November 2009 District Newsletter

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great schoolS in a great community


Each day we seem to be hearing more bad news about the economy in Michigan. Revenues at the state level are still on the downhill slide and funding for schools has been dramatically reduced. While many in this community have been affected by the economic downturn, the generosity of this community toward the schools continues to amaze.

What’s Inside: school funding information students give back food service update showing off at the capital internet safety youth winter clinics holiday book fairs box-a-thon for homeless academic awards national honor society fieldhouse programs alumni mentoring upcoming events

Board of Education

Frank Pastrick, President Amy Porritt-Peirce, Vice President Randy Reimers, Treasurer Denise Reeves, Secretary Dean Ray, Trustee Mary Ann Pater, Trustee Tamara Patrick, Trustee

Two recent gifts to the St. Joseph Schools will serve to improve and upgrade the opportunities for our students and the conditions of our facilities. The St. Joseph Public Schools Foundation, with gifts from Steve and Betsy Upton and the Frederick S. Upton Foundation, has funded a much needed overhaul of one of our district’s gems, the Upton Middle School Planetarium. A new projection unit will allow for I-MAX like quality in the presentations made by planetarium directors Jenna Francis and Jill Hubble. New seating and carpeting as well as fresh paint and lights will make this facility one of this community’s “star” attractions. Grand opening is scheduled for mid January. The Lions Club of St. Joseph has donated $18,000 to upgrade the scoreboard in the competitive gym. The new wireless board will post players numbers, fouls, and points. The local Lions have been very generous in their support of our schools. While these community gifts are wonderful and needed, much remains to be done. It is apparent that the level of support we receive from the state will continue to decline and not provide the revenues to maintain the quality of education this community has come to expect from its schools. We are going to need the support of our community to address the ongoing issues of outdated technology, fifty year old window walls at the high school that continue to deteriorate and waste expensive energy, and student safety. We must pull together to protect the investment we have in our schools and our children as we move into an uncertain future. Great Schools in a Great Community – We are St. Joe!

Allen Skibbe Superintendent

Local School Funding

why aren’t the taxes I already pay enough to fund our schools?

SAVE OUR SCHOOLS It is important in these tough financial times that you let officials in Lansing know how you feel. Please contact your congressmen and tell them your opinion on what is happening to school funding. We have provided some quick access links below for your convenience. Links to Lansing Representative John Proos, 79th District N-1098 House Office Building P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 373-1403 Toll Free: (888) 656-0079 Email: Senator Ron Jelinek, 21st Senate District House P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909-7536 Phone: (517) 373-6960 Toll Free: 1-866-305-2121 Fax: (517) 373-0897 Email: senrjelinek@senate. michigan.govSenate Other Links of Interest SOS! Save Our Schools

“Prior to 1994, public schools in Michigan were largely funded through a local property tax millage. Both the operations and infrastructure of a school district were funded when districts went to local voters and asked them for an increase or renewal of a millage. Proposal A, approved by the voters of Michigan, went into effect for the 1994-95 school year and drastically changed the way schools are funded. While many voters still believe Proposal A was largely property tax relief, for schools it was a new funding mechanism that distributes state funds on a per pupil basis to each district – also commonly called the school’s foundation allowance. Under Proposal A, schools still must raise local millage for building projects, but that’s one of the few local options available for schools to raise money since Proposal A. Public schools are now largely funded through a statewide six-mil tax called the State Education Tax (SET), an 18-mil local tax on non-homestead property, and a combination of other taxes comprised of mostly the state income tax and the sales tax. The six-mils are collected directly by the state, while the 18-mil tax is kept locally, but must be levied or districts face a reduction in their foundation allowance. The rough breakdown for school revenues on a statewide basis is 42 percent from sales tax, 24 percent from income tax, 18 percent from SET, and an additional 16 percent made up of other revenue sources including the lottery. These numbers fluctuate each year based on overall tax collections at the state level.” (see chart for 2008-09 School Aid Fund Revenue breakdown)

Source: January 2009 Revenue Estimating Conference - House Fiscal Agency

“The foundation allowance for each school comprises approximately 90 percent of school district’s general fund revenue. The remainder is from other state and federal programs and some local revenue related to interest earned, tuition and fund transfers.” (MASB Headlines, June 1, 2009) St. Joseph Public Schools collect approximately $20 million annually from the per-pupil allowance as defined above - $5.65 million locally (18 mils on non-homestead property) and $14.35 million from the State of Michigan (see chart for sources).


anta’s Helpers

students at st. joseph schools learn the value of giving The holidays have arrived early at the St. Jospeh schools this year. Students, teachers, staff and parents have been busy collecting food, clothing, stuffing bags full of goodies and in general spreading the spirit of giving. From young to old, everyone has been having a great time getting ready for the holidays and spreading a little cheer as well. Great job to everyone involved!

