Nelson Academy - Prospectus - 2016

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Our Prospectus new nelson.indd 1

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Welcome Our mission Academy history Nursery Curriculum Uniform Academy times and term dates Academy clubs Other important information

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Welcome The CWA Academy Trust, governors, staff and pupils are very proud of Nelson Academy and have produced this prospectus, which we hope will give you all the information you need and help you to share our pride. Education is an ever evolving area, often throwing up challenges which I believe we should see as opportunities. We are working very hard to ensure that our pupils receive the best and in turn we expect the best from them. In this prospectus, I hope that as well as including information useful to you and your children, we have also been able to give you a feel for the ethos of the academy – one of inclusion, equality, excellence, enjoyment and very high expectation and aspiration. Dr. Duncan Ramsey Director of Education CWA Academy Trust

CWA Academy Trust is a multi-academy trust founded by the College of West Anglia, an established high quality provider of education with campuses in Norfolk and Cambridgeshire. Our family of academies helps us fulfil our desire to establish a vibrant education system that inspires young people and supports economic development of the region. As a successful education provider we believe we can contribute to all phases of education within our local community, including primary, focussing on raising standards and improving transition and progression for every child. Like all strong families, the CWA Academy Trust family of academies seeks to offer mutual support to one another, develop shared learning and understanding, collaborate to achieve better outcomes, recognise unique qualities and differences, be positive and aspirational, focus on the successes of individuals and develop a culture of healthy competition. David Pomfret Chief Executive CWA Academy Trust

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Our mission The mission of Nelson Academy is to create an outstanding educational environment where everybody is valued. Our key drivers are: • Raising aspirations • Widened opportunities for developing learning • The pursuit of excellence through risk taking • Achieving through Learning

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Academy history Nelson Academy is a non-denominational academy sponsored by CWA Academy Trust, providing education for approximately 400 children aged 3 to 11 years old in Downham Market and the surrounding areas. CWA Academy Trust’s vision is one of providing excellence through education. Nelson Academy is proud to be the first primary academy in the trust, consolidating our own vision of raising aspirations, standards and life chances by ‘Achieving through Learning’. The academy (formerly Clackclose Community Primary School) has provided education for almost 130 years and converted to academy status on January 1st 2014. Following a major capital building programme we are now on one site with purpose built learning environments and 21st century facilities.

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Nursery Children can start nursery with us the term after their third birthday, we have three intakes - September, January and April. Your child is entitled to 15 hours a week of free nursery provision, each of our sessions are 3 hours long. We understand that every family’s work and home commitments are different, so we offer a flexible approach to how these hours are used. You can choose between morning or afternoon sessions, or a mix of full and half days. We believe that nursery should build on the valuable learning experiences that the children have had at home to give them a head start in their social, physical and educational development. Research shows that children learn best when they feel happy, safe, secure and excited about what they are doing. It is our job to encourage children to explore, question, make choices, collaborate and have fun learning. These experiences will allow them to develop a love of learning and build strong friendships with their peers. The majority of each session allows free access from indoors to the outside and vice versa as directed by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. We are lucky to have access to the hall, playground and forest schools areas too! As with the rest of the academy, the nursery takes a topic-based learning approach, as well as following the child’s own interests. We have weekly challenges for you to enjoy working on at home and we share our plans with you via a weekly overview so you can see what we are getting up to. Every half-term we have a story café which parents and guardians can attend, listen to a story and enjoy some activities with the children. We hope you can join us. If you have anything you would like to know or you would like to visit, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Curriculum English

Initially, reading is taught at Nelson Academy using fully embedded synthetic phonics. Careful attention is paid to delivering the programme across groups in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. • Fidelity to one systematic phonics programme – ‘Letters and Sounds’ • Daily discrete phonic sessions • Teaching is structured, fast paced and with opportunities for reinforcement • Pupils at the same level are taught together • Monitoring and tracking learning to identify any pupils slipping so that catch up is in place early • Ensuring lots of opportunities for using and applying across the curriculum • Continuing to involve parents and carers • Further rigorous monitoring of impact For pupils needing further support at the end of Key Stage 1 and beyond, our teaching assistants are all trained in delivering Sound Discovery, a high quality synthetic phonics literacy programme used to ‘plug gaps’. Other interventions used include Lexia, which provides explicit, systematic, personalised learning in the six areas of reading instruction. The principles of our synthetic phonics programme are continued through Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with our spelling programme taken from the ‘Shakespeare and More Spelling Scheme’. This is delivered consistently through to Year 6 and taught, tracked and applied in the same way as ‘Letters and Sounds’. For the teaching of reading, all classes use guided reading alongside reading individually on a regular basis and enjoying shared books as a class. Using this, story cafès, library sessions, book reviews, spelling and extreme reading competitions we encourage a love of literature as well as learning the mechanics of reading. We aim to have reading as a pleasurable experience and try to foster a culture of literacy in all aspects of our academy. We follow the Nelson ‘handwriting scheme’ across the academy and pupils are encouraged to write for a wide variety of purposes and in different genres.

