Nimitz News, August 18, 2011

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Aug 11, 2011

Nimitz News

August 18, 2011

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Vol. 36, No. 32

Field records to be returned to Sailors By MC3(SW) Robert Winn Enlisted Field Service Records have been phased out by the new Electronic Service Records. The old records were scanned, uploaded and verified and are to be returned to individual Sailors as Personnel will no longer maintain them. “Everything’s going electronic,” said Master Chief Personnelman Kelly Bennett, Personnel’s leading chief petty officer. “The hard copy is now yours to do with as you please.” Every enlisted Sailor should receive theirs from their departmental personnel liaison representative. “Once you get it, I suggest holding on to your record,” said Bennett. “It’s like a shadow of your career. If you want to get written up for an award, or you need a past (evaluation) it’s always going to be right there convenient for you.” It’s ill advised to just trash your record once it’s turned over to you, said Bennett. “I would suggest shredding it if you have no intention on keeping it,” said Bennett. “Your record is full of your personal information. Your social is on just about every page.” Take the time to read through your record once you receive it, says Yeoman 2nd Class Gardenia Bautista, Air department’s yeoman. “I’ve handed a few people their records back already,” said Bautista. “Every time I give them it, I make sure to tell them to go through and verify it against the ESR because there’s a chance an award or an eval or something didn’t make it to the ESR.” SEE “Records” ON PAGE 3

PFA Approaching

Individual PARFQs need to be completed in order to participate in Physical Fitness Assessment.

Nimitz welcomes families Story by MC3(SW) Nichelle Whitfield

USS Nimitz (CVN 68) and Puget Sound Naval Shipyard welcomed their families Saturday Aug. 13 at Naval Base Kitsap Puget Sound Naval Station. Families were provided the opportunity to tour the ship and the surrounding base of Nimitz Sailors and contractors for the first time in over ten years. Displays of some of the ship’s equipment and activities were offered to assist family members to better understand the working environment and jobs of Sailors. Families were able to see the ship’s ceremonial quarterdeck, ship’s firefighting equipment, unarmed fire arms and security’s training combat personnel. What was a big hit? The weapons and bombs display. “We got to go on the carrier,” exclaimed Emily Esley, daughter of Robert Esley, “I liked doing and trying all the free stuff! I liked the bombs and guns a lot too!” “She wanted to ring the Captain’s bell,” said Robert Esley, “But I told her not to because all of the smaller kids were ringing it. She did get to see where I work though, which was good.” Children were also invited to help, with a helping hand from adults, the PSNS Riggers in

relocating a 2,000lbs steel block from one crate to another using official “Rigger” hand signals to guide the crane operator. Other visitors attended the event to reminisce about the past. “This is the first time since 1951 or 1952 that I’ve been in the Navy Ship Yard,” explained Richard Lund, previous Puget Sound Naval Shipyard employee. “Basically, my son Charles wanted to bring his wife, son and grandson to visit the CIA and ship.” Lund, born 1937, is the great grandson of Daniel Lund, the first civilian employee hired by Puget Sound Naval Shipyard at the end of the 1900 century. Since his great grandfather’s employment, each generation of the Lund family has had a son who worked for the shipyard, including his own son. The size of the shipyard has increased dramatically but a few of the buildings are still the same as they were in 1951, said Lund. Outside of the ship, all visiting family members were given the opportunity to view Nimitz up on blocks up close in the dry dock itself. After completion of the event, Nimitz and PSNS families had the option to purchase Nimitz merchandise on the pier.

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Nimitz News

Aug 11, 2011

Get out there! Commentary by MC3 Ian Cotter Commanding Officer CAPT Paul Monger Executive Officer CAPT Buzz Donnelly Command Master Chief CMDCM William Lloyd-Owen Public Affairs Officer LTJG Jason Scarborough Media LCPO MCCM Jon McMillan Media Production Chief MCC Mike Jones Editor MC3 Matthew Patton Lead Designer MCSN Jacob Milner Media Dept MC2 C.J. Amdahl MC2 James Mitchell MC2 Amara Timberlake MC2 Adam Wolfe MC3 Ashley Berumen MC3 Ian Cotter MC3 Mark Sashegyi MC3 Glenn Slaughter MC3 Thomas Siniff MC3 Nichelle Whitfield MC3 Robert Winn MC3 Devin Wray MCSN Andrew Jandik MCSN Jacob Milner MCSA Alexander Ventura II MCSA Renee Candelario MCSA Jessica Lewis MCSA Derek Volland Nimitz News accepts submissions in writing. All submissions must be in by Friday, COB. Submissions are subject to review and screening. “Nimitz News” is an authorized publication for the members of the military services and their families. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Navy, or the Marine Corps and does not imply endorsement thereby.

