E X P L O R A T I O N After shadowing a photographer in summer 2014, I started to develop photo shoots, exploring and experimenting how to promote fashion through styling, photography and makeup. I photographed this picture in a classroom and I created a mysterious effect through lowering the exposure, allowing the light from the lamp to be emphasised.
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R E L A T I O N S H I P - P R O J E C T 1 These photos are included as part of the final piece in my AS Art exam. The red cloth symbolises love and the green cloth represents jealousy. These photos are demonstrating the struggle between jealousy and love as the two subject links intimately, and sometimes one can suffer from the struggle between the subjects.
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P R O J E C T 1 – R E L A T I O N S H I P Conception
P R O J E C T 1 – R E L A T I O N S H I P
L I K E A P A I N T I N G ‘Like a Painting’ is originally by Miles Aldridge and Lily Cole is the model of the piece. I was inspired to create this set of photo shoot after visiting the National Portrait Gallery in London as ‘Like a Painting’ is part of the collection. The model in my picture is my classmate; I have picked her as the model as I find her classically beautiful. As I have limited props and outwear to create a classical effect, I have styled her with a dark green scarf from Burberry, a DIY pearl necklace, alongside with a headband. The makeup that I applied is natural and the red cheek is highlighted through applying layers and layers of blush. I have photographed this picture in front of a bush in my school; the reason that I have picked the location is because it represents the beauty of nature, enhancing the classical beauty in the model and the effect of an old painting.
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E X P E R I M E N T & D R A W I N G S These are evidences of my sketchbook work; I always research before I take any photo shoots. Social Media like Pinterest, Behance, Instagram are good resources for me to explore my ideas. Visiting exhibitions and reading books from library also allows me to generate and expand my ideas and inspiration.
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F A L L E N A N G E L S Beyond the work I do at school, I love taking photo shoot with different themes as well. After watching a movie by Wong Kar Wai, a well-known Hong Kong filmmaker, I was inspired by the cinematography of the film. Christopher Doyle is the cinematographer and his work is saturated with strong colors which shows a hallucinatory effect. I have mimicked his style by twisting my lens when I was capturing this moment. I also applied two contrasting coloured transparent paper in front of the lens. The photos are taken in the dining hall at school and I am in charge of the styling, photography and makeup of this this photo shoot.
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F E A R L E S S ‘Fearless’ is a piece that I produced after suffering through a bereavement. This piece was inspired by Banksy; a graffiti artist who uses his artwork to express his feelings towards our current social affairs. I have stenciled ‘Bang Bang’ on the model’s arm and she is holding a gun towards the other model. This symbolises that there are threats in our lives everyday. We can never predict the future hence we should bear in mind that it is important for us to stay unswerving and fearless and we should live everyday to the fullest.
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P L A T I N U M In order to improve my photographic skills, I participated in a short course in Central Saint Martins. During this course, I have learned how to shoot in a studio and basic of film photography. I also learnt how to process photos in the darkroom. It was an intriguing experience for me as it broadened my view towards photography. I also learnt to capture different subject matter, for instance, shadow and light.
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C O L L A B O R A T I O N W O R K Instead of merely working on my own, I love collaborating with others as this experience allows me to learn from others. The work above is a collaboration work with Terry To (a friend of mine who is studying Graphic Design in Nottingham Trent University) I was responsible for the styling, makeup and photography, whilst he is in charge of the design of the poster and the typography.
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Barbie x Juxtaposition
T H E M E B O A R D - J U X T A P O S I T I O N
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This is a theme board that I have created for my upcoming project, juxtaposition. In this project, I want to focus the theme of consumerism and I have chosen Barbie as an inspiration icon as I think the figure has a significant influence to the movement. Also I have featured work by James Rosenquist from the series – Gift Wrapped Dolls. In order to create a Barbie-like effect, I have turned the dress from red to pink, her pupil to blue and her hair into more blonde.
S O C I A L M E D I A I believe social media is a fantastic platform for sharing my work, and a place to connect with other people around the world. I upload my work across Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Behance, Youtube and I am currently working to create my own website.