4 minute read
David Chentian, Mason Community Arts Academy
Released four albums Cello Spirit, Charming Cello, Melodious Cellotune, and Magnificent Cello
Rob Farr, Film and Video Studies
Contributed book chapter Chase! A Tribute to the Keystone Cops from BearManor
Claire Huschle, Arts Management
Chapter published in Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene Correlation Drawing/Drawing Correlations
Jonathan Katz, Arts Management
Four-part blog series published by Americans for the Arts Leadership Success in a Crisis Environment
Co-author and interviewee for Arts Education Partnership feature Reflecting Back and Projecting Forward: 25 Years of the Arts Education Partnership
Shawn Purcell, Music
Released album on Dallas-based Armored Records Symmetricity
Carole Rosenstein, Arts Management
Published in International Journal of Cultural Policy Cultural Policy Archetypes: The Bathwater and the Baby
Ruth Yamamoto, Theater
Published in Taylor & Francis Online Improv as Creative Aging: The Perceived Influences of Theatrical Improvisation on Older Adults

James Robert Casey, Computer Game Design
Innovative Methodologies in Gaming Technology for Outreach, Office of the Flood Insurance Advocate at FEMA Dewberry Engineers, Inc.
Niyati S. Dhokai, Veterans and the Arts Initiative
Community Connections Project: Ukelele Workshops for Military Families Creative Forces: National Endowment for the Arts Military Healing Arts Network
Community Connections Project: Effects of Ukulele Workshops on Sense of Community and Social Engagement for Veterans and Servicemembers Creative Forces: National Endowment for the Arts Military Healing Arts Network
Megan Lavengood, Music
A New Vision for Open Music Theory State Council of Higher Education
LADAMA and Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company ARTSFAIRFAX
Mason Artists-in-Residence Program
Swing 2020 National Endowment for the Arts
Carole Rosenstein, Arts Management
Principal Investigator on A National Census of History Organizations American Association for State and Local History
Carole Rosenstein, Karalee Dawn MacKay, and Lisa Gilman, Arts Management & Folklore
Co-designed curriculum in Folklore and Festival Management with Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage IMPACT Curriculum Development Grant
Justin Peter Sutters, Art
Research: How is Art Education Looking? National Art Education Foundation
Gail Scott White, Art
Impacts of White-tailed Deer Herbivory on Vegetation in Harpers Ferry National Historical Park National Park Service
Multimedia Products National Park Service
White-tailed Deer Herbivory National Park Service
AHMAD MAATY Established in 2018 by Robert Purks, a longtime Arts at Mason Board member and arts supporter, The Robert K. Purks Faculty Enrichment Endowment provides perpetual support to further the research and creative activity of CVPA faculty. Emma Balázs, Arts Management
To conduct research in Minneapolis to create a People’s History of Prince for museum exhibition
Heather Green, Art
Tristan Tzara, The Power of Images: Symposium Presentation in Glasgow and Archival Research in Paris
Mimsi Janis, Theater
To train in new role of intimacy director/choreographer to safely choreograph the movements of intimate moments on stage
John Kilkenny, Music
To participate as a performer and guest lecturer with the Women Awake Project including four premiere performances of original works about female spiritual leaders from several world traditions
Claire Allen, Mason Community Arts Academy
Named 2019 Outstanding String Teacher Virginia Chapter of the American String Teachers Association

Cody Clarke, Development
Outstanding Achievement Award: Exceptional Support Award George Mason University
Cynthia Fuchs, Film and Video Studies
2020 Presidential Award for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion George Mason University
Ahmad Maaty, Mason Community Arts Academy/AFYP
WINNER Best Actor in a Community Theater Production
Broadway World’s Regional 2019 Award
Victor Provost, Music
To create multi-movement piece for Percussion and Steel Pan Ensemble commemorating the late honorable Dr. Elliot Mannette, known as “the father of the modern steel drum”
Maura Ugarte, Film and Video Studies
To film one interview and record location footage in San Francisco, California for feature-length documentary film, Death on Pier 14, which focuses on the arrest and trial of José Inez García Zárate

Abbesi Akhamie
Selected for feature residency program For Film’s Sake’s Attagurl
Sara Barger
Little but Fierce Advanced to the finals Student Academy Awards
Hans Charles
1 Angry Black Man Digital and DVD distribution Freestyle Digital Media
Rob Farr
Recorded commentary track Eureka Video’s new Blu-ray edition of Buster Keaton’s Our Hospitality Nikyatu Jusu (pictured below) 2020 Sundance Institute Directors and Screenwriters Labs Fellow
Suicide by Sunlight WINNER Audience Award Black Femme Supremacy Film Festival
Alicia Rodriguez (FILM ALUM)
A Diasporic Boricua Princess Grace Foundation Scholarship

Mohammed Saffouri (STUDENT, WINTER ’20)
The First (pictured above) Capital Emmy in the Long Form Non-Fiction category
Russell Santos
Good as Hell, Lizzo music video Nominated for Best Editor MTV Video Music Award
Lisa Thrasher & Erblin Nushi (FILM ALUM)
I Love You More Second round Sundance Development Track