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Skelton Neighbourhood Action Partnership (SNAP)
Meeting held on 7th December 2022 North Skelton Village Hall o ACTION: Quotes are being obtained for replacements but it was questioned whether continual replacement was sustainable. o ACTION: This location is currently on the list for a speed survey, but only 3 surveys a week can be undertaken. There will be liaison with the police following the survey regarding enforcement. Cleveland Police have undertaken camera enforcement at Skelton Green outside the Miners Arms on numerous occasions recently to assist in maintaining low vehicle speeds in that area. o ACTION: PCSO Aspery reported that the driver has been visited and advised of a serious offence if their details were not given. o ACTION: The hedge was cut on the 30th November. o ACTION: Following a site meeting on the 1st December it was decided to put in a 99day ticket for the bus stop sign to be moved further back and a paving slab to be laid in front of it. The sign cannot be turned on the post. o ACTION: The gully sucker was used on the 7th October to deal with this problem. o ACTION: It was reported that normally this is cut but work now carried out on the 30th November. An update was given that some sections had not been cut. This to be looked into further. o ACTION: Responses:-
Skelton Wheelie Playful – the safety rules have been removed from the posts several times and replaced and unfortunately never found.
Speeding from Boosbeck bridge past Hobdale Terrace and damage to properties.
Police to follow up on incident and damage at Hobdale Terrace where driver had not given their details.
Overgrown hedge on the road past Hobdale Terrace and the obstruction of 30mph sign.
The location of the bus stop timetable forcing readers to stand in the road to see it.
The drains along Hobdale need cleaning as there is a constant puddle in one area.
Swilly Lane hedgeback not cut this year.
A request to contact NAP members for any suggestions for a memorial for the Queen for further consideration.
•Any scope to use the cricket club as a location whether it be flowers, decking, benches, small garden area?
•Some things from our recent history of the late Queen. We all enjoyed her comedy with Paddington and a number of pictures have surfaced including with the queen walking off with Paddington and a suitcase. But a recent history was Covid which young and old experienced and affected everyone including loss. The late Queen’s statement to the nation ending with “We will meet again” is a potential recent memory. So perhaps a meeting square with seats where the paving could state “We will meet again” or with a board or metal stand with inscription. Suggested at the NAP meeting:
• Using old golf area at Hollybush Activity Centre o ACTION: Regarding the suggestion to change this to the same style as located at Brotton outside The Grange, this is being checked out and prices obtained from Bouygues.
• Using Layland Beck area.
White boxes arrow from the railway bridges at North Skelton. These had been knocked again and were in the hedge near the entrance to East Pastures.
Wrap around lights, Skelton Green. The Parish Council had planned to add 2 additional wrap around lights to the existing 2, but following resident consultation there will now be 3 instead of 4.
Police Report
October and November 2022
2 reports of ASB
4 reports of burglary
6 reports of theft and handling
2 reports of criminal damage
October and November 2022
8 reports of ASB
3 reports of burglary
15 reports of theft and handling
9 reports of criminal damage
Councillors will follow up this issue and HAC confirmed they were prepared to contribute towards costs.
Community Projects
Ringrose Community Orchard (FOSCO) has been festively yarn bombed.
The Boosbeck play park has an expected start date in spring 2023.
The Friend of Old Skelton Church event will be on Sunday 11th December at 2pm with North Skelton Band and carol concert. Information on this to be distributed.
Questions And Updates
The issue of Skelton Coaches parking on verges at North Skelton and water rising in paved area outside North Skelton Village Hall had already been taken up.
Reported that a village clean in North Skelton has not been done in 3 years. This will be followed up.
Aspery distributed his report and asked for any concerns residents wished to raise.
‘Rough car park’ Station Road. It was requested that this area should not be referred to as Hollybush Activity Centre car park. The minutes previously in CV&MN had led to people complaining to the Activity Centre about ‘their’ car park. They were directed to Redcar and Cleveland BC contact centre. It should be noted that the description was about the location of the car park rather than an ownership description and it was undertaken to point this out in these minutes for CV&MN.
Boosbeck, ‘the den’ at Pit Park. In an update it was confirmed that the Police and the Council had targeted this area and cleared all debris away. It was requested that thanks be passed to PCSO Collins.
Bikes and motor engine. These have not been seen for 5 weeks but scrambler bikes have been seen on Station Lane and filling up at ASDA. The second stolen Barney. It was reported that this has been recovered from nearby undergrowth. Parking on Waveney Grove at school times. In reply to the question if anything could be done as vehicles were blocking drives and restricting the carriageway, it was pointed out that double yellow lines had been considered in the past but residents objected. Obstructions are a police matter and the enforcement of yellow line breaches are the responsibility of the Council.
PCSO Aspery gave his update
Police and Beyond Housing are addressing residents who carry out car repairs on the highway. Police would welcome any intelligence on drug dealing or growing.
Police have visited the parents following reports of children playing ‘chicken’ on the road in North Skelton and causing damage to new rendering on house wall.
Ward Statistics
Barry Whitton introduced himself as the new Community Liaison Officer and said that his aim was to tackle arson and reduce nuisance fires. During discussion attendees gave examples of cases where small fires were dealt with and the Fire Service not called or discovered a fire site after it had occurred and was out, so it was not reported. The importance of reporting issues was highlighted because there would be a record and repeated locations could be identified.
Since the last meeting there has been a supported application to: Skelton Primary School, and donations to Dots n Spots, Little Acorns, Lockwood Primary School, Senses and Café Creations.
Representative from FOSCO referred to the building owned by RCBC and asked if there would be any funding support to carry out works to it. Work had been planned but due to rising costs, there wasn’t sufficient budget to cover it now. An application for funding will be forwarded to FOSCO and it was suggested that a request be made to the Parish Council. Representative from Hollybush Activity Centre enquired about Green Energy Funds. There had been a visit to the Centre and measurements taken but nothing has been heard. There was also discussion about the ongoing lease situation.
The car park and hedge off Holmbeck is not maintained as it used to be. It was confirmed that this is not in the ownership of the Borough Council and it would be the responsibility of the owner(s).
In response to requests, the path between North Skelton and Hollybush has now been cut twice. We would like to wish all residents the compliments of the season and every good wish for 2023.
Cllr. Cliff Foggo (Chair) cliff.foggo@redcarcleveland.gov.uk
Cllr Julie Craig julie.craig@redcar-cleveland. gov.uk
Cllr Craig Holmes craig.holmes@redcarcleveland.gov.uk
Cllr Lee Holmes lee.holmes@redcar-cleveland. gov.uk
Eileen Goodenough, Vice Chair.