The Chilly Powder Cook Book

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Francesca & Paul Eyre with Benjamin (13) Eloise (8) and Jamie (6)


to our first chalet cook book. Paul and I started Chilly Powder back in 1995 and there were only 5 other chalet companies in Morzine at the time. As we grew and grew our business we collected loads of regular guests and new friends along the way. We couldn’t get complacent however. Back then Morzine was an untouched gem but it soon began to feature on the map of keen skiers. And I suppose that’s why you’re all here now! We’ve always provided the best accommodation we could find to make family ski holidays as cosy and convenient as possible. But when we built Au Coin du Feu 10 years ago, we could finally open our own purpose built crèche and offer bedrooms that were designed for families of different sizes and ages. However one thing has remained consistent over the years - our passion for quality food. I am a trained chef and I will only ever accept the best quality ingredients in our kitchen. We hire chefs from some of the top restaurant and hotel kitchens in the UK and each year our team are here for more than the seasonnaire lifestyle. Each year, on request, we print out so many Chilly Powder recipes for our guests to take home. Everyone seems to have a favourite dish and of course Paul and I do too! And so this cook book was inspired. We’d love to think of you preparing your favourite Chilly Powder dishes at home and making your holiday last that little bit longer. And we’ll continue to serve hearty, honest and well prepared food each winter and fresh, regionally sourced ingredients each summer. Enjoy!



View of Ressachaux from Au Coin du Feu

Contents Starters

7 - 20

Seared King Scallops, Cauliflower Puree.......................................... 8 English Fry Up................................................................................... 11 Breaded Poached Egg, Asparagus & Hollandaise.......................... 12 Roasted Beetroot, Parma Ham & Goats Cheese............................ 15 Smoked Duck, Peach & Orange Salad............................................. 16 Tempura Tiger Prawns..................................................................... 19

Main Courses

21 - 36

Tartiflette............................................................................................23 Herb Crusted Aubergine...................................................................24 Roasted Chicken Breast, Blue Cheese & Pine Nuts.......................27 WInter Pie, Mushroom, Brie & Spinach..........................................28 Surf & Turf, Colconnon Potato......................................................... 31 Crispy Trout FIllets, Mussels & Chive Sauce.................................32 Summer Green Risotto.....................................................................35


37 - 48

Lemon & Honey Parfait....................................................................39 Dark Chocolate Pot............................................................................40 Summer Berry Parfait......................................................................43 Bread & Butter Pudding...................................................................44 Apple Tart...........................................................................................47


Contents Kids Food

49 - 56

Introduction by Ben Eyre................................................................. 51 Chicken Skewers................................................................................52 Homemade Burgers...........................................................................52 Cottage Pie..........................................................................................55 Fish Pie................................................................................................56

Afternoon Tea

59 - 68

Carrot Cake, Almond & Orange Icing..............................................60 Buttery Flapjacks..............................................................................60 Scones.................................................................................................63 Yoghurt Cake......................................................................................64 Lemon Bars........................................................................................64 Pistachio Shortbread........................................................................67 Chocolate Brownies...........................................................................67

Francesca's Favourites

69 - 71

Winter Vegetable Soup......................................................................70 Fruit Chutney.....................................................................................70 Gluten Free FLour Mix..................................................................... 71 Gluten Free Pastry Mix.................................................................... 71

Notes Chilly Powder


72 - 71 75

Main Courses Starters

Seared King Scallops Cauliflower Puree, Tomato & Broad Bean Salsa Serves 4 Ingredients: 8 large king scallops 1 small cauliflower, roughly chopped 50ml milk 2 tomatoes, whole 50g broad beans, frozen 1/2 lemon Salad to garnish Olive oil Salt and Pepper

Remove the roe from the scallops. This is the red or orange part on the side and it can be removed easily by hand. Slice the scallops in half horizontally then place them on a baking tray. Cover with a tea towel and store in the fridge to dry them out for at least an hour. Boil the roughly chopped cauliflower for at least 30 minutes. Add all of the milk at the start of the boil and a little salt too. Continue to boil until the cauliflower is very soft and falling apart, then drain well before blending until it is nice and smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Score the skin on the bottoms of each tomato with a cross and then place in a pan of boiling water for 15 – 20 seconds until the skin starts to come away. Place the tomatoes in to cool water and then peel off their skin. Cut them in to quarters, take out the seeds and then cut the flesh in to squares. Soak the broad beans in hot water for 30 seconds. Peel away the outer shell and add the broad beans to the tomatoes. Drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper to finish the salsa. Heat up a non-stick pan. Rub a little oil, salt and pepper on to each scallop and place in to the pan. Cook for 30 seconds until they go slightly golden on each side. Remove from the heat and drizzle with a little lemon juice. Place a spoon full of puree at the top of the plate then drag the puree down the plate using the spoon. Place the scallops on top of the puree then spread the salsa around the plate. Garnish with a few salad leaves.

ip T s ’ f e h C Frozen scallops are often as

good as fresh scallops if they are defrosted slowly. Thaw them overnight in the fridge - never try to defrost them quickly.


“I've never been left hungry”


English Fry Up Fill a large saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Make a cross on the bottom of each of the tomatoes then place in the boiling water for 15 – 20 seconds. When you see the skin starting to peel away from the flesh remove the tomatoes from the pan and put them in a bowl of cold water. When the tomatoes are cool, remove the skins and seed them. Chop them into rough chunks. Peel and dice the shallot then fry in a small sauce pan with a little olive oil until the shallot is soft but without colour. Add the tomatoes to the pan and cook on a low heat until the tomatoes break down and you have thick tomato compote. Season with salt and pepper. Peel the potatoes, trim them in to square shapes and then cut in to 1cm cubes. You need at least 24 cubes to make 4 portions. Place the potatoes in a pan, bring to the boil then turn down the heat and cook for a further 2 minutes. Drain the potatoes and place on a baking tray along with a small amount of butter and olive oil. Roast the potatoes at 190° until golden brown on each side.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 8 large plum tomatoes 1 small shallot 2 large baking potatoes 12 large button mushrooms 4 rashers of smoked streaky bacon 4 quails eggs Tomato ketchup Brown sauce 50g unsalted butter 30ml olive oil 20ml vegetable oil Chervil to garnish

Remove the stork from the mushrooms and place them in a high sided baking tray with butter, a drizzle of olive oil and salt and pepper. Cover the baking tray in tin foil and cook in the oven for 10 – 12 minutes at 180°c until soft. Place the bacon on a tray and cook in the oven at 180°c until crispy. Fry the quails eggs in a small frying pan with a little vegetable oil. Zig zag the tomato ketchup across your serving plate, then do the same with the brown sauce. Place the warm tomato compote in the middle of the plate and then place your other elements on the plate too. Add a small sprig of chervil to the top of the quails egg.

ip T s ’ f e h C A regular hens egg is a good substitute for quails egg if you can’t get hold of them.