I can’t stress enough how tiring it is to hear people say that there’s nothing to do around here. I tend to be an adventurous person, and spend most of my time outside of work travelling across the countryside looking for new places to go and new things to do. I’ve climbed mountains, laid on the beach, driven across a 1000 foot high bridge, toured a city, explored a ghost town, hiked in a desert and all without leaving Washington. There’s so much to see in this state and people only need to be curious to see what’s really out there. For instance, Bremerton is the largest city in Kitsap County. Not many people seem to take that into consideration, and often spend their time in barracks rooms playing Call of Duty: Black Ops or drinking or texting. One of the most disheartening things I’ve seen was a party I went to last month. Typically, parties are supposed to be upbeat and fun, but at this one, all anyone did was text on their smart phones. Carrying on a conversation was like voting for dorm council in college; just pointless. It has become apparent to me that smart phones create dumb people. The Kitsap transit system stops in some pretty neat places and busses aren’t really that expensive. There are a lot of great hole-in-the-wall deals around the area, some within walking distance from base. Most parks on the Olympic Peninsula are free and open until sunset. The ferry makes trips to Seattle where you can see a live performance for less than $20. The zoo has apes. I mean, seriously, there’s

“The zoo has apes. I mean, seriously, there’s just so much to do.” - MC3 Ian Cotter just so much to do. What bothers me the most is the sense of apathy and indifference I get from people when I ask them if they want to go do something. Why do people just want to lock themselves away in their rooms and do nothing fulfilling or productive? Is facebook™®© really that important? Is Taco Bell a considerable dietary plan for the week? How many times can a person beat Angry Birds? Is Jersey Shore really that in-depth and captivating? No. It’s lame, and if you actually enjoy Jersey Shore, then there really is no hope for you. Get out and do something. So I suppose the common question is “What is

there to do around here?” Well, for starters there are plenty of different places around. Bremerton has a rich Naval history. Silverdale has plenty of shopping and entertainment. Port Orchard is a quaint small town on the other side of the bay. Port Gamble has deep history and culture. Seattle is one of America’s more interesting cities. The Olympic National Park is the largest rainforest in North America. The Sol Duc hot springs are a great place to relax in a natural hot tub. Roosevelt Beach is a long expanse of sand and ocean stretching along the coastline. Mount Ellinor is an easy hike that produces views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, the Hood Canal, Puget Sound, and the Olympic Mountain range. Flapjack Lake is a quiet, almost-untouched lake in the wilderness. Moses Lake is an oasis in the Washington desert. Spokane is at the edge of the frontier. There are countless opportunities for adventure in any of these places. Also, Washington is known for the most frequent Sasquatch sightings in the world. If you go out into the woods far enough, you’ll probably see one. And, if you catch one, you would have made the single greatest scientific discovery of the 21st Century. Sasquatch are primarily nocturnal, so instead of drinking and driving, you could be out in the wilderness howling like a gorilla and trying to attract an eight foot tall bipedal hominid with a steak hanging from a tree. Just don’t shoot at them. Odds are it’s going be a dud, and you will have gunned down a fat guy in a Chewbacca suit. That’s a manslaughter charge you just don’t need to deal with. Lastly, there are the simple things. Washington is a captivating state where you can climb a mountain to a snow capped peak in the morning and bask on the beach in the afternoon. You can chase a sunset from the desert to the coast and watch the sun dip into the ocean. There are times in the rainforest when the sun shines through the pine trees just enough to send an illuminating ripple across the forest floor. Sometimes, when it rains, Seattle will fall completely silent for just an instant. It’s the little things that really make this place worth living in. So much happens all at once that sometimes it’s almost impossible to pick out the small things. So get out there. Yes, there are stressful days and at the end, doing anything just doesn’t seem worth the effort, but there’s so much to explore. Ride the ferry to Seattle. Take a drive to an unknown destination. If you don’t have a vehicle, ride with a friend. Get on a bus, take a nap, and get off where you wake up. Every day can be an adventure. It just takes the initiative to make it happen.

