1 minute read



SITE CONFIGURATION - Establish links with the public realm. - Clear foot paths to public transport.


CAR-PARKS - Separated parking for residen�al and commercial areas.

- Maximise ac�ve use of public real, such as outdoor dinning. - Create walk-able context that is s�mula�ng, legible, comfortable and safe for pedestrians.

Circulation - Priori�ze pedestrian and bicycle movement.

Tenants committee - Crea�on of a tenants advisory commi�ee as a direct line of communica�on between the project and the tenants.

Pedestrian access and comfort

BUILDING ENTRANCE - Provide separate access to public and private areas. - Provide systems of entry control to prevent unauthorized visitors.

LANDSCAPE AND OPEN SPACES - Provide adequate spor�ng facili�es for the community. - Provide covered walkways, outdoor sea�ng and landscaping.

SAFETY - Adequate ligh�ng of all pedestrian access ways, parking areas and building surroundings.


Through the visual essay, we intend to bring forward the different layers that make up the fabric of the site and what is the phenomenology of the place.

Through collage, we bring a focus to the moss as the main subject to analyse and as we zoom in to understand how this micro vegetation works, its surrounding lose details but remains present as they condition the moss as well.

While we inhabit a space, the more we look, the more we discover the relationship between the different elements and the closer we can see.


Carolina I. Wong G. cwongg25@gmail.com (+61) 04 5195 2509

Portfolio 2020 CAROLINA WONG

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