Operator focus
Golden opportunities Safety-focused Kilnbridge has no doubts of the benefits of its FORS Gold accreditation. Director Thomas Barrett explains all to Steve Banner
ith over employees, east London construction and engineering contractor ilnbridge is putting every effort into ensuring that the high standards it has reached to obtain old accreditation are maintained. The figures spea for themselves, says Thomas arrett, Director of the company s lant equipment and plant services operation. H e points to the
32 The Standard Winter 2 0 2 1
percentage improvements the business, which runs a substantial fleet of truc s, has achieved over the past year. “ W e’ve reduced our NO x emissions by 67 per cent, our CO 2 emissions by . per cent and our particulate emissions by . per cent, he reports. The measures ilnbridge has ta en include trialling the use of H VO – hydrotreated vegetable oil – in