Aug 11, 2011

‘Woodchucks’ chisel Sailors’ memories

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Story and photos by MCSA Jess Lewis USS Nimitz (CVN 68) has a carpenter shop which is something specialized to aircraft carriers because the size of the ship has enough space to include such a shop. Nimitz’s carpenter shop is run by two Hull Technician 3rd classes. The primary job of the HTs in the carpenter shop is to make specialized gifts, such as shadow boxes, carrier plaques (also known as skateboards because of their shape) for officers and chiefs, mustang plaques for previouslyenlisted officers and any other specialized orders their chiefs may get requests for. (Left)Hull Technician 3rd class Johnjulian Vincent and Hull Technician 3rd class Brent Carlson send a plank of wood through a planer in the carpenter shop. (Top and Right)Hull Technician 3rd class Johnjulian Vincent uses “What a typical day looks like for us is a wood lathe to lathe a leg for a stool. we find out what the hot job is whether Carlson. “We also made the Individual Augmentee board for it’s a carrier plaque, display coin rack or whatever and we start Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department, the junior and working on it,” said Hull Technician 3rd class Brent Carlson. senior Sailor of the Quarter awards for AIMD and the restricted “Every day there’s something different to do.” personnel board.” The only standard things the shop produces are the skateboards The carpenter shop makes the specialized orders then sends them and the mustang plaques; everything else is a custom made job. to the Machinery Repairmen on board for any required engraving. “The importance of our shop is recognizing Sailors who work “When we go out to sea, we also make all the plaques and awards hard and deserve awards and also recognizing those leaving or for the rest of the ships in the Strike Group,” said Carlson. retiring,” said Hull Technician 3rd class Johnjulian Vincent. “Plus, Carlson and Vincent are the only two individuals on the ship if we weren’t here, everything would have to be purchased through who work in the carpenter shop. a trophy shop, so in a way we’re saving the Navy money.” Vincent said their shop is the best one out of all the carriers. The carpenter shop produces mostly awards and plaques but “We’re not vital to the ship’s mission, but it keeps morale up,” they also make things for special events. said Vincent. “We did the Battle of Midway anniversary plaque,” said


Personnel returns records Sailors CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Yeoman Seaman Donald Rose says to make sure to go over your record in fine detail. “I saw someone get their record back and it was all uploaded and everything, but their ESR was for a different person with the same name,” Rose said. “I’d really pay attention if you are someone with a really common last name.” Bautista says to not be afraid to bring up discrepancies. “If you go through and find anything wrong, take it to your PLR and show them,” said Bautista. “The PLR and you will then go to personnel to fix it and you could save yourself a few points for the exam!” The records are your responsibility to maintain, said Bennett. For more information on service records contact your department’s PLR or personnel on the barge at 2-70-2-L.

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Aug 11, 2011

Disaster T Story and photos by MC2(SW/AW) Amara Timberlake

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The Snoqulamie Falls cascade 500 ft. into the Snoqualmie River in Fall City, Wa.

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My friends and I started

out on Saturday with the best of intentions. We were headed up to Fall City to float the Snoqualmie River. We were meeting a large group there for a 3-hour float followed by camping at a site nearby and I was going to take pictures and write a story about it. With our tents and tubes loaded up in my car, we set off up Interstate 405. After a few pit stops in search of a life jacket, we had finally made it to our first check point; The International House of Pancakes in Issaquah. We didn’t stay for breakfast, instead we loaded up on ice and Redbull at the gas station next door and we formed a caravan a few miles down the road to the launch site. The tiny gravel parking lot was jam-packed with cars, tubes and full coolers all making the trip down river. I attached a Ziploc bag with my car keys to my lifejacket for safekeeping and my friend Cele left her keys in my car. We took turns inflating the tubes with an air compressor and securing them together with pieces of rope that we found. We donned our life vests and continued down a steep little trail toward the river. The river water was probably snow only a few hours before because it froze my toes and then my entire body. I just knew I wasn’t going to make a three hour float, not in this freeze bath. I closed my eyes tightly and jumped in my raft. After approximately

