What I Did Last Week Volume 4

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what i did last week volume 4

Cover artwork:

Spring in Bendigo by Bree Galvin Copyright © Aitken, K., Anstey-Sprigg, G., Barnes, J., Blake, D., ... Woodhams, C. (2020)

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written consent of the publisher.

The City of Greater Bendigo is on Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung Country. We acknowledge and extend our appreciation for the Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung People, the Traditional Owners of the land. We pay our respects to leaders and Elders past, present and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and the hopes of all Dja Dja Wurrung and Taungurung Peoples. We express our gratitude in the sharing of this land, our sorrow for the personal, spiritual and cultural costs of that sharing and our hope that we may walk forward together in harmony and in the spirit of healing. PMS 1807 RED PMS 432 GREY PMS 142 GOLD

what i did last week volume 4 What I did last week began as an online exhibition in 2020, the week following the declaration of the COVID-19 State of Emergency in Victoria. The aim was to support people in lockdown and encourage arts engagement as a method of supporting mental health. As the program evolved it soon became a platform where people could share their experience of lockdown, via the images they were sharing as well as through the artist statements that sat alongside the images. This volume is the fourth in a series and contains the work submitted for weeks 25 to 32, from 8 September to 2 November, 2020. On 6 September the Victorian State Government released its Roadmap to Recovery and on 13 September began easing restrictions, with regional areas moving from stage three to stage two restrictions. On 12 October students returned to school and on 26 October Victoria recorded no new cases and no deaths from COVID-19 for the first time since early June, 2020. As with previous volumes, while some works directly reference the COVID-19 lockdown, the themes are varied. Landscapes and botanical work feature, as do animals, both wild and domestic.

Once again, artists were asked to complete a survey to see who was contributing to the project and what their experience of COVID-19 was. In terms of wellbeing, respondents reported that they were feeling “quite well” (70 out of 100, where 0 was “not very well”, 50 was “OK” and 100 was “very well”). This was higher than the two previous surveys (after weeks 16 and 24) but a little lower than the first survey (taken after week 8 of this program). After dropping in the middle two surveys, people reported that their art output was similar to the first survey – which was more than usual. Throughout the four surveys, the response to “Has making art helped you deal with the last 9 weeks?” remained very positive (81 out of 100, where 0 was “not at all”, 50 was “neutral” and 100 was “very much”.) We were interested to know if the artists contributing to What I did last week were regular participants in the City of Greater Bendigo, Creative Communities programs, or new to this program. When asked if they had participated in a number of our programs over the last 5 years 76% responded that they had not. Of the 24 artists who had identified as Hobbyists or Students, only one had participated in one of the programs listed.

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What I did last week was initiated as an Arts and Health program, and so in this final survey we asked, “How has participating in What I did last week affected the way you see the role of art in health/wellbeing?”

Up to and including week 32 What I did last week featured 780 artworks by 175 artists. This volume is the largest collection, with 241 artworks by 83 artists, and includes 27 artists new to the program.

It made me realise that when I am making art, I experience the world and my emotions differently. I become immersed in the practice of making marks and forget to worry about all the other crap that fills my monkey mind.

There was also a final gallery (volume 5) which encouraged participating artists to reflect on the whole period of this program. This attracted 79 works.

(More responses may be found elsewhere in this volume). Submissions for What I did last week peaked with 39 works received in week 26 (21 September). Up until this time the average had been just under 23 works a week. In week 31 (26 October) 20 entries were received, this was the lowest number since 13 July. Given the drop in numbers and the broader change of lockdown conditions it was decided that the program would end at week 32.


what i did last week volume 4

In addition to the printed volumes, all the work submitted for What I did last week remains available for viewing online at: www.bendigovenuesandevents.com.au under “Local Arts”.

week 25

8 September-14 September 2020

“I know art has great links with well-being. I was excited to see so many people, of all levels, participating and hoped they found these connections too.”

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Andre Sardone

Barb Fordham

Pod - another in the ongoing series of Pods 13 September 2020

Spring in the Bush 14 September 2020

This piece was commissioned, with the client asking for more ‘space’ within the normally more filled structure. And I feel this constraint enhanced the piece.

The Australian bush is a great place to explore. Using our genetics and the opportunity we are given we can venture forward with child-like curiosity, hope & confidence.

Angela Morrissey Captain America 6 September 2020 At the moment the lunatics are running the asylum in the USA and they need all the heroes they can get! If only Captain would come to life and save the day. Instead total fruitcakes are running for president. As my mother used to say: ‘Can a fool become king?’


what i did last week volume 4

Bree Galvin Spring in Bendigo 7 September 2020 With lockdown and the inability to roam I have taken inspiration from all the iconic sites we have right here in Bendigo. This is my second piece in my Loving Local series.

Eliza Ledwidge Feeln Blue 13 September 2020

Duffy - Ha Ho Art Covid Butterfly Kisses 2020 13 September 2020 For my upcoming exhibition: It’s hand painted with acrylic on board which I then cut out with a jigsaw so the size is variable but approximately 100cm high by about 1800cm wide. The Covids are painted in what’s claimed to be the world’s pinkest pink pigment! I think that part needs a little refinement.

Ellen Lee Osterfield Happy Days (Pen and Ink and Watercolour) 30 August 2020 A combination of my favourite subjects; chickens, Wisteria and blossom trees! Heralding in Springtime!

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Eric Kala Another letter 9 September 2020 Featuring another letter of the alphabet.

Florence and Lucy Hodson Footpath Collage 8 September 2020 On our daily walk around the block we love to create call drawings in the footpath. This week we added flowers from our garden and foliage from the nature strip.

