold for cultivating healing justice. Claudia Garcia-Rojas is a Chicago-based organizer and scholar. Workshop time: 2 hours

Community Accountability Sun 14.30-16.30Uhr Naunynri Workshop Mit Claudia Garcia-Rojas

In diesem Workshop werden die Teilnehmer_innen dazu aufgefordert, die Verbindungen zwischen verschiedenen Akteur_innen im Gefängnissystem bildlich darzustellen, aufzuzeigen, wie wir alle ins Bild passen und die Gefängnisnation zu definieren. Wir werden überlegen, inwiefern es helfen kann, Strategien der Community Accountability in Anspruch zu nehmen, um die Gefängnisnation aufzubrechen und wir werden besprechen, welche Wichtigkeit dieser Strategien haben, um healing justice zu entwickeln. Claudia Garcia-Rojas lebt in Chicago uns ist Organisator_in und Schüler_in / Gelehrte_r / Lehrer_in. Dauer des Workshops: 2 Stunden

Critical & Self-care (hi, cares!) Self-care, Workshop

Sat 2-4pm Naunynritze

By Coletiva Otim purpose: in order to transform critics into pedagogies for community strengthening, rather than for its dismantling, we want to create a space to feel-think about how to criticize more carefully and about the given importance to these critics and the movements they usually make: silencing, denunciation, poison gossiping, breaking-ups, establishing selected groups etc. we will exchange black feminist lesbian ideas and strategies in order to transform denunciation into positive everyday proposals for coping with sexist racism (and racist sexism). methodology: remembering racist and / or sexist / lesbophobic / transphobic situations ocurred in interracial and multi-identity feminists environments, we will map oppressions and the answers we usually give them. then we will collectively develop other responses, that can be: letters, manifestos, poems, songs etc that allow us to dive into the daily, intimate and collective struggle against internally reproduced oppressions. thus trully refusing the “master’s tools� such as policing, summary trials , punishment. instead of avoiding to dive into these issues. finally, we will invite all participants to share a practice of self-care and love that they use for healing, happiness and pleasure in their lives and to overcome those oppressions consequences. everyone who wants may share their wisdom, and so we all can gather precious afrodiasporic lesbian-trans-cuir survival techniques. maximum number of participants: 24 people

Decolonising Drawing

Sat 2-4pm Co-Up

Art, Workshop A practical session of drawing and modelling for each other.

In the West, life drawing, and in fact most drawing in general is done on white paper. This makes whiteness the norm for bodies. It also means that white skin/white norms take up the art space. Additionally, it can be very exposing/vulnerable to be the only PoC person modelling for white people. Brown and black bodies have been exploited by

white art practices for centuries. Drawing on brown/black paper allows us to make images that are more about our own skins and bodies rather than conforming to a white norm. Shading and light are very different on BpoC bodies, and this can be reflected/explored when we don’t use white paper. In this session there will be only two rules: Everybody draws, but you don’t have to show your drawings unless you want to. Everbody models but you can be as clothed or as naked as you like.


Sun 11.30- 1.30pm Naunynritze

Workshop We will use a couple of drama tools, drama exercises and acting techniques to express ourselves. We will create a space where we could share our emotions , our QTBPOC stories and heal our souls together. All levels welcome

Hypersexuality in queer spaces Sat 2-4pm Naunynritze Discussion, Talk By Isabel Prado(@isablblbl), Gabriela Kielhorn (@elavie)

We want to explore a non-white, possibly religious and asexual perspective on hypersexuality and drug culture at events and parties with a queer focus and in queer spaces. We both are biracial and come from a multi cultural and religious background. It is important for us that everyone can feel safe and comfortable while participating. It’s discussion based and we feel like more than 15-20 person might be counter-productive for an open discussion

Resisting racism, policing and gentrification Sat 11-1pm Co-Up Discussion, Talk

Resisting racism, policing and gentrification: A queer of colour kitchen table conversation Based on Jin Haritaworn’s book Queer Lovers and

Hateful Others: Regenerating Violent Times and Places Kitchen tables are crucial sites of trans and queer Black and people of colour organizing, from the Kitchen Table Press run by Barbara Smith and Audre Lorde in the 1980s to the kitchen tables where queers of colour gather in inner-city Berlin. These spaces are often born out of need: They form because wider queer and trans scenes become so racist, and so gentrified, that we can no longer afford to stay in them. And yet, it is at the kitchen table that we have begun to speak radical truths that prefigure ways of being, acting and transforming that are not imaginable within the wider social movements and the various (academic, NGO, prison, arts etc.) industrial complexes. It is here that we have begun to ask: How can we forge our genders and sexualities beyond racist, colonial and neoliberal moulds of identity and politics – and how can we be in the service of liberating all racialized and colonized peoples, both ‘straight’, ‘queer’ and ‚trans’?

