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Reflecting on my Mission Journey

Photo courtesy of Rev. Elizabeth Chirwa

By Rev. Elizabeth Chirwa

William and Elizabeth Chirwa served the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands for 12 years and have returned to their home church, the United Church in Zambia.

The call to serve as a mission partner was upon my life before l became a minister of the Word and Sacrament. I had a conviction that God was calling me to make a difference in ministry. I believed, and still believe, that God does not just call men but women as well. I was also convinced that men and women needed to complement each other and not to compete. The call to serve as a mission partner was confirmed during a Clergy programme between the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (UCJCI) and my church, the United Church of Zambia (UCZ).

The warmth of the Jamaicans, their hospitality and the hunger and thirst I saw for spirituality, confirmed that I had something to offer and I also had a lot to learn from the Jamaican context.

Overcoming Challenges

I experienced cultural shock, especially with the way some females attired themselves by wearing very short and tight shorts. Another shock was the way some young people addressed adults ("You Guys"). lnitially, communication was also a barrier. I overcame those challenges through prayer and love. My husband, William, and I saw God answering our prayers. We just loved the people and worked really hard. The word of God and study materials from CWM were very helpful.

Our spirituality attracted people to our ministry. We were patient and willing to learn from Jamaicans. We used creativity to draw young people to us and we opened our home to them. We were determined to learn Patois (the local dialect) even though it was challenging to learn. We understood the language but could not speak it fluently.

Continued Appreciation

We are indebted to CWM, our sending and receiving churches for the privilege given to us to serve. To God be the glory, great things indeed He has done.

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