In response to the pandemic, we got creative….
FALL 2019
Hope Boykin Residency
Diagram of Window Wall setup in School of Dance studios Hope with students at GMU a New York location, leading choreographer, Hope Boykin, worked with 4 studios simultaneously.OCTOBER 24, 2020
Drive In Dance Performance - Audience parked their cars and used their headlights to enjoy a socially distanced performance.
Beyond the Stage – Dance videos projected onto Center for the Arts for an audience of over 100.
OCTOBER 19 – 21, 2020 Third Coast Percussion
Chicago-based ensemble hosts masterclasses for Mason Percussion students.MAY 2021
Luther’s Trumpet
Collaboration with Mason Arts at Home and the School of Theater, conceived and directed by Dean Rick DavisSEPTEMBER 24,2022
ARTS By George! – Tony award winner, Rachel Bay Jones projected onto Harris Theater for live performance.OCTOBER 15, 2022
Fall for the Book Presents Lyrical Motion: A Dance & Poetry Collaboration
NOVEMBER 28/30, 2022
Amahl & the Night Visitors
Collaboration with Mason Opera for Amahl & the Night Visitors production
Giving hundreds of students unprecedented access to the world’s leading artists connecting them from New York City directly into the Mason campus.
MARCH 3, 2021
Laura Osnes Masterclass
Window Wall used for Laura Osnes masterclass with the School of TheaterSPRING 2021
Terrence Mann masterclass
Terrence Mann masterclass with musical theater students at Mason and Shenandoah UniversityJANUARY 2022
Received National Endowment for the Arts grant for LIVE Center Mentoring Series
APRIL 25, 2022
LIVE Mentoring Series begins with Westside Story choreographer,
Justin PeckNOVEMBER 7, 2022
LIVE Mentoring Series 2: Dwight Rhoden and Clifford Williams
School of Dance Auditions with International Guest Artists
Guest artist, Fiona Jopp in AustraliaOCTOBER 2022
School of Dance Auditions with International Guest Artists
Guest artist, Manuel Vignouelle in FranceAs the LIVE Center continues to grow and make new partners, its impact on Mason students’ educational opportunities will explode and the impact on prospective students and recruitment will expand across the nation.
Our plans:
1) Expand the LIVE Center Mentoring Series to include Schools of Music, Opera, Art, as well as Theatre and Dance.
2) Identify 5 performing arts high-schools or community institutions to partner with and arrange Window Wall setups for all. (ideally institutions that have talented and diverse student populations in Music, Art, Dance, Theatre, Opera.
3) Maximize recruitment impact from all these events. Each School can inspire students from all 5 institutions with a potential of recruiting students from 25 pools.
4) Develop and/or acquire new, more effective technology for the Window Wall
5) Implement a four-pronged funding system, sharing costs with other organizations, wide ranging grant applications, private donors, and developing a unique, cool fundraising event using leading artists and the Window Wall
6) Continue to create new, innovative artistic "happenings" on Mason campuses and local community