Breaded Poached Egg Asparagus Spears, Brioche & Hollandaise Serves 4 Ingredients: 50ml white wine vinegar 12 eggs 16 spears of asparagus 50g plain flour 100g bread crumbs 100ml milk 300ml vegetable oil Salt and pepper 6 cherry tomatoes 20ml olive oil 100g wild rocket

For Hollandaise 110g butter 200ml red wine vinegar 1 bay leaf 10 peppercorns (white or black) 2 sprigs of parsley 1 small shallot

Fill a sauce plan with water, add the white wine vinegar and bring to the boil. Turn the heat down and simmer. Two eggs at a time, crack the egg off the side off the pan and poach for 2 – 3 minutes before using a slotted spoon to lift each egg out of the water. Check each egg is ready by feeling the yolk – the egg should hold its shape but the yolk should still be soft. Once each egg is ready place it in a bowl of cold water to cool. We’ve allowed enough eggs in this recipe so you can afford to make a few mistakes! Place 4 perfect poached eggs on a tray covered with kitchen paper then cover the eggs themselves with paper too. Store in the fridge while you prepare the rest of the dish. Using a small knife cut the bottom inch off the asparagus spears then trim the small brown bits from the stem. Cook the asparagus in salted water for 2 – 3 minutes then cool in ice water. Place the spears on a tray lined with kitchen paper, cover and then place in the fridge. Whisk 2 eggs and the milk together in a small bowl. Put the plain flour and the breadcrumbs on two separate plates. Coat the chilled poached eggs in flour, then dip them in the egg mix before coating them in breadcrumbs. Fill a saucepan half full of vegetable oil and heat up, ready to fry the coated poached eggs. For the hollandaise sauce, melt the butter in a sauce pan and add the red wine vinegar, bay leaf, peppercorn, parsley and shallots. Reduce the mixture by a quarter. Split 4 eggs and place them in a heat proof bowl over a pan of simmering water. Whisk the eggs until they are pale and thick – you must keep whisking the eggs all the time, otherwise they will scramble! Slowly add the butter mixture from the pan in to the eggs, whisking it in. If it looks the like eggs and butter aren’t going to blend, add a drop of hot water to bind the two together. Season with salt and pepper. The hollandaise should be thick but pourable. Place the breaded poached eggs in the pan of oil and deep fry until golden brown. This should take 2 - 3 minutes. Carefully lift them from the oil and place on kitchen paper to absorb any excess oil. Season with a little salt. To serve the dish place 4 spears of asparagus on each plate side by side and drizzle with a little olive oil. Place the egg on top of the asparagus and put a little pot or ramekin of hollandaise on the side of each plate. Add a handful of rocket to garnish and finish with 3 halves of cherry tomato on top.

ip T s ’ f e h C Fresh eggs poach best - make sure yours are less than 4 days old.



Roasted Beetroot

Parma Ham, Glazed Goats Cheese & Brioche Place the beetroot in a sauce pan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer for 2 – 3 hours until you can put a knife through it easily. Cool the beetroot in cold water, slice off the top and bottom and then cut in to 1 – 1 ½ cm thick slices using the natural shape of the beetroot to create discs. Cut the crusts off the brioche and drizzle with olive oil. Season with salt and pepper then fold a slice of parma ham on the top of each slice of brioche. Slice the goats cheese log in to four 2cm thick pieces and place each of them on top of the beetroot discs. At this stage you do not add this to the brioche. Season the goats cheese with a little salt and pepper on top and place this stack on baking tray lined with grease proof paper.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 large beetroot 4 slices brioche 4 slices parma ham 1 small log of goats cheese 50g pine nuts 4 tbsp olive oil 4 tsp red wine vinegar 2 tsp whole grain mustard 2 tsp honey Salt & pepper Rocket leaves to garnish

Heat a small frying pan on a low heat, add the pine nuts and toast until light brown. To stop them burning keep tossing them about the pan every 15 – 20 seconds. Place the olive oil, red wine vinegar, whole grain mustard and honey in to a bowl. Whisk to combine all of the ingredients and season with salt and pepper. Heat your oven to 175°c and place the beetroot and goats cheese elements of the stack in to the over for 5 minutes to slightly melt the cheese and warm up the beetroot. For the last 2 minutes put the brioche and parma ham element of the stack in to the oven to toast slightly. Remove both from the oven and stack the beetroot and goats cheese on top of the parma ham and brioche. Place the stack in the middle of a round plate, and drizzle with a little of the dressing across the plate. Add a few pine nuts and finish with a few rocket leaves on top of the goats cheese.

ip T s ’ f e h C Beetroot is also known as “Natures Viagra” - it was thought to have aphrodisiac benefits during Roman times!


Smoked Duck

Peach & Orange Salad, Balsamic Dressing Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 large oranges 3 peaches 1 smoked duck breast 200ml balsamic vinegar 20g caster sugar 100g rocket leaves 50g endive leaves 50g oak leaf lettuce 4 tbsp olive oil 4 tbsp red wine vinegar 2 tsp whole grain mustard 2 tsp honey Salt & pepper

Peel the oranges then cut in to segments. Cut each peach in to 8 wedges, after removing the stones. Slice the smoked duck breast width ways in to at least 20 thin slices. Each slice of duck breast should be no thicker than 4-5mm. Put the balsamic vinegar and sugar in to a small sauce pan and reduce until it is thick. The balsamic will thicken more as it cools so it’s best to stop heating it as it thickens instead of once it has thickened. If it goes too thick add a drop of hot water to thin it out. Place the olive oil, red wine vinegar, whole grain mustard and honey in to a bowl and whisk to combine. Season the mixture with a little salt and pepper. Wash and dry the salad leaves. Place 4 slices of the smoked duck breast, orange and peach in each corner of each plate. Dress the salad leaves with the mustard dressing. Once they are dressed place a small handful of salad in the centre of each plate. Drizzle the balsamic dressing over the duck, peach and orange.

ip T s ’ f e h C This recipe features my standard salad dressing. I

often make a lot of it as it keeps well and I can add other ingredients such as chillies to mix things up!



