1 minute read
Checking in on CVSA’s Strategic Plan and Preparing for the Next One
By Sgt. John Samis, Delaware State Police, CVSA President
In 2014, the CVSA Board of Directors decided to develop a strategic plan to provide CVSA staff with direction for how to best achieve organizational goals, based on input from members. It was implemented in 2016 with a five-year projection expiring in 2021.
The primary purpose of the strategic plan was to identify and implement strategies that would advance the Alliance’s mission and vision, conveying actionable goals for the five-year period.
The CVSA staff, led by Executive Director Collin Mooney, is tasked with the day-to-day operation of the Alliance. They work at the direction of the board of directors, who are elected from the enforcement jurisdictions of our Alliance. Given that the CVSA Board of Directors only meets a few times a year, the strategic plan gives the CVSA staff continuous member-led direction in the form of a written document, allowing them to refer to that plan as needed to continue moving forward with our goals for the future.
The planning process itself required a significant amount of time to develop. Outside consultants were brought in to facilitate the development process.
As we near the end of the plan’s lifespan, Mr. Mooney and the board decided that it was important to report back to the membership about the Alliance’s progress. To that end, the CVSA staff created a “report card” highlighting the achievements of the Alliance over the last five years. In this issue of “Guardian,” you will see the CVSA Strategic Plan Report Card (pages 14-32). I encourage everyone to read through it. It covers more than 200 accomplishments made by the Alliance since we implemented the plan and what we still need to attain.
The report card reminds us all what our vision was five years ago and gives us the opportunity to make changes moving forward.
This winter, the process will begin all over again, when the CVSA Board of Directors starts to develop the next strategic plan. We will need input and ideas from our membership to guide CVSA forward as we continue to implement our mission and vision. n