Muslim Queer of Color Talk

Sat 4.30 -6.30pm Naunynritze

As queer of color we are facing different type of aggression in out society. If you are adding to your queerism and your color a faith that is being rejecting and moque by all the media, this workshop is for you. Being a queer of color in a Muslim environment, being a Muslim in a queer environment, being a Black or brown in a queer and/or a Muslim environment? How do we interact with our family, with the society? What are our struggle? Do we have to live hidden? How do we expose ourself and being safe? What perspectives can we think about?

Navigating Creative Practice Talk

Sun 11.30- 1.30pm Co-Up

‘Navigating QT*IPOC Creative Practice: a roundtable conversation hosted by Collective Creativity (London, UK) We would like to discuss: radicality and politics/ negotiating institutions and self organising/ activism and social justice/ opportunity and oppression/ the kinds of work we make and any other issues we face in creating them. How do our politics affect the work we make? How does our work link to our/community activism?

Queer Femmes of Colour Talk, Workshop

Sat 2pm -4pm Co-Up

A Queer Femme of Colour workshop that aims to create healing space for femmes of colour, to self organise in a QTIBPOC setting, that lets self- identified femmes begin to unpack conversations in how racism, and queer femme identity are interlinked and how our identities are still marginalised in queer and PoC spaces, as well as in our wider communities. This would enable the sharing of our queer femme of colour experiences of oppression, and the tools with which to resist the ways internalised sexism and internalised racism manifest in our spaces, and it’s direct affect on queer femmes of colour. When QTIPOCs absolve themselves of responsibility in perpetuating violence towards femmes because they are Trans* Queer or Lesbian, they silence our racialised experiences of gender and undermine our queerness. We instead wish to make a femme positive and active space for utilising our Femme power and our own ways of presenting and creating our radical queerness with a Femme focussed identity or “visibility” that is not transient on whiteness, and challenges the shame, ridicule, misogyny violence and femmephobia in our communities. more information about the workshops (facilitators, how to participate, dates, etc.) coming soon

Queerness & Aging

Sat 4.30-6.30pm Co-Up

A space aiming to talk about aging in a predominantly younger community. More informations about this talk will be displayed soon at our website. Stay tuned!

Queerness & Altern

Sat 16.30-18.30Uhr Co-Up

Ein Raum, in dem über das Altern in einer vorwiegend jüngeren Community gesprochen wird. Mehr Informationen über diesen Vortrag wird es bald auf unserer Homepage geben. Bleibt dran!

Safer Sex Fri 2-4pm TheatreSpeilRaum Workshop in this workshop i want to create space to talk and think about “safer sex”. in that sense it’s totally possible to reflect about what “safe”

could mean to you. Beside of that we clearly talk about techniques and methods to prevent a transmission of STD’S/STI’S (sexual transmitted diseases/sexual transmitted infections) or how to minimize the risk of doing so and what to do after an assumed infection. the workshop is limited for 15 people

Self-defense Fri 4.30-6.30pm TheatreSpeilRaum Self-defense worshop at the CutieBPoC Festival. More information about the workshops (facilitators, how to participate, dates, etc.) coming soon.

Wacking Workshop With Ari De B

Sat 2pm-4pm Naunynritze

Yoga Sat 11-1pm Naunynritze Self-care, Sport

The Gentle yoga class would be suitable for anyone with any level of mobility and would include easier poses and more relaxation. Why do yoga? To feel better physically, mentally and spiritually. Because yoga tones and cleanses the body and calms the mind. Yoga is extremely beneficial for physical and mental well-being. The focus is on correct breathing throughout each class, which provides the meditative and calming elements. Students often tell her how great they feel from a class and how well they sleep afterwards. With regular practice, you will see your physique, stress levels and health improve. You don’t need to be flexible or have any experience of yoga to join our class. I work with each student to modify the postures to suit different health conditions, physical abilities and goals. I will be very gentle and will teach the basics with a strong focus on safety. What to wear: Please wear loose/comfortable clothes that you can stretch in. Food and drink: Please don’t eat a heavy meal for 4 hours, or a light meal for at least 2 hours before class. Please don’t drink a lot just before class. Exceptions are if you have a medical condition.