Heath Maher JFK 30 August 2020 After watching President Kennedy on TV last week I wanted to draw a picture of him.

Glenda Anstey-Sprigg Hidden Wishes 8 September 2020 Glazing ceramic work with no kiln access at the moment presents an interesting challenge. Using only a humble bisque fired pinch pot that represents a stone, I have used crayons, alcohol inks and shoe polish to capture the colour and feel of agate. Internally, initially hidden from view, are found objects representing wishes.


what i did last week volume 4

Imogen Guidi Dog (Coloured pencil and fine liner) 6 September 2020

Jaida Tuohey Sunset sky with a tree (Acrylic Paint) 7 September 2020

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Jane Coburn Untitled 13 September 2020 I’m happier with this gouache painting, than any of my previous attempts. I like these 2 statements: There’s no such thing as talent, just practice! And ... You can’t get worse with practice!

Jane Ineson

Jin Turpie

Life Drawing (Graphite) 12 September 2020

Mario 11 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Julie Kala Bendigo Pall Mall 8 September 2020 Waiting at the lights one rainy day, I watched the people scurry across the intersection and thought it would make a nice sketch or painting so quickly took my phone out to take a ref photo.

Kathryn Harrison Spring Fashion 7 August 2020 Bendigo has produced the most beautiful spring this year and most of the Bendigo population has been out among it finding inspiration.

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Kerry Punton Kingower bush (Acrylic on canvas) 11 September 2020

Kay Aitken Christmas Hanger (Machine applique) 9 September 2020 With the COVID-19 lockdown lingering I decided to have a change of medium to fabric and machine applique. Inspired by a magazine pattern I drew up the subject matter and made the hanger. It was fun to rejuvenate skills from a long time ago and incorporate my drawing skills.


what i did last week volume 4

Lauren Starr Out of Time 10 September 2020 Inspired by our current times (global warming, COVID-19) and walking the empty streets of Bendigo, I have imagined what our town might look like with no people.

Lynda Williams Did you say stuffing?? 7 September 2020 Early days working with pastels. Learnt my art at a class at Arts of Olde in Bridgewater.

Myra Casey Morning mandala 11 September 2020

Dr Michael J Leach Keeping the Distance 6 September 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His poems reside in Cordite Poetry Review, the Medical Journal of Australia, and elsewhere. This poem was written while reflecting on pre-lockdown meetings with people.

Milton Long Earrings 7 September 2020 These earrings are made up of sterling silver, fine silver and enamel. These two pairs are the same design but each utilises a different enamel. A third pair of enamels was discarded as the result was disappointing. One upside of the pandemic is the time and ability to experiment.

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Peter Fountain

Sylvia Hewitt

A calm moment in a busy place (Chalk markers and water based house paint) 12 September 2020

Re-Leaf II (Artist Lino Print) 4 September 2020

Still looking at landscapes- erosion gullies and rock formations.

Sue Jeavons Rusty Imprints 13 September 2020 I dug up this old rusty metal when gardening & attempted to steam an imprint onto silk but thought the real thing & shadow more interesting.

Vanessa Campi Funkytown 11 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

week 26

15 September-21 September 2020

“I feel that there is an outlet for my artwork and also a record of art during these extraordinary times.”

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Andre Sardone

Barb Fordham

A Posse of Pods 20 September 2020

Touch of Love 20 September 2020

The style of these small ‘Traditional’ Pods is from a few years ago, which were the beginning of the Pod series. Having since acquired more skills and knowledge it was interesting to see how I used to make these compared to now.

In these crazy times, the simplicity of touch is what we long for! Our thumbs remind us to pray/think about those closest to us and our pointer or index finger reminds us to pray/think about those who heal, teach or instruct us.

Angela Morrissey Chinese Mother and Child 13 September 2020 This painting is part of my Red Dynasty compositions of artworks based on China and North Korea. This artwork is based on an old Communist China propaganda poster encouraging parents to have onechild families and to welcome girls as much as boys. Now China is trying to encourage two-child families.


what i did last week volume 4

Bree Galvin Singin’ in the Rain 14 September 2020 With lockdown and the inability to roam I have taken inspiration from all the iconic sites we have right here in Bendigo. This is my third piece in my Loving Local series.

Carol Woodhams The Dam is Full 20 September 2020 Inspired by a photo taken by my daughter-in-law, Kate. Sunset by the very full dam on their farm in Axedale. Very grateful for the rain.

Bridget Finch Bird and Blossoms 20 September 2020 I’ve been making use of the extra time spent at home working on a photographic record of the bird species on our block in Mandurang. So far I’ve photographed 36 species, though not all of them are as pretty as this shot!

Bridie Margaret O’Toole

Des Lowry

Lion in the garden (Digital) 17 September 2020

Wallaby in One Tree Hill: 2 (Watercolour) 20 September 2020 week 26


Frances Forge Eric Kala Another letter of the Alphabet 15 September 2020 Just for fun, the letter “O”.

Sunrise in the Ikara-Flinders Ranges 17 September 2020 A photo my husband took on a crisp, somewhat chilly, morning in the Ikara-Flinders Ranges inspired me to paint this watercolour. Where was I at the time? Snug and warm in bed!

Florence Hodson KISS tribute 20 September 2020 This is Paul, Gene and Peter from the rock band Kiss going for a drive in their car. I love creating things with my craft stuff.

