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My family and I came to Guyana from the United Church of Zambia (CUCZ) in October 2021. Being a young family and with so much involvement with the youths in the UCZ, we have con�nued to seek opportuni�es and connec�ons with the young genera�on to enhance mission work. We have a proverb in Bemba (one of Zambia’s local languages) “Imi� ikula, e mpanga”, meaning small trees grow to be a forest. This proverb places emphasis on the need to appreciate the importance of the young adults in the society. Hence any church that wishes to remain ac�ve years from now needs to consider inves�ng in the youth.

Guyana Congrega�onal Union (GCU) has embarked on the theme, GCU on the Move: Reflec�ng God’s Image. And in this movement, the young play a pivotal role as they appeal more to their peers than the older folks.

Chosen, Equipped and Commi�ed: Impac�ng Genera�ons is the focus for the Guyana Congrega�onal Youths and Young Adults Movement (GYAM) in this period. So far two conferences have been called at na�onal level with a view to revamp youth involvement in congrega�ons by replica�ng similar programmes.

The Biblical Perspec�ve

Choosing and equipping is for God: He doesn't call or choose the qualified, but he qualifies those he calls. He equips those he has chosen. He says you do not know how to speak. In Luke 12:11, 12 young adults are encouraged to acknowledge that it is God who has chosen them. As much as experience, background, or posi�ons held may be important, God is looking for young adults who would depend upon the Holy Spirit for guidance. It is He (God) who a�er choosing the young (or old), even equips them.

The Young are included in God’s Mission: He tells Jeremiah (in Chapter 1:5-8) never to think of himself to be young for God’s mission and assures him of God’s presence, guidance and protec�on.

In fact, even though Jeremiah complained of being young when he was around 17 years old at the �me of his call, King Joash (Jehoash) was only Seven (7) years old when he became King (2 Chronicles 24:1). If only the young people in the church would make themselves available, reachable and teachable, then they will make so much difference and help in the Church’s movement to becoming a missional church. It is �me that young adults started preparing themselves to take part in the church leadership and ac�vi�es.

The Assignment is God’s: Anyone that has been chosen by God, has a task to fulfill just like Jesus had one (Luke 4:18). Young people have been called into Christ’s ministry to be partakers of what he was sent to do. Them too are a “chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy na�on, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9). Christ is a�er young people who would declare or to witness for the resurrected Christ. Isaiah 61:4 summarizes it that “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined ci�es that have been devastated for genera�ons. It is indeed a �me for renewal and rebuilding the church.

Concluding thoughts

Commitment is every young adult’s role. The ques�on is are young adults available? How commi�ed are they? Isaiah says, here I am Lord, send me. What is the response of the GYAM today? Will they remain seated and complain about their church? It is �me to rise up and be part of the movement AND NOT the Monument. For they are chosen, equipped and need to be commi�ed to impact genera�ons.

by Sudipta Singh

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