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Published Works
Published Works for 2021–22 Academic Year
Samirah Alkassim, Film and Video Studies
Contributed chapter 13, “Twilight Reflections in Single Frames and Short Sequences,” to the book ReFocus: The Films of Jocelyne Saab: Films, Artworks and Cultural Events for the Arab World
Co-edited the book Global Horror: Hybridity and Alterity in Transnational Horror Film
Heather Green, Art
Published essays as part of the What Sparks Poetry: Books We’ve Loved series on Poetry Daily include “On Camille Dungy’s TROPHIC CASCADE”; “On Dan Beachy Quick’s STONE GARLAND”; “Heather Green on ‘Fable for a Genome’”; “Heather Green on ‘Villains’: Speaking Truth and Nonsense”
Angela Ammerman, Music
Published her new book, The Music Teacher’s Guide to Engaging English Language Learners, which includes chapters written by Dr. Charles Ciorba, director of Music Education, and Dr. Linda Monson, director of the Dewberry School of Music
Tommy Britt, Film and Video Studies
Published the essay “Variations on ‘the lonely walk’ in the films of Kathryn Bigelow” in Kathyrn Bigelow: A Visionary Director, a special issue of New Review of Film and Television Studies
Charles Ciorba, Music
Published the article “The Creation and Validation of a Jazz Theory Measure: Implications for Improvisation Education” in the International Journal of Music Education
June Huang, Music
Published the article “What’s in Your Glinda Bubble? Finding Peace in Performing” in the American String Teachers Journal
Seth A. Hudson, Game Design
Published the paper “A Research-Based Approach to Game Writing Pedagogy” in Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association, Volume 5, No. 3
Niyati Dhokai, Veterans and the Arts Initiative
Published the paper “Music Workshops as a Pathway to Community Engagement for Military Veterans” in Journal of Applied Arts & Health, Volume 11, No. 3
Tele-Arts Engagement Guide in support of Creative Forces®: NEA Military Healing Arts Network (2021)
Carole Rosenstein, Arts Management
Published “Living Cultural Heritage and the Traditional and Folk Arts in the Nonprofit Sector: Data on Scope, Finances, and Funding” a report for the Alliance for California Traditional Arts (ACTA) with Schar School’s Dr. Mirae Kim and Drexel University’s Neville Vakharia; From ACTA: “The study contributes to a small but increasingly imperative body of research on arts and cultural organizations that serve nine underserved communities and communities of color”
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