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Maths Mathematics has an important place at Nelson Academy, taught daily using different methods. We see basic operations as essential but recognise that it should also be fun. We aim to equip pupils with the methods that they need to solve problems and explain their thinking. We see basic operations and number facts as the vital tools needed for solving problems, investigating and reasoning. Pupils enjoy using the numicon, visual stimuli and playing games to help them to learn. Pupils continue to use maths passports which helps to ‘fill in’ gaps and learn number facts. Times tables are important too and pupils from Year 2 onwards, will be expected to learn times tables. Our maths monkeys (sock monkeys) are popular with the pupils and all classes have a monkey that they can take home and do some real maths with. The monkeys enjoy shopping, cooking, cutting pizza in to fractions and many other activities. The new national curriculum aims to teach pupils the ‘old fashioned’ written methods for calculating so we have revised our calculations policy too. There is a focus on reasoning and problem solving within our maths curriculum and pupils working in depth will be adept at using maths to apply to problem solving across all subjects.

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Science Science is a practical subject, which involves pupils finding out about the world around them. We believe that teaching science develops natural interest and curiosity about the world. It also helps develop a respect for the environment and living things. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 science is linked fully with the topics pupils are covering. In Key Stage 2 separate science lessons are planned and linked with topics whenever possible with lots of exciting investigations to stimulate learning.

Computing Computing (formerly Information and Communiucation Technology), according to the New National Curriculum ‘has been developed to equip young people in England with the foundational skills, knowledge and understanding of computing they will need for the rest of their lives’. This involves a multi-faceted approach to logic, reasoning, interpreting, problem solving and creating, and safety. The four main areas encompassing these skills are: • Understanding technology • Digital literacy • Programming • E-safety Pupils are given opportunities to develop and apply computing capabilities in their study of New National Curriculum subjects. In order to facilitate learning, the academy has a networked multimedia machine in every teaching base from nursery to Year 6. Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard which both teachers and pupils use during the day, as well as classroom laptops. There are also pupil laptops available for a range of cross-curricular learning opportunities including internet research, programming lessons, typing practice, maths games and various English intervention strategies.

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Physical Education Physical education (PE) is a practical subject which all pupils take part in. We aim to inspire them to become active whilst promoting healthy eating. Our pupils have a range of opportunities both in the classroom, following the National Curriculum, and the huge range of extra-curricular clubs ran by staff. At Nelson Academy we encourage pupils to be good sports people by being competitive but also to follow the Olympic values, including determination, excellence and inspiration. Many of the sport clubs enter into local school competitions and often bring home certificates and medals, which reinforces our academy approach of aspiring to do your best. In Key Stage 1 pupils learn basic skills to improve their co-ordination and we begin to introduce them to the world of keeping fit and healthy. Their PE lessons are closely linked to their International Primary Curriculum topics to provide a cross-curricular approach. Key Stage 2 pupils progress these basic skills by implementing them into game situations. Many of the sports have been adapted especially for primary age pupils, e.g. quick sticks (a smaller game of hockey) and hi-5 netball (using fewer players).

History and geography All pupils focus on an area of study which links to elements of history and geography at a level appropriate to them. This work is covered through the International Primary Curriculum topics which are studied throughout the academy. These topics help pupils to focus on local and global, issues and events. Our aim is to encourage them to develop an understanding of, and empathy for, their own heritage and that of others. We also aim to encourage pupils to become increasingly aware of, and engaged with, the ever changing world we live in.

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Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL) Each half-term we have a topic focus which helps us think about a particular aspect of social and emotional aspects of learning. An example topic focus is ‘It’s Good To Be Me’ in which we look at our strengths and weaknesses as learners and celebrate why it’s good to be ourselves. This theme focuses on understanding feelings and why and how they lead us to behave the way we do - particularly the feelings of being excited, proud, surprised, hopeful, disappointed, worried and anxious. As an academy we look for pupils who are: • Doing something to be proud of • Responding in an assertive way • Helping someone with a worry • Stopping and thinking when they were angry For full details on our curriculum please visit

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Uniform At Nelson Academy, our uniform is formal, clearly defined and we expect all pupils to wear it correctly with pride. All pupils should wear the appropriate uniform unless there is a valid medical or cultural reason why they cannot wear a particular item or why they have to wear an additional garment. There are two sets of academy uniform as follows: Girls Winter

Grey/navy or black skirt/trousers/pinafore dress, white blouse, navy blue ‘V neck’ jumper or cardigan with Nelson Academy logo and tie in house colour.

