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2023 Summer Reading Challenge

APRIL 29 - JULY 31, 2023

Read Books! Win Things!

It’s that simple. ALL TOGETHER NOW – the Chattahoochee Valley Libraries Summer Reading Challenge – returns starting April 29th.

To participate, READ & FILL OUT YOUR READING LOG. You can keep track of your reading with the individual or family log on the back cover of this guide.

Kids up to age 11: read 10 books (or, if you’re reading chapter books, read for four hours total).

Teen and adults: read for four hours

Bring your completed log to your local branch of the Chattahoochee Valley Libraries for a small treasure chest prize and an entry into our Grand Prize Drawing for games, gift cards, tech toys, and more.

And pick up another log! Every completion earns you another entry for the Grand Prize Drawing!

Families Can Read Together, Too!

We have a special completion log for families that read together… its on page 19! This way you don’t have to complete a form for each child. Just read those books together, then bring the family log to your Library. Everyone listed gets a completion prize and one entry into their age group’s Grand Prize Drawing! For complete details, visit, CVLGA.org.

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