Coachella Valley Weekly - September 15 to September 21, 2022 Vol. 11 No. 27

Page 1 • September 15 to September 21, 2022 Vol.11 No.27 Paws & Pages pg7 The Dinah pg22Grant-Lee Phillips pg8 Concerts In The Park pg13It Came From The Desert pg6 Flat Black Art Supply pg13

September 15 to September 21, 2022 2


The large legacy of this special small dog will be to save countless others. With time, love and patience, Amy recovered from the nightmares of the puppy mill to be a loving guardian and companion to DeAnn. She had a quirky sense of humor and adored other dogs and cats. Amy teaches us that all things are possible, and we can overcome bad things in the past and experience joy in the moment.

Kirby, Kathy Bates, Raymond Bill Club Crawler Nightlife Editor

Tracy Dietlin Art Director

Website Editor

Phil Lacombe, William Westley

Amy Ames became a popular Coachella Valley fixture, winning first place in the small dog category at Pets on Parade. She is believed to be a hybrid Mini Blue Merle Australian Shepherd and Chinese Crested Powder Puff. This poster pup, with one blue eye and one brown eye, for rescue dogs, had a heart of gold that matched her beautiful looks.

Lisa Morgan, Rich Henrich, Heidi Simmons, Noe Gutierrez, Tricia Witkower

people are called to a higher purpose when they experience a tragedy. When local resident DeAnn Lubell lost her beloved pup Amy Ames in a coyote attack, she turned her grief into action, determined to spare other people and pets the same horrific experience. Amy’s Purpose is a 501(c)3 charity hosting a fabulous fundraising concert this week, Pet Love Rock n’ Roll, not to be missed by animal lovers and rock n’ roll fans.Amy was truly the most adorable and sweetest animal one could ever imagine. She was once among two hundred breeding dogs suffering in a puppy mill in a remote area of Lucerne Valley. The dogs were crammed into small cages, with sick and dead dogs. Amy can be seen in the first row of crowded dogs in the attached photo. In 2015, a tipster gave the location of the abandoned site which was raided by San Bernardino County Animal control officers. The beautiful but terrified dogs were transported to the San Bernardino County Animal Shelter at Devore.

CONTENTS Amy's Purpose ........................................... 3 Pet Love and Rock & Roll ....................... 5-6 It Came From The Desert .......................... 6 Paws & Pages .............................................. 7 Consider This - Grant-Lee Phillips ............ 8 Club Crawler Nightlife .............................. 9 Screeners .................................................. 10 The Vino Voice ......................................... 12 Art Scene - Flat Black Art Supply ............. 13 PD Concerts In The Park ......................... 13 Pet Place ............................................. 14-15 Haddon Libby ........................................... 17 Dale Gribow ............................................. 17 Book - New Highway By Dave Alvin ...... 18 Safety Tips ................................................ 18 Swag For The Soul ................................... 19 Free Will Astrology .................................. 19 Cannabis Corner ...................................... 20 Send Me A Trainer .................................... 20 The Dinah 2022 ........................................ 22 Coachella Valley Weekly (760) publisher@coachellavalleyweekly.com501-6228


Publisher & Editor

Feature Writers

Crystal Harrell

Head Feature Writer

Kurt Schawacker September 15 to September 21, 2022 3



DeAnn Lubell had a golf date the following day with Lindi Biggi, Loving All Animals’ founder and past president. DeAnn happily

Phil Lacombe Head Music Writer

Amy’s Purpose provides grief counseling to owners who lost a pet to predators or from another cause. We animal lovers understand that losing an animal can be as devastating as losing a human relative or close friend. Counseling is available via Zoom or in person.

There was extensive media exposure for these pure breed animals, and hundreds showed up to compete in a lottery for each designer dog. The competition was intense. If only the arguing participants knew at least 30% of the dogs in public shelters appear to be pureSeveralbreeds.of us from Loving All Animals attended the lottery. We had the resources to help socialize and find homes for puppy mill dogs who had never known a loving human touch or felt soft grass beneath their feet. Five of the dogs returned with us to the Coachella Valley where loving volunteers, dog trainer extraordinaire Sandy Miller, and veterinary care awaited their arrival.

Robin Simmons, Rick Riozza, Eleni P. Austin, Craig Michaels, Janet McAfee, Haddon Libby, Sam DiGiovanna, Dale Gribow, Rob Brezny, Denise Ortuno Neil, Dee Jae Cox, Lynne Tucker, Aimee Mosco, Ruth Hill, Madeline Zuckerman, Ed Heethuis, Daniel Paris, Michelle Borthwick, Nadia Popova, Dennis Shelly

already owned 3 dogs, but that would soon change. How could it not be love at first sight when her eyes magically locked with Amy’s?


It takes years to train to become a veterinarian, and the cost and time is almost the same as becoming a human medical doctor. For every Veterinary School graduate in the United States there are 18.5 vacancies waiting for them. DeAnn tells us, “I met with my veterinarian to discuss the problem and learned that the Coachella Valley in the low and high deserts also has a severe shortage of veterinary technicians and veterinary assistants. My vet closes her clinic one day a week due to a staff shortage. I was determined to find some solutions.” Imagine having a medical emergency when even some of the 24-hour clinics in the Inland Empire are turning patients away and traveling miles outside of our community to get urgent care.

Robert Chance Sales Team

Join us for a fabulous event with great food, wine, music, and mingling with local animal lovers and animals healers on September 17 in Palm Springs. Get your tickets now before they sell out. Tickets are available at $50, $100, and $250 at the Annenberg box office at

Esther Sanchez

deserts had any appointments open, nor could the local 24-hour VCA clinic treat Sugar. They raced to the vet in Beaumont while Sugar suffered in agony. Proceeds from Pet Love Rock n’ Roll will fund scholarships to train more veterinary assistants at College of the Desert’s PACE program, as well as provide services for its other missions.

Amy’s Purpose seeks to address the severe shortage of veterinarians, veterinarian technicians, and especially veterinarian assistants in the Coachella Valley. Last year Sugar woke up one morning unable to walk and screaming in pain. DeAnn’s local vet nor any of the animal clinics in the high or low

Robert Chance, Laura Hunt Little, Chris Miller, Esther Sanchez Videographer

Through the heartache, DeAnn began researching predator attacks. She was surprised to learn how a powerful coyote can knock over a dog walker and seize their animal and can scale walls and fences up to 12 feet tall in broad daylight. DeAnn was surprised to learn they also attack humans and are in almost every community including gated complexes. With dogged determination she wanted to spare others this tragedy, and Amy’s Purpose was launched in 2020. Check out their informative and interesting website at www.amyspurpose.netAmy’sPurposehasevolved to include several purposes. Amy’s legacy includes the following goals to help humans and the pets theyProtectlove. your pet from all predators that include coyotes, stray dogs, rattlesnakes, and birds of prey such as hawks and owls. Don’t leave them unattended in your back yard. Learn what to do when you encounter one. Respect and don’t ever harm wildlife including predators. Other humans may be predators as pet theft is on the rise. Carry mace or an air horn when you are out on walks. If you live in an area where there are lots of predators, purchase a coyote vest or harness with spikes.

Bobby Taffolla Distribution

December 22, 2019 began as a lovely sunny morning. DeAnn let Amy and her American Bulldog Sugar out into the back yard. She grabbed a cup of tea and two minutes went to join the dogs. Her shock and grief were inconsolable when she saw 3 coyotes surrounding mortally wounded Amy. They had jumped over the tall back yard fence, and big dog Sugar was trembling nearby in fear. Many hearts in the Coachella Valley broke upon hearing the tragic news.

September 15 to September 21, 2022 4

Annenberg Theater has been kind enough to open the Palm Springs Art Museum to any paid ticket holder. The ticket includes full admission to the museum as well as a pre-concert reception with wine and hors d’oeuvre courtesy of Willie Rhine of Eight4Nine Restaurant and Lounge. DeAnn Lubell, prize-winning writer, publicist, and a teacher of the arts and Bruce Fessier, former journalist for the Desert Sun for 40 years have both been instrumental in the facilitation of thisDr.event.Shawn

The Cause

These days, John is the consummate husband, father, workmate, bandmate and friend. JG appreciates the little things. “I’m praising the ‘Big Man’ upstairs for my health. There are so many things that can go wrong, my health is everything. To pick up a pen and write something, it’s something that I don’t take for granted. I’m incredibly blessed to be here”. With his wife Wendy, children Marshall and Madison, John is navigating the seas of life with more joy in him than I have ever witnessed. “Speaking to you after all these years, that’s incredible that we’re even talking about a benefit for Veterinary Assistant program at C.O.D. I’ve changed so much that I don’t even know that kid from high school anymore, he’s long gone. I just turned 52, I’m over that hump. I got a whole new perspective on life. It’s a good thing. As a husband and dad, I’ve gone through things. They don’t teach you in high school how to be a dad. Either you have it in you to be a dad or you don’t”. JG has definitely come into his own as a man and human being. “All the stupid things I did when I was a kid, all the wrongs, I wanna do right. Growing up and looking at that kid that I once was, I would love to slap him around and say, ‘hey dude, wise up!’. Looking back, I think the best thing that ever could have happened to me was the demise of Kyuss.”

of the main conclusions of this article that you’ll be glad to learn is that John Garcia is nowhere near completion of his music career. Recently celebrating 52 years of breath, JG is carving out a new niche by embracing his maturity by continuing to write new music and helping others. Always the altruistic soul, JG will headline the Pet Love and Rock and Roll event at Annenberg Theater in Palm Springs, California to benefit College of the Desert’s Veterinary Assistant Program by creating scholarships geared towards securing a healthy number of vet assistants to meet the ever-growing need for first-rate animal care in the Coachella Valley and High Desert.

In the Beginning…

Present Day…

John and his band members have participated in several benefit shows throughout the years including Idyllwild September 15 to September 21, 2022 5 continue to page 6

The Show

The Animals

We all know the Kyuss story; the keg/ generator parties out in the boondocks; the big-selling and influential albums; the world tours with the likes of Metallica, Danzig, Faith No More and White Zombie; the drama around the dissolution and so on. JG is evermindful of his past and I can attest that he has no regrets. For he knows that without the strain of his miscalculations, he would not be able to rejoice in the liberation of his triumphs.

I first met John on a scorching blacktop asphalt at Jefferson Middle School in Indio, California approximately 40 years ago. We quickly became friends during pickup basketball games and I recall a memory of he and a mutual buddy John Moreno introducing me to a revolutionary hair product called “mousse”. That time seems so distant now, and yet, here we are, still connected. John shared the sentiment, “It’s crazy you and I have known each other for four decades, we’ve known each other a long


Willingness to Help

Strong Benefit Festival and the Concert for Autism. When it comes to supporting causes, his instinctual response is a resounding yes. “It was very hard to say no. The thing is, not only did I have to say yes to it, but Marshall and Wendy had to say yes to it. Because that meant time away, no more summer Sundays with the family. You can forget about that. Coming home after working 8 to 10 hours then going to rehearsal, so dad’s not gonna be home for dinner. The other thing is, I can’t stress this enough, not only did I have to commit to this, but Greg Saenz, he had to commit to this, Mike Pygmie, he had to commit to this. They had to talk to their wives and families. And Eddie Limas, driving from Redlands to rehearse away from his wife and kids. That means time away from their families. I could not have done this without Mike, Greg and Eddie.”