E.P. CLARKE SCHOOL Students are collecting items for stuff-a-truck and competing in a turkey feather competition. The 2 winning classrooms will compete in a fun round of turkey bowling.

BROWN SCHOOL Young Fives students are collecting warm hats, gloves, mittens and scarves to build a mitten tree. These will be donated to a local charity.

UPTON MS The sewing classes made bags and filled them with school supplies to send to Literacy Schools in Cambodia and more bags were made and filled with items for middle school patients at Motts Children’s Hospital.

HIGH SCHOOL AP Biology classes are working with the LNK program to collect paper and plastic for recycling. In one week they recycled over 30 garbage bags full of plastic bottles.

HIGH SCHOOL Students collected enough items for this year’s StuffA-Truck drive to beat their previous record of 20,960 items.

LINCOLN SCHOOL K-2 students meet monthly with their older grade level buddies to make a tray favor for the holiday of the month that we then donate to Lakeland Hospital and local retirement facilities.

LINCOLN SCHOOL The Student Council is sponsoring this year’s Stuffa-Truck campaign. Last year Lincoln donated over 1600 items.

UPTON MS Students are collecting items for Toys for Tots as well as Consequential Minds - A drive to collect hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, underwear, and socks for the less fortunate

HIGH SCHOOL The Student Senate raised money for the Child’s Fund by having money jars out at lunch time so the student body could vote for their favorite teachers for Staff Homecoming King and Queen.

DIGITAL LEARNING: Taking Students To The Future

SJ Students Show Off at the State Capital

Brown School Students, Maddie, Blaine, Max, Carson, and Josh represented St. Joseph this October at the 9th annual Michigan Student Technology Showcase held at the State Capitol Building in Lansing. Over 50 schools took part in this exciting annual event. These students presented their digital stories to elected members of the Michigan State Senate and the House of Representatives. The students would like to thank Representative John Proos for welcoming them at the door. He took the time to ask questions about St. Joseph Schools technology, introduced the students to all of the other Michigan Representatives who were in session at the time, and patiently answered their many questions. Chaperone and instructor, Kelly Lee said “It was an amazing experience, and we are extremely proud of our Brown School students!”


in the Virtual World of the Internet!


Attorney General, Mike Cox

Predators today typically use the Internet to befriend, seduce,

and ultimately harm children.

In 2003 the Michigan State Attorney’s office organized a

Child and Public Protection Unit and to date has arrested more




predators who were seeking

to harm Michigan children. This program is designed to proactively combat the problem

by educating children and


aware of this serious issue.

educational tool to give our

Initiative (Michigan CSI) is

more connected to the virtual

need to be safe.



important for them to know the

through eighth-grade students

the benefits they can find there.

The Michigan Cyber Safety

As students become more and

an Internet safety education

world of the Internet it is just as

presentations for kindergarten

rules and cautions as well as

and a community seminar.

This program is a valuable







Joseph Public Schools will be

participating in this program during the month of November.

This is the third year for this program in the St. Joseph schools.

We encourage parents and the community to become more

students the knowledge they For more

information about this program please



Youth Clinics

Baseball...Basketball...Poms...and more!

The winter snow won’t stop students from having a great time playing some of their favorite sports. From High School to Elementary School there are lots of opportunities for students to get active during this cold and snowy season. LITTLE BEARS & BIDDY BEARS BASKETBALL Register now! Visit, then click on Athletic Elementary for more information or contact Gary Etter at getter@ Deadline is Dec. 5th. HONEY BEARS POM CLINIC Saturday, January 30th. To register visit or email INDOOR BASEBALL TRAINING CLINICS A variety of clinics run December through February for students grades 1-6, visit the web site or contact the Athletic office at 926-3220 for more. MYWAY WRESTLING CLUB For grades 1-6. Register Dec. 1st 6:30 pm at Upton Middle School or contact Coach Eric Robinson at 923-4542 or coachrobinson@ For more information on any of the clinics listed above or for other opportunities, please visit



St. Joseph & LMC Students Partner to Bring Awareness to Homelessness St. Joseph High School’s Key Club hosted a Box-a-thon on the


High School football practice field Saturday, October 17, from 7pm to 7am. St. Joseph High School and Lake Michigan Catholic Key Club members slept in cardboard boxes on the practice field to raise

awareness for homelessness. 40 students participated raising over

$1600 that will be split between Gleaners Foodbank and Habitat for Humanity. Adult chaperones were Lauri Berry (St. Joseph Key Club

Advisor), Laura Jasper (Lake Michigan Catholic Key Club Advisor),

and Brianne Bloom (Youth Volunteer Coordinator at Habitat for Humanity).