Film-Screening 1: Music, Performance & Art

Fr, 24 Jul 2015 #EveningScreening – 45mins screenings + 15mins Q&A • “well well well” song by NOISEAUX (2014) 2.20mins • Title song of Noah Sow’s short film and multimedia installation „Wellness“ • ‘The Gender Song’ (2014) 2.25 mins and ‘Ojulowo’ (2014) 3.45mins by Evan Ifekoya are two in a series of four works that seek to queery the music video format. The Gender Song is a defiant call to end limiting gender categorisation spun over a dancehall riddim. Ojulowo reflects on what it means to authentically identify with, whilst revealing an ambivalence towards ones ‘home’ or ‘culture’. • keep it movin by Consuelo Ramirez - Yo Majesty Documentary (2008) 8.45 mins • 2007 tour of Yo Majesty, out lesbian rap duo from tampa Florida (*contains swearing, nudity and the n word.) • Mahoyo Project by Mahoyo 2015 – 30mins The Mahoyo Project is a documentary about the Swedish creative trio Mahoyo and their journey to Johannesburg, South Africa, for a cultural exchange with Jo’burg female artists DJ Phola and music TV host Boogy. As we follow their journey, social norms are challenged, and a profound and inspiring movement among the young, urban people of Johannesburg unfolds. Through a feminist perspective, The Mahoyo Project highlights how passion and creativity can thrive in the most unexpected and stigmatised places. Across the globe, in the North and the South, these urban artists and pioneers soar above stereotypes and misconceptions to challenge perception of color, race, gender, and geographical identity.

Film-Screening 2: Artist Talk & Screening Sat, 25 Jul 2015 with Wayne Yung #AfternoonScreening – during workshops  Wayne Yung is a video artist, now based in Berlin, who has developed a large body of work since 1994 that explores issues of race and identity from a queer Chinese-Canadian perspective. In this artist talk, he will present clips from his videos and discuss the representation of gay East Asian men in Canada and Germany. His presentation is in English, and the video clips are presented in their original languages with English or German subtitles. A few sexually explicit scenes will be included. Further information at

Film-Screening 3: Queer Belongings

Sat, 25 Jul 2015: Short film program + discussion #EveningScreening • Land: An Animation by Lares Feliciano, 5:49 min. • This experimental animation introduces the audience to two queer characters struggling with the aftermath of apocalyptic disaster. What does ‘the end of the world’ really mean? How might we radically ‘queer’ our relationship to the earth in the face of human-caused destruction? • Off-White Tulips by Aykan Safoğlu, 23: 46 min. • With Off-White Tulips, Aykan Safoglu has made an ingenious, almost indescribable cinematic essay. In this short film comprised entirely of archival footage and objects that he places in front of the camera, describing them one by one, the filmmaker holds an imaginary conversation with the life of the American writer James Baldwin, who lived in Istanbul in the 60s and 70s. Safoglu’s personal journey resonates with that of Baldwin, whose identity as a gay black man opens the door for the filmmaker to explore the political dimensions of racism and tolerance, while bringing Turkish and American popular icons of the time into the conversation. A perfect ‘marriage’ of minimalism and inventiveness, Off-White Tulips reinvents autobiography as a captivating, lucid portrait of a journey through time. • [via RIDM catalogue:] • Happiness, 6:06 min. • Finding Home by Celeste Chan, 3:25 min • What histories do we inherit, and what do we need to create? This film is an unfinished question, an obsession. • FU377 by Neelu Bhuman, 4:46 min • Basic dignity of queer people in India is under attack, yet again. The scorching IPC Section 377 is re-unleashed to police to criminalise “gay sex” in India. While the law and the Supreme Court dated themselves back a few hundred years, an adorable Indian mother has her knowledge of “gay sex” in mint condition, wheeling out a tidbit or two for her heartbroken queer daughter in an effort to cheer her up. The pair are shocked into action by the Supreme Court’s latest rejection. • When the Kid was a Kid by Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, 16:55 min • When the Kid was a Kid (2011, Iran) is the first short film in Anahita’s Childhood Series. Along with Needle (2013, US) and The Baron in the Trees (in progress) this trio of short films pictures moments of growth and change in childhood.