Summer Blue checked or striped dress or grey/navy or black skirt/trousers and white blouse, navy blue ‘V neck’ jumper or cardigan with Nelson Academy logo and tie in house colour. Boys Winter

Grey/black or navy trousers, white shirt, navy blue ‘V neck’ jumper with Nelson Academy logo and tie in house colour.

Summer Grey/black or navy trousers or shorts, white shirt, navy blue ‘V neck’ jumper with Nelson Academy logo and tin house colour. Year 6 pupils are required to wear a black blazer with Nelson Academy logo in addition to uniform as described above. There is a separate uniform for nursery pupils – navy blue sweatshirt with Nelson Academy logo.

Suppliers Official embroidered uniform can be purchased from Stratfords in King’s Lynn on 01553 772043 or at You can go into the shop and buy it or phone an order through. It can then be posted to your home address or delivered free to the academy on a Tuesday or Friday.

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Make-up and jewellery Make-up, including hair mascara, is not allowed to be worn by pupils at the academy. Only wrist-watches and stud earrings for pierced ears may be worn for reasons of health and safety. All earrings must be removed for all PE activities, including swimming (if removal is a problem, they can be covered with plasters by parents/guardians only). We take no responsibility for any loss of jewellery at the academy.

Lost property We always try to return lost items and it helps us enormously if you name clothing. If something does go missing then there are lost property stores in the entrance by the office. We regret that the academy cannot accept liability for lost items or store lost property indefinitely.

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Academy times Nursery Morning session 9.00am - 12.00pm 12.00pm - 3.00pm Afternoon session Reception Morning session 9.00am - 12.00pm 12.45pm - 3.00pm (15 minute break at 2.15pm) Afternoon session Key Stage 1 (KS1) - 5.25 hrs Morning session 8.45am - 12.00pm (15 minute break at 10.30am) Afternoon session 12.45pm - 3.00pm (15 minute break at 2.15pm) Key Stage 2 (KS2) - 5.5 hrs Morning session 8.45am - 12.30pm (15 minute break at 10.30am) Afternoon session 1.15pm - 3.00pm All children play outside unless the weather is considered unsuitable; play equipment is provided. Personal belongings are unsuitable during these periods as loss or breakages can cause distress and problems for staff. Registration times, assemblies and playtimes are not counted as teaching time.

Term dates Term dates can be found at

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Academy clubs At Nelson Academy we pride ourselves on the range of clubs which are available to our pupils. These clubs are run either during lunchtime or after academy hours, giving pupils the opportunity to participate in many activities: Film Club KS1 and KS2 Film club aims to provide a calm and relaxing environment where pupils can enjoy watching a wide variety of films with their friends (it’s also a great opportunity for them to make new friends too). Pupils are encouraged to think about and discuss features of the films that they enjoy e.g. characters, costumes and music. They are also encouraged to think about possible changes they might like to make if they were the director of the film. Ball Skills Club This is a fun and active club for Reception and Year 1 pupils and is a great way for pupils to stay active and healthy. During the weekly sessions pupils will develop throwing, catching, kicking and passing skills. They take part in mini-team games and learn various skills, including how to work as a team. Maths/Puzzle Club Maths club is held weekly at lunchtime and is for Year 3 to Year 6 pupils. At Puzzle club we challenge problem-solving skills with a variety of games and puzzles designed to be played solo, in pairs or in groups. These games all help to develop concentration, logic and verbal reasoning and is a great opportunity for pupils to learn from each other and work collaboratively. Drop in and Draw Club and Advanced Art Club Lunchtime is the time to doodle, design and draw or to learn more about art forms and artists, deepening the learning pupils have from class . Nelson Singers Nelson Singers are a group of dedicated pupils who enjoy singing. We sing modern pop songs, traditional songs and perform in the local community.

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Comic Club This is the fifth year of Nelson’s comic club and it is more popular than ever, pupils meet to read, share and review comics. The club is open to pupils from Year 5 and 6 and is attended by a mix of girls and boys.

