2 minute read
President’s Message
Heritage and Continuity
By Maj. Chris Nordloh, Texas Department of Public Safety; CVSA President
Heritage. Whether realized or not, it’s the basis of who we are. At a recent family gathering, I was reminded again of the reason why I became a peace officer. It’s the same reason I hunt, fish and travel. My enthusiasm for my career and these hobbies is related to experiences and traditions shared with family, friends and colleagues in my youth and into adulthood. I am sure each of you has a similar reflection on what got you where you are and where you want to go.
As it relates to CVSA, heritage offers continuity. How do we get to a point in our career where we tackle voluntary extra duties? Much of it comes with time and whether your career path takes you to the point where you are prepared to represent a larger group. The willingness to volunteer can also be sparked by people within the Alliance or at the organization who influenced you. As our organization continues to develop, it is important to remember that we are working with something that was built over time, by dedicated volunteers. We’ve had some Alliance members who have participated for more than two decades. At our meetings, there are many examples of those who hold influence, lead and share their history and experience. We enjoy the framework that was built before us. At the same time, it’s also necessary that we encourage others to step into leadership roles so that this continuity, this heritage, is passed along.
Like with any organization, retirements, promotions and changes in employment can affect the makeup of the Alliance — sometimes, quite significantly. As time goes by, there are a lot of discussions about “Who’s next?” The answer to that question must represent the diversity of our membership. Public safety, consistency within the industry, and partnerships with related government and private sectors are bedrocks of the greater good we are striving for through our work with CVSA. It’s imperative for us to promote future growth within our respective spans of control and ensure that participation in the Alliance is encouraged now so we may pass our legacy on to its future leaders.
I encourage you to consider a leadership position within CVSA and to champion colleagues to step into influential roles. If you are already serving in the Alliance, I encourage you to invite others to follow your lead.
I look forward to working with each of you, and I will rely on your experience and expertise over the next year as I seek to uphold the heritage and traditions of CVSA as your new board president. n