Nimitz News struck. One of the girls’ rafts detached, so I reached out for her and flipped my raft with my lifejacket in tow. I swam to her raft to hold on as we rode the rapids together and another girl jumped in and swam after us. We rode the current down to a sand bar to meet up with the rest of the group. My Ziploc bag with my keys? Gone. But I hadn’t realized it yet. I didn’t have a care in the world; after all, I had just cheated death on the river and I felt like a million bucks. We floated the rest of the river to the drop site where we left Jess Hanna’s Jeep Wrangler to tow us and our stuff back to my car. We threw our rafts down on the shore in search of my life vest that was passed off to several different people during the course of the float. We traveled a few miles to track it down. I finally was able to dig my blue lifejacket out of someone’s trunk. I turned it around, flipped it inside out and searched it frantically for my baggy. It was nowhere to be found. Panic instantly set in. The ship’s camera was in my car, our wallets, my clothes, Cele’s keys… How were we going to survive? I threw the lifejacket on the roof my car in a fit of rage. I was so pissed at myself. How could I be this irresponsible? We were cold, wet, hungry and locked out an hour and a half from home. We got some food and camped out in front of Cele’s car to collect our thoughts and come

My Ziploc bag with my keys? Gone. But I hadn’t realized it yet. 70 seconds of screaming from the initial shock of icy water on my bare skin, I was psyched up and ready to make moves on the river. My friends and I tied up together and after near run-ins with a few rocks and a lagoon we were on our way. I had taken off my life vest to get comfortable in my raft because I knew there was no way I would intentionally get back in that water. Besides, I worked as a certified lifeguard for a few years before I joined the Navy so I’m pretty confident in my ability to swim like a fish. We were all having a good time cruising along, riding the tiny rapids when disaster

up with a game plan. Luckily, her car’s rear passenger door doesn’t lock so we were able to get some dry clothes and blankets to warm us up while we figured out how we were going to find some keys. An old guy on a bike stopped and asked us what we were doing on the side of the road and we explained our situation. He came back with some needle nose pliers and a coat hanger. We hitched a ride back over to the launch where our treacherous river journey began. It was slowly becoming obvious that I might not have a travel story or photos for this week’s Nimitz News. My Mazda sat there all alone just how

Aug 11, 2011

I had left it, waiting to be broken into by me and my friends. One thing was missing though. My life vest that I threw on the car was gone. Someone must have swiped it on their way out. Just great, I thought. With a field knife, spackle and the coat hanger and needle nose pliers we went to work trying to McGyver our way into my car. After about an hour of Jess Hanna dialing up random locksmiths and Cele trying to wiggle the wire hanger into the top of the window, we were within inches of our goal. A passerby named Ken was talking her through it when suddenly there was a click. The passenger door popped open and we exploded in celebration. It was time to get our provisions and go to the camp site. By this time it was dark and we were all exhausted. As we built our tents and started a fire, I couldn’t help but wonder how I was going to get home the next day and to work on Monday. After all that, we had only gotten into my car and I still needed my spare key which was an hour and a half away. My roommate (and the sole holder of my spare key) made it pretty clear that she was not interested in driving anywhere to deliver it to me. We were stressed and sleepy so after a feast of hotdogs and baked beans I retired to my sleeping bag until morning. We spent the next morning cleaning up and packing our gear like Tetris blocks between two cars. My friends and I have a tradition of Sunday Funday where we do something cool to close out the weekend but I just thought this Sunday would not in fact be a Funday, it was already full of calamity and dismay . We decided over the course of the morning that we were going to take two cars to Cele’s parent’s house in Kirkland, offload some of the camping gear, redistribute the rest of our stuff and drive to Port Orchard in her car to get my spare key. Once we got to my house in Port Orchard it was time to offload more stuff.

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With spare key in hand we started the drive all the way back to Fall City. Cele insisted on holding my only surviving car key since I had already proven my ineptitude for being a responsible adult. We were all starving since we were so focused on the mission and we forgot to eat. We stopped off at Small Fryes, a burger stand in the heart of Fall City. I felt compelled to pay for us all to eat after the journey we’d been on that day. We ordered our food and waited about 15 minutes. Finally our greasy feast was ready for devouring. Our table was silent with the exception of the aggressive chomping of beef and slurping of milkshakes. I felt like I died and went to food-heaven. Things seemed like they were finally turning around. It was 7 p.m. and we had a revelation. We were only four miles away from Snoqualmie Falls so we decided to seize the moment. Maybe I would get my story after all. We all piled back into the car to get to Snoqualmie Falls Park. What we saw was truly a sight to behold. The 500 ft. falls crashing down into the river we floated on the day before was amazing. We stood there and watched the sun set over the mountain ridge. It seems pretty clichÊ looking back on it, but as far as we traveled and as stressed as we were that day, it was an adventure that we were all better off for having.