“it's the end of day conversations inspired by such a good eating experience that linger long in our memory�

Tempura Tiger Prawns Tomato & Chilli Jam

Place the tinned tomatoes and sugar in a sauce pan and bring to the boil. Cut the chillies in half and remove the seeds. Cut the chillies in to small dice and add them to the pan with the tomatoes and sugar. Cook on a low heat for 1 – 1 ½ hours until the mixture is thick and shiny. To test it, place a spoonful in to the fridge – if it sets like jam after a little while it is ready. Place the mixture in to a container to cool. You can make a larger amount that you need for this dish if you like – it will last for a couple of weeks in the fridge. Take the tiger prawns, remove the head and peel the shell from the tail so you are left with just the tail meat. Whisk the tempura flour with the soda water and season with salt and pepper. The batter should be light but still thick enough to coat the prawns entirely. Place the batter in the fridge to chill. Wash and dry the salad. To make your salad dressing place the olive oil, red wine vinegar, whole grain mustard and honey in to a bowl and whisk to combine the ingredients. Season with a little salt and pepper.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 500g tinned chopped tomatoes 500g caster sugar 5 red chillies 20 tiger prawns 170g tempura flour (or plain flour as a substitute) 200ml chilled soda water 1 ltr vegetable oil 50g rocket leaves 50g endive leaves 50g oak lettuce leaves 4 tbsp olive oil 4 tsp red wine vinegar 2 tsp whole grain mustard 2 tsp honey Salt & pepper

Heat the vegetable oil in a medium size sauce pan on a medium heat, making sure that the oil only fills half the pan. To test that the oil ishot enough to fry the prawns use a teaspoon to drop a little of the batter in to the oil. If it crisps up then the oil is ready. Coat the prawns in a little flour and then dip in to the batter, letting any excess drop off back in to the bowl. Fry each prawn in the oil until golden brown – you can fry more than one at a time if you want to, they will take 2 - 3 minutes to batter. Place them on a tray on top of kitchen paper and season with a little salt. To serve, place 5 prawns on each plate, put the tomato and chilly jam into a small pot and place on each plate. Add a small handful of the dressed salad garnish to each plate.

ip T s ’ f e h C It’s important that you keep your tempura

batter in the fridge at all times... It won’t produce that light, crispy texture otherwise.


Chalet Des Amis

Main Courses

“Ah... Tartiflette. One of the most important parts of my ski holiday�

Tartiflette Serves 6

Peel the potatoes and par-boil them until they are al-dente. This should take about 10 minutes


Once they have cooled, roughly chop them in to inch sized cubes and leave to one side.

2 kilos of potatoes (not too floury) 2 white onions, chopped 2 cloves of garlic, smashed 250g lardons (or smoked bacon pieces ½ litre of single cream ½ glass of white wine Salad leaves 1 whole reblochon cheese

Fry the lardons and then add the chopped onion and garlic to the pan. Place the chopped potatoes in to a large oven proof serving dish and top with the lardons, onion and garlic. Pour over the single cream and white wine. Cut the reblochon cheese in to ½ cm slices, leaving the skin on. Layer the slices of cheese on the top of the Tartiflette mixture. Bake for approximately 30 – 45 minutes at 170°c. Remove when the potatoes are fully cooked and the cheese on the top is bubbling and crunchy.

Tip Chef’s Goats cheese can be used as an alternative to change this dish into a Tartichevre. Savignon Blan c Domaine Astru c 2009

light and crisp, the freshness of this wine balances wi th the richness of the cheese.


Herb Crusted Aubergine Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 Large aubergine 1 clove of garlic Olive oil 6 Large Vine ripened tomatoes 100g of grana padano parmesan Honey mustard dressing Salt and pepper

Herb Crust:

50g pine nuts Small bunch of basil Small bunch of parsley 50g Rocket 200g breadcrumbs or stale bread

In a blender, put the pine nuts, basil, parsley and rocket. Add a small drop of olive oil, this will help to bind the ingredients. Blend until fine and then add the breadcrumbs or stale bread. Mix until the breadcrumbs have gone green. Finally, add a small pinch of salt. Heat the oven to 190°c. Take a chopping board and cut the aubergine into 4 thick slices length ways, making sure that each slice can sit steady on a plate. Peel the clove of garlic, cut down the centre lengthways and rub the flesh of the aubergine slices. Place the aubergine slices on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and place on the middle shelf in the oven for about 15-17 minutes until the aubergine starts to go soft. Whilst the aubergine is in the oven, cut the tomatoes into quarters and grate the parmesan. Take the herb crust from the blender and press it in a bowl so that its starts to stick together. Take the aubergine out of the oven and place the tomatoes on top of each slice. Drizzle again with olive oil and a little salt. Sprinkle the grated parmesan evenly over the tomatoes and then take the crust and press onto the top of the tomatoes. Place the herb crusted aubergine slices back in the oven for a final 10 minutes until the crust becomes hard and starts to go golden brown on the top. Whilst the aubergine slices are in the oven you can dress the plate with a zigzag drizzle of the honey mustard dressing (see previous methods). Finally take the aubergine slices out of the oven and place on the centre of each pate.

Cabernet Sauvignon s Domain le 8 0 0 2 Tannes as not to Elegant so pesto e th oy destr but with flavours ructure to enough st e e aubergin support th rs. flavou


ip T s ’ f e h C Stale bread makes the best

breadcrumbs. Try to save any scraps of bread like the ends of a loaf and leave it in your bread bin.


Roasted Chicken Breast Stuffed with Blue Cheese & Pine Nuts, wrapped in Bacon, Sage & Onion Gnocchi, Fine Beans Trim any excess fat from the chicken breast. Place the skin side of the breast flat on your chopping board and cut a pocket in the chicken breast under the fillet. Toast the pine nuts in a small frying pan until golden brown. There is no need for any oil or butter, but make sure you keep tossing the pan every 15 - 20 seconds so they do not burn. Place a small piece of blue cheese inside the pocket of the chicken breast and a few of the toasted pine nuts. Fold the fillet back over to close the pocket. Lay 3 slices of the bacon on your chopping board then place the chicken breast on top. Roll the bacon around the chicken breast. Ensure that the join of the bacon is on the bottom of the chicken breast. Repeat this for all of the chicken breasts. Peel the shallots and carrots and then dice them with the celery. Fry the vegetables in a sauce pan with a little olive oil for 2-3 mins then crush the garlic cloves. Add them to the pan with the thyme, pour in the red wine and reduce by a third. Add the beef and chicken stock and slowly reduce until you have a nice dark glossy sauce which is not too thick. This should take 30-45 mins on a low heat. When it is ready pass it though a fine sieve into a clean pan.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 x chicken breasts (skin on) 30g pine nuts 80g blue cheese 12 x slices streaky bacon 500g fresh gnocchi 1 x large onion 10 x large sage leaves 200g fine green beans 100g unsalted butter 50ml olive oil Salt and pepper

For the sauce 2 x small shallots 1 x small carrot 1 x stick of celery 2 x cloves of garlic 2 x sprigs of thyme 500ml red wine 500ml fresh beef stock 500ml fresh chicken stock 50ml double cream

Fry the gnocchi in a hot frying pan until lightly golden brown. Place in the oven at 180°c for 5 mins. Slice the onion and place in a sauce pan with 40g of butter. Fry off without colouring until soft. Add the gnocchi to the onions and season. Finally slice the sage leafs ready to put in with gnocchi. Top and tail the green beans. Fill a small sauce pan with water and a pinch of salt and bring the water to the boil ready to cook the green beans. Place the chicken breasts skin side up on an oiled baking tray. Season with salt and pepper and place in the oven at 200°c for 5 mins. This will crisp up the bacon. Turn the oven down to 180°c for 12 mins. If your unsure check with a temperature probe that the chicken breast is above 68°c. Place the green beans into boiling water for 2-3 mins - they still want to have a little bit of a bite to them. When cooked drain them and put them back in the pan. Toss with a little butter and season. Mix the sage in with the gnocchi and onion, mix and ensure the gnocchi is warm all the way though. Divide the gnocchi, onion and sage between the four plates then place the green beans on top of the gnocchi. Slice the chicken breast in half on a angle and place on top of the green beans. Add the cream to the sauce until it is a coffee like colour. Drizzle around the plate and a little over the chicken.