“All I have to do is show up and play. I plan on bringing it. I’m going to be myself. Not only are we doing an acoustic set, but we’re also doing an electric set.”


As I spoke with John on the phone he referred to his dogs Chip Lilly and Lexi who stared at him throughout our conversation. John is known for his passion and love for all animals. “Ever since I was a kid I was an animal guy. I have an affinity in caring for animals. I was working yesterday with Dr. Juarez and we saw a lot of sick pets. At 52, I’m still doing it. I’m still passionate about doing it. I love my career path. The career path for me was not to be a veterinarian but being on the floor. It was being on the frontlines. Helping the vets getting all the information that they need so they can make the correct diagnosis so they can help heal the animals. That’s what I do, I’m a grunt. I draw the blood, I take the x-rays. Some of the things my crew and I do are hold down the animals so we can obtain urine through cystocentesis and facilitate ultrasounds. We’re getting bit on, shit on, pissed on and scratched. That happens almost on a daily basis. You’re sore from being on the ground trying to hold down a 142 pound shepherd because the dog had an ear infection. They don’t know what’s going on. You’re holding it down and trying to help it. It’s an incredible feeling when they can walk out knowing you helped them. It’s about bringing awareness and community. This Coachella Valley is all about that.”

C.O.D. Vet Asst Program Veterinary assistants are vital in providing empathetic animal treatment. They do many daily tasks, such as feeding, weighing, and taking the temperature of animals. Other routine duties include giving medication, cleaning cages, or providing nursing care before and after surgery or other medical


time and it’s really cool to be talking about this stuff with you”.

There is a huge gap to be filled for veterinarian staffing in the Coachella Valley and High Desert. John shared there is only one 24/7 facility in the entire area. This event has already catapulted the dilemma into the forefront. “Our purpose is to bring awareness with what’s going on in the veterinary industry which I live through every day. It’s hard to find a vet, it’s hard to find help. There was a mass exodus of vet staffing due to COVID. When the restrictions hit and everybody stayed in, they were lonely, they wanted companionship, so they cleared the shelters. And the owners that had pets stayed in and sheltered in place. When the restrictions started to ease, all the existing pet owners had pets that had ailments they put bandaids on. Everyone had left the industry, so there was a crisis, we had to turn people away. People became angry because we couldn’t help them. We cannot compromise the integrity of the care we were giving to our existing clients. It was disheartening. When we did treat animals, it was on an emergency basis only. People were having to drive out of town to Murrieta, Ontario, Irvine, San Diego and Los Angeles. Who wants to do that? But what do you do if your dog has congestive heart failure and the cardiologist here is booked out until the summer of 2023?”

This will likely be one of the only times you will be able to see and hear John and band perform an acoustic set and a fully plugged set in the same show. John plays down his role and the energy he expends on his craft.

During the Kyuss years I would jaywalk across Highway 111 and see them perform at Mario Lalli’s Rhythm and Brews. That’s where I met the other dudes in the band. I have also had the privilege of writing about JG, his bands and his music over the years and before that, I worked in producing some of his local shows. So if anyone is gonna tap into the true JG it might as well be me.

Behrenfeld is a traveling surgeon who goes all around the Coachella Valley, even as far as Yucaipa and Calimesa to perform procedures. Dr. Behrenfeld assists vets who are unable to complete some of these extensive orthopedics and other soft tissue surgeries. The Dr. is also a musician and drummer. John is thrilled to have him come up on stage. “He’s gonna come up on stage with us and play drums on Green Machine. I was just in the operating room with him two weeks ago performing this tibial plateau leveling osteotomy or TPLO. He’s an incredible surgeon”.

Other than the success so far of the cause, the next best thing for me, and I’m sure many of John’s worldwide fans, is to hear JG and the Band of Gold will be traversing new music. “I do want to continue. I do want to write another record, I do have another story to tell. I do want to continue to not be bored. I want to continue to write. This a really cool hobby, I don’t know if that’s the correct word or the right verbiage. It’s gonna happen. As long as I’ve got breath in these lungs and I can still push a lot of air and I think I can still

September 15 to September 21, 2022 6

in the mind of local musician and journalist, Matt King, “It Came from the Desert!” is a compilation of completely original Halloween themed songs written and recorded by local artists. With a wide variety of musical styles and genres, this album is sure to have something for everyone and for those of us who love Halloween, it’s always great to have options beyond classics such as Monster Mash and Thriller.

Tickets: $50, $100, $250

the end, I knew that I really picked the right people because they created some pretty bad ass songs and essentially turned my dream into a reality. And from what I hear, they had a really good time doing it so it was a pretty cool win/win for everybody.”

For more information, please go to: or email at: info. amyspurpose@gmail.comAmy’sPurposeisa501 (cx3) nonprofit organization dedicated to pet safety and predator awareness by providing

There will be CDs and posters available at the release show. “It Came from the Desert!”

will be available for streaming on all platforms on Oct,


King continues: “Two separate release shows are going to happen for the album. The genres of the bands on the album are pretty spread out so I wanted something for the more alternative bands and something for the heavier bands. The alternative show

Cheers with John Garcia at Stout

Annenberg Theater, 101 N Museum Drive, Palm Springs, CA 92262 (760)


On Friday night before the show at 10 p.m., John is inviting all of his friends and fans for a cold one at Stout Burgers & Beers located inside the Kimpton Rowan Hotel at 100 W. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Ste 130 Palm Springs, CA. “It’s me, our friends, the Kyuss World guys planning to just get together and have a couple of cold ones and make a weekend out of it. It’s gonna be a cool”

hold a tune. I’ve got some submissions from Greg. I don’t want anybody to see us coming until we come out of the darkness and go ‘BANG’ here ya go! Here’s this! I like being in the shadows a little bit. I definitely want to tour again. I haven’t toured in two and a half years. Prior to the pandemic, I usually went to Europe at least twice a year, Australia at least once a year and down to South America once every couple of years. Everything just stopped. I was speaking to my booking agent Yuri I’m ready to get back on the road again. To make another record and booking a European tour, that’s gonna take me a year and a half to two years. I’m not going anywhere, I’m here. I’m enjoying life. That’s all I can do. All my spare time is devoted to sitting in the master bedroom and writing lyrics. Last night at midnight, I woke up and I jotted down some ideas, it was refreshing. When the time comes, these words will be sung. It’s in the works.”

King: “I have always been a fan of compilation albums and my friend, Derek Timmons (Sleazy Cortez, Throw the Goat, Grins & Lies), did a really great one for Christmas. Halloween is my favorite holiday and I think the music is much better but there could always be more. I decided to see if I could wrangle some of my favorite bands together to see if we could make it happen, which we did. We will have CDs and it’s definitely real.”

Movin’ and Groovin’

Upon successful completion of this program, students would be eligible to sit for the National Association of Veterinary TechnicianYoucan attend the FREE information session each third Thursday of the month at 2 p.m. via Zoom.

CVW: “Let’s be honest, Matt. You are a guy that had an idea and basically invited a bunch of your friends and acquaintances to join in and create something having no idea what they would come up with. How do you think they did?”

procedures. John is excited about the community’s response to this movement. “With this benefit, C.O.D. is matching up to five scholarships. I’m very proud to say that we’ve gone far and beyond that already. We’ve raised enough to match the five so that’s ten scholarships and there’s enough to rollover to next year. We’re all stoked. We fight the fight that needs fighting, and this is one of them. I’m proud to be a part of this one. We can’t do it without the help of everyone. This was ground roots for me. I’ve never done this before but I went to a lot of veterinarian’s offices and dropped off flyers to bring awareness.”

Reception:325-44906:45 p.m. Includes wine and light hors d’oeuvres catered by Eight4Nine Restaurant and Lounge

PET LOVE AND ROCK & ROLL continuedfrompage3

For more information on the program or scholarships, please go collegeofthedesert.eduto:

National Certification

Amy’s Purpose Presents September 17, 2022 at 8 p.m.

College of the Desert Veterinary Assistants Program

side-by-side with a veterinary team tending to the needs of animals. Students learn about a number of veterinary assistant duties and jobs dedicated to treating domestic animals, from birds and reptiles to cats and dogs because they all deserve compassionate medical care.

King: “I was actually really impressed by the seriousness with which everyone took the idea. Initially, I just thought of it as a passion project and I wasn’t sure if I was going to get enough submissions to fill a whole album but, sure enough the songs started coming in and they were mixed and mastered and sounding great. Super dope tales of funky swamp creatures and all kinds of cool stuff. In

will be Friday Sept, 23rd at Coachella Valley Brewing Co. with, “The Sieve & the Saddle,” and a debut performance from my new surf band called, “The Salton City Surf Club” which is featured on the album. We will also have “Blue Sun” and “Empty Seat” playing sets at that show. On the 25th at Coachella Bar we have, “Analog Lab,” “Labia Minora,” “Matt and the Kings” and “The Holy Corrupt.”

community-based education programs. Tax ID#86-1898526

Through this training program, individuals will receive quality training from dedicated and experienced instructors. They will receive hands-on training to be able to work

Half-off discounts to four $100 or $250 tickets to DVMs.


Veterinary Assistants are entry-level healthcare professionals that work in many different veterinary settings. Most Veterinary Assistants work closely with Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians to provide medical care for sick or injured animals. Some Veterinary Assistants develop careers in other areas of animal care such as, pet sitting, behavioral training, grooming, and animal therapy.

ARTICLE & PHOTOS HARRELLCRYSTALBY September 15 to September 21, 2022 7 COMMUNITY

Animal Samaritans is always seeking volunteers. For more information on ACT or to ask about volunteering, email volunteer@

cats. Animal Samaritans also houses, feeds, socializes, and provides medical care for these animals until they are matched with their new humans and forever homes.

to bring therapy dogs into classrooms during presentations.Studiesshow animals, especially dogs, can have significant influence on mental and physical health in humans, particularly during times of stress, crisis, illness, and loss. Being in the presence of an animal or petting an animal has a calming effect.