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Nimitz News

Aug 11, 2011


Team Nimitz

Calling all Crafty Couponers’! Now that extreme couponing has become a national obsession, shoppers aren’t satisfied unless they can shave hundreds of dollars off their grocery bills each month. With a little dedication and a spice of creativity, this IS indeed possible! As military families we understand the struggles that providing for our family entails, and with the cost of food and other necessities rising, any help to stretch our money further is much appreciated! Often find yourself saying, “I don.t have the time, or rather the discipline”? Well, no matter who you are, there’s a couponing strategy for your personality. If you’re limited on time, you can still save, and if you have a lot of time, you can save even more. It’s all about finding coupons that suit your personality and lifestyle. And we can help with that! Your Ladies of the FRG listened, and now we’re doing! We have scheduled an evening class at the Jackson Park Community Center, complete with a guest speaker specializing in the ever popular Extreme Couponing! When: August 26th @ 6pm Where: Jackson Park Community Center

Find Us On FACEBOOK! Search USS NIMITZ FAMILY CONNECTIONS and request access. Get all the latest command events, take advantage of our great resources, and enjoy fun chit chat too! Please join us!

Why pink you ask? . . . . . Simply put, pink is the color of your FRG! We ladies in pink are always recognizable by our vivid fuchsia polos- so don’t be shy and be sure to stop by and say Hello at any Command function! Coming Soon

. Evening Budgeting Class for you and your Sailor! . Extreme Couponing Class . Jackson Park Community Yard Sale . Mommy & Me Play Day . Doggie & Me Bark Park Date . Evening Scrapbooking Class . Smores Galore Bonfire . Everett “Back to School” trip . Edmonds Antique Shopping Outing

More Details to come!

Aug 11, 2011

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AUGUST 2011 And Introducing. . . . . Hello, Hello! My name is Leslie Hooper and I am the wife of CS1 Anthony Hooper. I„ve been the current FRG Vice President for a short period of time, but have loved every chaotic fun filled moment of it thus far! I’m a born and raised California girl, but I have found that the Northwest is where I truly feel at home. I’m an outgoing, creative, family orientated spouse with an intense love for all things Navy and the Country for which it proudly serves! I am very patriotic, and actually had plans to join the Navy myself Greetings! My name is Rachel out of high school…but I met a certain Sailor, Augustine and I am your current FRG handsome in his dress blues- and the rest as President. I am the wife of ABE1 Steven we say is history! I have now been happily Augustine, and we have been married married to that Sailor for 10 years, and for 13 years. We have weathered several together we have two beautiful and amazing deployments, countless under-ways and a little girls- Lexie who is 9, and Elizabeth Rose handful of moves. We have three children; who is 2. Colin age 15, Scott age 11, and Elisabeth age 8. I am the sole designer/owner of a home based My husband, my children and I, were all born business that sells upscale little girls boutique in Abbotsford, BC Canada (about 40 minutes style bows, tutus, and pettiskirts to fellow east of Vancouver), it is north of the border, Mommies who adore dressing their daughters and I would encourage you to visit if in sassy and unique designs! you can while we are here. We sometimes Volunteering is a passion of mine, and my miss home, but we would not trade our Navy way to give back- to show appreciation for life for anything. I have worked from home the benefits we’ve been rewarded due to my since 2007, which has its own challenges and husband’s service in the Military. I actively triumphs. I married my sailor at 18, and I am volunteer with the Navy Marine Corps Relief the first to admit that I was a bit of a mess. I Society, the American Red Cross, and was did not know how to cope or where to turn to an Ombudsman for my husband’s previous for help and advice. These early experiences command. I am also the interim EFMP FRG have made me very passionate about the Representative. potential of an FRG to not only be a way to I am so thankful for this life we lead, and what meet new friends; but to be a resource to better way to show my appreciation to the learn how to truly be ready for anything that Navy and all it has blessed my family with, may come our way. then by volunteering to serve our families! I am slightly shy and always nervous when I meet new people. I would never claim to have all the answers, in fact I am always learning, searching for a way to navigate this life. I love all that the FRG has done and I am super excited to see what the FRG does next!