Frankie O Rose China 20 September 2020 Watercolour painting of vintage tea cups with gold leaf embellishments. Two of my favourite things.


what i did last week volume 4

Gail Casey Boronia still life (in progress) (Watercolour) 20 September 2020

Genevieve Somerville COVID-19’s little helper (Textas) 18 September 2020 week 26


Greg Penno Spring has Sprung (Acrylic on canvas) 18 September 2020

Harley and Pippa Walker Pippa’s pink bunny and the bee 19 September 2020 Pippa: I found an old box and I made it into a box bunny. I painted it and put the ears and tail on the bunny. I got a chalk box and painted it to look like a bee with wings and ears and eyes and mouth. Harley: This is a fearsome creature and it sort of looks like a Bat!?


what i did last week volume 4

Jane Coburn Granny’s Jug 17 September 2020

Imogen Somerville Mandela-adding some colour to the world (Textas) 18 September 2020

Iris Macdonald Kitty Cat Stack 19 September 2020 My two cats, Smudge and Suki, gave me the idea for this drawing.

Happy with this gouache still-life, but not sure if it’s “finished”. I’m tempted to outline some/all the elements in black, but would that enhance the painting? ... Something to ponder during the week.

Jane Ineson Life Drawing (Graphite) 20 September 2020

week 26


Jeanette Guidi Spring/Summer breakout 15 September 2020 Cannot wait for a blooming spring breakout — of lockdown!

Jin Turpie Luffy from One Piece 19 September 2020

Julie Kala Old Violet Street 15 September 2020 Another lovely old place, I found on my walk, to sketch.


what i did last week volume 4

Kathryn Harrison Peach Heart 15 September 2020

Kerry Punton Grevillea and birds (Acrylic on canvas) 20 September 2020

Leah Macdonald Kay Aitken

Anticipation 19 September 2020

Learning (Watercolour) 19 September 2020

The latest in a series of abstract pieces representing ideas and/or emotions.

Another change of medium for me - watercolour. After doing one lesson titled, “The Nature of Watercolour” with Maxine Wade last year it is time to revisit this medium. In this piece I concentrated on how much water I had on my brush and paper. I have such a long way to go on perfecting watercolour but it is fun trying.

week 26


Lucy Hodson

Meg Doller

Elsa’s Fortress of Ice 20 September 2020

Mapping my journey (Workshop ephemera) 11 September 2020

Collage of crinkle cut paper and stickers created with mum on Sunday morning. It has one of my favorite characters, Elsa, at the top of a windy staircase in her fortress of ice.

This ‘map’ reflects my journey as was constructed during an art therapy workshop with Kerryn Knight. Materials used include handmade inks, conte, charcoal and posca paint pens.

Lynda Williams

Melanie Thoren

Whoo Hoo COVID-19 restrictions lessened in regional Vic 18 September 2020

The Marilyn Treatment (#1) 16 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

This work is an exploration of female identity, created from a photograph of a plaster cast of my own face, and a combination of collage and watercolour.

Dr Michael J Leach The Australian Anthropo-seen 14 September 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His poems reside in Cordite Poetry Review, the Medical Journal of Australia, and elsewhere. This poem was written in response to documentaries and articles about koalas.

Owen Draper My dog... Tashi 20 September 2020

Milton Long Earrings 15 September 2020 These earrings are enamel, on patterned fine silver, with a sterling silver chenier (pipe) drop. The enamel disc is a bit smaller than I have been making recently, but I think I prefer it.

Paul Casey On the Landing (Pen and ink) 20 September 2020 New drawing of young John.

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Tom Drust Our productive garden 17 September 2020 My painting is of our productive garden. We have lots of different food crops in our veggie patch and we use it every day in our cooking. We also have a chook shed and we collect eggs from them. I’ve included wildlife in my painting. We also have a beehive in our front yard.

Peter Fountain Nugget (Acrylic and chalk) 19 September 2020 The rocks around Central Victoria, eh?

Sylvia Hewitt

Vanessa Campi

Bulrushes in Water 14 September 2020

Untitled (Prismacolor on paper) 18 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

week 27

22 September-28 September 2020

“Having somewhere to exhibit, really inspired me to produce a lot more art than normal. I loved looking at the work of others from the area. Diversity in life—beautiful.”

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Andre Sardone Scarlet Robin 26 September 2020 Carved and shaped from 40mm steel rod, this little lady was inspired by the abundance of birds nesting and residing on our property in Mandurang at the moment.

Angela Morrissey Whimsical Fairy 20 September 2020 This drawing of a fairy is dedicated to my late Aunt Eileen Treloar who as a child said she wasn’t upset when she found out Santa wasn’t real because she still believed in fairies. She claimed she had seen them in the back garden! I wonder if she did!

Duffy - Ha Ho Art From COVID-19 To Bubblegum... 2020 25 September 2020 Acrylic & pigment on board, size variable. Free form cut out for an upcoming installation.

Eric Kala Number 7 24 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Florence Hodson

Ian Dodd

Pirate Ship 26 September 2020

Garden Shed Mural 24 September 2020

I painted this pirate ship from some left over mount board my mum was using.

My wife asked me to create this mural for a better view from our back door rather than just a dull grey metal wall. The inspiration came from a piece of quilting fabric from her vast sewing room supply (hahaha) ....Acrylic on 6mm marine ply, coated with exterior grade clear.

Frankie O

Isabella Draper

Red Shoes Blue Shoes 26 September 2020

Whispers 24 September 2020

I don’t get much of an opportunity to wear my heels any more so I decided to photograph and paint them. This one was a quick study using an old paint palette as the base. I love the textures that pop through.

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Jane Coburn 10 Green Bottles & Friend 26 September 2020 I thought I’d ruined this painting when adding the ink, but persevered. New artists might find the following useful: many artworks go through what I like to call the “ugly stage”. You need to work through that, as binning the piece at that point won’t teach you anything!