ACT dogs also participate in Humane Education Presentations where they work with the Humane Educators at Animal Samaritans

“This a wonderful program that kids enjoy. They like to practice reading books to our service dogs, and it is a unique experience to encourage them to read,” shared Animal Samaritans Volunteer Coordinator Sara Jimenez.Animal Samaritans is a no-kill shelter acting as a refuge for at-risk, adoptable dogs and

There are different types of animal companion therapy. Animal Companion Therapy (ACT) dogs visit nursing homes, assisted living, hospitals, and many other types of facilities, helping patients feel at ease in a stressful setting. There are also reading programs where qualified ACT dogs visit schools and local libraries with a mission to improve children’s reading skills.

residents of area nursing homes and assisted living facilities, special needs facilities, and area hospitals. Animal Samaritans has provided animal companion therapy in the Coachella Valley for more than 25 years.


the rest of the month of September, Animal Samaritans has teamed up with the Palm Desert Library for Paws & Pages—a children’s program that utilizes service dogs during reading time activities. The whole month of September is dedicated to service dogs, and with Paws & Pages, some service animals will be very special guests at the library every Tuesday and Thursday this month at 10:30 a.m.

Animal Samaritans provides quality, affordable full-service standard veterinary care from medical facilities in Indio and Thousand Palms. They also offer financial aid for qualifying low-income pet owners. Animal Samaritans provides state-accredited, gradeappropriate humane education to all of the Coachella Valley schools, at no cost to students or theTheschools.Animal Companion Therapy program utilizes the healing power of animal-human connection and provides free animal visits to

Studies have also shown that abused children respond well to pet therapy, as they will talk to a dog when they will not talk to an adult or therapist. Abused adults recover more quickly emotionally when pet therapy is added. Children with low reading skills improve significantly when they can read out loud to a dog. It is a non-threatening, supportive environment, as no criticism from the dog builds confidence.

Patients with hypertension have a decrease in blood pressure when interacting with a service dog, and the dog is calmer as well. There is also a 37 percent drop in anxiety levels prior to a medical procedure when time is spent with a dog just before the procedure. A decrease in minor health problems are also seen in those people who bring pets into their lives, and those who have pets, recover quicker from mental health problems.

Animal Samaritans believes in the healing power of animal-human connections. People have recognized this capacity for millennia and it is part of the reason why the relationships between humans and animal friends are so meaningful. They are bonds as strong as family, and Animal Samaritans honors them as such.Because

of this, Animal Samaritans created healing curricula that offer animal companionship as a form of treatment. These animal-assisted interventions are endorsed by human healthcare providers as cost-effective interventions for specific patient populations in these various facilities. Animal Samaritans brings specially trained animals to hospitals, group homes, correctional facilities, to senior homes and more.

Within the span of five years, Grant Lee Buffalo released three more stellar records, Mighty Joe Moon, Copperopolis, and Jubilee. Although they’d cultivated a passionate fanbase, toured as an opening act for Cracker, Paul Westerberg, Pearl Jam and R.E.M. and consistently garnered great reviews, commercial success eluded their grasp. By the turn of the 21st century, the three-piece quietly called it Grant-Leequits.

antipathy, as he concludes “I’m done with mercy now, I’m all tapped out.”

On “My Eyes Have Seen,” churchy piano chords lattice quivery Chamberlain, shadowy bass, and thundering percussion. The moodily elegant melody lands halfway between “The Battle Hymn Of The Republic” and Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” Despite Grant-Lee’s ecclesiastic delivery, lyrics offer a stinging rebuke to the former Taint-Stain In-Chief’s immigration policies: “On foil blankets strewn beneath the bridge, the sleepless and the desperate are hid, the mighty with our dogs and razor, a fence around this country where you live.” His eyes are most certainly not seeing the glory of coming of the Lord, instead, he paints a vivid portrait that exposes The Grand Old Party’s blatant hypocrisy and crimes against humanity; “And all these prideful slogans are but cloth, our hands are stained, the color’s coming off, the lies we tell ourselves devour us, until we can’t remember what is lost.”

Other interesting songs include the piano-driven “You Can’t Hide,” which blends gossamer guitars, shimmery keys and wistful vocals. The record winds down with the thumpthump-strum of “All By Heart.” A lament that’s equal parts sweet and sour.



Don’t get the wrong idea, All That You Dream isn’t some tedious treatise that only focuses on that burnt orange, twice-impeached, disgraced former despot President. The record is dotted with tender moments as well. Take Cannot Trust The Ground which is powered by courtly Spanish guitar, debonair bass lines and a ticklish beat. Despite the worldly sturm und drang, this song celebrates the quiet moments; “There’s a comfort in the simple things, put a kettle on the stove, keep an ear out for the whistle when you hear it blow…” or how we’ve graciously accept the new normal; “At the kitchen table school begins, she’s got her face up on the screen, can’t imagine how it feels to be thirteen.” On the break, burnished guitars gently meander in and around the languid melody.

Then, there’s the title track, which weds melancholy piano chords to sparkly guitars,

September 15 to September 21, 2022 8

Even as the series ended in 2007, he continued to write and record new music. 2009’s Little Moon, was a droll celebration of fatherhood. Three years on, Walking The Green Corn paid homage to his Creek, Blackfoot and Cherokee heritage. The Narrows, released in 2016, reflected his recent move from L.A. to Nashville. (That same year, he also reprised his Gilmore Girls role on the four-part miniseries that aired on Netflix). Two years later he was back with the politically charged Widdershins. Although 2020’s intimate and introspective Lightning, Show Us Us Your Stuff, arrived at the height of the pandemic, it had been written and recorded a few weeks before the world stopped turning. His typical modus operandi has always been to write his next album on the road. Since that wasn’t an option this time out, he recalibrated his work routine, sticking close to home and finding inspiration by taking daily drives to the Tennessee countryside with his family. The result is All That You Can Dream. The record springs to life with “A Sudden Place.” Strummy guitars, swoony strings, lowing bass, and tender piano notes are tethered to a chunky beat. Grant-Lee’s whispery croon caresses lyrics that urge us to take nothing for granted; “The world’s a

quickly embarked on a solo career. His debut, Ladies Love Oracle, arrived in January 2000. From then on, he released new music at a furious clip. Mobilize was released in 2001, Virginia Creeper, three years later. He recharged his musical batteries in 2006 with nineteeneighties, a collection of favorite ‘80s covers, Streangelet popped up a year later. During this era, he’d raised his profile considerably, as a recurring character on The Gilmore Girls. On the acclaimed series, he portrayed the Town Troubadour, singing on the streets, always on the periphery of the action. His songs often served up trenchant commentary underscoring the drama du jour involving Rory, her mom Lorelei and the eccentric denizens of Stars Hollow.

Phillips is playing a solo set at The Alibi on Wednesday, September 21st, at The Alibi. This isn’t his first PS gig, neatly 30 years ago, along with his band, Grant Lee Buffalo, he played an outdoor show along with Alice Donut, back in 1993 (who among us, doesn’t wax nostalgic when we recall Alice Donut?). Grant-Lee is currently touring in support of his 11th solo effort, All That You Can Dream.

“Peace Is A Delicate Thing” is a somber slice of boots-on-the-ground reportage, Dylanesque in its execution. Feathery acoustic notes partner with bleak bass lines, doom-y keys and an offkilter beat. The dirge-like melody perfectly accentuates this tense communique; “Wolves in the chamber, rage in their eyes, scandalous hours, the violence of lies, we’re all walking a razor’s edge/Choirs of anger a horrible dream, windows shattered, a rifle that sings and tears through the heavens, all the white stars ricocheting.” Downcast guitars cascade over the chorus juxtaposing the hatred and righteous indignation as he notes this wrongheaded revolution is “only a mirror, a reflection of us, the deeper you peer, the worse it becomes.”

Much of the record was written in late 2020 and early 2021. Grant-Lee has never been overtly political, but between the worldwide pandemic, myriad crises at the border, election upheaval and the insurrection at the Capitol, the global tsuris was difficult to ignore. Several songs address these turbulent times.


First up is “Cruel Trick.” Lithe guitars wash over nimble bass lines, snake-charmer keys, shaky percussion and an acrobatic beat. Covid is raging and the world is at a standstill; “The marquee is bare at the movies, there’s nothing to see, I miss the dumb places, but mostly the feeling you get when there’s somewhere, when there’s somewhere to be.” As the lyrics quietly convey a quixotic mix of foreboding and ennui, the soporific melody follows suit, until GrantLee cuts loose on the stompy chorus; “Feels like a cruel, cruel, cruel trick on the heart, if there’s a cure for it, stick out my arm, but it’s a cruel, cruel, cruel trick of the heart.”

The treasonous activities that took place on January 6th, 2021 thread through three cuts.

Meanwhile, “Rats In A Barrel” takes a more jaundiced view. A rippling drum salvo folds into acoustic notes that pivot between plangent and prickly, alongside tensile bass and shaker percussion. No compassion and zero fucks given for lemmings who still “believe what some liar said.” The consequences are real; “Hear them pleading and looking scared, ‘took my marching orders from that man up there,’ hear them pleading how ‘I got caught up,’ but ya can’t throw punches when you’re in the cuffs.” On the break, caustic, staccato guitar riffs underscore the indifference and

This traitorous triptych concludes with “Cut To The Ending.” Painterly piano wraps around willowy guitars and a propulsive beat. This brittle post-mortem opens with the aftermath; “Now we’re left to pick up the pieces, shovel up the shards, because a fool won’t listen to reason ‘til he’s gone too far, ‘til he’s gone too far.” Not only do lyrics take aim at the gutless sycophants that allowed such tyrannical behavior to flourish; “History is told by an old man who survived the wars, little talk of spineless enablers, ones who held the doors/ And knelt to kiss a ring, held onto power by any means…,” they also warn it could easily happen again; “I’ve seen some ugliness, some terror in my days, I’d love to think I’ve seen the end, but when you think you’ve got the lid on, here it comes, the same old ghosts are back again.”

Back then, the Stockton, Ca. native (born Bryan G. Phillips), was the front-man for the L.A. based, Alternative/Roots Rock trio, which included multi-instrumentalist Paul Kimble and drummer Joey Peters. Signed to Slash Records, their debut, Fuzzy, had recently arrived, to plenty of critical acclaim and industry buzz. A few years earlier, he had walked away from his film studies at U.C.L.A. to concentrate full-time on his former band Shiva Burlesque (which coincidently had the same line-up as GLB).

tripwire bass and a mercurial beat. GrantLee’s voice is suffused in sadness, drifting into falsetto ache on the chorus, which repeats the title like a mantra; “All the love that you can dream, all that you can dream.” As the arrangement shapeshifts, shuddery percussion is added to the mix, as cryptic lyrics decry the pursuit of wealth at the expense of kindness and humanity. He quietly insists “A part of us is broken.”

sudden place, it turns on a dime, and the night falls so suddenly, this time/Such interesting times, we say it like a joke, reminds me even Notre Dame can go up in smoke.”