Chef’s Tip

The sauce in this dish is quite generic and can be used for loads of other meat dishes - maybe make more than you need and freeze some!

Chardonnay Viognier Domaine les Vignes de Nicole 2009 The vanilla flavours from the oak and the peachy touch will compliment a full fragrance dish like this


Winter Pie

Mushroom, Brie and Spinach Serves 4 Ingredients: Pastry: 500g plain flour 240g salted butter (Or slightly salted) Splash of water Pinch of salt 1 egg

Filling: 2 large shallots wild mushrooms or chestnut mushrooms 1 clove of garlic 250g of either mixed 100g of Brie 400g of baby spinach 100g of finely chopped fresh parsley Olive oil Salt and pepper

Garnish: Balsamic syrup 2 large Carrots 100g of honey

Sieve the flour into a large bowl ready to mix with the wet ingredients and add a good pinch of salt. Chop the butter into small cubes -it should be soft but not melted when making pastry. Add it to the flour and rub them both together to create a sand-like consistency. Add a drop of water to the mixture to help it bind. Gently kneed it until it forms dough. Shape it into a thick disk, wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for about 20 minutes. Rub the pie trays with butter and sprinkle with flour. Use 4 individual pie trays about 10-15cm in diameter and about 3-4cm deep. Finely chop the shallots and garlic and thinly slice the mushrooms. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a frying pan and wait until hot. Cook the shallots and garlic in the oil until evenly brown then add the mushrooms for about 5 minutes until golden brown. Add the spinach. It wants to wilt into the mixture but not lose its colour. Remove from the heat. Roughly chop the brie into cubes and add to the mixture. It will start to melt but not entirely. Season with salt and pepper and finally, add the parsley. This will ensure the mixture has a nice light taste to it. The mushroom filling wants to be warm when you put it into the pastry case but not hot. Preheat your oven to 180掳c and place a pan of water on the stove to boil. Take the pastry and place on a floured work surface. Roll out to 0.5cm thickness. Take one pie case, turn it upside down onto the pastry then roughly cut around it leaving a 1cm border. Do this 4 times. With the remaining pastry take another pie case and this time, cut exactly around the top of it. Repeat for all pie tops. Place the pie cases upright on a baking tray, take the large pastry circles and push gently down into the cases so that they mould to the shape of the case. Divide the mushroom filling into the pie cases leaving some of the mushrooms back to garnish the plate. Crack and beat an egg into a bowl and brush the edge of the pastry around the filling. Lay the smaller pastry circles across the top of the pies. Press on the top of each pie to ensure the pastry is sealed. Carefully cut around the excess pastry. Pierce the centre of the pie so air can escape whilst cooking. Brush the pie tops with the beaten egg mixture and place in the oven 12-15 minutes.

C么tes du Rhone Cuvee la Nine Paul Boyer Estate 2009 Elegant and spicy, la Nine is the nickname of my wife! It has natural flavours to balance the earthy flavours of this dish.


Whilst the pies are cooking, peel the carrots then quarter them lengthways so you have batons. Boil them for 8 minutes. When the carrots are almost done, place a frying pan on a medium heat. Add the honey and cook for 1-2 minutes until it starts to bubble. Drain the carrots, add to the honey and cook for 3-4 minutes on a low heat until the honey coats the carrots. Take the carrots off the heat but leave in the pan. Take the pies from the oven and let them rest. Put your extra mushrooms onto the hot baking tray to bring them back up in temperature in the oven. Zig-zag the balsamic syrup across the plates. Take the carrots and place them in line in the centre of the plates. Take the pies and turn them out on top of the carrots. Finally, place the mushrooms around the side of the plates. Add some sprigs of the parsley on top of the mushroom pies to finish.


“This is the dish that I remember most from last winter. The beef was delicious. I can't wait to eat it again this winter!�

Surf ‘n’ Turf

Colcannon Potato, Spinach Puree, Red Wine Jus Trim the fillet steaks to remove any fat around the edge.

Serves 4

Peel the potatoes and chop them. Boil the potatoes in a pan of water and a little salt. Simmer until the potatoes are soft but not falling apart. Drain and let them dry out before mashing them up. Add 30g of butter and season.


Cut the cabbage in two and remove the root. Slice the cabbage. Melt 50g of butter in a pan and cook cabbage until it is soft. Add the mashed potato and mix well. Add more butter if needed and check the seasoning. Adjust with the salt and pepper if necessary. Peel the shallots and carrots and then dice them and the celery. Fry the vegetables in a sauce pan with little olive oil for 2-3 mins then crush the garlic cloves. Add them to the pan with the thyme. Pour in the red wine and reduce by a third. Add the beef stock and slowly reduce until you have a nice dark glossy sauce which is not too thick. This should take 30-45 mins on a low heat. When ready pass the sauce though a fine sieve into a clean pan. Fill a sauce pan with water and a pinch of salt and place on the stove to boil. Wash the spinach well to remove any dirt and then place in boiling water for 10-15 seconds. Drain and place into cold water, this will cool the spinach quickly and keep a nice green colour. Drain again but keep the water. Place the spinach into a food processor or liquidiser until you have a puree, adding a little of the water you saved earlier if it is too thick. Pass thought a fine sieve and season.

4 x 200g – 250g fillet steaks 5 x maris piper potatoes 150g unsalted butter ½ x small savoy cabbage 200g baby leaf spinach 4 x large tiger prawns (shell on) 6 x large carrots 30ml honey 50ml olive oil Salt and pepper

Sauce: 1ltr fresh beef stock 500ml red wine 2 x cloves of garlic 2 x sprigs of thyme 2 x small shallots 1 x small carrot 1 x stick of celery

Remove the heads and shells from the prawns but leave the very end fan part of the shell on. Peel the carrots and cut into batons. Coat them in a little butter and honey, season and place on a baking tray. Cook in the oven at 180°c for 10-12 minutes, giving them a shake every now and then. Heat a frying pan up with a little butter and olive oil. Season the beef fillets and seal all sides so they are nice and brown. Place on a tray in the oven at 180°c for 5-7 minutes, this will give you a medium steak. Adjust the cooking times if you want a more rare or well done steak. When cooked let the steak rest for at least 5 minutes. Fry the tiger prawns off in a little butter and olive oil for a few minutes on each side then season lightly. Heat the colcannon potatoes, spinach puree and sauce up in sauce pans and place the beef back in the oven for 1 min. Place the colcannon in the middle of the plate and the beef on top with the baton carrot. Add the prawn on top, drizzle the spinach puree around the beef then do the same with the sauce.