Jane Ineson

Jin Turpie

Life Drawing (Graphite) 26 September 2020

Quakers the Duck 25 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Julie Kala

Kathryn Lehar

Nature 23 September 2020

Fraternal Twins 24 September 2020

Spring in Bendigo.

A natural collage utilizing bark from the Paper Bark Tree (light areas) and Weeping Myrtle twigs (dark areas). The design is a improvisation of a quilt pattern.

Kathryn Stretch Painted dining chairs (House paint acrylic and varnish) 27 September 2020

Kathryn Harrison Happy Birthday Genevieve (Pencil) 22 September 2020 week 27


Kay Aitken

Linda Brookes

Improvement (Watercolour) 25 September 2020

Up Yours Covid 31 August 2020

One can only improve with practice they say! I guess they are right — an improvement on last week’s effort and submission? Judge for yourself.

Victoria, you’re doing ok.

Kerry Punton

Lynda Williams

Silver Princess and Pardalotes (Acrylic on canvas) 27 September 2020

Face 24 September 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Finished my face, it’s been a big learning curve to reach painting a human face. Very happy with him, whoever he is …

Milton Long Earrings (Sterling silver) 23 September 2020 These earrings were designed and made to match a commercial pendant that a family member owned. They were made as a surprise to provide a little “lift“ during these restricted times.

Meg Doller Impromptu wildflower walk in the Wellsford 25 September 2020 This hand-drawn and lightly coloured six-panel comic was inspired by a recent impromptu walk in the Wellsford Forest.

Dr Michael J Leach Sun-kissed 21 September 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His poems reside in the Medical Journal of Australia, Plumwood Mountain, and elsewhere. This poem was inspired by time spent outside in early spring.

week 27


SJ Spencer Paul Casey Drawing (Ink on paper) 27 September 2020

Blue and Green 19 September 2020 I think the saying blue and green should never be seen without a colour in between is a load of old tosh! I painted this for my oldest friend’s birthday. She is finding lockdown tough. I face-timed her as I painted it – it was a wonderful experience of togetherness.

Sue Jeavons Zoya Makarova

Red Mustard 28 September 2020

Gumnut Trio 20 September 2020

Gardening has been a big focus of my lockdown time. I love these big red mustard leaves.


what i did last week volume 4

week 28

29 September-5 October 2020

“Making art is good for your mental health. Making art also calms you down.”

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Ainsley McPherson Happy Birthday Issi 28 September 2020 A coloured pencil drawing I have just completed of our granddaughter Issi.

Angela Morrissey Possum Magic! 27 September 2020 I did a watercolour painting of a possum. I love painting native Australian wildlife in watercolours. I only took up watercolours a few years ago and had to unlearn everything I studied at university when I studied Visual Arts and mastered acrylics and oils. It’s still my Expressionist style.

Andre Sardone The Keeper of the Guard #2 4 October 2020 This piece was commissioned by someone who saw The Keeper #1 a few years ago. There are a few components included that may be familiar to some.


what i did last week volume 4

Bridget Finch Pop up Pigeon 27 September 2020

Duffy - Ha Ho Art Betty Boop Kisses 5 October 2020 Acrylic on board from the cut out series, Butterfly Kisses.

Diane Cardinal Rona (Oil on canvas) 29 September 2020

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Jane Coburn Still Life 4 October 2020 Gouache — I’m loving it! It has its little “eccentricities”, but they can be overcome with practice. I can recommend it to new artists who want to try a new medium, or whose confidence needs a boost.

Frankie O Deirdre 29 September 2020 Deirdre is a painting I created in 2016 for my One Drawing a Day Project. I painted her in one day using an impasto technique. This week she recieved some gold leaf embellishments before heading off to her new home.

Jane Ineson Life Drawing (Graphite) 3 October 2020

Iain Wilson Untitled 4 October 2020 36

what i did last week volume 4

Judith Jacobs Brush with Murder 4 October 2020 Sculpted crows of wire and duc tape mounted on board. Paint infill, paper mache rock, plastic mouse.

Jeanette Guidi Oh the lovely places we can now go to... 29 September 2020

Julie Kala 1977 Torana 30 September 2020 I was asked to paint a white LS 1977 Holden Torana. I had no actual photos of the car but the specifications were the Torana was to look like an original car from that era without the “Flare” or extras these Torana usually have, it also needed to have a black hood and background to look like somewhere around Cairns, eg canefields. After a bit of guessing and research I found a few photos I could use to do the painting. This is the result.

Jin Turpie Roronoa Zoro from One Piece 2 October 2020 week 28


Karim Sakar Guernica (Fine sharpies on paper ) 2 October 2020 Based on the original by Picasso.

Kathryn Stretch Beach please (Acrylic on canvas) 3 October 2020

Kathryn Harrison

Kerry Punton

Ice cream (Digital/Procreate) 29 September 2020

Cockatoos in the gums (Acrylic on canvas) 5 October 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Liam & Ashton Joyce


Drowned Secrets (Gel pen, felt-tip, and pencil on paper) 2 October 2020

Relax 29 September 2020

We drew this story about a forgotten exhibit at Jurassic World. Beneath the Mosasaurus enclosure, a gigantic hungry Megalodon is hiding. It has escaped and is eating his way up the food chain — beware of waters of Jurassic World!

Hey! If you’re reading this, I know that recently it’s been pretty tough with the world turning upside down. But! We will get through this! Please, take some time to relax and take care of yourself! Like what the girl in the picture is doing!

Linda Brookes Saguaro #1 19 September 2020 Testing my skills with some Arizona dreaming.