Finally, there’s the minor key masterpiece, “Remember This.” Anchored by Honky-Tonk piano, sunshiny acoustic guitars, ringing electric riffs, flinty bass, agile percussion and a buoyant beat. The lyrics are a love letter from a father to a daughter, sans any “Cats In The Cradle” angst; “We don’t always have to think the same, not a crime to disagree, doesn’t mean we have to turn away, doesn’t mean we’re enemies…Hardest thing is when I see you hurt, I wish that you would tell me why, When you need me, simply say the word, I’m here to hold you when you cry.” Jingle-jangle guitars ring on the break, briefly making room for some weepy pedal steel.

Despite its topicality, there’s something kind of ethereal, and yes, even dreamy about All That You Can Dream. Grant-Lee remains wistful and contemplative even as he drills down on the hard truths and unhappy endings. Somehow, knowing, that in these emotionally bankrupt and dystopian days, the only true currency is love. (Grant-Lee Phillips & Jarrod Dickenson, Wednesday, September 21, 2022. 8pm. 369 N. Palm Canyon, Palm Springs. www.

Once again, Grant-Lee relies longtime cohorts like bassist Jennifer Condos and drummer Jay Bellerose to flesh out his sound. As well as Jaime Edwards on keys, pedal steel from Eric Heywood and cello provided by Richard Dodd. This time it was a socially distant affair, with all the participants recording their parts from their own home studios.


Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Christine Love – 6pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke –9pm

Hyatt – Derek Jordan Gregg – 5-7pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – John Stanley King – 6pm

Chef George’s – Michael D Angelo and Tim Burleson – 6:30pm

Friday, September 16

Bart Lounge – Picopalooza w/ DJ Pico and Friends – 8pm

Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Tre’Sure –9pm

Bart Lounge – Latina Night w/ DJ LF – 8pm

Jolene’s – Fun with Dick and Jane –6pm

The Village – DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm

Four Twenty Bank – Ultimate Jam Sessions – 6pm

O’Caine’s – Flogging Seagulls – 6pm

Chef George’s – Lizann Warner –6:30pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – Flames of Durga – 8:30pm

Babaloo Lounge – Live Music – 6pm

Pretty Faces Nightclub – DJs LF, Hymn and Dxsko – 9pm

Thursday, September 15

Jazzville @ Agua Caliente – Hot Club of Los Angeles – 7pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – The Bridges2Hope Fundraiser w/ The Hellions, Yoves, People of the Sun and Grins and Lies – 7pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – The Hooten Hollers – 8:30pm

Monday, September 19

Tack Room Tavern – T-Bone Karaoke – 7pm

The Village – Rob & JB – 5:30pm, DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm, Rapmarz – 9pm, DJ LF – 10pm

Melvyn’s – Mikael Healey – 5pm

Chef George’s – Marc Antonelli –6:30pm

The Village – Rapmarz – 9pm, Banda Revolucion – 10pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Bart Lounge – Open Decks DJ Night – 8pm

Casuelas Café – The Myx – 7pm

Larkspur Grill @ Hotel Paseo – Doug and Meg Music – 7pm

Jolene’s – Patrice Morris – 7pm

Rockyard @ Fantasy Springs –Memory Layne (Alice in Chains Tribute) and 212 Band – 7pm

Kitchen 86 – Jojo Malagar – 7pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – Slim Man Band – 6pm

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke –9pm

O’Caine’s – California Celts – 6pm

The Village – Karaoke – 9pm, Rapmarz – 9pm

Ace Hotel – The Balearic Beat – 9pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – John Stanley King – 7:30pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Babaloo Lounge – Tim Burleson – 6pm

Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Just Dave Band – 7pm

The Village – Rob & JB – 1pm, Rapmarz – 9pm, DJ LF – 10pm

Wildest – Scott Carter – 6pm

Jolene’s – Desert Crows – 6pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Patrice Morris – 6pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Marc Antonelli – 6pm

Pretty Faces Nightclub – Best Night Ever w/DJs – 9pm

Pretty Faces Nightclub – Trappea w/ DJ Dxsko – 9pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Casuelas Café – Flashback Boyz – 7pm

Indian Wells Resort Hotel – Marc Antonelli – 6pm

Bart Lounge – Seven/Six Presents: Zork and Friends – 8pm

Sunday, September 18

Jolene’s – Fun with Dick and Jane –7pm

The Village – Gio the Ace - 9pm

Babaloo Lounge – The Carmens –6:30pm

Four Twenty Bank – Live Music –6pm

The Nest – Live Music – 6:30pm

Wildest – Scott Carter – 6pm

Pappy and Harriet’s – The Lone Bellow – 7pm

Chef George’s – Tim Burleson –6:30pm

Purple Room – Scot Bruce, Elvis: The Early Years – 6pm

Purple Room – Clint Holmes – 6pm

Blu Ember – Gina Sedman – 5pm September 15 to September 21, 2022 9

The Village – Rob & JB – 5:30pm, Village Idiots – 8:30pm, DJ Gio the Ace – 9pm

O’Caine’s – Craic Haus – 6pm

Hyatt – Derek Jordan Gregg – 5-7pm

Babaloo Lounge – Tim Burleson –6pm

Oscar’s – Oscar’s Cabaret – 6pm

Saturday, September 17

Wednesday, September 21

Plan B Live Entertainment & Cocktails – Red’s Rockstar Karaoke –9pm

Chef George’s – Lizann Warner –6:30pm

Babaloo Lounge – Live Music – 6pm

Coachella Valley Brewery – Open Mic – 6pm

Four Twenty Bank – Live Music – 6pm

Rockyard @ Fantasy Springs – Turn the Page (Bob Seger Tribute) and Rock Stallion – 7pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – John Stanley King – 6pm

Coachella Valley Brewing Co. –Oktoberfest Party w/ Food, Games, Trivia, Raffle and Live Music – (All Day)

Lit @ Fantasy Springs – Tre’Sure –9pm

Wildest – Derek Jordan Gregg – 6pm

Coachella Valley Brewing Co. –Acoustic Afternoon w/ Matt Davin and Pastor Matt – 3:30pm

Fisherman’s Market, PS – Art of Sax – 5pm

Vicky’s of Santa Fe – Rose Mallett –5pm, John Stanley King – 7:30pm

Babaloo Lounge – Maryse Nicole –7pm

Wildest – Derek Jordan Gregg – 6-9pm

Coachella Valley Brewing Co. – Trivia Night – 7pm

Tuesday, September 20

Extras include two commentary tracks by noted film historians Mike LaSalle and Richard Barrios. Also part of the bonus content is a “period appropriate” Betty Boop cartoon and 1930’s newsreel. For comparison purposes, there’s a 76-minute cut of the 1938 Atlantic version. VCI. Bluray.What are you watching and recommend? Going out to the movies are staying home? I want to hear from you.

S No. 544

The relevance of the theme, especially the relationship of religion and government, and the utter hypocrisy of religion will insure a long life for this stylistic and finely crafted film that generated widespread controversy when it was initially released


Home theater video distributor VCI presents one of the true classic dramas of film history in a stunning new 4K restoration produced from the uncut 94-minute version.

Joan Crawford, In movies for less than a decade, eventual Best Actress Oscar recipient (Mildred Pierce, 1945) holds her own in Rain while acting while acting opposite an incredible ensemble cast of trained stage actors, among them Guy Kibbee, Beulah Bondie and Walter Huston as was a flop when it was released in 1932. But it has since gained –or rather, recovered – it’s artistic reputation no doubt due to Crawford’s then shocking realism as Sadie. This true American classic from the pre-code era is worth finding and enjoying.Milestone’s film may not be as memorable as the two other versions, but it has the prized asset of Joan Crawford at her

The film was adapted from the 1923 stage play which was itself based on Maugham’s story. Prior to the1932 version, there was a previous film adaptation in 1928 starring Gloria Swanson and there would be future remakes starring Rita Hayworth (MISS SADIE THOMPSON, 1953).


Lewis Milestone directs W. Somerset Maugham’s powerful short story MISS SADIE THOMPSON about several lives of opposing desire thrown together on Pago Pago during a particularly fierce monsoon.

September 15 to September 21, 2022 10


seductive and sultry best.

RAIN (1932)

Brilliant performances are given by Crawford as Sadie Thompson the cynical prostitute, and by Walter Huston as the severe, morally superior minister who is obsessed with reforming her. September 15 to September 21, 2022 11


For those of you who like to quantify wine stats, this one always seems to come up. Which California varietal is the most popular? The answer continues to be Chardonnay. It’s been that way for the last 30 years! Coming up second is, of course, Cabernet Sauvignon. Again, it’s been that way for the last 30 years!

Next in line—I think you’ve guessed it: Sauvignon/Fume Blanc. The next one, surprisingly, is Moscato! Over White Zinfandel and Red Zinfandel—who would have thunk, although our spiel on Stella Rosa tells us sweet wine is as popular as ever. The last two of note are Riesling and Syrah.

This Champagne goes for a very reasonable price of $170 per bottle for all that effort. Wine Spectator has just written: “Racy acidity drives this mouthwatering Champagne, enlivening the rich panoply of flavors. Features a fine and creamy mousse that’s still a lively springboard for aromas and flavors of crème de cassis, glazed tangerine, roasted hazelnut, ground coffee, pickled ginger, and white blossoms; long and satiny, with minerally salt and chalk notes gaining momentum on the lasting finish.” Cheers!

And the culture we speak of, really appears to be the new and young wine drinkers in the Hispanic community. The Riboli Family founded the San Antonio Winery in Los

September 15 to September 21, 2022 12


Riboli Family Wines continue to amaze with their product prowess. Surely a wine shopper knows of the Stella Rosa line of colorful wines on the shelves. It has always been a Riboli Family Italian import from four generations back. Indeed, on the label of each bottle of wine, it tells us “Il Conte 1917”, which tells us in Italian that the Stella Rosa brand was founded back in 1917.

By the way—the latest Stella Rosa fruit flavor wine is Cranberry. Don’t quote me on this, but I bet it would make for a bright tasty wine cocktail in some circles. And the Riboli Family is moving on to ultra-premium and luxury wine brands from France, Italy, New Zealand and other regions. The new division is called “Avanti” and the wine portfolio will range from $15 to $100 a bottle.

So as we soon arrive in autumn’s turn in the wine game, let me get my tasting notes together, make a few phone calls to old wine friends (obviously we don’t text), and plan a year’s calendar to cover what would be of interest to the active wine mind of readers. In the meantime, allow me to wander about and . . . just California’ssaying.

The past 10 years or so have shown a small decline in the sales of Pinot Noir and Merlot—which have been more or less tied in sales. The fairly “new wine kid on the block” is Pinot Grigio/Gris. Yep—it has taken over third place. And this is the California stuff—not the Italian juice: interesting. Pinot Noir is fourth; Merlot follows now as fifth, where Merlot, most interesting, was third in total sales from 1990 to 2020.