Chef’s Tip

The most important part of this recipe is letting the steak rest before you serve it. When it comes out of the oven it’s fibres are tense - 5 minutes is all it takes for them to relax

Côtes de Thongne les Vielles Vignes Paul Boyer Estate 2009 Rich, spicy and elegant... the richness will support the beef and the elegance will encourage the flavours of the prawns


Crispy Trout Fillets Serves 4 Ingredients: 4 x trout fillets with skins on 1 x small savoy cabbage 10 x smoked bacon slices 4 x large baking potatoes 100ml olive oil 150g unsalted butter 1kg fish bones 2 x small onions 2 x sticks of celery 1 x small leek 4 x cloves of garlic 10 x white peppercorns 40g parsley 2 x sprigs of thyme 2 x bay leaves 200ml white wine 200g mussels 100ml double cream 4 sprigs of chervil Salt and pepper

Saute Potatoes with Cabbage & Smoked Bacon, Mussel & chive Butter Sauce.

Trim any fat off the trout fillets and check for any pin bones in the flesh. Ensure that all scales are removed from the skin. Quarter the cabbage, remove the core and any tough outer leaves then finely shred. Slice the bacon into thin strips then set all the ingredients aside. Place the unpeeled potatoes into a pan of salted water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 8 minutes, drain and allow to cool a little. Peel the potatoes and slice into 2-3mm thick slices then cut into rounds using a cutter. Place the potato slices into a frying pan with butter and olive oil and fry until light golden brown in colour. Place on a lightly buttered tray ready to serve. Wash and trim the fish bones. Place the onion, celery, leek and garlic into a pan and sweat the vegetables in a little olive oil until soft. Stir in the fish bones with the peppercorn, parsley, thyme and bay leaf and cover with cold water. Bring the stock to the boil and skim the white scum from the surface as it appears. Turn the heat down to a simmer for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave to settle before passing through muslin into a clean pan. Reduce to 750ml. Heat a pan with olive oil then dice the onion and garlic. Add to the pan, sweat off for 2 minutes and then add the white wine and reduce by half. Add the fish stock and reduce by half again. Remove the beard from the mussels then wash them to remove any dirt. When the sauce has reduce by half again add the double cream and reduce for a further 2 minutes. Take off the heat and pass through a fine sieve into a clean pan and set aside. Brush the potatoes with a little butter and place in a medium oven to reheat.

Vermentino Domaine Astruc 2009 A wine full of fragrances to compliment the oily and rich fish


Dice 50g of butter into small cubes and place into a large saucepan. Allow the butter to heat up then add the sliced bacon. Cook for 3-4 minutes until soft. Add the cabbage and stir well. Cover and cook over a low heat for 4-5 minutes, adding a little water if needed and season. Heat up a non-stick frying pan with a little olive oil. Season the trout fillets and place into pans skin side down. Fry on a medium heat for 3 minutes then turn and repeat on the other side. Place the fish sauce onto a high heat and allow to boil. Add the mussels and cover. Cook for 3-4 minutes until all mussels are open, then remove from the sauce. Place the sauce back on the heat and whisk in the butter and chopped chives on a low heat and season. Place a slice of potato in the middle of each plate then cabbage on top. Repeat this until there are 4 layers of potato on each plate. Place the mussels around the outside of the potatoes, taking some out of the shells and leaving some in then place the trout fillet on top of each potato stack. Finish with the sauce around and over the mussels and dress with a few sprigs of chervil.


“To eat such fresh ingredients in the Mountains is such a great treat!�

Summer Green Risotto In a pan, heat up the stock until it boils and turn down to a simmer and leave. Finely dice the shallots and garlic. In a large, thick bottomed pan, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and put onto a high heat. Wait until hot and then add the garlic and shallots. Cook the shallots and garlic on a medium heat until golden brown then add the rice. Cook the rice for about a minute until the outer starts to go clear, stirring all the time then turn the heat down low. Pour enough stock onto the rice to cover and stir so that all the rice mixes with the liquid. Put the remaining stock to one side. Whilst the rice and stock come back up to temperature, shred the spring onions and finely chop the parsley. Stir the risotto until all the liquid has been absorbed then continue this process until nearly all the stock has been used, making sure to taste the rice.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 900 ml of good vegetable stock 2 large shallots 1 clove of garlic Olive oil 250g of risotto rice 5 Medium spring onimns Small bunch of fresh parsley 100g of frozen peas 100g of broad Beans 100g of grated Parmesano Reggiano Salt and pepper Butter

The rice wants to have a slight bite to it. Stir the frozen peas into the risotto at this point and add the rest of the stock. Shell the broad beans and add them to the risotto along with the spring onions and cook for 2-3 minutes until they’re heated through and the rest of the stock has been absorbed. Finally season the risotto to taste with salt and pepper and add the parmesan and parsley.

Tip Chef’sRisotto is best cooked slowly.

Take your time adding stock, stir all the time so that every grain soaks up the stock.

Côtes de Thongue Cuvee Amber Paul Boyer Estate 2009 The wild strawberry aroma and the purity of the wine will compliment all elements of this dish



“Thanks to ex Chilly Powder Head Chef Damian McArthur, for this recipe and for the super picture too! ”

Lemon & Honey Parfait In a medium saucepan place the zest of 2 lemons, ½ cup of honey and a decent splash of Limoncello. Reduce the mixture by boiling it down until it is a thick syrup. Place 3 egg whites in to a stainless steel bowl and whisk until light peaks form. Slowly drizzle the hot lemon and honey mixture in to the egg whites while continually whisking. You will need to keep whisking until the whole thing starts to cool. Fold 1 cup of whipped cream in to the mixture, being careful at this stage not to whisk or stir too vigorously.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 lemons ½ cup of honey Splash of Limoncello 3 egg whites 1 cup whipped cream Handful fresh figs Handful raspberries

Spoon the mixture in to 4 ramekins or moulds and place in the freezer until set. Setting time will be around 6 hours. Tap each parfait out of its mould when you are ready to serve. Serve with fresh figs and raspberries.

Tip Chef’s Place your ramekins

or moulds in the freezer before you use them. The parfaits will be ready to eat in 4 - 5 hours.


