3 minute read
Open Events
to help cover the hall costs and the price of a cuppa (and of course a mandatory biscuit...I mean what’s a cuppa without a biscuit!).
People can join in with cards, dominoes, bingo. A few of the attendees like to bring along their knitting, sewing and crocheting and there is sometimes the occasional raffle or a delicious home bake! Please feel free to join us for a social chat which often involves lots of laughter.
We intend to add a couple of new activities during the year but the first two planned are a talk on Friday, 27 January, 2-3 pm by Peter Sotheran on Canon Atkinson who was the vicar of Danby for over 40 years. It will cover his recordings of the customs, dialects, wildlife and archaeology of Danby and the surrounding areas. There is a £3 entrance fee which includes refreshments. The first craft session of the year is on Saturday, 11 February, 10 – 12 noon on Mandala stone painting. You will learn how to create beautiful patterns on a stone from dots of paint. This is free but you need to register at the Library as numbers are limited. Telephone them on 01287 632668 or just call in.
The Knit and Natter Group continues to meet on alternate Wednesdays (18 January, 1 February etc) between 10am – 12 noon. New members welcome – just go in with your knitting and you will be very welcome. Have a look on our notice board and see what is planned for the next couple of months.
The Jigsaw Corner is very popular and there were a lot of Christmas ones available over the festive period but they have now gone back into storage until next Christmas. There are always new ones available so if you enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles just borrow one or two – this is a free service and we only ask that you return them.
The Library is open to everyone and is continuing to be a Warm Hub during the winter months, with free tea and coffee. Remember you can use their computers for free, do a jigsaw puzzle, read, or just sit in a comfy chair in the warm.
They also issue bus passes, process Blue Badge applications, sell parking discs etc. as well as running various childrens activities –do contact them if you want to learn more.
Guisborough Photo Group Update
Ihope you all had a good Christmas and got all the things you hoped for, and didn’t over indulge in too much Christmas pudding and mince pies, and all seen in the new year in a happy and merry way, so from all the committee we wish you a very good and healthy 2023.
Our Christmas Social night went well, thanks again to Aileen and Maxine who arrange the buffet and trimmings, and members who helped out on the night, The club been a bit quite over the holidays, buta few members have been out and about,
Thursday 12th January 2nd Gallery Night Judge and be Judged Plus Entries for short set, do you remember how to make them. More on that next month.Thursday 19th January Lecturer Timelapse Photography
Brinton Darnell
Thursday 26th January results of our 4th Curves, judged by Dave Philips,
Thursday 2nd February Practical Night, plus Entries for our 5th competition Technology (old or new) ware’s the time going to,
Thursday 9th February results of Short sets,
Thursday 16th lecture, A you tube review of:- J P Stones Photography (some amazing work) Plus Entries for Photographic bingo, entries by e-mail.

Thursday 23rd results of 5th competition Technology (old or new),
By Keith Blundy
All the information can be found on our Facebook page and web site.
More information on club web site www.guisboroughphotogroup.org.uk
Or our Facebook https:// www.facebook.com/ groups/984715171574093/
More updates next month

Rick S.
Pianist Required
TheGuisborough Choral Society is urgently seeking an accomplished pianist for the rewarding role of accompanist for their regular Wednesday evening rehearsals and periodic concerts.
We are currently rehearsing for The Messiah. If you are interested, please call Stephen on 01287 634697 for more information about terms.
Sing with Guisborough Choral Society
Wewarmly welcome new singers and invite you to our regular rehearsals during term time on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in Sunnyfield House, Westgate, Guisborough. New to singing? No problem, we have lots of help and encouragement for you. We’ll be delighted for you to come have a go.
More information and assistance can be found on our website and social media pages. Please feel free to visit our sites or phone us.
Website: http://guisboroughchoralsociety.org.uk

Facebook: http://facebook.com/guischoir
Twitter: @GuisChoral
Phone/text the Publicity Officer at 07960 301758
PARKINSON’S UK Redcar & District Support Group
Do you or someone you care for suffer from Parkinson’s? Come and join us at our monthly meeting, where you will be welcomed into our friendly group. At these meetings we have various speakers and organise outings. There is also, a chair-based exercise session every week.
The Parkinson’s UK support group for Redcar and District meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 25K Community Centre, Ayton Drive, Redcar TS104LR.
At our meeting 9th February 2023 we have Marie Kerr, from Dementia Awareness.
Chair based exercises are held every Tuesday 1 – 2pm at 25K Community Centre, Redcar. Carers are welcome and can sit in adjacent room. Coffee/tea is available.
For further information contact Doreen on 07900348518 or email doreen.arkle@virginmedia.com.
Parkinson’s helpline (free phone) 0808 800 0303

Email: enquiries@parkinsons.org.uk
Website: http://parkinson.org.uk
We are the Parkinson’s charity that drives better care, treatments, and quality of life. Charity No. 258197
By Kate Bramley