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1822 - The first European honey bees are said to be have been imported. seven bee hives were transported on the convict ship Isabella and they were auctioned off. This was the first successful importation of European bees, other had tried but the bees never survived the journey. »

Minties were invented in 1922 by James Noble Stedman and marketed under the Sweetacres brand. The chewy peppermint lollies became famous for the advertising line “It’s moments like these you need Minties”. The line “It’s moments like these you need Minties” first appeared in 1926, with cartoons depicting humorous moments. Over the years, the cartoons were drawn by many different artists, including some responsible for legendary cartoon strips such as Ginger Meggs (James Bancks), Bluey and Curley (Alex Gurney) and Chesty Bond (Syd Miller).

1972 Marron farming begins in WA The marron is a large freshwater crayfish native to the southwestern areas of Western Australia and was part of the traditional diet of Indigenous people. Commercial fishing for marron was banned in the 1950s to ensure the survival of the species. Marron farming began in 1972 at Lancelin, north of Perth and by 2016 the WA industry was producing around 60 tons per year. Marron are a regional specialty in Western Australia and on Kangaroo Island, South Australia, where they are also farmed commercially. They have a unique delicate flavour and can be boiled, grilled, barbecued or used in any dishes that specify lobster. In South Australia, the wild marron is regarded as a pest. Sightings in South Australia have to be reported to Biosecurity SA. “If you find this crayfish, you are not permitted to return it to the water or leave it on the bank; bag it, freeze it and bin it,” they say. Perhaps you could also eat it?