PHILOSOPHY OF YOUTH MIN ISTRY VISION (What) We want to dynamically impact every student, leader, and parent with the Gospel so that they may be rooted and grounded in love and be filled with all the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:19) and develop for each one a creed to believe, a community to belong to, a call to live out, and a hope to hold onto THEOLOGICAL RATIONAL (Why) This vision is deeply founded in the doctrine of the Incarnation. This doctrine is the belief that God became flesh in Jesus Christ, and through Him we are filled with the love, grace, and fullness of God. This act transforms humanity’s identity, purpose, and community into something new. Because Christ lived in every capacity a human life and sanctified it with His divinity, through His sacrifice on the cross we are given the promise of a new reality. In short it is the act of God meeting us where we are . This, in turn, is how we approach youth ministry. We meet every student where he or she is. MISSION (HOW - PART I) Through relationships we are: 1. Reaching youth for the sake of Christ through weekly outreach programs, special events, curriculum, and conversations that provide opportunities for individuals to affirm their faith in Jesus Christ not only in word, but also in deed. 2. Nurturing youth in their walk with the Lord, encouraging each one in their spiritual journey through worship, the Word, spiritual growth programs, and fellowship in the body. 3. Equipping youth for continued growth in spiritual transformation, in practice, in developing a language of faith, in service to others, in evangelism, in missions, and in the student leadership team. 4. Sending youth out to minister to their world, providing them opportunities to implement and live out that which they have developed a passion for and have been equipped to do – to reach others and start the cycle over again. STRATEGIC PRINC IPL ES (HOW – PART II) 1. Love God and seek to be faithful to what God is doing in the life of the community, based on the guidance of scripture (Matt 12:30). 2. Love our neighbors (Matt 12:31) because we have been saved by grace through faith so that no one may boast. Through this identity we come to realize we are all part of a larger body. 3. Dedicate ourselves to evangelism (Matt. 28:16-20) and
addressing/confronting issues of peace and justice in the world (Matt. 25:31-46). 4. Desire not just to create “nice and well-behaved youth,� but to be people who are transformed by the power of the Spirit. 5. Commit to building relationships, to using spiritual gifts, to instilling ownership in matters of faith and passion, to understanding the Church as the body of Christ, to mission, to staying culturally relevant, and to lots and lots of prayer.