Film-Screening 4: Out here, in my flesh! Sun, 26 Jul 2015: short film program + discussion #EveningScreening

ABSENCE: no fats, no femmes, no Asians by Celest Chan, 7.16 min. An experimental documentary who brings queerness and race/racism, fat and femininity, belonging and existing all together to the table. • Hairy by Mihee-Nathalie Lemoine, 1.40 min. • Many trans men affirm their masculinity with beards or moustaches. In this the artist performs masculinity by transferring 100 grams of their own hair to their face to become a realistic Asian man. • Cut Your Coat According to Your Cloth by Raju Rage, 6.45 min. • A haptic moving image narrative consisting of projected archival images depicting South Asian migration onto a gendered non conforming body. • My Secret Panties by Qila Gill, 3.19 min. • An experimental piece on lesbian Muslims. • Discidencias by Laia Ribera, 5 min. • This collage shows the experience of a feminist queer theater group in Central America creating and performing a theaterplay about identity transitions and geografical migrations. • Soy Negra, Soy Marica y Soy Puta / I’m Black, I’m Queer and I’m a Whore by Cas van der Pas & Hugo Meijer, 21.04 min. • A documentary about Diana, an exceptional transgender lawyer, prostitute, and human rights activist in Bogotá, Colombia.

Xana. Freestyler. Live looper. Poet. Sound Designer.

Dj AmiranI arabic and persian but also kurdish and balkan (pop) music

Azadê ist eine Spoken Word Künstlerin, geboren und aufgewachsen in Berlin, liebt die Hip Hop Kultur über alles und nutzt das schreiben als empowernde Überlebensstrategie. Azadê is a Spoken Word artist, born and raised in Berlin, in love with Hip Hop culture and uses writing as an empowering survival-tool. Azadê é uma artista de Spoken Word (inglês para tipo “Sarau”), nasceu e foi criada em Berlim, ama a cultura do Hip Hop e utiliza escrever como uma strategía de sobreviver e empoderamento. Azadê es una artista de Spoken Word, nasció y creció en Berlín, ama la cultura del Hip Hop y utiliza escribir como una estratégia de sobrevivir y empoderamiento.

Dj Bea playing soul/funk/hiphop/afrobeats

my artist name is WoMANtís RANDom. I play JAZZPUNK, mostly with my guitar and ongoing changing voice. I identify as a media-acrobat, streetmusican, dancer, painter and storyteller. As a Black Gender Gifted person, I translate my perspectives with the help of music, “old and new”. My work was presented in Leipzig, Berlin and Toronto.After finishing my Master in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies in Toronto in 2015, I decided to play randomly on the streets of Toronto as a form of protest. Street violence became an issue.With a new tiny guitar, I was invited into new random spaces in Toronto and Hamilton.This will be my first musician gig in Berlin, and I am very thankful to be part of the change. my tumblr:





Alexis Johnson .Alexis’ work, which is currently complied of an abundance of DIY rituals, daring photo- shoots and heart touching abbreviated popsongs,is about transformation and the politics of the body and of (gender) identity. Her assorted background has given rise to questions of belonging, privilege, power, history, safety and progress in the face of European humanitarian development

Tru Bloo is a Lebanese and Syrian-Armenian American hip hop poet/artist, cultural and justice worker based in Oakland, CA. A music prodigy, Tru studied classical piano and music theory as a young adolescent and won hir first poetry slam at age 15. Both solo and as half of the hip hop duo, NaR (fire, in Arabic), Tru has performed at national and international festivals. When s/he’s not blessing mics, s/he’s either curating ground-breaking cultural events like Music Without Borders or Hip Hop Beyond Gender ( or in the courtroom representing homeless, differently-abled people in Berkeley as a staff attorney ( Experience Tru’s eclectic music and powerful poetry by listening to hir new album TRU STARZ:

"Moona Moon is a writer, poetess, performer, and empowerment worker currently based in Berlin. She always writes from the soul, dropping lines on heart's beats. breaks.“

1988 in Tunceli geborene Emrah Gökmen vereint mit Ukulele und Gitarre die schmerzvollen und fröhlichen Melodien aus Anatolien mit den Harmonien des Westens. Er hat auch eine TV-Sendung zur Kultur und Musik moderiert. In Istanbul und lebt Zeit 5 Jahren in Berlin. studiert an der Universität der Künstler.

