4 minute read
President's Message: Steering the (Member)Ship
By Col. Russ Christoferson, Bureau Chief, Montana Department of Transportation; CVSA President
As I sit at my computer composing my last “President’s Message” and reflecting on the past year, it occurs to me that I have been very fortunate – not just in the past year, but also throughout my career – and I want to thank those who gave me opportunities along the way. I started as a young Montana officer more than 28 years ago, working at a joint-use vehicle inspection station in Alberta, Canada. I knew even then that it was a oneof-a-kind opportunity because it was the only international agreement of its kind in North America, with a U.S. officer working at a weigh station on Canadian soil. Back then, I had no idea that the job was just the beginning of an enriching journey.
I was fortunate enough to be a North American Standard Inspection Part A and B instructor for about 10 years. For the past nine years, I have been given the opportunity to travel to CVSA events. During my career, I have been blessed with the chance to travel to 37 states (plus Washington, D.C.), six Canadian provinces/ territories, Japan, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands of Saipan and Tinian on behalf of the state of Montana, the National Training Center and CVSA. I cannot express how lucky I am to have been a part of all this, and I am forever grateful for the good fortune I’ve been given throughout my time here.
Without a doubt, the past year has been tough, as I have been away from home for a total of 12 weeks, but it has also been the most rewarding for me. The honor of traveling around the U.S. and Canada as the CVSA president is a privilege I will always cherish. The new connections and friendships I have made in the past year have been invaluable.
The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.
-Anthony Bourdain
I hope that throughout my presidency I have left something good behind. It has been a very humbling experience for me. The members of this Alliance are truly some of the greatest people I’ve had the privilege of meeting, and your dedication to commercial motor vehicle safety is unparalleled. I know that the Alliance is in great shape moving forward with Capt. John Hahn as the incoming president and Maj. Erick McGuire to follow the year after. Also, best of luck to the three candidates for CVSA secretary: Bill Alarcon, Cory Ayon and Richard Roberts. I believe that any of these gentlemen would represent the Alliance well, and I am confident each one would do a great job in CVSA executive leadership.
The role of CVSA executive leadership is essential. This group is the last in a long line of members and leadership roles. The members –from the full membership to the committee, program, regional member, local member and associate member leadership – are ultimately the wind behind the sails, guiding CVSA’s priorities and objectives and leading the Alliance into the future. The executive leadership is at the stern, helping to steer the ship and keep it on course.
I would like to take a moment to thank CVSA’s executive director, Collin Mooney, and deputy executive director, Adrienne Gildea, for all they do. Without their hard work and commitment, the Alliance would not be as successful as it is today. They lead an exceptional staff at CVSA and have hired the best of the best from across the U.S. and Canada. All the CVSA staff do a phenomenal job representing the membership and ensuring our collective voice is heard where and when it needs to be.
As I close out, I would also like to mention that Rachel, my wife of 28 years, has been very patient and supportive of my career and travel. I could not have done any of it without her love and support. I would be remiss not to give her a shout-out and a huge thank you. This is not the end of my career but the beginning of a new chapter as my role transitions into that of the past president. I will continue supporting the Alliance in that capacity on the CVSA Board of Directors.
Thank you for the opportunity you gave me as CVSA president and thank you to everyone who has been a part of it all. I look forward to continuing the journey with you.