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Lynda Williams Mrs Red local moo cow 24 September 2020 40

what i did last week volume 4

Dr Michael J Leach Late Winter, Early Summer 28 September 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His poems reside in the Medical Journal of Australia, Plumwood Mountain, and elsewhere. This poem was inspired by reflections on recent cold weather and the upcoming Australian bushfire season.

Paul Casey Acrylic on paper 4 October 2020

Pippa and Harley Walker Holiday Creations - Castles 4 October 2020 Made with help from grandma, Gail Casey.

Milton Long Sterling silver Earrings 4 October 2020 These are a variation on the same theme as last week’s earrings.

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Sally Quinn Covid Creature 4 October 2020 We are allowed a little more freedom so I collected branches and reeds and tied them with string. Great fun and gives people on their daily walk something to look at.

SJ Spencer Moving Hearth and Home is Not Unlike Moving Mountains 29 September 2020 A dear friend is moving house after half a lifetime. She is a wonderful artist. I wanted to send her a ‘Home Warming’ present that wouldn’t add too much to all her accumulation of ‘stuff’. It’s a hardback, canvas-covered visual arts diary, painted with Derwent Inktense pencils and gel pens.


what i did last week volume 4

week 29

6 October-12 October 2020

“Participating in this verifies the importance of people displaying their visual representations of their feelings, ideas & philosophies.”

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Ainsley McPherson Bridled up 2 October 2020

Angela Morrissey Emu VII 4 October 2020 Recently I have been painting native, Australian wildlife. I loved Australian picture storybooks like Possum Magic and Snugglepot and Cuddlepie and would like to create cute illustrations like those although there is nothing cute about this emu. I think it looks a bit evil!

Andre Sardone Clicking machines 11 October 2020 This week I experimented with these little contraptions, which all produce different sounds when the handle is turned. The clicking action is quite mesmerising and therapeutic. Working on these gadgets improves my skills and technical abilities, and offers the possibility of incorporating these components into future works.


what i did last week volume 4

Bridget Finch Wrong Side of the Fence 4 October 2020 I’ve found myself outside with my camera a lot this spring. This photo was taken shooting into the sun and the vertical wires of the fence were running right in front of this little male superb wren, but I still like the final product.

Bridie Margaret O’Toole

Diane Cardinal

We all need a little hope 12 October 2020

Buddy 10 October 2020

Duffy - Ha Ho Art Pucker up! (Acrylic on freeform jigsaw cut MDF board) 12 October 2020

David Stephensen Look. See. Imagine. 11 October 2020 week 29


Florence Hodson

Frankie O

Golden Rainbow 7 October 2020

Warren’s new do 10 October 2020

A watercolour rainbow with left over gold leaf stuck on. I had lots of fun making this with mum in her studio.

This is another of my digital prints I’ve embellished with collage and gold lead. It’s been a fantastic journey evolving my work to the next level, seeing what can be added to enhance its aesthetic.

Gail Casey Olive’s chair 11 October 2020 Some old world detail and colours feature in this project for my littlest grand daughter. Original colour — glossy lime green.


what i did last week volume 4

Jane Ineson Life Drawing (Graphite) 12 October 2020

Ian Dodd Seahorse (Limestone) 7 October 2020 It’s destined for Lake Macquarie in NSW.

Jane Coburn

Jennie Barnes

Still-life in Orange & Blue 9 October 2020

Jacqui 6 October 2020

Gouache still-life in (mainly) complementary colours of orange & blue. Painted on Arches 300gsm Hot Press (smooth) watercolour paper.

Pyrography is my style of choice. I did this as a surprise for my sister — her beloved Clydesdale Jacqui on Huon Pine.

week 29


Julie Kala

Kathryn Harrison

Point Lonsdale Lighthouse 5 October 2020

Beautiful Words 5 October 2020

I do enjoy a good lighthouse but a bit hard to find in Bendigo!

Jin Turpie A Ballerina for Auntie Tahsh 2 October 2020

Kathryn Lehar X squared 9 October 2020 It is a collage made from natural materials. I utilise bark from the Paper Bark Tree and discarded Willow fencing.


what i did last week volume 4

Kathryn Stretch

Lucy Hodson

Sweet Lorraine (Charcoal and acrylic paint on paper) 11 October 2020

Rocket Ship to Mars 7 October 2020

Inspired by a photo of my mum taken in 1958.

I’m enjoying experimenting with watercolor with my big sister Florence and Mum. It’s exciting to add lots of water!

Lichii Strawberry Lemon 9 October 2020 Hey! Thanks for taking a look at my art, I drew this art getting originally inspired by a challenge that went around where you would only use one colour for the whole drawing! It was an interesting challenge, and so I decided I might try it out!

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Lynda Williams I said I just wanted a trim… 5 October 2020

Dr Michael J Leach Seaside Suburb 5 October 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His debut poetry collection is Chronicity (Melbourne Poets Union, 2020). This palindrome poem is about Glenelg—a seaside suburb in Michael’s former city of residence, Adelaide.

Michael Watson Childhood Nostalgia (Oil on linen) 9 October 2020 I wanted to paint a still life which was reminiscent of my childhood, and what better way than to paint a plushie which stands the tests of time.


what i did last week volume 4

Myra Casey Holiday 12 October 2020

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Milton Long Sterling silver chain/necklace (Detail) 10 October 2020 I am taking a break from enamelling and going back (for a short time) to just working with the metal. Making chains is repetitive and potentially boring, but it can also have a sort of Zen quality about it — which is not out of place during these restricted times.

Paul Casey

Sally Quinn

Still life in studio (Acrylic on paper) 11 October 2020

Sophie 6 October 2020 I drew this for a friend who was telling me how much she loved her dog, Sophie. She gave me a lovely photo to use. I really enjoyed the challenge of converting it into this drawing.


what i did last week volume 4

week 30

13 October-19 October 2020

“Art is a medium to enable an expression of joy, hope and creativity.”