For you French Champagne fans who wish to stay au courant when it comes to world class vintages and wish to sound oh-so-cool when ordering the right Champagne at the dinner table, Champagne Bollinger has just announced the latest vintage of La Grande Année. It is the 2014 vintage Champagne that is made from 61% Pinot Noir and 39% Chardonnay, sourced from 19 different crus, with 79% Grand Crus and 21% Premier. That’s a lot of effort.

Angeles back in 1917, so they’ve always been involved with Spanish-speaking customers. And it’s these fruity flavored wines that have attracted these young folks to appreciating wine as much as beer, cocktails and brandy.

Every so often, I enjoy just going off on a particular theme and simply discussing what’s on my wine mind. No big expectations here—actually, I think my “wine mind” has shrunk, considering the amount of world-wide wine news out there and the amount of info I can take in, let alone remember. So thanks for giving me a break. What I do enjoy writing on—wine wise, are the changes in seasons. They not only assist us in registering time passing when months go by as fast as weeks, but in the game of wine, each season has its way with the individual vintage of the year’s product. If I were to look back to all of the weeks of articles I’ve written as your Vino Voice here in our beloved CV Weekly—close to 600 or so columns, I could safely lay a bet that many of the past articles usher in or address the entry of autumn, winter, spring and summer.

An amusing tell-tale clue that the Riboli Family pursue, is PR on the Stella Rosa label. The wine notes on the label go on and on about the Italian vineyards that provide the juice for the wine. But when you read it—it’s in a foreign language, and one would first think that it is written in Italian. A closer look however, and one comes to see that it is written in Spanish. Of course!

But in the last decade or so, the brand has been coming out with a new “fruit flavor” every year! And there seems to have been a cultural movement in causing the brand to expand wildly. The wine stats show that Stella Rosa sales have increased over 20% each year for the past ten!


The Fall Concert Series closes out on Thursday, October 27, with a show by the Pop Rebels Band, the ultimate variety band featuring a range of genres from rock n’ roll, Latin, R&B, and dance music from the 60s to today. They will be highlighting hits from the 70s to kick off the City of Palm Desert’s 50th Anniversary and the release of the new City Calendar.While the music is the main draw, food and beverage trucks will be available each concert evening offering a variety of culinary





The series continues on Thursday, October 13,, with a performance by the extremely talented Blue Breeze Band, a multi-talented collection of professional musicians who have played alongside rock icons including Teena Marie, Evelyn Champagne King, the Brothers Johnson, L.T.D., The Temptations, Lakeside and Edgar Winter. This popular band delivers it all – Motown, R&B, soul, funk, and dance – with rich harmonies, and phenomenal rhythm and horn sections.

Think a variety of creative art! September 15 to September 21, 2022 13

offerings an hour before the concerts. Concert-goers may also bring picnic baskets along with blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy the shows. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are prohibited at Civic Center Park.

creating a platform for them to showcase their work and reach a new audience. All displayable forms of visual art are welcomed for our flatblackonline.comFor12PM-6P11AM-7PMHOURS:exhibits.Monday-Saturdaymoreinformationvisit:

Dreamboats will bring back vintage rock n’ roll to the concert line-up. They are known for their high-energy performance evocative of the Chuck Berry and The Wonders era. This quartet of Canadian musicians delivers an exciting show that has audiences dancing.


Palm Desert Civic Center Park is located in Downtown Palm Desert, on the northeast corner of San Pablo Avenue and Fred Waring Drive. For more information on the Fall Concert Series and all events in Palm Desert, visit www.DiscoverPalmDesert. com, call (760) 568-1441, or visit the @ VisitPalmDesert page on Facebook & Instagram.

Flat Black gallery is a gallery/ event space used for emerging and seasoned artists. The gallery has hosted over 100 art shows and counting in the last several years.

City of Palm Desert will once again play host to a series of free, weekly concerts at the Palm Desert Civic Center Park amphitheater throughout the month of October. Featuring a variety of talented musical acts designed to please music lovers of all ages and tastes, the concerts will be held every Thursday evening from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. There will be free parking, food trucks, and more.

The entertainment kicks off on Thursday, October 6, with a performance by the award-winning We Belong, a tribute to Pat Benatar and her husband and lead guitarist Neil Giraldo. Going together in 1979 this is a wonderful tribute to a legendary music couple that continue to pack venues to this day. We Belong spans the decades taking the audience on a journey throughout Pat and Neil’s entire career.

Artists from all walks of life and different mediums have graced their walls. Their goal is to help local artists by


On Thursday, October 20, The


application at and call (760)834-7000. Palm Springs residents can contact their shelter at (760) 416-5718 www.psanimals.orgIfyoucan’tfoster or adopt, volunteer at one of the 3 local shelters that have many large dogs. The CVAC Shelter, the Humane Society of the Desert, and the Palm Springs Animal Shelter have many large breeds needing exercise and human contact.

If you cannot adopt, consider becoming a life-saving foster parent. The sponsoring organization covers all costs. To foster for CVAC call their foster supervisor at (951) 358-7376 To foster a big dog for Loving All Animals fill out their volunteer

If you can’t afford to donate, network homeless animals on social media. LIKE the Facebook page for the Coachella Valley Animal Shelter and others and then SHARE their animals. HELP SAVE A GERMAN SHEPHERD TODAY!

need to waive their owner surrender fees for those losing their homes and unable to afford them. WE CANNOT RESCUE OR ADOPT OUR WAY OUT OF PET OVERPOPULATION.”

During the pandemic, money seeking breeders bred more dogs for homebound people. Those cute Shepherd puppies are now 70-pound active dogs they may be unable to handle. Other adopters returned to work and relinquished their pets. German Shepherds shed a lot, and not everyone has the patience to do frequent brushings. During the pandemic, spaying and neutering was not considered essential, and vet clinics with staff shortages did not always offer this service. More dogs of all breeds were born.


What can you do to help? Adopt a German Shepherd from a shelter. Those over 3 years of age are usually calm and eager to please when inside your home. Pictured here is Rosie, a 3-year-old at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus (CVAC), our Riverside County shelter in Thousand Palms Her gorgeous face framed in fuzzy fur, Rosie loves people and other big dogs.

If you are too busy to do any of the above, make a tax-deductible donation to the German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County, a private nonprofit that also rescues Shepherds from Riverside County. Donate to one of the private local animal organizations on the attached list.


September 15 to September 21, 2022 14


I’m just a big cuddle bug, only 1-yr-old and full of puppy fun. I’m dog ID#A1682602, a Labrador Pit Bull mix. Please come meet me at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus shelter, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms,, (760) 3433644. Visiting hours are 10am to 4pm Mon through Sat.


This lovely sweet Tuxedo girl has waited 49 days at the Coachella Valley Animal Campus shelter, their longest resident. She’s cat ID#A1682659, just 1-yearold and fully of kitten fun. Located at 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, www. Visiting hours 10am-4pm Mon thru Sat.


beautiful, brilliant dogs bravely searched for survivors on 9/11, protected our military by detecting land mines, and lovingly guard their human families. German Shepherds are my favorite breed, full of engaging personality, majestic and devoted. My parents adopted a German Shepherd puppy when I was born, and he later saved my life when I was a baby.

Tragically German Shepherds are now entering crowded public animal shelters in record numbers. In some regions, they are the second largest breed to be euthanized in public shelters after Pit Bulls. What can we do to help save these Shepherds when crowded shelters run out of space? Large size working breed dogs do not do well in kennels. Over time, they can become stressed, shut down, bark at visitors, and become less adoptable. Several factors created this crisis. Rising housing costs and evictions are the reason

Executive Director of German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County, explains, “We are seeing an unprecedented number of purebred German Shepherds and purebred Belgian Malinois in shelters this year and it’s daunting for rescuers. We attribute this to an increase in backyard breeding during the pandemic, as well as the popularity of a recent movie featuring a Belgian Malinois. We urge public shelter administrators to enforce existing breeding ordinances to reduce the number of litters being born. Public shelters

many renters relinquish their pets. Many landlords sold their rental homes to profit from the increased value of home prices. Remaining landlords can select 10 applicants with no pets over an applicant with 2 large dogs and 2 cats. Middle aged folks having to move in with senior parents may learn their parents’ offer doesn’t include a resident large activeMariadog.Dales,


SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER AT DEVORE – Open 7 days a week. Call (909) 386-9280, acc and get the ID number of animal you are interested in adopting, 19777 Shelter Way, San Bernardino (Public).

PALM SPRINGS ANIMAL SHELTER – Open to the public, closed Tuesday. View animals online at and complete application for the one you want to meet, 4575 E. Mesquite Ave, Palm Springs, Call (760) 416-5718. (Public)

ANIMAL SAMARITANS – Open to the public. View their animals at animalsamaritans. org. Email volunteer@animalsamaritans. org to foster or volunteer. Located at 72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, (760) 601-3918. (Private) September 15 to September 21, 2022 15

PRETTY GOOD CAT – Foster based rescue for cats located in La Quinta. Contact them at, (760) 660-3414 (Private)

CALIFORNIA PAWS RESCUE - Call for an appointment to adopt. Located at 73650 Dinah Shore, Palm Desert. View their animals at, (760) 656-3833. (Private)

LOVING ALL ANIMALS – Call for appointment to adopt dogs. Located at 83496 Avenue 51, Coachella, www.lovingallanimals. org, (760) 834-7000. (Private)

FLUFFS & SCRUFFS – Foster based rescue for small dogs in Cathedral City. FLUFFSANDSCRUFFS@AOL.COM, (310) 9803383 (Private)

CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO ANIMAL SHELTER – Open 12:00 – 3pm Tues through Sat. Google “City of San Bernardino Animal Shelter” for website to view animals and get the ID number of the animal you want. Located at 333 Chandler Place, San Bernardino, (909) 384-1304 or (909) 384-7272. (Public)

SOCIETY’S OUTKAST ANIMAL RESCUE – Foster based rescue for dogs in Rancho Mirage,, (760) 832-0617. (Private)

ANIMAL RESCUE CENTER OF CALIFORNIA (ARC), Foster based rescue for dogs and cats in Indio., (760) 877-7077 (Private)

Here are some places where you can adopt a wonderful rescue dog or cat!

HUMANE SOCIETY OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY – Fill out an application online www. and call for an appointment. This shelter has dogs of all sizes and cats, Located at 17825 N. Indian Canyon, Palm Springs, (760) 329-0203. (Private)

LIVING FREE ANIMAL SANCTUARY – Large outdoor shelter for dogs and cats up Hwy 74, Mountain Center,, (951) 659-4687. (Private)

KITTYLAND – Open to the public to adopt cats and kittens. Located at 67600 18th Avenue, Desert Hot Springs, www., (760) 251-2700. (Private)

DESERT HOT SPRINGS ANIMAL CARE & CONTROL - Open daily 9:30-4:30. (760),HaciendaAve,DesertHotSprings,329-6411ext.450.