Writing Club Writing club is an informal way of looking at pupils writing and editing, talking about and showcasing their work. Though we will have no official meetings, pupils are encouraged to drop off their work for general feedback and commentary. Pupils will also be provided with books and will be encouraged to bring work in every Thursday for a closer look, sharing of experiences, and general brainstorming. Running Club Running club provides an opportunity for pupils to become fitter and have fun. Many children from the running club take part in inter-school competitions, find a new interest in sport, or just do it for fun. Mindful Meditation

Mindful meditation is a non-denominational club which take place after academy hours. We will be studying what it is to be mindful and present, as well as low impact relaxation techniques that include guided meditation, and eventually, quiet meditation. We will focus on breathing techniques, positive affirmations and theme specific meditations (morning meditations, dealing with emotions, gratitude, giving to others). Our goal will be to learn positive life techniques that help the mind and body. Theatre Club Following the success of Joseph and The Lion King Jr this year we will be working on another great production.

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Other important information Academy meals

Food at Nelson Academy is produced and provided by our in-house catering team and is of a very high quality. All meals are nutritionally balanced and designed to appeal to children. Options available on a daily basis include a hot meal, salads, baguettes and jacket potatoes. Drinks can also be purchased in cartons. Payment can be made by cash, either on a daily or weekly basis, or by cheque on a weekly/termly basis. Please send lunch money in a named wallet/purse; a member of the staff collects all meal money at the beginning of the day to keep it safe. Vegetarian meals are provided by arrangement, and special diets can also be catered for. Provision is also made for pupils to have packed lunch sandwiches, or they can go home for lunch if collected by a parent/guardian. Pupils may switch between a academy meal, packed lunch and home lunch for your convenience. At morning break time, milk and homemade produce or fruit can be purchased from the canteen. You may also send your child with a biscuit or piece of fruit from home as a snack if you wish. No sweets are allowed. Children in reception are provided with a snack through the National Fruit and Veg scheme. All children of Reception and Key Stage 1 age are entitled to Free School Meals, as are Key Stage 2 children of families receiving Income Support or IncomeBased Job Seekers Allowance. Families receiving Child Tax Credit but who are not entitled to a Working Tax Credit, may also be entitled. An application form for Free School Meals can be obtained from the academy office.

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Health and medicines Please let us know about any medical conditions your child may have and remember to inform us of any changes. Children suffering from asthma can keep inhalers close at hand. Please name the inhaler, and make sure we have some details about the circumstances when your child may need to use it. We are able to administer prescribed medicines providing that the child concerned is otherwise fit enough to be at the academy. These can only be administered if a consent form has been signed. Please ensure: • The container is clearly labeled with your child’s name and the time and size of dose • Leave the medicine and form with the secretary

Car parking During the day the car parks are for academy staff who are working and official visitors only. Car parking is only permitted within the academy grounds if a disabled car parking permit has been provided by the academy. Access to the academy grounds will be closed to all vehicles at 2.50pm, except for taxis and minibuses. If there is a reason why you need to park inside the grounds on a regular basis at the end of the day, please ask for a pass. The gates are opened again at 3.10pm after the academy bus has left. Parents wishing to park must do so on roads bordering the academy giving consideration to all neighbouring residents. If you are on foot, please wait for your child inside the academy gate. If parents wish for their child to walk home on their own please confirm this to us in writing.

Absence notes When your child has been away from the academy you need to let us have a short note explaining the absence. Alternatively, you can telephone the academy on the first day of absence so that a message is given to your child’s class teacher. If you know your child is going to be absent, for a dental appointment for example, please let the class teachers know in advance. Parents should note that Nelson Academy, in line with all academies in the CWA Academy Trust, will not authroise absence for holiday in term time.

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Policy and procedures Nelson Academy and the CWA Academy Trust have a number of policies and procedures that can be found at

Special educational needs Many pupils may have emotional, physical or learning difficulties and may need additional support. If you feel that your child might have such difficulties, please alert us early so we can make the appropriate assessments and provision. Please visit for more information.

More able pupils At Nelson Academy we aim to meet the needs of all our pupils. This includes making provision for the more able. If a pupil displays a particular talent or academic ability, members of staff will request an assessment. If they meet certain criteria they will be included on the academy’s Able Children Register. Individual challenge is encouraged to ensure enrichment at an appropriate level and there is also some group support in class for the more able pupils.

Child protection Teachers and other academy staff are particularly well placed to observe the outward signs of abuse including, for example, changes in behaviour or failure to develop. Should members of staff suspect that a child may be suffering abuse they are obliged to follow the Norfolk Area Child Protection Procedures. Following the guidelines is a legal obligation placed on the academy by the Local Authority. It is a very important procedure in helping to make sure all children are kept safe, and is not meant to imply criticism of parents or carers.

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Nursery Road Downham Market Norfolk PE38 9PF 01366 383824

The information contained in this guide is correct as far as can be ascertained at the time of publication. You are advised to satisfy yourself as to any amendments or alterations, which may affect your child.

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