7 minute read


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 program depending on what calls you and your chosen level of participation. For more information contact Bronwen Gates at (734) 330-8099, email bronwild@gmail.com, or visit BronwenGates.com.

Sustainable Construction

April Worktrade/Sustainable Skills Program with Deanne Bednar • April 1 through April 30 • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. • Enjoy an enriching month of living on-site at Strawbale Studio on lovely wooded rural land with natural buildings while contributing to the grounds and program. Help 20 hours a week (garden, grounds, maintenance/repairs, office) in exchange for room, board, and sustainable skill-building classes: mushroom log inoculation, Rocket Stove cooker build, cording, lashing, spoon carving, tool sharpening, earth oven pizza, and foraging! Strawbalestudio.org for details. For more information contact Deanne Bednar (248) 496-4088 email ecoartdb@gmail.com or visit strawbalestudio.org.

Rocket Stove Outdoor Cooker with Deanne Bednar • Saturday, April 29 • 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. followed by supper • Enjoy a day on the land at Strawbale Studio! Tour the Rocket Mass Heater and Earth Oven on-site, then experience the hands-on building and lighting of a Rocket Stove outdoor cooker. This is a very useful, do-able project! Stay on for a vegetarian stew cooked on our “new stove”! $40 one month in advance or $50 thereafter. For more information contact Deanne Bednar (248) 496-4088 email ecoartdb@gmail.com or visit strawbalestudio.org.

Strawbale Studio Learning Tour • Saturdays, April 8 and 29 • 10 a.m. to 12p.m. • See the enchanting buildings with thatched and living roofs, earth oven, rocket stove, and rumford fireplace. Structures include the Strawbale Studio, Hobbit Sauna, and Middle Earth house. On lovely rural land just one hour North of Detroit. Questions invited. Each tour has a workshop scheduled for the afternoon that you might also want to register for and attend! $20.

Stress Management

Stop Sabotaging Your Self-Care with Christy DeBurton, RYT • Ongoing and Self-Paced • In this compact but powerful selfpaced course you will gain insight into yourself and see your way out of your self-sabotaging habits, learn tools to cultivate greater awareness of your self-care needs, and explore the healing qualities of nature, movement, nutrition, sleep, gratitude, self-compassion, and more. $79. Contact Christy at info@christydeburton.com or visit christydeburton.com

Stop Sabotaging Your Self-Care with Cristy Deburton • SelfPaced • This compact but powerful self-paced course is the accountability partner you need to power through obstacles and overcome beliefs that hold you back from creating the life you want and deserve. It will help you gain insight into yourself and see your way out of your self-sabotaging habits; teach you tools to cultivate greater awareness of your self-care needs; and guide you in exploring the healing qualities of nature, movement, nutrition, sleep, gratitude, self-compassion and more. $79 introductory pricing for a limited time. For more information contact Christy at info@christydeburton.com or visit christydeburton.com.


Chen Tai Chi Chuan with Joe Walters • On-going Monday and Thursday • 5 – 6:15 p.m. • Saturday 9:30 - 10:45 a.m. • Instruction in Chen tai chi chuan, a unique movement art emphasizing inner stillness and relaxation developed through disciplined whole-body integration and refined awareness. Free. For more information contact Joe Walters at annarbortaichi@gmail.com or visit annarbortaichi.com.

Yang and Chen - Qigong and Tai Chi with Karla Groesbeck

• Monday through Friday, Various times • Qigong and Tai Chi - Beginner - advanced. Solo, two-person, weapons. Outside, inside and zoom. Yang Short and Long Forms, Chen Laojia Yilu. Various qigong sets and Zhan Zhuang. Free (Seniors); Low Fee. For more information contact Karla Groesbeck at 734-2763059 or info@taichilove.com; or visit TaiChiLove.com.

Tai Chi for Beginners with Master Wasentha Young • Mondays, January 9 through April 13 • 10 to 11:15 a.m. or Thursdays 6 to 7:15 p.m. • T’ai Chi, often characterized as a moving meditation, is a series of postures linked together in a continuous, fluid manner. As a practice, it integrates the mind and body, promotes relaxation, as well increases balance. Register for one class and you can attend both sessions –whatever your schedule allows – at no extra cost! Hybrid class taught in-person (limit 10) and on Zoom (your choice). $195.

ST101: Qigong Meditation Basics 1 Online with Steven Sy • Saturday to Sunday, April 1 and 2 • 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • Qigong Meditation Basics 1 is a set of meditations designed to release inner tension, increase self-acceptance, open the heart, detoxify negative emotions, balance one’s inner energy, and rejuvenate the body. These meditations are combined with soft physical body movements (qigong) to promote health and well-being. No Prerequisites. $195. For more information contact (517) 295-3477, steven@spiritualtao.com, or visit spiritualtaoworkshops.com.

Chen Tai Chi Chuan with Joe Walters • Every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday • Monday and Thursday 4 to 5 p.m., Saturday 3 to 4 p.m. • Instruction in Chen Tai Chi Chuan, a unique art emphasizing inner stillness and relaxation developed through disciplined whole-body integration and refined awareness. FREE. annarbortaichi@gmail.com, annarbortaichi.com.

Yang and Chen - Qigong and Tai Chi Karla Groesbeck • Monday through Friday • 1-hour classes • Various times • Yang and Chen - Qigong and Tai Chi - Beginner - advanced. Solo, twoperson, weapons. Outside, inside and zoom. Yang Long Form 108, Chen Laojia Yilu, Xinjia Yilu. Various qigong sets and Zhan Zhuang. Staff, Bang, Ruler, Tuishou, Push Hands. Low fee, free for seniors. For more information call (734) 276-3059, info@ taichilove.com, or visit TaiChiLove.com


Prose, Poetry, and Potpourri with John MacNaughton • Thursday, April 27 • 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. • John MacNaughton will headline the program with the story of his career as Creative Director of the Croswell Opera House, actor, author, graphic artist and more. Enjoy prose, poetry, music and song presented by a variety of talented friends and neighbors. Feel free to bring your own creations. FREE. For more information contact the Weber Center at (517) 266-4000.