COACHELLA VALLEY ANIMAL CAMPUS –Open 10:00-4:00 Monday through Saturday. View animals online at all 4 county shelters, 72-050 Pet Land Place, Thousand Palms, (760) 343-3644. (Public)

September 15 to September 21, 2022 16 15% OFF Daily From 2pm - 5pm With this CVCouponWEEKLY EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 15, 2022. ONE COUPON PER VISIT.

“TOP LAWYER” - Inland Empire Magazine 2016-PERFECT2019 10.0 AVVO Peer Rating

Prior to his death in 1986, Cohn introduced Rupert Murdoch to Trump. He is also responsible for Trump’s relationship with GOP political dirty trickster, Roger Stone.

politics, you can generally learn more about a candidate by who they choose to associate with over what they say. Whether it is money or advice, politicians normally have powerful friends who help them along the way.

If you stop paying for the SR-22 your driver’s license will be suspended automatically. If you drive with your license suspended you could be arrested for a misdemeanor (14601 VC, Driving on a Suspended License) and face jail, fines and lose your car.

liability coverage mandated by California law.

columnist, Liz Smith was a friend to both Trump and Cohn wrote, “Donald lost his moral compass when he made an alliance with Roy Cohn.”

You must contact our insurance company before there is a DMV Hearing and/or a Plea/ Conviction to the Court. In other words while your record is still clear. Thus you are getting insured with NON OWNED Vehicle coverage, while you have a clean record without a DUI conviction showing up on your record.


When arrested for a DUI, the arresting officer takes your license under the “Stop and Snatch Law”, and issues you a Pink Temporary License that is good for 30 days. IF your lawyer requests a DMV hearing and a Stay, within 10 days, your license is good until the results of theIfhearing.youhad an Accident with a DUI, please do NOT volunteer info to your

It appears that Obama and Ayers both dated the same person in 1984. About ten years later, Obama and Ayers worked together on several education issues in Chicago. While Obama tried to downplay his connection to Ayers for obvious reasons, they had a solid bond that lasted for decades.

Lawyer Victor Kovner says, “You knew when you were in Cohn’s presence you were in the presence of pure evil.” Cohn gained that reputation due to his empty threats, frivolous lawsuits, and apparent willingness to lie in order to win.

immediately. 3. No matter what happens… never admit defeat.” He also used the press and gossip columnists to advance his objectives.Gossip

In the forty-five years prior to running for President, Trump was involved in roughly 4,000 lawsuits. His history in the courts goes back to 1973 when the government was suing Trump for violating the Fair Housing Act in 39 apartment buildings. In looking for an attorney to help him fight these charges, Trump hired Roy Cohn. Almost immediately, Cohn countersue the government for $100 million for “irresponsible and baseless” claims. Eventually, Trump settled out of court and stated that they were “happy” that the settlement did not require that they rent to “persons on welfare”. Four years later, Trump was taken back to court for violating the terms of the settlement. This is one of

Cohn’s style eventually led to his disbarment as an attorney in 1986. Shortly afterwards, Cohn died of AIDS. While Cohn strongly denied that he was gay, he was known to have intimate relations with Cardinal Francis Spelman of the Catholic Church along with many others. Upon his death, the IRS seized his assets for tax evasion.

looks like a license.


If you lose the DMV hearing or enter a plea to the court, then in order to get a license to drive, you must file an SR-22 with DMV in addition to paying a reissuance fee and showing proof you have enrolled in the correct DUI class. The SR 22 shows proof of insurance, but don’t file it through your own company.TheSR-

the earliest examples of a legal strategy that Trump would use for the rest of his life – counter-sue, be loud and public and claim victory no matter the outcome. September 15 to September 21, 2022 17

Injured and Criminally Accused“TOP LAWYER” - California’s Prestige Magazine, Palm Springs Life (PI/DUI) 2011-20


Would it surprise you that former President Donald Trump has his own version of Bill Ayers? Many blame Trump’s aggressive and litigious style on his relationship with

22 is a special document only an insurance company can provide and then file with DMV. It is a “Proof of Insurance” Certificate that guarantees the individual has obtained the required minimum limit of


insurance company about the DUI. It is their responsibility to find that out. Even if you had a traffic accident the carrier does NOT always know that alcohol was involved. So Silence is Golden and Handcuffs are Silver…but Don’t lie! However, don’t volunteer info.


DALE RepresentingGRIBOWthe


If it turns out there is no filing and the SR 22 is not needed, then the clients get a 100% refund from this new insurance company. This kicks in if we win the DMV and Court proceedings, which thus determines the DUI driver does not need to file the SR-22. This is the exception rather than the rule.

Writer Sam Roberts in a 2017 Vanity Fair article summed up Cohn’s legal strategy to most conflicts: “1. Never settle, never surrender. 2. Counterattack, counter-sue


If/when the DUI driver’s insurance company learns of the DUI, then your new insurance company would take the drivers insurance policy limits info from your old auto policy and write a new policy, using the clean record stats that existed when they initially wrote the non-users policy. They do this because the driver was insured and rated by our company when there was NO DUI on their record. This is true if you contact our suggested company right away.

The unique SR22 filing program from companies we suggest, will reduce the risk of an immediate cost impact to your premium. It helps you avoid being dropped entirely from your existing policy.

Whether it is Trump, Obama, Nixon, Clinton or another, friendships, and behaviors prior to entering the Oval Office give us the best guide as to the leader we love or loathe. Trump is a protégé of Roy Cohn – a deceitful and corrupt person – just as others are progeny of others.

burden is on the Automobile Insurance CARRIER to find out about your DUI Conviction, and I’m advised they usually SPOT CHECK driving records for the last year. If you are asked directly don’t lie. However, if you receive something in the mail from your insurance carrier, many experts suggest that you ignore it. It may fall through the cracks and they may not contact you again…but to be safe ask your attorney.

California requires you keep your insurance and SR-22 in force for 36 months. DUI drivers must file proof of active insurance as a condition to having their license reinstated. They are susceptible to extreme insurance premium increases from their old company.

lawyer, Roy Cohn.


The Grand Old Party constantly reminded us of former President Obama’s relationship with William Ayers. When Sarah Palin was running for Vice President with Senator John McCain in 2008, she compared Obama’s friendship with Ayers as “palling around with terrorists.” The concern was first brought up by former Clinton advisor and ABC host, George Stephanopoulos as part of a presidential primary debate that included Hilary Clinton.

Haddon Libby is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Winslow Drake Investment Management. For more information on our award winning services, please visit


As a reminder William Ayers led Weather Underground, a militant group that the FBI designated as a terrorist group. In 1969, Ayers founded Weather Underground to overthrow ‘American Imperialism’. The effort was begun in response to the United States’ efforts in Vietnam. Weather Underground bombed public buildings like police stations in protest.

The insurance company insures the DUI driver with a non-owned vehicle policy to drive any vehicle. Thus you can get the SR 22 Proof of Insurance that DMV demands before they issue the new restricted driver’s license. This allows the driver to retain a valid driver’s license. Your worst case scenario is to go to DMV to get a DMV Identification Card that

Cohn came onto the scene in 1948 when he secured the conviction and execution of Julius and Ether Rosenberg for selling nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. This led to a lead role in the McCarthy hearings where many were prosecuted for communist sympathies. Cohn was known to be ruthless in the courts where he was repeatedly accused of doctoring evidence and making false claims. Claims of bribery, fraud and obstruction of justice dogged him throughout his career. Friend Alan Dershowitz called Cohn “the ultimate fixer” while acknowledging Cohn’s less than upstanding methods.

Payne Pest Management Inc. is a fullservice termite and pest control company offering pest management to commercial and residential properties throughout Southern California. They handle most pest control problems and some you don’t even see!

like “King Of California,” “Manzanita” and “Billy The Kid And Geronimo.” But this selfdescribed Guitar-Basher is at his best when he’s revealing a part of himself or paying reverent, sometimes raucous homage to heroes and Whetherfriends.he’s meeting Sun Records legend Sam Phillips, backing Bo Diddley, negotiating with the infamous Eddie Nash or reminiscing about what he did the day after seeing Jimi Hendrix perform live, Dave’s prose is both edifying and entertaining. He offers up heartfelt and humorous tributes to giants like Big Joe Turner and Lee Allen, less-

renown lights like Ash Grove owner Ed Pearl, Hightone Records founder Bruce Bromberg, Slash Records chief Bob Biggs and early Rock & Roll progenitor, Johnny Otis.

Did you know Termites cause over $5

I think you know where I’m going with this. Having a licensed qualified pest management company is just as important as getting your car serviced or semi-annual teeth cleaned.

It is well known that mosquitoes, fleas, lice and ticks transmit human diseases, but what about cockroaches? They move quickly and find places you’d never think they could hide, cockroaches! Here in California, three cities make the top 20 list, with cockroaches being the biggest problem in cities such as Los Angeles-Long Beach comes in at No. 7 on the national list, followed by RiversideSan Bernardino at No. 11 There is a risk of asthmatic illness from cockroach allergy than from allergies to dog or cat dander or to dust mite excretions. Yikes!

Let’s face it, the most upsetting sight a homeowner can see is a mouse, rat or cockroach darting from under a piece of

My top choice is Payne Pest Management / 877-277-3970.



Dave’s musical knowledge is encyclopedic, his native California pride knows no bounds and his facility for language is as deft and economical as his music. There’s a livedin authenticity to this collection that is by turns, funny, ornery, prickly and poignant.

billion of damage to property in the U.S. each year, and damage by termites is typically not covered by homeowner’s insurance.

The true measure of great writing is how immediately it affects you once you close the book. Reading Moses On Mount Sinai... One Night In Italy, made me search out a copy of Terry Allen’s Juarez album via the interwebs. Dave’s liner notes to Tulare Dust: A Songwriter’s Tribute To Merle Haggard, had me digging out my CD (purchased in 1994), as well as some of my Merle LPs. His interview with Buck Owens made me wish I’d spent time at The Crystal Palace, the few times in my life I was in Bakersfield.

September 15 to September 21, 2022 18

Alvin isn’t just a superlative musician and songwriter, he’s also a sagacious writer and a wickedly witty raconteur. His latest book, New Highway, is a testament to his protean talents.Dave began earning his keep as a musician over 40 years ago. First, as lead guitarist and primary songwriter for The Blasters, a supercharged Roots Rock combo that also included lead singer and older brother Phil. After a brief stint with X, Dave went solo and hasn’t looked back. In the ensuing 35 years he’s released 13 solo albums. He also made

time to collaborate with his brother Phil on a couple of Bluesy records, as well as recent effort with legendary Texas troubadour, Jimmie Dale Gilmore.

His first book, Any Rough Times Are Behind You: Selected Poems and Writings, 1979-1995, arrived in 1996. The new one follows a similar blueprint. It also includes Selected Poems, Prose, Essays, Eulogies And Blues.

