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News from Ringrose Orchard
By Stuart White
From11th December to 5th January the highlight at the orchard was undoubtedly the knitted decorations which festooned every tree, hung from the fences and lined the pathways. This wonderful display was the result of the hard work and skilful knitting of the ladies of the Skelton Green Methodist Church Thursday Craft Group, Hollybush Community Centre and Mrs Jean Colman and friend. Thanks also go to Mrs. Blair’s Wool Shop and customers, and the Sue Ryder Charity Shop for donations of wool. Well done everybody, great job!!
The extreme weather we experienced in December meant that very little garden maintenance was possible. We hope that January provides better conditions so that we can progress towards setting seeds for the summer’s wild flower meadow.
As Ringrose is a community orchard we are delighted to have been approached by Marie Walker, on behalf of Skelton Rainbows, Brownies and Guides, for them to have an area in the orchard where they can grow wildlife friendly plants, and vegetables. We look forward to having the group join us and supporting them in their project.

As always we need people to expand our small team of volunteers. We are a friendly crowd, there is plenty of good chat and refreshments are provided. So, if you can spare an hour or so please call into the orchard on a Monday or Thursday morning, or ring Stuart on 07964 791447.