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Ainsley McPherson

Angela Morrissey

Patch (Pastel pencil) 4 October 2020

Maedeh I 11 October 2020 This is a drawing of my Iranian friend Maedeh who starred in two of my short films. She is a dazzling beauty. I have many female friends who are attractive but in my opinion Maedeh is the most beautiful of them all. She is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Andre Sardone Colorbond pictures 18 October 2020 Wanting to use up the waste material of my trade, I made these frames from downpipe off cuts and the ‘canvas’ and design from leftover Colorbond sheet. These artworks are weatherproof and suitable for outdoors.


what i did last week volume 4

Barb Fordham Alaska - Reminiscing 18 October 2020 I’m reminiscing about our trip to Alaska. This week I re-visited my photos & decided to paint this watercolour. Loving the beauty, tranquility & expanse of this beautiful scenery.

Eric Kala Trees 14 October 2020

Florence Hodson Vase of Flowers 15 October 2020 Painting a vase of flowers in the afternoon with Mum. My favourite was the red poppy I picked. And my favourite colour is pink.

Frankie O Florals with Florence 15 October 2020 Beginning to experiment with acrylics and florals, trying to work quickly and loosely to avoid an over realistic representation. Lots of fun, looking forward to seeing where it goes.

Fletcher Winser Walking through an imagination 2 October 2020

week 30


Gail Casey Studio in October 2020 (Work in progress. Oils, charcoal, watercolour) 18 October 2020 So very lucky to have the time and space for this.

Greg Penno Kuta Tjuja/The Olgas, Central Australia (Acrylic on timber panel) 12 October 2020

Heidi Franklin Rhonan’s First Birthday 15 October 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Ian Dodd Rural Gate Huntly 16 October 2020 I was out for a walk the other day and saw this rural gate on a property in Huntly and thought it would make a nice pencil drawing.

Jane Ineson Life Drawing (Graphite) 19 October 2020

Jane Coburn Bottles 17 October 2020 Painted in gouache. I think my Dad would’ve loved this — he was surrounded by bottles all his life. Both he & his father were soft-drink makers.

Jin Turpie Sanji from One Piece 17 October 2020

week 30


Julie Kala

Kay Aitken

High Street Beechworth (Acrylic on canvas board) 12 October 2020

Sunshine (Watercolour) 12 October 2020

Had a mini break and travelled to Beechworth and while waiting for a take away order late afternoon, I took a short walk and liked the light on this old house so took a photo to paint later.

Continuing my journey into the world of watercolour, practicing techniques to gain further understanding and skills. Enjoyed doing this bright painting.

Kathryn Harrison When you have a MCG membership and your team is in the grand final 16 October 2020

Kerry Punton

When you have a MCG membership and your team is in the grand final. (Yep, I know this projects entitlement but Melbourne really dipped out this year).

Layered landscape near Maldon (Acrylic on canvas) 16 October 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Linda Brookes

Lynda Williams

Frida - Why So Forlorn? 18 October 2020

Chicken in a basket .... No fries thanks (Acrylic on canvas) 12 October 2020

I was debating whether to send in my first attempt at a way more abstract style, a far more forlorn Frida than we’re used to...

Lucy Hodson Pixie Hollow 17 October 2020 This is a painting of Pixy Hollow where Tinkerbell lives.

Dr Michael J Leach The Faces of Prague’s Astronomical Clock 12 October 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at the Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His debut poetry collection is Chronicity (Melbourne Poets Union, 2020). This ekphrastic poem was inspired by a photograph of the Prague Astronomical Clock.

week 30


Milton Long Sterling silver earrings 18 October 2020 Still taking a break from enamelling and working with the metal. Back to basics!

Sally Quinn Campaspe River Walks 15 October 2020 In 2014-18 I made a long-stitch embroidery of us at the beach, 3 photos combined. This week I started designing a new one and have used cut and paste photos of our walks by the river.

Paul Casey Study for the wine seller (Acrylic on paper) 18 October 2020

Sue Jeavons Landscape on a Brick 13 October 2020


what i did last week volume 4

week 31

20 October-26 October 2020

“I have sincerely appreciated the chance to be connected in a time of disconnection. The platform has provided me with an opportunity to share my work with a wider and more diverse audience.”

week 31 30


Andre Sardone

Angela Morrissey

Swirly Pod 25 October 2020

Emu VIII 18 October 2020

The stem is made of many parts I machined on my lathe. When there is the chance of having a moving part I find it very hard to resist the many more hours of work it takes to allow the movement. However, these exercises are all learning experiences which add to my knowledge base.

This is an artwork of a rather sinister and angry looking emu. I love painting emus because of the looks on their faces. I painted the background using colourful brushstrokes for something different. Both the background and the painterly style of the emu are great examples of Expressionism. My style!

Arosha Kaluarachchi My Son (Aaron) 25 October 2020 This is in fact my first attempt to draw. I thought I’d give it a shot using the bit of extra time created by the lockdown. Most importantly Aaron loved the drawing, that made me happy.


what i did last week volume 4

Bridie Margaret O’Toole

Eric Kala

I just keep dreaming (Digital) 20 October 2020

Untitled 22 October 2020

Diane Cardinal Chilli 19 October 2020

Grant Abyhnho 19 October 2020 New art for Bendigo based music project “Abyhnho”, which is a mystery acronym. If you can work it out, send a message on Facebook to Abyhnho.

week 31


Iain Wilson

Jane Coburn

New Order… (Spray paint on paper) 25 October 2020

Don’t Argue 24 October 2020 This began as a rough drawing on copy paper, just before the Grand Final started. During play, I added pen. By then, I knew it would become more than a quick sketch, as Richmond were going to win! So this week, I’ll re-do the drawing onto better paper.

