Leadership Covenant

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YOUTH MIN ISTRY LEADERSH I P COVENANT As a leader in the Youth Ministry of Centerville Presbyterian Church (CPC) of Fremont, I appreciate that it is a privilege to engage in this high calling. Depending on God, I humbly and earnestly pledge that I will help provide ministry programs for youth that teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I will demonstrate the gospel through my Christian faith, integrity, and conduct. I will hold myself to the following standards that our church has adopted, believing them to be in accord with the Lord’s plan. Matters of Personal Faith and Lifestyle 1. I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and have a personal relationship with him. 2. I am committed to steps toward growth and maturity in my relationship with Christ, including regular worship attendance and involvement in a spiritual support group (accountability group, Bible study, weekly/monthly conversations, etc.). 3. I am committed to a godly lifestyle and to living with integrity in all areas of life – spiritually, physically, emotionally, sexually. Matters of Complying with CPC Youth Ministries Vision 4. I have read and I support the CPC Youth Ministry purpose and strategy statements. 5. I am willing to be a team player and submit to the authority of the Youth Pastor. 6. I will commit to loving youth just as they are without any pretence, this includes primarily hanging out with youth at youth events and not other leaders. 7. I will follow through on my youth ministry commitments and contact the youth pastor or ministry leader if I am unable to comply with a meeting commitment, including: a. My weekly ministry responsibilities (youth group, small group, Sunday school, etc.) b. Monthly equipping meetings for all you ministry leadership c. Other events (retreats, activities, mission trips, etc.) 8. I will teach in accordance with the doctrines of CPC 9. I will have an “Oh boy” attitude at all events and understand that any program grievance should NOT be brought up in the presence of youth. 10.I will comply with requests for verifications, references, record searches, tests, fingerprints, or other background checks that may be required for my position. 11.I understand that all activities I plan with CPC youth must receive advance approval from the youth pastor. September 2008

Matters of Integrity Leadership within the context of the Student Ministries is understood as relational in nature. The founding principle behind relational ministry is to maintain an attitude of Christ-like maturity and discernment when it comes to exercising personal choices. The understanding being that as Christian leadership increases, personal opinions, choices, and freedoms decrease. As a leader, you need to understand that your life is being observed and imitated, at and away from the Student Ministries, by those under your care. (Col 3:23-24; 1 Cor 4:2; 8:9; 2 Cor 6:3; 1 Tim 3:2; 4:12) 12.I will not allow my own reputation or that of the church to be hurt in any way as a result of my behavior with children, youth, parents, or other leaders. Specifically, to avoid even any appearance of evil (1 Thess. 5:21-23), I will at all times avoid: a. Being alone with a minor of the opposite sex anywhere without parental permission (out doors, in a car, in a room, unless the door is open and someone else is nearby). b. Touching or talking to or gesturing to the minor or any adult in a manner that is rough, coarse, overly-affectionate, suggestive or otherwise inappropriate. 13.I have read and will follow Centerville Presbyterian Church’s Youth Ministries policies on dress. 14.I will give appropriate guidance to minors when needed to correct or prevent misbehavior. I will report serious or recurring misbehaviors by or against minors or adults to the youth pastor. 15.I understand that CPC does not permit the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or the consumption of similar harmful substances, nor the possession of firearms or weapons at ay church functions on or off campus. Leaders will not use these items or allow minors or adults to use them at any church event. Matters of Dating 16. I understand that it is never permissible for a leader to enter into a dating relationship with a student. 17.I understand that if a volunteer leader is involved in a dating relationship with another leader the Youth Pastor should be notified and consulted with the understanding that the Youth Pastor will hold the leaders accountable in their dating relationship and has the right to determine if the relationship would be harmful to the ministry. 18.I understand that if the Youth Pastor feels that the relationship would be harmful to the ministry, then the Youth Pastor will ask the leaders to remove themselves from the ministry. If there is disagreement between the Youth Pastor and the volunteer leaders, the Senior Pastor should be consulted. 19.I understand that a personal relationship between two leaders, while acceptable, should never interfere with the ministry. Therefore I will make my personal conduct at ministry events of the highest standard. Signed: _____________________________________________________________ September 2008



September 2008

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