The Different Types of Acne and Acne Treatments Leave a reply
Some people call it a pimple while ot hers describe it as act ive acne but no mat t er what it ’s called, it ’s a common skin problem of us all. Frequent ly, pimples are caused by bact eria t hat infect t he sebum and clog t he pore, t hus causing inflammat ion – redness. The problem usually begins when t he skin does not get t he right care it needs like proper cleansing, t oning and moist urizing. It is quit e common among t eenagers whose ent ering pubert y wherein t heir body develops and t heir hormones changes. It is also common for people who are usually exposed t o pollut ed and congest ed environment . There are several reasons on how we can get a pimple likewise t here are also several t ypes of acne. By knowing t he different t ypes of pimples, we can also det ermine t he appropriat e t reat ment t hat ’s needed. Let us have a look at t hem: 1. Co medo nes: Blackheads and whit eheads are also known as comedones. Blackheads are open comedones – follicles wit h a wider opening and have plug of sebum t hat is black in color. Whit eheads on t he ot her hand are closed comedones – follicles filled wit h t he same plugs of sebum but wit h a whit e and small opening. 2. Papules & Pust ules: Do you get red bumps, which are lit t le raised on t he skin but do not have any fluid or pus? If you do, t hen t hese are called papules. If
t here are red pimples wit h pus or infect ed fluid, t hen t hose are called pust ules. 3. No dules These nodules are one of t he most painful, irrit at ed and inflamed acne lesions t hat spread on t he skin. These are red hard lumps, which are not only large, but painful as well. Nodules are formed when t he wall of t he hair follicle is t orn; oil & cell debris ent ers int o dermis. When a nodule heals, it usually leaves an acne scar. 4. Cyst ic Acne Cyst ic acne and nodules look similar, but t he former ones are int ernally a serious problem. The presence of cyst s in t he pimple makes it furt her infect ed, which leads t o serious acne issues. Now t hat we know t he t ypes of acnes, we can now det ermine t he required acne t reat ment s such as: • For comedones (blackheads & whit eheads) and papules, avoid scrubbing your face during cleansing and avoid oil based makeup t hat will clog t he pores. It is also necessary t o use mild skin care product s t hat gent ly cleanse t he skin and resist t he spread of bact eria. Product s such as glot herapeut ics Clear Acne Cleanser, Clear Refining Mask, Daily Polishing Cleanser, & Glycolic Cleanser are clinically approved in t reat ing different acnes and are even recommended by several doct ors. glot herapeut ics’ product s are US FDA approved t hat have incorporat ed t he most researched, medically proven ingredient s t o combat , prevent and heal breakout s. • For nodules and cyst ic acne, acne t reat ment s such as VI Peel can help t o effect ively remo ve acne and reduce acne scars. VI Peel is a chemical peel t reat ment t hat is painless but delivers effect ive result s. Microdermabrasion on t he ot her hand is an exfoliat ion t reat ment t hat can reduce acne and can also help ext ract comedones. • Anot her fact or t hat can help t o reduce acne is having a proper beaut y sleep. Sleeping at least 7 hours a day is import ant t o have a clear and refreshed skin.
• And also drinking plent y of wat er at least 8 glasses a day will keep our skin hydrat ed. This entry was posted in Face and tagged acne scars, acne scars removal clinic, acne treatment, acne treatment Singapore, aesthetic clinic, aesthetic clinic in Singapore, aesthetic clinic Singapore, botox, botox clinic Singapore, botox Singapore, facial treatment, facial treatment Singapore, fillers, fillers clinic Singapore, fillers in Singapore, hair removal, hair removal clinic , laser clinic , laser clinic in Singapore , laser clinics Singapore, pigmentation, pigmentation laser treatment, skin care, skin care clinic, stretch marks, stretch marks treatment, wrinkle treatment, wrinkles, wrinkles treatment Singapore on February 4, 2014.
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