The Crazy Wisdom Community Journal • January through April 2022 • Page 98
Sarah Newland Crazy Wisdom Manager I started managing Crazy Wisdom in 1993. I was young, and didn’t really know much about what we offered, but I knew it was special. There was something about the place when I first walked in at age 19 that made me feel like I was home. Over the years, through births, deaths, divorce, and injury, the store has been my haven–a sanctuary for me, for my children, and my heart. I came back to work after my son was born, nursing him in a sling, and felt so grateful for this place, and the owners (Ruth and Bill) that offered me work over the years from a deeply human place. Since reopening during Covid, it has been the hardest 18 months of my time at the store, and I couldn’t have done it without my supportive and caring (and resilient!) co-workers, masked and serving customers day in and day out. Having Crazy Wisdom close will be a loss from which I’m not sure I’ll ever quite recover. I never wanted it to end, and I never thought it would! I grew up here, my daughter grew up here (and works here also), and the way I feel about this actual space— is like family. There have been hard moments, and hundreds of beautiful ones. I don’t even really know how to write about it. It’s been a true privilege over these 28 years to search for and purchase all the lovely statues, crystals, and sacred things that we hold, to build up our business, and to work in service to the wonderful, caring people in our holistic community. It’s been a true pleasure, and a gift.
The Crazy Wisdom Calendar Intuitive and Psychic Development Focused Mind Meditation with John Friedlander • Sundays: Jan 2, Feb 6, Mar 6, April 3 • 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. • The development of sustained focused meditation makes it easy to develop a whole new magnitude of psychic skill and healing ability; as well as a whole new level or mental clarity and spiritual openness. $15. Contact Violeta Viviano at 734-476-1513,; Teleconference: Psychic Psychology Women’s Group with John Friedlander • Monthly, First Tuesdays: January 4, February 1, March 1, April 5, • 7 - 8 p.m. • For women only, meditations concentrating on women’s issues relative to biological energies as well as that of the aura. $125. Contact Violeta Viviano at 734-476-1513,; Exploring Core Techniques and Advanced Material with John Friedlander • Thursday, January 20, 7-9 p.m.; Friday, January 21, 7 – 9 p.m.; and Saturday, January 22, 10 – 12 a.m. and 2 - 4 p.m. • New material introduced with continued development of advanced material and core techniques seeking a natural sense of skills in a practical everyday life. Prerequisite: Level 1 Psychic Development class, CD set, or permission of instructor. Also available as teleconference $275. Contact Gilbert Choudury at; Spring Intensive 2022 Teleconference with John Friedlander • April date and time TBD • We will delve into newer meditative areas, exploring topics outside of John’s core curriculum. Expect powerful healings and growth in skills for every-day use.Prerequisite: Level 1, CD or instructor’s permission. $275. Contact Gilbert Choudury at;
Kabbalah Brand New Beginning Kabbalah: Kabbalah Miracles with Karen Greenberg • Fridays January 14, February 11, March 11, April 8 • 8:15 - 10:15 a.m. • This life-changing journey is an ordered, systematic approach to develop and balance all the important areas of life. Rather than utilizing so much energy resisting (for example, exercise, meditation, eating and/or drinking healthily), we utilize that liberated energy for creating, which puts us on a similar vibration as our Creator. We become empowered to join with G-D and become co-creative, proactive manifestors of our dreams, desires, and goals, open to miracles, and fulfilling our destinies. Monthly Course Rate
- $137/person; Monthly Semi-Private (2 people) Rate - $180/person; Monthly Private (1 person) Rate - $150/hour (based on time utilized) Rates vary. (Evening class also starting Tuesdays.) Contact Karen Greenberg 734-417-9511,;
Love and Relationships Kabbalah for Couples with Karen Greenberg • Sundays, January 16, February 27, March 20, April 24, • 3 - 5 p.m. • Have relationship issues been amplified being quarantined at home with your partner? This is for basically good relationships that both parties are willing to work on, to make their relationship even better, physically, emotionally, mentally, financially, spiritually, and energetically. This two-hour session (rather than one hour), one time per month, for about a year, is not couples therapy, but can help you get your relationship to the place that you always wanted it to be but did not know how. $274 for 2-hour session (if one or both have taken Beginning Kabbalah). Contact Karen Greenberg 734-417-9511,; Creating Your Ideal Mate with Karen Greenberg • Sunday, January 23 • 1 - 6 p.m. • Identify your Ideal Mate’s qualities, learning how to use ceremony, meditation, chanting, movement, fragrances, essences, elixirs, herbs, flowers, colors, shapes, metals, altars with sacred symbols, Archetypal images, and candles. Learn to work to remove blockages, to work through fears and “deserving” issues, and to trust the Divine Order and Timing. $150. Contact Karen Greenberg at 734-417-9511,;
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle. –Christian D. Larson