The book is packed with poems both pithy and poignant, indelible Blasters lyrics like “American Music,” “Long White Cadillac” and “Little Honey,” as well as solo classics

Nothing beats living in Southern California. Most of us enjoy the Mediterranean climate that we can enjoy mostly year-round. But we’re not the


He saves his tenderest encomiums for singer-songwriter Nanci Griffith, an artist who consistently blurred the lines between Country, Folk and Rock, as well as Miss Mercy, who, along with best friend, Pamela Des Barres, was part of Frank Zappa’s Girls Together Outrageously collective. Nanci and Miss Mercy both marched to the beat of a differentdrummer. Then there’s best pal, musician Chris Gaffney, who lost his battle with liver cancer at age 57 back in 2008. Dave includes a cantankerous exchange between the venerable road warriors that will have you guffawing with gusto. (It’s better than LOLing, trust me). The lyrics to Run Conejo Run, a song that limns some of Chris’ life experience, is a cinematic read.



only ones that enjoy the year-round climate, pests and rodents do as well. This high humidity and warm rain isn’t helping matters.

furniture or kitchen cabinet, scurrying across the room and disappearing. Mice, rats, and squirrels are all rodents that may seek shelter and food inside your home. In addition to making many people feel downright squeamish, these pests can also damage a home’s structure by gnawing through walls, support beams, and electrical wires that cause fires.

Good night… Not so fast! Sleep Tight. Who’s been sleeping in your bed? Bed bugs! When most would think of New York as being the biggest problem for bed bugs, California comes right in with Los Angeles right there!

In my pursuit to help you embrace your divine nature, I invite you to join my Facebook group SACRED Light Code Keys. Go

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Sometimes serendipity is just intention unmasked,” said Sagittarian author Elizabeth Berg. I suspect her theory will be true for you in the coming weeks. You have done an adroit job of formulating your intentions and collecting the information you need to carry out your intentions. What may be best now is to relax your focus as you make room for life to respond to your diligent preparations.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Please promise me you will respect and revere your glorious star power in the coming weeks. I feel it’s important, both to you and those whose lives you touch, that you exalt and exult in your access to your magnificence. For everyone’s benefit, you should play freely with the art of being majestic and regal and sovereign. To do this right, you must refrain from indulging in trivial wishes, passing fancies, and minor attractions. You must give yourself to what’s stellar. You must serve your holiest longings, your riveting dreams, and your thrilling hopes.



CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Tips to get the most out of the next six weeks: 1. Be the cautiously optimistic voice of reason. Be the methodical motivator who prods and inspires. Organize as you uplift. Encourage others as you build efficiency. 2. Don’t take other people’s apparent stupidity or rudeness as personal affronts. Try to understand how the suffering they have endured may have led to their behavior. 3. Be your own father. Guide yourself as a wise and benevolent male elder would. 4. Seek new ways to experience euphoria and enchantment, with an emphasis on what pleasures will also make you healthier.

It is the objective of your inner spirit to grow. You are an eternal being and your soul is a container of divine energy in movement, striving to explore new frontiers. The highest part of you will always be driven by growth and expansion. Fear is not real to your inner spirit. The higher you will seek that which allows your soul to expand most without the intervention of fear.

“I’m a great believer in luck,” said my Uncle Ned. “I’ve found that the harder I work, the more luck I have.” He was correct, but it’s also true that luck sometimes surges your way when you’ve taken a break from your hard work.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): My reader Monica Ballard has this advice for you Aries folks: “If you don’t vividly ask for and eagerly welcome the gifts the Universe has in store for you, you may have to settle for trinkets and baubles. So never settle.” That’s always useful counsel for you Rams. And in the coming weeks, you will be wise to heed it with extra intensity. Here’s a good metaphor to spur you on: Don’t fill up on junk snacks or glitzy hors d’oeuvres. Instead, hold out for gourmet feasts featuring healthy, delectable entrées.

on the verge of being able to start planning your launch date or grand opening. Now all you have to do is create a big crisp emptiness where the next phase will have plenty of room to germinate. The best way to do that is to finish the old process as completely as possible.




body is a vehicle for your soul. The being that you see when you look in the mirror is just a piece of who you truly are. You are an expression of your inner spirit when you are in a body living through an incarnation, but this life and this body is not ALL of who you are.

When you are unaware that this higher part of you sits beneath your motivations, it can feel as if you are a victim of circumstance and that things are done to you rather than by you. When you raise your perspective to align with your inner spirit and your expanded self, you realize that you are a victim of nothing and no one. Everything that manifests in your reality has merit and serves your inner spirit.

If you make it a habit to honor the nature

Aimee Mosco is an Author, Intuitive Channel, Spiritual Teacher and Co-Founder of Intentional Healing Systems, LLC. Aimee’s desire to help others inspired her first book “Gratitude + Forgiveness x (LOVE) = Happiness”. Aimee serves as Vice Chair to the World Game Changers Board of Directors, a charitable CIC based in the UK. Find Aimee on her website at September 15 to September 21, 2022 19

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Your mind is sometimes a lush and beautiful maze that you get lost in. Is that a problem? Now and then it is, yes. But just as often, it’s an entertaining blessing. As you wander around amidst the lavish finery, not quite sure of where you are or where you’re going, you often make discoveries that rouse your half-dormant potentials. You luckily stumble into unforeseen insights you didn’t realize you needed to know. I believe the description I just articulated fits your current ramble through the amazing maze. My advice: Don’t be in a mad rush to escape. Allow this dizzying but dazzling expedition to offer you all its rich teachings.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): It’s impossible to be perfect. It’s neither healthy nor productive to obsess on perfectionism. You know these things. You understand you can’t afford to get bogged down in overthinking and overreaching and overpolishing. And when you are at your best, you sublimate such manic urges. You transform them into the elegant intention to clarify and refine and refresh. With grace and care, you express useful beauty instead of aiming for hyper-immaculate precision. I believe that in the coming weeks, dear Virgo, you will be a master of these services— skilled at performing them for yourself and others.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to Libran poet T. S. Eliot, “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” Those are your guiding thoughts for the coming days, Libra. You’re almost ready to start fresh; you’re

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian author Richard Ford has advice for writers: “Find what causes a commotion in your heart. Find a way to write about that.” I will amend his counsel to apply to all of you non-writers, as well. By my reckoning, the coming weeks will be prime time to be gleefully honest as you identify what causes commotions in your heart. Why should you do that? Because it will lead you to the good decisions you need to make in the coming months. As you attend to this holy homework, I suggest you direct the following invitation to the universe: “Beguile me, mystify me, delight me, fascinate me, and rouse me to feel deep, delicious feelings.”

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “I am lonely, yet not everybody will do,” observed Piscean author Anaïs Nin. “Some people fill the gaps, and others emphasize my loneliness,” she concluded. According to my reading of the astrological omens, Pisces, it’s your task right now to identify which people intensify your loneliness and which really do fill the gaps. And then devote yourself with extra care to cultivating your connections with the gap-fillers. Loneliness is sometimes a good thing—a state that helps you renew and deepen your communion with your deep self. But I don’t belief that’s your assignment these days. Instead, you’ll be wise to experience intimacy that enriches your sense of feeling at home in the world. You’ll thrive by consorting with allies who sweeten your love of life.

of your soul and look through the lens used by your inner spirit, you will become accustomed to viewing the happenings of your life from a heightened perspective. Those human judgments that labeled circumstances and events as “good” or “bad” and kept you stuck, will begin to fall away. You will see opportunity in abundance. Any threads of victim mentality that hold you back will fade out and you will be free.

Homework: I invite you to send a blessing to someone you regard as challenging to bless. Testify:

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Now and then, you slip into phases when you’re poised on the brink of either self-damage or self-discovery. You wobble and lurch on the borderline where selfundoing vies with self-creation. Whenever this situation arises, here are key questions to ask yourself: Is there a strategy you can implement to ensure that you glide into self-discovery and selfcreation? Is there a homing thought that will lure you away from the perverse temptations of selfdamage and self-undoing? The answers to these queries are always yes—if you regard love as your top priority and if you serve the cause of love over every other consideration.

It can be helpful to consider this when you are reviewing your life as a way to understand a challenge or to find greater meaning in your experiences. When you allow your thoughts to go beyond the boundaries of this lifetime and your current reality, you break free of perceptions that may be hindering your growth and keeping youWhenstuck. you give yourself this gift of transcendence, even if it is just a brief encounter with the vast world that exists beyond the veil of this reality, you rise above your human judgments. You see what your soul sees. You can easily identify the opportunities for soul growth that present in every situation, in every exchange, in every heartache and in every challenge that unfolds in front of you in your life.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I will remind you about a potential superpower that is your birthright to develop: You can help people to act in service to the deepest truths and strongest love. You can even teach them how to do it. Have you been ripening this talent in 2022? Have you been bringing it more to the forefront of your relationships? I hope so. The coming months will stir you to go further than ever before in expressing this gift. For best results, take a vow to nurture the deepest truths and strongest love in all your thoughts and dealings with others.

Rob Brezsny - Free Will freewillastrology@freewillastrology.comAstrology BY AIMEE MOSCO

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Poetry is a lifecherishing force,” said Pulitzer Prize-winner Mary Oliver, who published 33 volumes of poetry and read hundreds of other poets. Her statement isn’t true for everyone, of course. To reach the point where reading poetry provides our souls with nourishment, we may have to work hard to learn how to appreciate it. Some of us don’t have the leisure or temperament to do so. In any case, Cancerian, what are your life-cherishing forces? What influences inspire you to know and feel all that’s most precious about your time on earth? Now would be an excellent time to ruminate on those treasures—and take steps to nurture them with tender ingenuity.

© Copyright 2022 Rob Brezsny

Hold your phone at eye level and pay attention to your posture. Better yet, give your phone a break!

• The total number of drug addicted babies is up 10 percent over the last 5 years.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a Phyto cannabinoid which accounts for 40% of the cannabis plants

• Astonishing there is one baby born every hour in the United States that is suffering from opiate withdrawal.

• Infants who are born with a drug dependency are often in pain. They do not eat or sleep well, they suffer from high fever, and vomit.

Injury: If you’ve had an accident and had to immobilize one leg or one hand, you might develop muscle wasting on the injured side. Muscle wasting is when your muscles become atrophied (smaller and weaker) due to underuse. This happens when you fracture a limb and have to wear a cast for a few weeks. During this period, the muscles on your opposite side will become larger and stronger (hypertrophy), which causes muscle imbalance.


almost a decade of experience working as a personal trainer and now managing a team of personal trainers, muscle imbalances are a familiar topic to me.Simply put, muscular imbalance is seen when the muscles that surround a joint provide different values of tension, sometimes weaker or tighter than normal, thus limiting the joint movement.Tosummarize, muscle imbalances occur when one muscle is stronger than its opposing muscle. –

If you have muscular imbalances, you can correct them with focused training. More importantly, consider working with a personal trainer or a training specialist from “Send Me A Trainer”. We can help you in identifying and correcting any imbalances you may have.

