May 14, 2013
Vol. 2 Issue 23
Story by MC3 Chris Bartlett Photos by MCSN Kole Carpenter
rmy Gen. James D. Thurman, commander, United Nations Command, Republic of Korea – United States Combined Forces command, and United States Forces Korea, visited the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) upon the ship’s arrival in the Republic of Korea. While on board, Thurman performed an award
ceremony in the forecastle to present Sailors with Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist and Enlisted Aviation Warfare Specialist pins. Rear Adm. Michael S. White, commander, Carrier Strike Group Eleven, introduced Thurman to approximately 200 Sailors at the ceremony. “It’s a special treat for us on board USS Nimitz,” said White. “We’ve got a true warrior here. A man who has led troops in war and in peace, and around the globe.” During the ceremony Thurman shared a few words with the crowd. “It’s indeed my honor to come down and see you Continued on page 4
Commanding Officer CAPT Jeff S. Ruth Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM Teri McIntyre Public Affairs Officer LCDR Karin Burzynski
Editor MC2 (SW) Jason Behnke Lead Designer MC3 George J. Penney III
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Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All. submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News� is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.
ABHAN Joshua M. Bard Story by MC3 Linda S. Swearingen
wenty-year-old Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) (ABH) Airman Joshua M. Bard, of Boston, a Sailor on board the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68), was named Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 11 Blue Jacket of the Quarter (BJOQ) for the second quarter of the fiscal year 2013. Prior to being named CSG 11 BJOQ, Bard was named Nimitz’ BJOQ for the second quarter of fiscal year 2013. “It feels good [to be named CSG 11 BJOQ],” said Bard. “I didn’t expect to come out on top without having my pins [Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist and Enlisted Air Warfare Specialist] yet, even though I am working on getting them.” He competed against awardees from more than ten different commands from the second quarter of fiscal year 2013 to win the title of CSG 11 BJOQ for the second quarter of the fiscal year 2013. “I didn’t think I was going to be able to win
going up against an entire carrier strike group, but I did,” said Bard. Bard joined the Navy in February 2011 to see the world and to follow in the footsteps of his older brother who is currently a Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class. “My older brother joined the Navy a year before I did and is already an E-5,” said Bard. “He inspires me to do the best I can everyday.” Bard contributes his success and recognition of being nominated and later winning CSG 11 BJOQ to the people he works with. “Everyone in V-3 has helped me to win BJOQ,” said Bard. “From the blue shirts to my divisional officer. They pushed me so I could succeed.” Some Sailors who work with Bard have noticed his hard work ethic and positive can-do attitude that led to his being named CSG-11 BJOQ. “Bard is a mature, honorable and insightful young man whose achievement thus far in the division speaks volume,” said Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Terrone Wolliston. “His passion, dedication and ‘service before self’ attitude are perfect attributes that I expect from today’s Sailors. After he checked on board in June 2011, he quickly earned my respect and admiration with his outstanding attention to detail, dedication to the mission, consistent performance and track record of excellence and a sincere devotion to the Navy. I see Bard rising to the top without any limitations.” Bard’s mentor, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) 2nd Class David Hernandez, who was a previous winner of the BJOQ award on board Nimitz, gave Bard some advice that according to Bard, inspired him to go above and beyond in order to be recognized as a BJOQ winner. “He told me, ‘If you want to be the best you have to beat the best, and I want to be the best,” said Bard.
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Continued from page 1 today and say thank you,” said Thurman. “Thank you for your tremendous service to the United States of America.” After the ceremony, Thurman toured several spaces including diesel spaces, the flight deck, the pilot house, squadron ready rooms and the combat direction center. Along the way he talked to Sailors and Marines about their day-to-day jobs aboard the ship. For Seaman Mikayla Farley, meeting Thurman was an insightful experience. “The general was inspiring by the way he said we were here to help keep the peace,” said Farley.
Army Gen. James D. Thurman presents certificate to OS2 Jamie L. Snoddy
Thurman had a positive message for the crew during his time on board Nimitz. “It’s really a highlight of my day to come out on a beautiful day, when the sun is out, and step on board this great symbol of peace and symbol of the United States of America,” said Thurman. Nimitz is deployed to the U.S. 7th Fleet area of responsibility conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts.
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TOGETHER Story by MCSN Nathan McDonald Photos by MCSN Nathan McDonald & MCSA Kelly Agee
he aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) hosted a reception May 11, 2013 for local dignitaries aboard the ship, kicking off the beginning of a series of routine joint exercises the nations will conduct. Representatives from the Republic of Korea (ROK) military and several community leaders attended the event, along with Rear Adm. Michael D. White, commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 11, Rear Adm. Bill McQuilkin, commander U.S. Naval Forces Korea, and Capt. Jeff S. Ruth, commanding officer, USS Nimitz. Both White and Ruth welcomed the military and community leaders aboard and introduced Vice Adm. Jong Ho-sub, commander, Republic of Korea fleet. Ho-sub, reciprocated the welcoming comments, and spoke of the relationship between the Republic of Korea and United States.
“This year has a special significance since this marks the 60th anniversary of the ROK – U.S. alliance,” said Ho-sub. “However, the relationship between both countries predates 60 years and the reason for that is because the U.S. Navy has helped the ROK Navy start and has been the role model for it ever since.” Ho-sub also directed comments at the friendship the two nations share, along with his well wishes for Sailors’ and Marines’ stay in the Republic of Korea. “I am sincerely proud of the strong and solid relationship between the ROK and U.S. Navy and hope this relationship lasts everlastingly,” said Hosub. “Although the duration of the visit is short, I sincerely hope all of you make cherished memories to bring back home.”
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Photos By MC3 Raul moreno Jr (Top Left/Right) MC3(SW) Devin Wray (Bottom Left)
Sailors heave a line aboard the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) as the ship prepares to pull out from Busan, Republic of Korea.
Seaman Melissa Roman, from Chicago, Ill., paints a cooling coil unit.
Interior Communication’s Specialist 2nd Class Corey Kirchner observes the flight deck through the Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveilance System (ILARTS). Page 6
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