Creating Your Perimenopause Plan with Christy DeBurton, RYT • Self-Paced • Perimenopause can start as early as your mid-30s, and lifestyle habits such as diet, exercise, stress, and sleep can play a huge factor in symptoms. In Creating Your Perimenopause Pla, you will learn about the stages of perimenopause, the most common symptoms, important hormones to know about, tips for a hormonebalancing die, beneficial supplements and herbs, exercise, sleep, self-care advice, and more. Journal prompts with thoughtful questions help you create your own Perimenopause Plan. $59. Contact Christy at info@christydeburton.com or visit christydeburton.com.

ReVillaging for Modern Mothers: a day-long retreat with Miriam Dowd-Eller and Emily Adama • Sunday, April 16 • 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. • This retreat is for mothers of all ages and stages looking to fill their cup with self-connection, communitybuilding, and normalizing the challenges of motherhood. Through Yoga, Movement, Story, Stillness and Song, these day-long retreats in nature (with an optional overnight add-on) will explore different themes in this season retreat. $45 For more information contact Miriam.EarthWell@gmail.com.

Creating Your Perimenopause Plan with Christy DeBurton

• Self-Paced • Creating Your Perimenopause Plan combines science and personal experience, so you feel like you’re going on a self-guided journey with a knowledgeable friend. In this e-Guide Christy shares everything she learned during her own perimenopause journey, and then helps you create a plan to support your body—pro-actively—through nutrition, supplements, exercise, stress relief and more. $59 introductory pricing for a limited time. For more information contact Christy at info@christydeburton.com or visit christydeburton.com.

Writing And Poetry

Sit. Stop. Write. Zen and Poetry with Dmitry Berenson

• Sunday, April 23 • 1:15 p.m. to 3 p.m. • Like a plant that grows out of bare ground, to express ourselves in poetry we must start from an empty place. We’ll do a little meditation and reading from Zen and other sources to help us touch that place and then spring out to write our own poetry. Find your seat; find your voice. Donations are appreciated. For more information email jissojizen@gmail.com, or call (248) 2023102, or visit jissojizen.org.

Crazy Wisdom Poetry Series with Edward Morin, David Jibson, and Lissa Perrin • Wednesdays, April 12 and 26 • 7 to 9 p.m. • Second Wednesdays, Poetry Workshop. All writers welcome to share and discuss their poetry and short fiction. Sign-up for new participants begins 6:45 p.m. Fourth Wednesdays, Featured Reader(s) for 50 minutes. Open Mic reading for one hour. All writers welcome to share their own or other favorite poetry. Signup begins at 6:45 p.m. All sessions are virtual and accessible through Zoom. Email cwpoetrycircle@gmail.com for Zoom link. For more information contact Edward Morin (734) 668-7523, email eacmorso@sbcglobal.net or visit https://cwcircle.poetry. blog.

• Featured Reader on March 22 – Linda Nemec Foster is author of twelve poetry collections including The Blue Divide and The Lake Michigan Mermaid (a Michigan Notable Book). Bone Country is her forthcoming collection of prose poems and flash fiction. Linda was the first Poet Laureate of Grand Rapids and founder of the Contemporary Writers Series at Aquinas College.

• Featured Reader on April 26 – Dan Bellm (Berkeley, CA) has published five books of poems, including Counting (2023), Deep Well (2017), and Practice (2008). His recent translations include Central American Book of the Dead, by Balam Rodrigo (2023), Speaking in Song, by Pura López Colomé (2017), and The Song of the Dead, by Pierre Reverdy (2016).


Yoga + Wellness Virtual and In-Person Classes with Christy DeBurton • Ongoing • In-person and virtual yoga and wellness courses: Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, Yoga for HSPs, Aqua Yoga, SelfCare and more. For more information contact Christy at info@ christydeburton.com or visit christydeburton.com.

Sivananda Yoga with David Black • Beginning Tuesday, March 21 • Six-week courses for beginning and experienced students learn traditional yoga postures (hatha yoga) with an emphasis on relaxation, concentration, and working with the breath. The instructors were trained by the Sivananda Yoga Organization and combine that experience with meditation training. Classes fill up quickly, so early registration is necessary. $60. For more information contact the Zen Buddhist Temple at (734) 761-6520, email annarborzentemple@gmail.com. Register at https://forms.gle/EfprF84sEAk8LvNu9.

Compassionate Yoga with Mary Seibert • Wednesdays • 4:15 to 5:30 p.m. • Kripalu yoga is great for beginners and seasoned students. Classes are gentle and slower paced. Emphasis is on mindfulness, breath, postures, strength and balance. Sliding scale fee. For more information call (734) 323-2520, email compassionateyoga@outlook.com, or visit compassionateyoga.info.

Iyengar Yoga with David Rosenberg • Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays • January 9 through March 23 • Mondays 6 to 7:30 p.m. • Thursdays 7 to 8:30 p.m. • Saturdays 10 to 11:30 a.m. • Experience invigorating yoga postures using the methods of BKS Iyengar to strengthen the body, create a feeling of well-being, reduce stress, and release tension through physical activity and meditation. The instructor emphasizes the use of props and individualized instruction so students of varying experience, age, flexibility, and strength can participate together. Ten classes for $129. For more information contact David Rosenberg at (734) 646-4195 or visit aarecedonline.com.

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