1 minute read
Bovine problem on a Moorsholm lane
By Councillor Steve Kay
At my request, a misnamed sign, appertaining to a lane in Lockwood ward, has been replaced by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council.
In this modern age, there’s a tendency to rationalise the names of our streets, lanes and roads. But, in Moorsholm, for the uninitiated at least, confusion still reigns:
1. Freebrough Road is often referred to as High Street; not surprising since both are included in the same numbering system, along with Ward Street, Guisborough Road, Chapel Place, Police Yard, Johnson’s Square and Charlton’s Field.
2. Hillocks Lane is, in fact, split into two parallel lanes!
3. It’s unclear at what point Guisborough Road gives way toSwindale Lane.
4. Long Lane also goes by the names of Liverton Lane and North Lane.
5. Cow Close Lane is frequently referred to as Todd’s Lane and South Lane.
6. Ordnance Survey use ‘Long Lane’ and ‘Cow Close Lane’ but name the respective lanes’isolated holdings as ‘North Lane
Farm’(aka Summerson Meadow Farmhouse!) and ‘South Lane Farm’.
It’s a crazy world out here! Delivery drivers beware!
Recently, residents pointed out that it would be easier for everyone if both Cow Close Lane (Soon to consist of eight properties if you include South Lane Farm!) and Charlton’s Field had appropriate name signs erected at their junctions with Freebrough Road. I forwarded their requests to the council, and the signage was ordered.
A couple of weeks later, having been informed that the signs were in place, I went to have a look for myself. CHARLTONS FIELD was ok. but I was horrified when I saw that what should have said Cow Close Lane, instead read COWS CLOSE LANE. Had the number of cattle miraculouslymultiplied outside of the breeding season?
I immediately emailed the council but feared we might have to put up with the misnaming because, at present, as you will appreciate, finances are extremely tight. I was soon informed, however, that the mistake had been made by the manufacturer, who would replace the sign, correctlynamed, free of