Ian Dodd Sunset 25 October 2020 This is a combination of Pyrography and acrylic paint on old pallet wood.


what i did last week volume 4

Jane Ineson Say Less, See More (Graphite) 24 October 2020 This is the only 5 second life drawing of the week! To draw like lightening often contains more than a snapshot!

Jin Turpie Gol D Roger from One Piece 22 October 2020

week 31


Julie Kala Birthday Dress 20 October 2020 Painting from a photo taken in Australia 1965. My cat Murphy is assessing the piece.

Kathryn Harrison Learning perspective in Covid times 24 October 2020 This week, I have been looking at improving my art by learning perspective of faces and movement.

Kathryn Lehar Way In (Collage made from natural materials) 23 October 2020 The material used in this piece is discarded Willow fencing and watercolour. The design is an improvisation of a quilt pattern.


what i did last week volume 4

Kerry Punton View from Rock of Ages, Maldon (Oil on board) 23 October 2020

Lynda Williams Big old bumble bee 19 October 2020

Lichii Metal Rock! 22 October 2020 Hey! Thanks for looking at my art, I originally got inspired for this piece while I was listening to a few songs. Recently, Ive gotten much more into the band Gorillaz and their music, and so while listening to one of their songs, I came up with this piece!

week 31


Dr Michael J Leach Ode to Vision 19 October 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at the Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His debut poetry collection is Chronicity (Melbourne Poets Union, 2020). This concrete poem was inspired by vision.

Paul Casey Coronavirus Dream (Acrylic on paper) 25 October 2020 Drawing with paint and light washes to try and capture the haziness of some dreams.


what i did last week volume 4

week 32

27 October-2 November 2020

“I loved having a place to put my art. I liked being able to socially comment on what I was experiencing and also looking at what other people were doing.”

week 32 31


Ainsley McPherson Out on a Limb (Gouache and tombow pens) 26 October 2020


what i did last week volume 4

Andre Sardone

Angela Morrissey

Jack 1 November 2020

Possum Magic II 25 October 2020

Named because his head is part of a car jack, and the rest is made from mainly plough tips which have been cut, heated and bent into shape. It has been great to be a part of ‘What I made this week’ and I commend all the artists involved.

I love painting native Australian wildlife in watercolour, a new medium I’ve had to learn to master after mastering oils and acrylics at university. I still paint in my Expressionist style. I love capturing the vulnerability of the possum. I would love to be a storybook illustrator for children.

Barb Fordham Hitching a Ride 1 November 2020 On our recent getaway to Wye River, a King Parrot tried to hitch a ride on our car cb aerial. We took the opportunity of a break with few people and lots of wildlife.

week 32


Benjamin Evans River of Gold 21 October 2020 I called this artwork of mine River Of Gold because it represents wealth; preciousness. It shows a mountain pouring out gold and I see it as a representation of the Gold rush fever that took place in the old days.

Bridget Finch Portrait of a Tawny Frogmouth Family 31 October 2020 We’re very lucky to have a pair of tawny frogmouths living very close to the house. They seem quite indifferent to the squeals of delight, general baby-talk and multiple photo shoots when the chicks hatch each year, which means I’ve been able to take some great photos of these gorgeous birds!


what i did last week volume 4

Bridie Margaret O’Toole I have your heart on a string… and I hold it tight 27 October 2020 week 32


Carol Woodhams Everythings Coming Up Roses 30 October 2020 My first work submitted here was a rose so thought I’d end on the same theme. And roses just happen to be spectacular this year, perhaps bringing some joy to one of disaster!

Duffy - Ha Ho Art Cosplay - Master & Apprentice 2 November 2020 A butterfly homage to American pop artist Roy Lichtenstien & Halloween 2020. Acrylic on board cut out & hanging free form. It has a painting on the reverse side too.


what i did last week volume 4

Deborah Blake Isolated Port Nelson Lighthouse 24 October 2020 Last week we were tourists in South West Victoria experiencing the area at a very quiet time.

Dell Winser

Diane Cardinal

This is fine 1 November 2020

The Mighty Tigers Premiers 2020

24 October 2020

I feel this embroidery of the popular meme sums up 2020 in all its glory.

week 32


Ellen Lee Osterfield The Old Stringy bark! 20 October 2020 Having grown up in rural Bendigo my earliest memories are of visiting my grandparents and aunts and uncles on nearby farms and rural properties! I love the way of life and the general pace of life back then! The old man made sheds. This painting is a tribute to our rural heritage and also celebrates my love of trees!


what i did last week volume 4

Emily Richards-Jones

Eric Kala

Dancing with Luna 29 October 2020

Untitled 29 October 2020

Screen shots from an improvised dance featuring my contact ball Luna. The final video has been trimmed to 3 minutes as part of my application requirement for University, so wish me luck my arty friends!

Gail Casey Studio interior- work in progress (Oil on canvas board) 2 November 2020

week 32


Glenda Anstey-Sprigg Hidden Seasons 10 September 2020 During lockdown I began creating a series of containers, using the humble pinch pot as a starting point. I was able to get some of them bisque fired, but that was it! So, working on bisque fired pinch pots I found other ways to decorate and colour the work. This chestnut shaped ceramic container uses alcohol inks and oil pastel to capture the subtle colours of a horse chestnut.