• Sponsor sick patients with pure CBD without THC- (infants to adults)

• Babies in the U.S. are estimated to be born every year with a dependency to at least one drug: more than 400,000 are estimated to have chronic dependency.

CBD and the cannabis medicine plant are helping newborns, children and adults get some relief from the disease of drug addictions and many other ailments; the miracle of the medicine plant does save the day!

• $45,000-65,000 thousand dollars is an average cost of a hospital stay for an infant who is born with opiate withdrawal or other drug dependency issues.

When carrying groceries, try to use the side you don’t typically use to hold them. Consider packing lighter bags and distributing the weight evenly between both sides.

September 15 to September 21, 2022 20

trainer can help you identify your muscle imbalances and create a specific training program to correct the muscle imbalances in your body.

Furthermore, CBD resulted in studies related to anxiety, depression, gross motor movements, and other mood disorders, which resulted in mild to no side effects on the user. A safe option for newborns getting off from meth-addiction or alcohol syndrome. Today the research on the cannabinoid’s products derived from the cannabis plant are being used and tried for many newborns, infant and toddler diseases that can occur when there has been any type of substance abuse during pregnancy.

Infused Edibles sponsor many infants born

Lifestyle habits: Other life habits like always holding the grocery bags using the same hand, or always crossing your legs in the same position will make one side of your body stronger than the other


• Some counties in Kentucky report a 300 percent increase in addicted babies being born.

Shift your weight from side to side when standing.Aknowledgeable

First thing Personal Trainer will assess your current Body Mechanix and after the assessments have been performed, a corrective exercise program can be developed. Corrective exercise is defined as “the systematic process of identifying a neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction, developing a plan of action, and implementing an integrated corrective strategy”.

Try to work with your personal trainer to figure out what comes next at each stage of your training, and focus on whether any muscles are bigger, or stronger than their counterparts. Usually, the most effective way to fight back against asymmetric muscles is by making sure that your dominant side doesn’t end up with more exercise volume than your weaker one, and adding extra intensity to your muscle groups.Overcoming imbalances is all about training lagging muscle groups more intensely than you have done in the past. You can do this by increasing your weekly volume, pushing harder for progressive overload, and working with

For a Free Consultation please reach out to (760) 880-9904 or visit our website www.

• About 76 percent of the additional costs of a hospital stay for a newborn due to drug dependency are paid by Medicare or Medicaid, showing a direct correlation between lower incomes, drug abuse, and drug addicted babies.


Your job: People who have manual jobs tend to have more muscle imbalance between sides. For example, if you’re a construction worker, you probably use your dominant hand to complete intense manual tasks all day. This usually means that one arm will be much stronger and bigger than the other.

accomplish fine tasks. This means that you’ll be more likely to use your dominant arm and leg, which will make them stronger and bigger than the other side. This is determined by our genes which determine our brain’s anatomy.

heavier weights

Remember when using any cannabis medicine please consult with your health care provider.

• The rate of infants being born with a drug addiction is three times higher than the US


with illicit drug addictions. The company provides pure CBD products without THC; this helps babies comfortably ween off the addicted substance. The pure CBD tinctures that are prescribed help infants receive some relief from: drug addiction, chronic pain, epilepsy, nerve damage, nausea, and vomiting due to the infants unwanted drug dependency.Again-the power of the cannabis medicine plant saves the day for many babies! Newborns that are in physical need to alleviate their addiction with a safe and pure CBD medicine! Infants that can be helped and given some relief from the cursed illicit drugs that are consuming many people not only in the United States but allover our Susanplanet.alsohas another line of CBD products that help with chronic pain- the Pain balm Unscented 600 mg CBD, CBD Roll on 300mg CBD, and Body Cream Van. Aloe 600mg CBD. All these products help with day-to-day aches and pains that can help treat soreness from arthritis to heavy work outs without any heavy side effects that prescription pain creams can cause. CBD is a life saver for many treatments.

• Some states in the US do not require drugdependent babies to be recorded at birth, which leave many undiagnosed problems for children who have developed a learning disability.

• Sponsor Doctors & Families who prefer the plant(Formedicinemoreinformation on the products sold from Infused Edibles visit

Your sleep position: If you always tend to sleep on the same side, there’s a good chance that side will atrophy and become weaker.

Sleep on one side at the beginning of the night and then turn over in the middle of the night

national average in Massachusetts.

owner of a local company called Infused Edibles; Susan Hooten; has been making infused CBD and THC edible gummies, tinctures, pasta products, baking products, lotions for pain, and even pet products. The edibles are infused with CBD with and without THC; from seventy-five milligrams to 4,000 milligrams of the cannabis plant derivations. Yet, Susan does more than make delicious products that can alleviate pain due to cancer, nausea due to chemotherapy, and help treat many chronic medical conditions. Yet, she has been collaborating with doctors, hospitals, and parents who care for babies that have been born with drug addictions.

Note: Awareness and Mindfulness is key to many of the body’s needs. All my articles are based on patient reports, and company representatives: WHO-

Estimated Drug Addicted Babies: From 2013 to 2020

• About 6 percent of pregnant women ages 15 to 44 years, use illicit drugs.

ChancesDailyburnarethat you’ve always known that one side of your body is stronger than the other. You always use the same arm to lift heavy objects, and the same leg to start climbing a flight of stairs. You consistently and unconsciously choose the stronger limb to get things done, because your brain knows that it would be more efficient than your weaker side. There are several reasons why one side of our body is usually stronger than the other. These can be natural (determined by your genes) or acquired due to habits or life events that contribute to muscle imbalance. Here are some reasons why one side of your body is stronger than the other:

The more you focus on avoiding muscle imbalance, the less likely it is that you’ll need to adjust for specialization workouts in the future.


• CDC reports hospitalization figures from 2013-2020; that five out of every 1,000 births in the United States are that of a drug addicted baby.



• Use the cannabis medicine for chronic ailments

HOW TO CORRECT YOUR MUSCLE IMBALANCES?Here’swhat you can do on your own:

Your genetics: 90% of the people reading this are right handed- That’s RIGHT, only 10% of the population are left-handed. Most of us have one dominant foot and arm, and in the majority of cases, it’s the right side. Handedness and footedness refer to which side of our body is dominant. You can move your dominant limb more easily and with higher precision to

extract. CBD is a part of the plant that does not have the psychoactive side effects, which is a key element in helping newborns receive some relief form their great discomfort and some calmness from the side effects of drug addiction.

BY NADIACOACHPOPOVA September 15 to September 21, 2022 21

The Dinah is promoted as being open and supportive of all female identified women and their allied friends. This year they are back in Palm Springs, celebrating the 31st Anniversary of the largest and biggest annual festival for queer women, September 21 through the 25th. The Event will be held at the Margaritaville Resort, (1600 North Indian Canyon Drive, Palm Springs, California.)Headlining acts include Fletcher, Haviah Mighty, Cassidy King, IV4, Zolita, Siena Liggins and 80s music iconic superstar, Taylor Dayne Their promotion also indicates they will feature female pop singers, rising artists, as well as new queer talent all poised to make a major impact in 2022 and beyond. Friday night is 80s pop icon Taylor Dayne who is exclusively bringing her full band to put on a rare and unique show for at this event.

Dee Jae Cox, is a playwright, director and producer. Cofounder and Artistic Director of The Los Angeles Women’s Theatre

year the desert would host The Dinah Shore Golf tournament, (now known as the Chevron Championship,) next year it moves to Houston.


rances “Fanny” Rose Shore, (February 29, 1916 – February 24, 1994) who later came to be known by her stage name, Dinah Shore, was a very heterosexual singer and television artist with a career spanning many decades. She probably never imagined… and may or may not, have been so honored to know…. that her name would become synonyms with the historically largest lesbian gathering in the world.

Shore, was a longtime supporter of women’s golf and a resident of the Coachella Valley. She owned a home in Rancho Mirage, and in 1972, founded the Colgate Dinah Shore Golf Tournament, which became one of the major LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association,) tournaments for women. And where there are female athletes, lesbians are sure to follow. It is unfortunate that 2022 was the last

Shore’s legacy will live on in other ways.


oriented humanitarian projects and social issues. Hanson, has teamed up with a variety of organizations and lent her support to various causes and activist movements.

Palm Springs has not always been the liberal bastion that we think of today. Throughout the decades it was a very conservative town. Republican politicians sailed through easy elections. It hosted the 1968 Republican Governors Conference at the Canyon Hotel, where president-elect Richard Nixon and Governor Ronald Reagan spoke alongside House

What began as initially being referred to as ‘girls gone wild for girls,’ annual lesbian pool party, has morphed into the biggest, most acclaimed lesbian event in the world. For 5 days, lesbians from around the world pour into Palm Springs, for a global event that offers not only pool parties, but live entertainment, concerts by some of the biggest recording artists in the country, comedy shows, sport-games and social networking opportunities like none other. Lesbians, who often lack representation in the Queer Community, are center stage at The Dinah

For the first decade the Dinah Shore Weekend was co-produced by Hansen and Girl Bar Promoters, Sandy Sachs and Robin Gans. In 2005, there was a dissolution of partnerships and competing events took place for a few years until 2012 when Sachs and Gans, relocated their event to Las Vegas.





September 15 to September 21, 2022 22

The first unofficial Dinah Shore Weekend happened in 1986 when crowds of women showed up for the Dinah Shore Golf Tournament and began to hold their own after hour parties. Throughout the 1980’s, the parties grew with several lesbian producers sponsoring events, dinners, pool parties and dances.

In 1991, at the Palm Springs Art Museum, Event Producer, Mariah Hanson, hosted the official beginning of what has grown into a mega, global event. Under her “Club Skirts Presents The Dinah,” banner, Hanson founded a movement. When this women’s festival was getting started, mass crowds of lesbians were definitely not a common sight in the Coachella Valley.

Mariah Hanson, whose bio indicates that she has always loved throwing parties to create a feel-good environment, brought in Nationally recognized sponsors, and has turned, The Dinah, into a platform that has mobilized the lesbian community around a multitude of LGBTQ-

The Dinah isn’t just a pool party for young lesbians. It’s an open and inviting female friendly musical event for anyone over 21. For tickets and more event information please visit: thedinah. com

Minority Leader Gerald Ford. Palm Springs was where Gerald and Betty Ford settled after he left the White House. And who can forget that Republican Sonny Bono was the Mayor of Palm Springs from 1988-1992 and the U.S. Congressman until his death in 1998. September 15 to September 21, 2022 23

September 15 to September 21, 2022 24

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