Prospectus 2018
Welcome to Eastern-Multi-Academy Trust, a regionally based Trust with primary and secondary phase academies across the East of England. Originally founded as CWA Academy Trust and sponsored by the College of West Anglia, due to the growth of the Trust and its success, it was decided that the time was right for the Trust to become independent. Eastern Multi-Academy Trust became an independent body and sponsor in its own right in May 2017. Our family of academies helps us fulfil our desire of establishing a family of academies that strive for excellence in all areas. Driven by our key values of empower, motivate, aspire and transform, we are a trust that puts children at the heart of everything we do. Our academies are supported through a team of high quality advisors in the areas of education, finance and human resources. Our aim as a trust is to support each and every academy to drive up academic standards so that they are well above national levels. High quality support has been recognised with strong Ofsted outcomes in the primary phase for Nelson Academy (Good) and Eastgate Academy (Outstanding) in 2017. Like all strong families, the Eastern Multi-Academy Trust seeks to offer mutual support to one another, develop shared learning and understanding, collaborate to achieve better outcomes, recognise unique qualities and differences, be positive and aspirational, focus on the successes of individuals and develop a culture of healthy competition. 3
Eastern Multi-Academy Trust was founded in March 2017. We have developed a vision that aims to transform the lives of pupils and impact positively on the communities within which academies are based. We want to help develop amazing places for children to learn. Outcomes in the first phase of our trust have been excellent, though we take nothing for granted. Primary schools within the Trust have outperformed the national in almost every area and secondary schools are showing rapid improvement from their starting points. We have developed a culture of high expectations which pervade every area of our organisation, from Trust Board to pupils we all want to the very best that we can do. Each and every academy within the trust plays its part in supporting others within the family of schools. We are an outward looking trust that has developed strong links with a range of other trusts and the Regional Schools Commissioners office. We are determined to play our part in the wider educational community so that all children in the Eastern region can do well. Dr. Duncan Ramsey Chief Executive Officer 4
Our Vision
We exist to provide exceptional opportunities for all our students so that they can develop their potential to reach the highest levels of education. Everyone member of our academy family will be supported to aspire to be the very best that they can be. All will be empowered to become stronger and more confident. Students will be supported to develop the skills, abilities and mental attributes to succeed for themselves and to develop a love of learning that will continue into adulthood. Children and young people will be motivated to set themselves challenging life goals and be supported to develop the resilience to overcome any obstacles to this. 5
Case Study Eastgate Academy
In March 2017, Eastgate Academy was graded ‘outstanding’ from ‘special measures’ in their Ofsted report. The primary school, on Littleport Terrace, King’s Lynn, was graded ‘outstanding’ in all areas with the report stating pupils receive both an outstanding academic education and highly effective support for their emotional well-being. At the time, only six schools in the country had gone from ‘special measures’ to ‘outstanding’ in consecutive inspections, with Eastgate Academy being the first in Norfolk to have achieved the result. Principal Linda Hothersall, who was overjoyed with the outcome, said: “The journey to outstanding has been a whole community effort - staff, students, parents and governors alike have shaped this academy into the ‘outstanding’ learning provision it is today.” The following points were made in the report: • The principal, assistant principals and governors have worked relentlessly to ensure improvements in outcomes for all pupils. As a consequence of their effective actions, teaching, learning and assessment and outcomes for pupils throughout the school are outstanding. • Pupils are impeccably well behaved. They are kind, courteous and respectful of other pupils and adults. Pupils are encouraged to consider how their behaviour affects others. Consequently, pupils are able to regulate their behaviour and resolve barriers to learning. • Leaders, teachers and teaching assistants have very high expectations and aspirations for pupils. As a result, pupils are very focused, intellectually curious and eager to learn. • One-to-one provision for reading, writing and mathematics is a particular strength of the school, enabling the most vulnerable pupils to make accelerated progress. 6
Case Study Nelson Academy
Nelson Academy, the first primary academy to join Eastern Multi-Academy Trust, was rated ‘good’ by Ofsted at their inspection in December 2016. The school on Nursery Road was praised for its “culture of aspiration and achievement” which it says leaders and governors have successfully embedded. Principal Sarah Wilson said: “Nelson Academy has come a long way since becoming part of the Trust family in 2014. Our staff have done a fantastic job at turning things around and improving the learning environment for our students over the last few years. “Nelson Academy is a wonderful place to work and learn and there is a real sense of community cohesion amongst the teaching body, parents and the wider community. There has been a significant rise in pupils’ achievements and staff at Nelson Academy are prepared to do their utmost to ensure this progression remains, as we continue on our journey to becoming an outstanding academy.” The Ofsted report commends the academy for this “continuing rise in pupils’ achievements” and says that “disadvantaged pupils are making rapid progress as a result of high-quality teaching and support.” It adds that “leaders and governors have successfully embedded a culture of aspiration and achievement” and that “the resource base run by the school serves the requirements of pupils effectively. Pupils receive support that is tailored to their specific needs, well monitored and ensures that these pupils make good progress. Pupils are enthusiastic and keen to learn. They value their education, attend well, behave and respect one another.” 8
Our Support
At Eastern Multi-Academy Trust, one of our objectives is “Supporting our local communities by working together to achieve excellence through learning.”
Regional Hubs We have developed a system of regional hubs, allocating a team of people who are directly accountable for the performance of academies in their hub. These are: • Regional Director of Primary (Education and Governance) • Regional Finance Manager • Regional HR Business Partner Additional support is provided by central Trust office staff.
Primaries Primary hubs are supported by the full time appointment of a Regional Director of Primary and an Associate Principal (both with a track record of outstanding leadership).
Secondaries Secondary academies are supported by a secondary Director of Education and a Director of Quality Assurance. Both appointments bring knowledge (and track record) of how to support schools in challenging circumstances reach a ‘good’ Ofsted inspection result. 9
School Improvement
Each academy will receive targeted challenge and support from the Director of Primary Education for their hub. This will focus on the core principles as outlined in the EMAT School Improvement cycle. A Core Offer will be completed that outlines the significant support entitlements of each academy. These will contain both the core support offered to all academies as well as the bespoke packages matched to the needs of each individual academy. The EMAT School Improvement Timetable outlines clearly the roles, responsibilities and expectations of all academies, Senior Leaders, Middle Leaders and Trust staff to ensure that all academies achieve the very highest standards. The Directors of Primary Education are responsible for ensuring that academies complete this timetable and receive the support required to secure improvement. Principals and academy staff are responsible for ensuring that development work is undertaken and that improvement is secured.
The Central Trust Team offer a range of practical support strategies to all academies. These form part of the core offer and include: • Peer reviews: These are facilitated by a member of the Central Trust Education Team alongside colleagues from other academies within the Trust. Peer reviews focus on an area of work within an identified phase and offer the opportunity to reflect and evaluate an academy’s work to inform evaluation. • Support for staff meetings • Training for Middle Leaders • Joint work scrutiny • Joint lesson observations • Data training and support, including the use of data management systems] • Modelling Pupil Progress Meetings • Evidence triangulation • SEF writing support • ADP writing support 11
Queen Mary Road - King’s Lynn - Norfolk - PE30 4QG 01553 779689 - Eastern Multi-Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07338780