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Meet the Candidates for CVSA Secretary - Richard Roberts

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RICHARD ROBERTS, British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, Region V

Hello, everyone. My name is Richard Roberts, and I am running in this year’s election for CVSA secretary. For the past 27 years, I have dedicated my career to improving commercial motor vehicle safety in British Columbia and Canada. Having the opportunity to further this ideal through the role of CVSA secretary and as a member of the executive committee is a long-held aspiration. I am both humbled and thrilled to be seeking your vote to take on this important role.

I am currently the deputy director of compliance and operations with commercial vehicle safety and enforcement, in B.C.’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. I represent my agency on the Canadian Education Quality Assurance Team and the National Compliance Working Group for Transport of Dangerous Goods, and I continue to participate in the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators working groups related to electronic logging devices and cargo securement.

My first introduction to CVSA was as a North American Inspectors Championship (NAIC) competitor in 2002. Four years later I was named NAIC Grand Champion, and in recognition, my agency sent me to CVSA’s annual conference in Toronto where I learned the importance of the Alliance. I was hooked and began attending as many workshops and conferences as I could.

In 2015, I joined the NAIC Program, which I have chaired since 2016. In 2017, I became Region V president, holding the role for more than six years, during which I was an active voting member of the CVSA Board of Directors as well as a Finance Committee member. Since joining CVSA, I’ve contributed to the development of two strategic plans, participated in many committees as a voting member, worked in several ad hoc groups, and taken part in numerous discussions and decisions on CVSA’s growth and direction. I have had the opportunity to build equally valuable relationships with every level of CVSA’s membership.

During my time in CVSA leadership, the organization evolved significantly, quadrupling in value from $4 to $16 million. It was amazing to be part of the board during that time of growth, and I am invested in CVSA’s continued success. As we look to the future, I believe communication with our membership and partners to hear different perspectives and innovative ideas will be essential to navigating new opportunities and challenges, ensuring sound decisions are made. I believe in the balance between never losing sight of our roots or the lessons and knowledge passed down by our mentors, while reaching the “boots on the ground” future leaders currently keeping our highways safe and embracing the excitement, passion and ideas of today.

As CVSA continues to grow as an organization, these ideals will be essential for me should I be elected. If I am I successful, in my year of presidency, the CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition would be held in beautiful Vancouver, a host city with endless attractions for our membership.

Executive leadership, board members and lead agency contacts, your voice is what drives the Alliance. If successful, and as your president, it will be my duty and my honor to ensure your voice is heard as we advance CVSA. I have a proven record of leadership and I am confident that with my experience, knowledge and connections I would be an excellent choice for CVSA secretary. I am passionate about making a positive impact and am committed to working hard to help achieve our shared goals. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope I have gained your support.

Vote for CVSA Secretary

Class I Member jurisdictions and Class II Local Membership will vote for secretary at the 2024 CVSA Annual Conference and Exhibition this September in Big Sky, Montana.

Remember, when you cast your vote for secretary, you are electing a future CVSA president. The secretary position is a oneyear term, which transitions to a year as vice president, followed by a year serving as president, after which comes three years serving as past president.

Get to know this year’s candidates by reading the articles written by each candidate, which include information on their careers, philosophies on commercial motor vehicle safety and qualifications for serving as the next secretary of CVSA.

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