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Aug 11, 2011

AUGUST 2011 And Introducing. . . . . Hi! My name is Shelby Morgan. I’m the new FRG Membership Coordinator and I am DC3 TJ Morgan’s wife. I grew up in a small town in Missouri in a very large family, as the little sister of two awesome brothers. In my freshman year of high school I met my High school sweetheart, TJ, who became my husband a couple years after graduation. The Nimitz is our first command; we have been here for almost eight months. After moving to Washington I decided it was the perfect time to start my journey of becoming a Doctor. I am currently working towards a Bachelors Degree in Health Sciences. I am very happy to become a part of the Family Readiness Group, and I think I could offer many things to the group. Back home, I worked at a bank and my coworkers and I frequently volunteered for various fundraising and charity events. I’ve only been a part of the FRG for a small time, but I already love the support that the group brings and would much love to be a part of giving that support to other Nimitz families!

Hello! I’m Molly Johnson, I’m the FRG Secretary, and my husband is ET3 Jacob Johnson. I grew up on the east coast of Florida, just south of where the space shuttles were launched. My husband and I went to high school together and got married shortly after graduating. I never thought I would get married at 18, but I’m happy with my life as a navy wife. I enjoy moving around the country and living in places I wouldn’t otherwise. We were stationed near My name is Kristen Fields, I’m the current Charleston South Carolina for two years, and then moved to San Diego for 5 short months Treasurer, and my husband is Tyson Fields. We are the new parents of a precious little boy before coming to Washington. I didn’t think named Logan. He was born at the beginning I would enjoy living here, but it has turned of the year and since then our lives have been out to be my favorite place yet. I love the feel centered on our family and navigating our way of the outdoors, and like to go to dog parks through this fun and new territory. I’m from and explore new and fun activities to do in Cleveland Ohio and have volunteered with the the area. I also enjoy doing crafty things like FRG since December of 2010. I enjoy serving sewing, card making, scrap-booking, painting, as the Treasurer, keeping the FRG on budget and cooking. I love sharing new things with and making sure we can afford fun things for people. Eventually, I’d like to become a junior our families! high science teacher. Though my husband has been in the Navy for three years, I’m new to ship life. That being said, I have a new perspective on what the FRG can offer Nimitz families, and I look forward to meeting more people and helping other wives however I can.

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AUGUST 2011 Your FRG is always looking for a few good Ladies to fill it’s ranks!

What is E F M P? The Navy’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is designed to assist Sailors by addressing the special needs of their exceptional family members (EFM) during the assignment process. Special needs include any special medical, dental, mental health, developmental or educational requirement, wheelchair accessibility, adaptive equipment or assistive technology devices and services. How does the FRG support E F M P? Your FRG plays an active role in the Exceptional Family Member Program. Our goal is to make sure there is a steady flow of communication between the command and our EFM families. Just recently your FRG implemented a new position to its ranks, EFMP Representative, to better support our EFM families. We work closely with Lt. Weiss, who is the command EFMP coordinator, in order to inform families of their rights/benefits, and to lend a practical perspective on the challenge of having an EFM member in their family. There are many resources available to our EFM families, as well as support groups, and as the mother of a daughter who is EFMP category 5, I understand the hardships and struggles our families face when they have a child enrolled in the program. There are good days and there are the bad days, and as your FRG EFMP Representative, I want to reassure our families that no matter the concern, small or large, the command is here for you. You need only ask!

Leslie Hooper FRG Vice President/EFMP Representative

Lt. Weiss Command EFMP Coordinator

If any of the available Committee Member positions below seem interesting to you, please contact your FRG team at Teamnimitz@yahoo. com! Social Planning This Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and planning all Team NIMITZ social events (i.e. playgroups, adult night out and family events). Fundraiser and Sales This Committee shall be responsible to planning, organizing and overseeing those projects Team NIMITZ FRG has undertaken to raise money. This Committee shall coordinate all fundraising and sales events with the Vice President. Photographer This Committee shall attend and photograph all FRG events, and participate in monthly board meetings.

And Lastly . . . .

The FRG would like to extend our CONGRATULATIONS to the 16 Nimitz Sailors selected for Chief Petty Officer! Here’s to a Job Well Done!

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Aug 11, 2011

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