UPTON MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOK FAIR Nov 30 - Dec 11 7:30-3:30 and Thurs Dec10th from 6:30-8:30 PM All of the schools in the District will be holding book fairs during the months of November and December. Please check out your school’s calendar for specifc times. This money typically goes towards future media pruchases. Thank you for your support.

Special thanks to the Lake Michigan College flag football players who helped move and set up boxes, Quality Express and Whirlpool for donating and delivering boxes, Domino’s

pizza on Niles Ave, and the St.Joseph High School for the use of the stadium grounds.


2009 Academic awards presented The 2009 group was the largest in recent history with over 97 awards given. That means that almost 10% of the St. Joseph student body has acheived a 3.80 or higher for both semesters of the previous school year. Mayor Bob Judd gave an inspirational talk that focused on the world beyond our sandy beaches, called “The World is Flat”. The Principal’s Perseverance Award was also presented. This year the award went to Cindy Lupiya. Cindy’s story is quite a remarkable story of overcoming many obstacles to be the “Best she can be”. It was a very inspirational evening for all students, parents and staff that attended.

CLASS OF 2012 Front Row: Stephen Brennan, Seth McKisson, Ryan Everett, Gordon Davis Middle Row: Sean Carpenter, Erin Hart, Kelly Battistone, Haley Hodder, Jacob Kirschner, Back Row: Ben Gerken, Zach Halfhill, Ryan Hamilton, Evan Hampton, Nick Kolettis, Forest Burczak, Not Pictured: Fernando Lopes, Zack Matejczyk, Thomas McIlwaine, Ian Nieh, Nathanial Pastrick, Austin Steffen, Meesum Syed.

CLASS OF 2012 Front Row: Emilie Milnikel, Paige Ottmar, Helena Petlick, Lindsay Peirce, Amanda Nowak, Back Row: Kathleen Regovich, Noah Sawyer, Christine Server, Kevin Schellito, Nora Slavin, Katie Smith, Bryan Tagudar, Chelsea Vanderzwaag, Sarah Wirth, Kevin, Wu, Not Pictured: Kathryn Albee, Linnea Bergman, Hannah Brandenberg, Tim Brash, Tyler Covert, Erik Donarski, Amy Erickson, Jacob Fratzke, Michael Huynh.

CLASS OF 2011 Front Row: Maddie Kovarik, Noreen Walls, Sumanpreet Toor, Alana Hart, Emily Reay, Jocelyn Weberg, Back Row: Aushja Syed, Maggie Van Winkle, Alex Willer, Steven Ross, Melanie Schweir, Jacob Zylema, David Reimers. Not Pictured: Brian Carrick, Bryce Jones, Megan McNitt and Peter Xie.

CLASS OF 2010 Front Row: David Burkard, Bridget Valenti, Bryan VanAntwerp, Michael Herman, Becca Merchant, Kristen Gregory, Sarah Bevier, Andrew Hamilton, Middle Row: Claire Knebl, Olivia Postelli, Erin Reddaway, Karen Hawley, Sepideh Ashrafzadeh, Cindy Lupiya, Back Row: Krista Erickson, Collin Ludwig, Vishal Arora, David Huynh, Tim Pow, Jeff Chen, Sam Kodis, Nate Gerken, Greg St. Amand, Taylor Crow, Not Pictured: Jason Grambrell, Valerie Greer, Sara Khatri, Janel Snipes, Curtis Punches, Paul Villa.

SELECTION PROCESS Students are eligible if they have a GPA of 3.4 or higher. Students are required to fill out a Student Activity Information Form. Students are then rated by teachers using a scale of 1-4 (4 being the highest and representing the top 10% of students at SJHS) on leadership and character. A score for service will be assigned based on the information submitted on the activity information form. GPA will be representative of scholarship. The scores are then presented to the faculty council. The faculty council typically looks at a cut off of 3.7 for character and leadership. It is important to emphasize, that one must be exemplary in character and leadership to be considered for induction.

MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES After induction, to maintain membership, students must adhere to the following:

nati o nal h o n o r s o c iet y I N D U C T I O N

The EP Clarke Chapter of the National Honor Society at St. Joseph High School recognizes students who are exemplary in scholarship, leadership, character and service.

Back Row: Alexander Willer, Jeremy Pastroff, Bryce Jones, Steven Ross, Daniel Reimers, Brandon Rock, Brian Carrick. Front Row: Christopher Pfahler, Margaret Van Winkle, Payton McFall, Megan McNitt, Elizabeth Strach, Madeline Kovarik

Back Row: Vartika Singh, Alana Hart, Samantha Helsley, Erin Virgil, Rebecca Merchant, Melanie Schweir, Bridget Valenti. Front Row: Karis Kang, Jessica Lucker, Noreen Walls, Amanda Cayo, Kaley Kitron, Sumanpreet Toor

GPA at 3.4 or above

Consistently represent the ideals of NHS Attend monthly meetings

Volunteer for after-school tutoring at least twice a semester

Participate in one fund raiser

Complete an additional 6 hours of NHS sponsored service each year.

During graduation, members are

identified by wearing white cords.

Back Row: Paul Villa, Daniel Krokker, Janel Snipes, Carli Witt, Cindy Lupiya, David Pozivilko, Paul Perrin. Front Row: Ashley Moyer, Colleen Cook, Rachael Hurst, Mary Donley, Ashley Machacek, Yunshang Chen

OFFICERS 2009-2010 PRESIDENT: David Burkard VICE PRES: Drew Hamilton SECRETARY: Erin Reddaway TREASURER: Vishal Arora

Back Row: Kristopher Klassen, Ryan Zavacky, Jason Gambrell, Aushja Syed, David Reimers, Thomas Ryberg. Front Row: Bailey Smith, Beth Larsen, Danielle Moit, Jacob Zylema, Emily Reay, Jocelyn Weberg Not Pictured: Corey Erny


PARENT web site registration

Parents, in order to provide the best communication between our district, teachers, and your household, we are requesting that you register on our web site. It is an easy and quick process and will allow you to receive E-Alerts from your student’s teachers, update emergency information, view custom calendars and access common forms and more. STEP 1: Register by visiting the school web site and filling out the on-line form. STEP 2: After you receive confirmation of your registration you MUST THEN subscribe to the areas you want to receive e-alerts from by logging in to the site and clicking on the MY INFO link.

St. joe bears alumni MENTORING NETWORK!

What university did you go to? What do you do? Would you do these things again? If you would be willing to answer these questions - join our new alumni mentoring network! Connect with current high school students to help them answer the many questions they have about college and career. Visit for details.

3275 lincoln avenue, st. joseph, mi 49085


Upton Holiday Concert Dec. 8 7:00 pm LMC Mendel Center Women’s & Men’s Home Basketball Games Dec. 11 beginning at 5:45 pm SJHS 41st Annual Holiday Concert Dec. 14 7:00 pm LMC Mendel Center MS & HS Holiday Band Concert Dec. 15 7:00 pm SJHS Auditorium Winter Break Dec 19 - Jan 3 ...more inside

Fieldhouse Public Fitness Program Starts in early November and runs through March. All St. Joseph residents are welcome. Walking/Jogging Adult Basketball Weight Room Sunday Family Swim/Gym Ultimate Frisbee Parent w/Child Basketball For more information about times, costs, etc... please visit