Greg Penno To the Beach (Acrylic on timber panel) 30 October 2020 Thanks for the opportunity to participate. It’s been interesting seeing the work of other artists, particularly a couple of people who I’ve known for years, but didn’t know they painted. Thanks again.


what i did last week volume 4

Helen Van De Nadort Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Xmas (Paper mache, clay, felt wooden skewers and paint) 27 October 2020

Ian Dodd Wooden Pendants 30 October 2020 Something a little different from me for this last week. I create a lot of off-cuts when sculpting that usually end up in the bin but this week I decided to make these wooden pendants from some New Guinea Rosewood off-cuts.

Jane Coburn Cottage Garden (Goauche) 1 November 2020

Jane Ineson

Final WIDLW — I’ll miss it! Many thanks to the team for this terrific initiative. And thankyou to my fellow-artists, for inspiring me each week. It’s felt like a “friendship” — even though I don’t know most of you!

Drawing from life helps me realise that all you ever have is this moment.

Detail, Life Drawing (Graphite) 31 October 2020

week 32


Janet Bromley Burst of Colour 1 November 2020 A collage from bits and pieces to go in the bin. Just the thing to help get back into the creative swing. I had to add the red, a Chupa Chups container, to lift to a more exciting view.

Jeanette Guidi Walk Like an Egyptian 27 October 2020 What I did in the endless weeks of lockdown! (Enjoyed every minute of it).

Jenny Keown Remembering my tricycle (Watercolour) 30 October 2020 80

what i did last week volume 4

Jin Turpie Fish drawing 1 November 2020 A piece I’ve been working on for a while now; finished just in time for the final “What I did last week” gallery. Thanks for letting me share my work.

Julie Kala Old Store 28 October 2020 Oil of an old store in regional NSW.

Josephine Walsh Old Shed (Watercolour) 2 November 2020

Kathryn Harrison Untitled 29 October 2020 This is a call to the end of Melbourne lockdown and when I can go see my daughter, Isabella, who is studying at Monash.

week 32


Kheong Sen Lim Rite of Spring 28 October 2020 82

what i did last week volume 4

Kerry Punton

Leah Macdonald

Extinct animals (House wall Mural) 30 October 2020

Flow 31 October 2020 The latest in a series of abstract pieces representing ideas and/or emotions.

Luke Morris Love, Sweat and Science 29 October 2020 Love, Sweat and Science is an exaggerated autobiography involving bowerbirds, sex, magenta, pick-up lines, If You Are The One, and an emotional lamington. ​This (mostly) true tale is filled with the science behind human interactions, and includes Dating Stories Volume 2: a collection of stand-up comedy routines.

week 32


Lynda Williams

Melanie Thoren

Rammy (Acrylic on canvas) 27 October 2020

Surrealist self portrait - detail (Acrylic) 28 October 2020 I just finished an online course with NGV looking at how women are depicted in surrealism and this is the result of my study.

Dr Michael J Leach Terra Australis Breath 26 October 2020 Michael is a poet and epidemiologist at the Monash University School of Rural Health, Bendigo. His debut poetry collection is Chronicity (Melbourne Poets Union, 2020). This concrete poem was inspired by listening to and reflecting on strong winds.


what i did last week volume 4

Michael Watson, Portrait from Life: My Father (Oil on Linen) 28 October 2020 I’ve aspired to capture my Dad for some time. I wanted to preserve his good nature and ensure he is remembered for decades upon decades to come.

week 32


Milton Long Chain/necklace 28 October 2020 Another sterling silver chain/necklace. These take hours to make as there are over 85 separate soldering points! They also take a deal of perseverance as the process is very repetitive. However, the results are usually worth it.

Pauline Robinson The giver and the receiver (Scratch card and ink) 29 October 2020

Paul Casey Untitled (Acrylic on paper) 2 November 2020

Peter Fountain Sleeping bones (Acrylic and chalk pens) 28 October 2020 86

what i did last week volume 4

Sally Quinn Campaspe River Walks 25 October 2020 I have picked up needle and thread once again. I have already unpicked and resewn sections. It’s a long project. Perfect for these slow times while we wait for our Community to open up again.

week 32


Sue Jeavons Pandemic Sourdough 1 November 2020


what i did last week volume 4

what i did last week volume 4 featuring Andre Sardone Angela Morrissey Arosha Kaluarachchi Barb Fordham Benjamin Evans Bree Galvin Bridget Finch Bridie Margaret O’Toole Carol Woodhams David Stephensen Deborah Blake Dell Winser Des Lowry Diane Cardinal Dr Michael J Leach Duffy - Ha Ho Art Eliza Ledwidge Ellen Lee Osterfield Emily Richards-Jones Eric Kala Fletcher Winser Florence Hodson Frances Forge Frankie O Gail Casey Genevieve Somerville Glenda Anstey-Sprigg

Grant Greg Penno Harley and Pippa Walker Heath Maher Heidi Franklin Helen Van De Nadort Ian Dodd Iain Wilson Imogen Guidi Imogen Somerville Iris Macdonald Isabella Draper Jaida Tuohey Jane Coburn Jane Ineson Janet Bromley Jeanette Guidi Jennie Barnes Jenny Keown Jin Turpie Josephine Walsh Judith Jacobs Julie Kala Karim Sakar Kathryn Harrison Kathryn Lehar Kathryn Stretch

Kay Aitken Kerry Punton Kheong Sen Lim Lauren Starr Leah Macdonald Liam & Ashton Joyce Lichii Linda Brookes Lucy Hodson Luke Morris Lynda Williams Meg Doller Melanie Thoren Michael Watson Milton Long Myra Casey Owen Draper Paul Casey Pauline Robinson Peter Fountain Sally Quinn SJ Spencer Sue Jeavons Sylvia Hewitt Tom Drust Vanessa Campi Zoya Makarova

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