3 minute read

7 May Management Capacity

7 May 2023


when no plant of the field was yet in the earth and no herb of the field had yet sprung up—for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no one to till the ground. (Genesis 2:5, Recommend reading the full text 2:5-15)

The story of Genesis and God’s creation is a very familiar one, giving us an insight into how the world came to be, it is presented like the genealogy of creation history, but our special attention should be drawn to v5. in light of vs 8-12

In the wisdom of God and the mystery of creation, there are seeds with the potential to grow in the ground but await the availability of rain or water to water the ground. It is natural for something to grow out of the ground even if nothing was planted. However, humanity’s participatory role and cooperation was lacking, hence the call for his creation. When humanity was created with his mandate and management role and capacity, certain growth was attracted. God had to halt the growth and expansion of creation because of lacking the participatory role of humanity in managing what was given, i.e., to work the ground, nurture it, exercise prudent stewardship and oversight over it through the safe keep, care, usage, healing, and restoration, all for humanity’s sustainable survival and development.

When humans’ management role is well exercised, the creation responds in return and gives humanity food, medicine, renewal and sustenance but only in the context of his management capacity and capabilities. We are called to use God’s natural resources for our benefit and that of posterity in a responsible and sustainable manner as a proof of our stewardship (management). Economic justice will not be achieved by people praying and waiting on God but by acting in the economic affairs of their people and setting examples of Christian stewardship while they conduct business and investments. Humanity’s insatiable greed and selfishness continue to perpetuate hunger, poverty, and deprivation of human needs like shelter, food, clean drinking water and affordable financing.

Within the church, one can argue that bad theologies and wrong interpretations of scripture have also added to the equation, among many others. The systems and structures so far developed in economic systems, especially through policy formulations, do not allow the majority to come to the dinner table.

However, whether invited or not, there are still some ways through which all can participate at the dinner table and enjoy the provision of God and the fruit of their labour. Our management shrewdness, transformation and re-learning of global economics from a Biblical perspective will empower us to start from somewhere.

In order to change our current economic situation, we must Change What We Do, and what we do can only change when we Change What We Believe. In order to change what we believe, we must change what we know. We must learn to re-learn what we have learnt, introduce new information and take action that could transform our lives. Interactions, Bible Studies Reflections, and Entrepreneurial and Life Survival skills should continue to be promoted both at the family and Congregation levels.


God of all creation and all in it, enlarge our capacity to manage what we already have. Help us to protect mother earth for all her good and provisions. Amen!

for further thought

What really causes Inequality in wealth redistribution in your country, and who truly owns and controls the natural resources you have?

Does the church have the capacity to engage in global economic dispensation?

Andrew Chulu

The United Church of Zambia

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