Kakao katzê playing sophisticated sounds.

Kos_mic qandi “kos_mic q’andi is a part-time dj and full-time witch, playing digital tunes, a mixture of pop, hiphop, r’n’b, electropop and middle-eastern pop.”

Mc xuparina im Phunk,pop,lebian trasch

Dj Ford Kelly Playing Afrobeats/Hiphop/Dancehall

Food Our plan is to have a vegan or vegetarian menu at least once a day in the evening and a buffet spread during the day for donation. There are also plenty of food places (cafes and restaurants close to the venues) to purchase food. Friday, 24.07 11 AM – 1 PM @ TheatreSpielRaum (Welcome brunch) 7 PM – 9.30 PM @ Naunynritze Saturday, 25. 07 11 AM – 1 PM @ Naunynritze 7pm- 9.30pm @ Naunynritze Sunday, 26.07 11 AM – 1 PM @ Naunynritze 7pm- 9.30pm @ Naunynritze

Essen Wir planen, dass es mindestens einmal am Tag am Abend ein veganes oder vegetarisches warmes Essen gibt gegen Spende gibt. Tagsüber wollen wir ein offenes Büffet bereitstellen, ebenfalls gegen Spende. Außerdem gibt es jede Menge Cafés, Restaurants, Imbisse in der Nähe der Veranstaltungsorte, wo ihr gutes und günstiges Essen kaufen könnt. Freitag, 24.07 11 -13.00 @ TheatreSpielRaum (Willkommensbrunch) 19 – 21.30 @ Naunynritze Samstag, 25. 07 11 – 13.00 @ Naunynritze 19 – 21.30 @ Naunynritze Sonntag, 26.07 11 – 13.00 Uhr @ Naunynritze 19 – 21.30 @ Naunynritze

important hints when in Berlin: • Depending on where you sleep, most of the time a ticket for the zones AB is enough. However, it’s recommended to check on the network map what areas AB cover. You can buy the tickets at every ticket machine, BVG/S-Bahn service station or in a lot of kiosks with the BVG sign • The amount of ticket inspectors have tremendously increased in the last 2 years. They don’t wear uniforms, so you won’t recognize them easily. If you drive without a ticket and they catch you up, they want you to pay 60 €. • If you have a ticket, please make sure you have your BVG ticket stamped at the ticket machine before you enter the underground/railway/tram, otherwise the ticket inspector won’t accept its validity. • In the bus you need to either buy the ticket at the busdriver or have to show your valid ticket to the bus driver. • In Berlin a monthly BVG ticket (‘VBB Umweltkarte’) holder can give 1 adult and up to 3 kids (6 – 14 years) a free lift from mon-fr (after 8 pm) and from sat-sun (whole day). The best would be to ask around at our festival, if anyone with a monthly ticket shares the same destination like you and can give you a lift. • If you are not able to move from A to B without financial help and can’t find alternatives (e.g. bicycle), please send us an email in advance to finance(at) We can not guarantee to pay all the costs, but we will try to find a solution how we can partly help you. Please keep all the tickets because we need them for refundings. Tap water is safe to drink so it is not necessary to insist on bottled water. Personal identification You should carry your valid passport with you at all times. German police have the right to ask for identification at any time. For this reason it is also advisable to take a number of photocopies of your passport with you, should you lose the original.

Venue details


Address: Naunynstr 63, 10997 Berlin Kreuzberg Directions: Bus: 140/ M29 Busstop: Adalbertstr./Oranienstr. (Berlin) 200m distance away from venue Train: U1/U8 Station: Kottbusser Tor 500m distance away from venue Barriers: Access to venues’ party room and Meal room via 11steps, No wheelchair accessible toilet inside, closest wheelchair accessible toilet is at the co-up venue in the yard (260metres), the workshops will take place on 2nd and 3rd floor Naunynritze (nicht barrierefrei) Adresse: Naunynstr 63. 10997 Berlin (Kreuzberg) Anfahrt/Wegbeschreibung: Bus: Linie 140/M29 Haltestelle: Adalbertstr,/Oranienstr. (Berlin) 200m entfernt vom Veranstaltungsort U-Bahn: Linie U1/U8 Haltestelle Kottbusser Tor 500m entfernt vom Veranstaltungsort Barrieren im Veranstaltungsort: Kein Barrierefreier Zugang, Leider kein rolli-gängiges Klo, Zugang zum Partyraum und zum Essensraum eingeschränkt durch 7 Stufen, Workshops in der 2. und 3. Etage, nächste Rollstuhlgerechte Toilette ist im Hof von Co-Up (ca. 5 min entfernt von der Naunynritze)