Dark Chocolate Pot Orange & Almond Polenta Biscuits Serves 4 Ingredients: 285ml single cream 200g dark chocolate 2 x large egg yolks 3 tbsp brandy 20g unsalted butter

Polenta Biscuits 45g unsalted butter 45g caster sugar 65g polenta 25g plain flour Zest of 1 orange finely chopped 1 small egg Berries to garnish

Place the cream into a small sauce pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and add the chocolate. Stir continuously until the chocolate has melted. Once the chocolate has melted beat in the egg yolks and brandy until smooth. Cool the mix slightly then add the butter and mix in until smooth. Pour into small ramekins then place into the fridge to set. This will take a couple of hours. For the polenta biscuits, rub the butter, sugar, polenta and flour together until it is all combined and then mix in the chopped orange zest and egg and mix until smooth. Place into a piping bag and place in the fridge for an hour. Remove from the fridge and let the mix come back to room temp. Place a sheet of grease proof paper on a baking tray then pipe the mix onto the tray. It wants to be just smaller than a 2p coin. You will need about 16 biscuits. Heat the oven to 180°c and bake for 5-6 mins until golden brown around the outside but still yellow in the middle. To serve, place the chocolate pot on a plate with a napkin, put four biscuits on each plate and top the chocolate pot with some berries of your choice. We like to use strawberries and raspberries.

Tip Chef’s This is a very rich dessert

so only a small portion for each person is required.


“Just when you think you can't eat anymore... out comes dessert!� Amie Postings, Newcastle


Summer Berry Parfait Passion Fruit Sauce

Place the egg yolks into a metal mixing bowl and mix using a electric hand held blender until pale white, thick and creamy. Place the water and sugar in a small sauce pan to make the caramel and heat slowly until the sugar has dissolved and the mix is clear. Stir once or twice during this time, then increase the heat and boil for 5-7 minutes the syrup should start to turn to a light caramel consistency around the edges. To test if the caramel is ready fill a small glass with cold water. Take a small spoon and drop a little caramel into the glass. If it turns to a hard ball then the caramel is ready so remove it from the heat. With the electric mixer still running very slowly pour the caramel mix into the eggs. Continue to whisk until the mix increases in volume and becomes creamy.

Serves 6 Ingredients: 5 x large free range eggs 100ml water 150g caster sugar 500g frozen mixed berries 200ml double cream 2 x vanilla pods 200g fresh strawberries (for coulis) Strawberries, raspberries and blueberries to garnish 3 passion fruits

Put the frozen berries into a sauce pan with a touch of water and bring to the boil. Take off the heat and puree in a food processor until smooth. Fold the fruit puree into the egg yolk and sugar mix then cover and chill for 30 minutes. Put the cream into a mixing bowl. Split the vanilla pods down the middle and scrape out the seeds with the tip of a knife. Add them to the cream and then three quarter whip the cream until softly peaking. Fold the vanilla cream into the fruit mixture and then line a small 1 litre loaf tin with cling film. Pour the mixture in to the tin and freeze over night. Just before you are ready to serve the dessert cut the tops off the strawberries and puree in a food processor until smooth before passing them through a sieve to remove the seeds. Turn the parfait out of the loaf of the loaf tin and slice into 2cm thick slices using a hot knife. Place each slice of parfait on to a plate and drizzle the strawberry puree around the plate. Cut the passion fruits in half and spoon the seeds from half over each parfait and finish. Add a few fresh berries on top.


Bread & Butter Pudding Serves 4 - 6 Ingredients: 10 slices of stale bread 50g unsalted butter 10g candied lemon or orange peel 50g currants 275ml milk 60ml double cream 50g caster sugar Grated zest of ½ small lemon 3 eggs 10g freshly grated nutmeg 10g brown sugar

Butter the bread and cut each slice in half diagonally. Always leave the crusts on! Arrange one layer of buttered bread over the base of your baking dish. Sprinkle the candied peel and half of the currents on the top. Cover them with another layer of bread slices and then the remaining currents. Add a further layer of buttered bread to the baking dish. Mix the milk with the double cream in a mixing bowl. Stir in the caster sugar and the lemon zest. Whisk the eggs and then fold them in to the cream and milk mixture. Pour the entire mix over the bread. Sprinkle the freshly grated nutmeg and brown sugar over the top and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Tip Chef’s You can also use stale croissants

or pain au chocolat to make this dish. Just tear them up in to inch size pieces. You can also mix this dish up by layering your bread with marmelade or chocolate spread to make it even sweeter!



Apple Tart Vanilla Ice Cream

Peel and core 4 of the apples and cut into cubes. Place them in a small sauce pan with the sugar, 50ml of water and the vanilla seeds. Cook down until you have a coarse puree - you don’t want it completely smooth, leave a few lumps in there. When cooked set aside to cool. Take the rest of the apples, cut into 4 and cut out the core. Trim the edges off the quarters then slice into 1-2 mm thick slices as in the picture. Take the puff pastry sheet or if you have a block of pastry roll it out to 4-5 mm thickness. Cut the sheet into 4. Each tart needs to be about 10-11 cm in length and about 7-8 cm in width. Cover a baking tray with grease proof paper and place the 4 puff pastry sheets on the tray. Spoon a thin layer of apple puree on each sheet and spread so that it covers the sheet. Leave a 1 ½ cm gap around the edge. Place the slices of apple on top of the puree so that they are overlapping by half. Ensure you leave the gap around the edge once again. Take a small knife and cut around the edge of the apples and apple puree on the puff pastry sheet being careful not to go all the way though the pastry - you need to just score about half way though to make the puff pastry sides rise around the apples.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 8 x large green apples 50g caster sugar 1 x vanilla pod 1 x sheet of ready roll puff pastry 1 x egg 50g apricot jam Vanilla ice cream Fresh mint Strawberry to garnish

Split the egg white and yolk. Whisk the yolk with a drop of milk and brush around the edges of the pastry. Place into an oven at 185°c until the puff pastry has come up the side and it is a nice light golden brown colour. This should take 8-10 mins. Place the apricot jam in a small sauce pan on a low heat until it melts down. Brush this over the apples and then place the tarts back in the oven for 1-2 min to glaze the apples. Spoon the rest of the apple puree on to four plates and place the apple tart next to the puree. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to the top or the side of the tart and garnish with the strawberries and some fresh mint.


