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AMM delegates experience the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan diverse communities in

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The CWM’s Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM) presented an opportunity for delegates to gain exposure to different communities in PCT through Sunday worship services and mission exposure on 11 June 2023. Four diverse PCT congregations were identified, and delegates were allocated into four different groups for distinctive worship experiences in the respective congregations. They were warmly welcomed by Ta-San Church (Bunun Ciubu Ciukai Presbytery), Meiyuan Church (Tayal Cyukay Presbytery), Lukang Church (Chionghoa Presbytery), and Tongluo Church (Hakka Missional Presbytery).

CWM Moderator Rev. Neshangwe and CWM

General Secretary Rev. Dr Jooseop Keum visited Lukang Presbyterian Church in Changhua, where delegates heard a sermon by Rev. Moly Chen about growing in humility and obedience in the Lord (Philippians 2:5-8). At Lukang Presbyterian Church, the CWM delegates learned more about Lukang Church, which is home to the first kindergarten in Lukang city and a 62-yearold kindergarten. The AMM attendees were then hosted at lunch while watching cultural performances by the church members. The CWM Moderator thanked the Lukang Church for its warm hospitality before she led the group in “Marching in the Light of God”, a song familiar to CWM.

Ta-San Presbyterian Church, located in the Dadu Mountains near Taichung Industrial Park, is where many indigenous Bunun people relocated to after leaving agriculture-based homes in search of better job opportunities.

After worshipping together with Bunun hymns, the AMM delegates heard a sermon by Rev. Lian Tanapima on Thanksgiving, as the Bunun people continued the tradition of giving thanks for good harvests for the first half of the year followed by the second half of the year.

Another group of delegates was received by the Meiyuan Church of Atayal tribe, the third largest indigenous population in Taiwan. Despite losing valuable traditions such as their face tattoos during the Japanese colonial period, the church actively serves the community through a health station for seniors and Christian education for children.

In addition, a group of AMM delegates heard a sermon on God’s calling for Abram when they visited the Tong-Luo Church, which incorporates the Hakka dialect in its church worship. The missionary work began with Preacher Cao Zuoyan and Dr George Hudson who arrived at the township for tent-preaching missions in 1954, and today, its community outreach includes music classes, and gospel tea party lectures, and establishing the Hakka Bible Story Hall in August this year.

All the delegates in the four groups learnt more about these diverse communities through the community ministry sharing segment.

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