Women’s Varsity Basketball

Men’s Varsity Swim Swim

Men’s Varsity Basketball

Tues 12/01/09 Coldwater* 7:15PM

Boys Varsity/JV

Tues 12/08/09 Buchanan 7:15PM

Fri 12/04/09 Loy Norrix* 7:15PM

Sat 12/05/09 Cereal Bowl Relays 10:00AM

Fri 12/11/09 Niles* 7:15PM

TueS 12/08/09 Edwardsburg 7:30PM

Tues 12/08/09 SB Clay* 6:00PM

Fri 12/18/09 Kzoo Central 7:15PM

Fri 12/11/09 Niles* 5:45PM

Tues 12/15/09 East G.Rapids 6:00PM

Tues 12/22/09 SB Clay 7:30PM

Fri 12/18/09 Kzoo Central 5:45PM

Thurs 01/07/10 BC CentraL* 6:00PM

Sat 01/02/10 SB St. Joseph’s* 7:15PM

Tues 01/05/10 Sturgis* 7:15PM

Sat 01/09/10 Holland Christian TBA

Tues 01/05/10 Sturgis 7:15PM

Fri 01/08/10 Benton Harbor* 5:45PM

Sat 01/16/10 Bridgman Invite 9:00AM

Fri 01/08/10 Benton Harbor* 7:15PM

Fri 01/15/10 Lakeshore* 5:45PM

Thurs 01/21/10 Mattawan* 6:00PM

Fri 01/15/10 Lakeshore* 7:15PM

Tues 01/19/10 Harper Creek* 7:15PM

Thurs 01/28/10 Portage C. 6:00PM

Tues 01/19/10 Harper Creek 7:15PM

Fri 01/22/10 Mattawan 5:45PM

Thurs 02/04/10 Lakeshore* 6:00PM

Fri 01/22/10 Mattawan 7:15PM

Tues 01/26/10 Buchanan 7:30PM

Tues 02/09/10 SB John Adams 6:00PM

Fri 01/29/10 Benton Harbor 7:15PM

Fri 01/29/10 Benton Harbor 5:45PM

Thurs 02/11/10 Portage N. 6:00PM

Tues 02/02/10 Portage N.* 7:15PM

Tues 02/02/10 Portage N. 7:15PM

Thurs 02/18/10 Kzoo Central* 6:00PM

Fri 02/05/10 Mattawan* 7:15PM

Fri 02/05/10 Mattawan* 5:45PM


Fri 02/12/10 Portage C. 7:15PM

Mon 02/08/10 LMC 7:30PM Fri 02/12/10 Portage C.* 5:45PM Tues 02/16/10 BC Lakeview* 7:15PM Fri 02/19/10 Lakeshore 5:45PM Tues 02/23/10 Bridgman 7:30PM Fri 02/26/10 Niles 5:45PM

Competitive Cheer

Mon 01/04/10 Cheer by the Pier I* 6:00PM

Join us for an exciting evening of basketball with women and men playing back-to-back on Friday nights! See schedule. For the most up-to-date information, additional game details, jv & freshmen schedules, directions, ticket information, and youth clinics please visit * indicates home game

Tues 02/16/10 BC Lakeview 7:15PM Fri 02/19/10 Lakeshore 7:15PM Tues 02/23/10 Berrien Springs* 7:15PM Fri 02/26/10 Niles 7:15PM Tues 03/02/10 Coldwater* 7:15PM Thurs 03/04/10 Loy Norrix* 7:15PM

Men’s Wrestling

Wed 12/02/09 Zeeland West* 7:00PM Wed 12/09/09 Quad* 6:00PM Sat 12/12/09 S. Haven Inv. 9:00AM

Mon 01/11/10 Coloma Invite 6:00PM

Sat 12/12/09 Howell InV. 9:00AM

Wed 01/13/10 All Div@PC 6:00PM

Wed 12/16/09 Lakeshore 7:00PM

Wed 01/27/10 Mattawan Away 6:00PM

Sat 12/19/09 Plainwell Inv. 9:00AM

Sat 01/30/10 Otsego Inv. 9:00AM

Sat 01/02/10 League@Kellogg TBA

Thurs 02/04/10 Gull Lake Inv. TBA

Wed 01/06/10 Mattawan 7:00PM

Wed 02/10/10 BC Lakeview 5:00PM

Sat 01/09/10 Berrien Inv.* 10:00AM

Mon 02/15/10 Cheer by the Pier II * 6:00PM

Wed 01/13/10 Benton Harbor 7:00PM Sat 01/16/10 W.Catholic Inv. 10:00AM Wed 01/20/10 Niles* 7:00PM Sat 01/23/10 Sparta Inv. 10:00AM

Wed 01/27/10 Vicksburg Quad 5:30PM Sat 01/30/10 SWMI Inv.@LSHS 11:00AM Wed 02/03/10 Mattawan Quad 5:30PM

concerts holiday



41st Annual HIGH SCHOOL HOLIDAY CONCERT Monday, December 14th 7:00 pm LMC Mendel Center Mainstage Admission: FREE/DONATIONS Featuring: Show Choir Freshman Choir Chorale Concert Choir Philharmonia Strings Chamber Orchestra Symphony Orchestra


UPTON HOLIDAY CONCERT Tuesday, December 8th 7:00 pm LMC Mendel Center Mainstage

Admission: $5.00 adults, $3.00 students & senior citizens Featuring: 6th Grade Orchestra 7th Grade Orchestra 8th Grade Orchestra Uptones

MS & HS BAND HOLIDAY CONCERT Tuesday, December 15th 7:00 pm St. Joseph High School Auditorium


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