Kids Food

“Food is very important to me, I’ll eat almost anything and I always look forward to my evening meal.” Ben Eyre

I love food! by Ben Eyre (13 yrs)

During the summer and winter months I usually eat my evening meal in the chalet. Lots of the kids who stay with us have become my friends and I look forward to seeing them every year. My day starts at 7am, when I have to leave for school. After school I take part in lots of fun activities like football training in the summer and ice hockey in the winter. I play ice hockey for the Morzine youth team and each weekend we travel around the region playing other teams – most of the time we win! Competition to get on the team is tough so I am very lucky to keep my place. I can’t decide whether I want to be a professional footballer or a professional ice hockey player when I grow up. Food is very important to me, I’ll eat almost anything and I always look forward to my evening meal. I make sure that I eat a big portion of Fish Pie or a Pasta Bake because I know that I need the energy to keep playing sports and to be good at them. I usually eat with my little sister Eloise (AKA Squeezy, aged 8) and my little brother Jamie (AKA Jamie Chops aged 6). Eloise enters loads of downhill ski competitions in the winter and usually wins. She needs to keep her energy up too and sometimes eats more than me! Jamie is also a brilliant skier and likes making jumps in the snow garden behind the chalet. Sometimes it is hard to get him to come in for dinner – he’s too busy practising his 360’s! But if it’s homemade beef burgers, he’s always first at the table. Here is a selection of my favourite food from the winter season. I hope your children enjoy them too!

Ben 51

Chicken Skewers Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 x chicken breasts 1 x red, green and yellow pepper 1 x small courgette 2 x lemons 100ml olive oil 4 x wooden skewers

Cut each chicken breast into six pieces. Cut the courgette into 8 pieces. Cut each pepper in half, remove the seeds and then cut each half into 4 pieces. Take a skewer and starting with the courgette, push a piece on to the skewer. Then push 2 of each colour of pepper and 3 pieces of chicken onto each skewer. Finish at the top with another piece of courgette. Zest and juice the 2 lemons and mix with the olive oil. Pour over the skewers, ensuring that they are all covered in the lemon and oil mix. Place into the fridge for at least 2 hours. Heat the oven to 190°c and cook for 8-10 mins.

Tipyour wooden skewers Chef’sSoak

in water before cooking to prevent them burning

Homemade Burgers Makes 10 Burgers Finely dice the onion and crush the garlic in to a paste. Ingredients: 1 small onion 2 cloves of garlic 800g minced beef 50g tomato ketchup 4 sprigs of parsley chopped finely Cheese slices 10 Burger Buns Salt & pepper

Heat up a little olive oil in a saucepan and fry the onion and garlic until they are soft and without colour. Then allow to cool. Put the mince and the tomato ketchup in to a bowl and mix together. Add the finely chopped parsley to the mince and then add the cooled onions and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Using your hands, make the mix into burger shapes approximately 3cm thick and then place them on a tray. Store the burgers in the fridge for 2 hours to allow them to firm up. Pre-heat your oven to 190°c. Heat up a large frying pan on the stove and add a little olive oil. Fry each burger for 1 – 2 minutes on each side to give it colour. Then place all of the burgers on grease proof paper on a baking tray an cook in the oven for 8 – 10 minutes until cooked through. Add a slice of cheese on top of each burger before serving in a toasted burger bun.



“Sometimes I can't get my kids to leave the table! They often eat more on holiday than they do at home�

Cottage Pie Cook the carrots and swede in boiling water for 20 minutes or until tender. Mash both with a knob of butter until smooth. Heat half a tablespoon of oil in a large non-stick frying pan. Cook the minced beef for about 10 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated. Remove the beef from the pan and put to one side. Heat the remaining 2 tablespoons of oil in a large casserole dish or pan. Add the onion and leek and cook for about 3 minutes before adding the red pepper for 2 minutes and then the mushrooms for a further 4 minutes. Then add the tomatoes for 3 minutes. Mix all of the ingredients together then add the tomato puree, Worcestershire sauce, herbs and beef stock. Simmer all of the ingredients for 30 minutes. Boil the potatoes for 15 – 20 minutes then drain. Mash the potatoes with milk, butter and a touch of salt and pepper until smooth. Line an ovenproof dish with the mashed carrots and swede. Arrange the mince on top and then layer with the cooked peas. Add the mashed potato to the top of the dish. Brush the potato with the beaten egg. Cook the cottage pie under a grill for 8 – 10 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

Makes 6 Portions Ingredients: 250g swede, peeled and chopped 200g carrots, peeled and chopped 2 ½ tbsp vegetable oil 450g minced beef 1 large onion, finely chopped 100g leek, finely chopped 100g red pepper, finely chopped 150g button mushrooms, diced 4 medium tomatoes, skinned, de-seeded and chopped 1 tbsp tomato puree 2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce ½ tsp dried mixed herbs 1 beef stock cube dissolved in 350ml boiling water Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Potato Topping:

675g potatoes, peeled and cut in to chunks 50g unsalted butter 6 tbsp milk Salt and a little white pepper 200g frozen peas, cooked 1 beaten egg


Fish Pie Serves 4 - 6

Pre-heat the oven to 200°c.


Boil the potatoes in salted water. Drain and mash with butter, milk and parmesan.

800g potatoes 30g butter 7 tbsp milk 4 tbsp freshly grated Parmesan 1 egg, lightly beaten Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

For the Sauce: 45g butter 1 large shallot, diced 2 tbsp white wine vinegar 45g flour 450ml fish stock 6 tbsp double cream 1 ½ tsp chopped fresh dill or chives, chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper to season

Salmon & Cod Filling: 250g salmon, skin removed, cut in to 2cm chunks 250g cod, skin removed, cut in to 2cm chunks 150g small cooked prawns 70g frozen peas


To make the sauce fry the shallots in butter for 5 minutes until soft. Add the white wine vinegar and boil for 3 minutes until the liquid has evaporated. Stir in the flour and stir for 2 – 3 minutes. Gradually stir in the fish stock and the cook over a medium heat stirring continuously. Remove from the heat and stir in the cream and chopped dill or chives. Season to taste. Place the fish and the peas in a large ovenproof dish. Pour the sauce over the fish mixture and then add the potato on top. Brush the potato with the beaten egg to glaze the top. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.


“I make sure that I eat a big portion of Fish Pie or a Pasta Bake because I know that I need the energy to keep playing sports�

Afternoon Tea

Carrot Cake Almond & Orange Icing Serves 12

Put all of the cake ingredients in to a bowl and mix until smooth.


Brush the cake tin with butter then line the sides and bottom with grease proof paper.

320g self raising flour Pinch of salt 450g caster sugar 450g eggs 305g vegetable oil 475g grated carrot

For Icing:

55g cream cheese 30g butter, softened Zest of 1 orange 140g icing sugar 45g flaked almonds

Pour in the mix and bake at 175°c for 25- 30 minutes. To check that it is cooked place a small knife in to the centre of the cake. If the knife emerges clean, without any sticky bits of cake attached to it, it is ready. To make the icing beat the cream cheese, butter and orange zest together until smooth. Gradually add the icing sugar to thicken the icing. Once the cake is cold spread the icing on top before scattering almonds on to the icing. Garnish with some fresh fruit.