Co-Up *(co-working space, fully wheelchair accessible)

Address: Adalbertstraße 8, 10999 Berlin (Kreuzberg) Directions: Bus 140 Adalbertstr. (Berlin) 180m distance away from venue or M29 Adalbertstr./Oranienstr. (Berlin) 150m distance away from venue Train: U1/U8 Station : Kottbusser Tor 290m distance away from venue When on Adalbertstr go through the big metal gate to the left of Adalbertstr. 7, straight to the far end of the courtyard, & in the first tunnel to your right. Barriers: No wheelchair accessible toilet inside but are in the co-up yard, workshops take place on 3rd and 4th floor. Wheelchair accessible toilet alternatively can be found at “Sudblock – Admiralstr 1-2, 10999 Berlin” (260metres) Co-Up *(barrierefrei/komplett zugänglich mit dem Rollstuhl) Adresse: Adalbertstraße 8, Berlin 10999 Berlin (Kreuzberg) Anfahrt: Bus: 140 Adalbertstr.(Berlin) 180m bis zum Veranstaltungsort oder M29 Adalbertstr./Oranienstr. (Berlin) 150m bis zum Veranstaltungsort U-Bahn: Linie U1/U8 Haltestelle Kottbusser Tor 290m entfernt vom Veranstaltungsort. Wenn ihr auf der Adalbertstr. seid müsst ihr durch das große Metalltor auf der linken Seite der Adalbertstr. 7, dann im Hof bis ganz hinten durch und durch den ersten “Tunnel” rechts. Barrieren: Es gibt einen barrierefreien Zugang über einen Aufzug, bei Co-Up selbst gibt es leider kein Klo, dass Rolli-gängig ist, aber im Hof. Die Workshops finden in der 3. und 4. Etage statt. Ein alternatives Klo, dass mit Rollstuhl befahrbar ist, findet ihr im “Südblock” in der Admiralstr. 1-2, 10999 Berlin (ca. 260 m entfernt).

TheaterSpielRaum *(rehearsal rooms, partially wheelchair accessible)

Address: Bethanien-Südflügel Mariannenplatz 2B, Berlin-Kreuzberg 10997 Directions: Bus 140 Adalbertstr./Waldemarstr.,400m distance away from venue Bus M29 Oranienstr./ Adalbertstr. 700m distance away from venue Trains U1/U8 Kottbusser Tor, 850m distance away from venue Coming from Waldemarstrasse take the foot path between the playground and building Nr. 57 Assistance maybe needed. No wheelchair accessible toilet. * we have hired a wheelchair accessible toilet that will be in the co-up yard throughout the festival and can be accessed by all venues which are approx 300metres away from each other.

TheaterSpielRaum *(teilweise Rolligerecht)

Adresse: Bethanien-Südflügel Mariannenplatz 2B, 10997 Berlin (Kreuzberg) Anfahrt: Bus: 140 Adalbertstr./Waldemarstr., 400m bis zum Veranstaltungsort Bus M29 Oranienstr./Adalbertstr. 700m bis zum Veranstaltungsort U-Bahn: U1/U8 Kottbusser Tor, 850m bis zum Veranstaltungsort Von der Waldemarstraße aus den Fußweg in das Parkgelände zwischen Spielplatz und Nr. 57 geradewegs auf die Terrasse zu. Barrieren: Barrierearmer Zugang, es ist eine lange Rampe vorhanden, Unterstützung ist vermutlich notwendig. Leider gibt es kein rolli-gängiges Klo. Das nächste Rollstuhlgerechte Klo ist im Hof von Co-Up (ca. 300M Entfernung)

A festival by and for Queer_Trans*_Inter*_Black_and_People_of_Color

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