Buttery Flapjacks Serves 4 Ingredients: 150g butter 50g golden caster sugar 4 tbsp golden syrup 275g rolled oats

Preheat your oven to 170°c. Grease and line a shallow 20cm square baking tin with baking paper. Put the butter, sugar and syrup in a small pan over a low hear and stir until the butter has melted. Pour this mixture in to a large mixing bowl and add the oats. Mix together using your hands until all of the coats are nicely coated. Press the mixture in to the baking tin and bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until it is golden at the edges. Remove the flapjack tray from the oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes and then cut in to bars. Ensure the flapjacks are completely cool before you turn them out of the tin.

Tip Chef’sExperiment with nuts or orange zest to mix things up!


“Even if I'm full from lunch, I always have room for carrot cake!�



with Jam & Cream Rub the butter and flour together in to fine crumbs then add the sugar and sultanas. Rub together again and then add the bicarbonate of soda and salt. Mix all of the ingredients together well. Slowly add the milk until you have soft dough. Remove the dough from the bowl and using your hands, work the dough until it is smooth. Using a little bit of flour at this stage will stop it from sticking to your hands and work surfaces.

Makes 15 Ingredients: 900g self raising flour 220g unsalted butter 220g sultanas 100g sugar 1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon of salt 150ml milk

Wrap the dough in cling film and rest it in the fridge for at least an hour. Heat your oven to 180°c. Roll the mixture out until it is 2 – 3 cm thick. Cover a baking tray with non-stick paper and place the scones on top. Brush them with milk to give them a nice golden brown colour. Bake in the oven for 12 – 14 minutes until the scones have risen and they are golden brown on top. Serve with jam, butter and whipped cream with a little bit of sugar in it.

ip T s ’ f e h C Serve with a pot of tea and some clotted cream for a perfect cream tea.


Yoghurt Cake Ingredients: 125ml natural yoghurt 125ml sunflower oil 375ml self raising flour 250ml sugar 4 eggs 1 tsp baking powder

For Icing: 375ml icing sugar 125ml water

Pre-heat the oven to 175°c. Line and grease a large cake tin, approximately 25cm in diameter. In to a mixing bowl add the yoghurt, oil, sieved flour, baking powder, sugar and eggs. Mix together well with a metal spoon. Pour the mixture in to the cake tin and place on the middle shelf of the oven for 45 minutes. You will know that the cake is cooked when it comes away from the edges of the tin slightly. Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool. To make the icing mix the icing sugar and water until you have a thick paste. Pour the icing on to the top of the cake and level out with a knife. You can add a touch of lemon juice to the icing at this stage if you wish. Garnish the finished cake with some fresh fruit – we prefer Strawberries!

ip T s ’ f e h C Use the empty yoghurt pot to

measure out all of your ingredients. It saves on washing up!

Lemon Bars Makes 10 bars Ingredients: 175g plain flour 50g ground rice 85g golden caster sugar 140g cold butter, diced 1 tbsp milk

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees c and line a 22cm square shallow baking tin with baking parchment. Put the flour, ground rice and sugar in a bowl with the butter and rub in until fine crumbs form. Stir in the milk. Pour into the baking tin and press down evenly. Bake for 15-20 mins until golden. Remove the baking tin and lower your oven to 160 degrees c. Mix the lemon juice and eggs, then sieve into a bowl with the sugar, flour and zest. Whisk to combine the mixture and then pour it over the base. Bake for 10-15 mins in the oven until the top is just set. Cool the slices in the tin, dust with icing sugar, then slice.



Pistachio Shortbread Mix the sugar and butter together until smooth. Slowly add the plain flower and cornflower and mix until you have a soft dough. Mix in the crushed pistachio nuts. Work the mixture in to a ball and then rest in the fridge for 1 hour. Roll the mixture out until it is ½ cm thick. Using a round cutter, cut 20 biscuits from the dough.

Makes 20 Ingredients: 100g caster sugar 200g unsalted butter 200g plain flour 100g cornflower 100g pistachio nuts, crushed

Bake the biscuits at 180°c for 4-6 mins. Store in an airtight container until you are ready to eat them.

Chocolate Brownies Pre heat oven to 180°c.

Makes 24

Sift all the dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl


Melt the chocolate over a bain marie or in a microwave Add in the butter or golden syrup and stir together until blended Leave to cool and then add in the eggs and the vanilla essence Fold in the dry ingredients and roasted nuts Line a baking tin and cook for approx 45 minutes

270g plain flour 450g icing sugar 60g cocoa 450g plain chocolate 270g melted unsalted butter 6 tbl golden syrup 2 eggs 5 tsp vanilla essence 120 roasted hazelnuts chopped

ip T s ’ f e h C Try adding fresh raspberries

and or white chocolate buttons for even more exciting brownies.


Francesca’s Favourites

Winter Vegetable Soup Serves 4 Ingredients: 1.5 ltr vegetable or chicken stock 100g pearl barley 2 large carrots 2 leeks 1 medium parsnip 5 tbsp white wine 2 tbsp tomato puree 2 bay leaves 2 tbsp chopped parsley Black pepper to taste Crunch bread

Heat the chicken or vegetable stock in a medium pan and add the pearl barley. Simmer and stir occasionally. Chop the carrots, leeks, parsnip and celery in to small cubes. In another large pan heat up the wine and add the leeks. Cover the mixture and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent the leeks from sticky to the bottom of the pan. Add the remaining chopped vegetables and simmer for a further 5 minutes. Add the stock and barley mixture to the pan with the vegetables. Add the tomato puree and bay leaves. Bring the pan to the boil then simmer for a further 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Before serving the soup season with black pepper and salt if necessary. Sprinkle the chopped parsley on top and serve with warm crusty bread.

ip T s ’ f e h C Don't add salt until 5 minutes before serving the soup to avoid over seasoning.

Fruit Chutney Serves 4

Chop up all ingredients in to roughly 1 inch pieces


Simmer all ingredients for 2 hours in a large pan.

2 onions 500g Tomatoes 500g Courgettes 300ml white wine vinegar 2 granny smith apples 250g brown sugar 2 tsp mixed spice 1 tbsp mustard seeds Root ginger 4 cloves garlic 1 chilli


One thickened, decant the chutney in to sterilized jars Store the chutney for about 2 weeks before using. You can also add all sorts of other things if you them around such as currents, marjoram, thyme, lemon peel etc.

Gluten Free Flour Mix Mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl Store in an air tight container The flour can be stored for up to 6 months

Ingredients: 300g fine cornmeal maize OR chestnut flour 590g brown rice flour 200g corn flour

ip T s ’ f e h C There are loads of gluten free flour mixes available but this is the only one that actually makes your cake rise.

Gluten Free Pastry Mix Mix the cold butter or margarine in to the pre-made gluten free flour mix until it resembles fine bread crumbs. Whisk the egg and add it to the mix, folding until the pastry starts to bind. At this stage you might need to add a little water to bring the mix together.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 225g gluten free flour 100g cold butter or margarine 1 tsp xanthan 1 pinch of salt 1 medium egg








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