Bathurst Photo News 2010

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PhotoNews Photo Bathurst


tEl: 02 6361 3575


It’s magic!

Read about our magical new Adventure Garden on page 11!



from the

with Bob Holland

November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

The taste of Australian spirit

Hello Bathurst!

Until next time, cheers and go well! 

Cabinets Shelving Cupboards Kitchens ...and more Frank O’Leary Kitchens Lic No 43392c

Unit 3, 36 Bant St, Bathurst Phone 6331 7626

By Chris BenneTTs Bathurst’s Stone Pine Distillery is fast making a name for itself for producing high quality, innovative spirits and liqueurs in an environmentally friendly manner. Proprietors of Stone Pine Distillery, Ian and Bev Glen, relocated to Bathurst from Scotland seeking a new way of life. “My grounding was in the brewing and distilling industry in the UK, but we decided we wanted a life style change, so here we are.” The Glen family were able to move to the historic homestead of “Merembra” on the outskirts of Bathurst, where plans for building the micro distillery began. “Moving to Bathurst wasn’t random, my parents have lived here for a long time having bought the homestead and property about 12 years ago, and so we had a site available to us.” They built the distillery on the property from the ground up in 2008, purposely making the building as sustainable as possible. “The way we have approached this is, that we have tried to be as sustainable as possible. There are a lot of things we have done, like the solar passive design of the building and the use of solar panels for power. “We also harvest all the rain water, so all the water in the products is harvested off the roof. We try to be as sustainable as we can be which is important to us.” The eco friendly production of the spirits and liqueurs are not the only drawcard of the Stone Pine distillery, the unique use of native ingredients is catching people’s interest and defining how micro distilling is done in Australia. “There is not a long history of micro distilling in Australia. I think people have been interested in the unique way we use native ingredients to make our spirits and liqueurs. For example the limes that are in our wild lime vodka and lime cello are a native lime called a ‘Finger lime’. A lot of people may not have even heard of it.” Ian utilises an established organic orchard on the Merembra property to test and develop his different flavoured products. “What the orchard does is give us a bit of fruit and nut to work with. We will do product testing and development to see if it works, and if it does then we scale up.” Having established themselves in the Central West region, the next step for Stone Pine Distillery is to crack the big city markets.

Organic drop: Ian Glen at the Stone Pine Distillery

“We just took a distributor on so we are now looking to break into metropolitan areas, Sydney and Melbourne will be first targets. We already have interest from a few high level places in Sydney, so if that follows through it will be a good start,” Ian said. Ian said there are many advantages to owning your own business, and he is glad he took the plunge and made the big move. “Lifestyle wise I can’t complain, the commute to work is just walking out my back door and into the distillery! There is always extra stress involved with running your own business, but it’s always worth it. We are heading in the right direction.” The distillery is open from 12-4pm on weekends and visitors are able to partake in free tasting, and also learn about the distilling process.

Grant to seymour Centre By DAViD DiXOn A Bathurst Support Group was recently awarded a total of $10,000 to promote positive ageing in the community. The grants, two each of $5,000 were awarded to the Bathurst

Seymour Centre, a communitybased day centre providing social contact and recreational activities for frail aged people. The grants are to help fund two publications, the “Older Persons Guide to the Bathurst Region”, and “Positive Ageing in the

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This is a special introductory issue of Bathurst Photo News which we hope will lead to Bathurst having your own regular edition each week. Photo News is not your usual newspaper because we focus on shopping and social news. Our Mission Statement says “To produce a newspaper that supports, encourages and brings out the best in people” and that’s what we try to do. Photo News in Bathurst will also set out to ‘Capture the spirit of Bathurst’ just like we do very successfully in Orange and Dubbo. Dubbo and Orange have been enjoying weekly editions of their very own Photo News for a number of years now and Bathurst is next on the list to have theirs. Some of you will recall copies of a combined Bathurst/Orange Photo News appearing in Bathurst a year or two back. This was done to try and reduce the impact of the Global Financial Crisis at the time. Although the exercise was very successful in achieving that, it did raise other issues and as a result Photo News pulled out of Bathurst after about 6 months. It soon became pretty obvious that Bathurst and Orange needed to have their own independent issues of Photo News and that’s what we are working towards now. Apart from some of the advertising, this issue features news and people exclusively from Bathurst. It’s pretty typical of what folk in Orange and Dubbo enjoy with the only differences being we include a comprehensive 7 day TV guide each week and we don’t normally deliver to letterboxes. Photo News is offered as a pick-up paper and around 13,000 copies are picked up each week in both Dubbo and Orange. Enough talk for now, settle back and enjoy this special issue of Bathurst Photo News.

Frank Smith’s

Bathurst Region”. Announcement of the grants was made by State Minister for Ageing, Peter Primrose, as part a total of $300,000 for 51 organisations around the State. “We have provided funding to projects across NSW that will

promote positive messages on what it means to grow older, support active ageing, enhance the well-being of older people and improve their participation in the community,” Mr Primrose said.

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Bathurst Photo News November 2010

Don’t ya love technology? By BoB HollanD If there’s one word that best sums up the age we currently live in, I think that word would be technology. This is definitely the age of technology but are we getting a bit carried away with it? People who know me would be aware of my interest in all things marketing and also my total lack of enthusiasm when it comes to technology. The marketing bent is a passion of mine, the technology issue is an age or if you prefer, ‘grumpy old man’ thing. Technology seems to be infiltrating all manner of things as evidenced by the growing number of TV ads that use the “t” word to describe attributes of certain products. Some of these claims sound more like a whole load of cods wallop to me than anything else. I also can’t understand how the advertising authorities can let some of the claims through.

It’s hard not to laugh when you associate motion and running in the same sentence My interest was aroused by a TV ad for Mortein Fly Spray a couple of years back but I’ll tell you about that one in a moment. Just over the last few weeks however, I’ve noticed an ad for Maybelline Makeup that has ‘Micro Flex Technology’. Wow! How can ladies live without that? Then there’s Rockport Shoes with ‘Hydra Shield Technology’. What’s that? A Ford car is coming out with ‘Eco Boost Technology” and this week I saw an ad for Addidas sports shoes that have something called ‘For Motion Technology’. It’s hard not to laugh when you associate motion and running in the same sentence.


I really don’t have the faintest idea what any of those ‘technology’ attributes are but in the case of the Mortein Fly Spray ad of a couple of years back, I don’t think we can be left in any doubt as to what its ‘technology’ does. It was touted as, wait for it, having ‘insect seeking technology’. Imagine that, a fly spray that actually seeks out the flies and insects and then kills them? With a fly spray like that, why would anyone possibly want to buy any other insect spray? It sounds incredible, it sounds fantastic, in fact it sounds too good to be true! Hang on a minute. It also sounds like the greatest load of cod’s wallop I’ve ever heard in an ad. Insect seeking technology! I ask you…really?? The notion that a fly spray can be sprayed into the air and that it will seek out insects seems absurd. What next? Maybe political ads where election promises are made using ‘money grown on trees technology’? 

Our Page 3 Girl for this issue is Zenae Fush. Zenae is all smiles because she recently returned from a holiday in Europe, and is pleased to announce she got engaged in London!

I am a... hairdresser My dream career is... what I am doing! Many people don’t know that I... have started a new job at ‘Beauty Beyond’ When I was young I wanted to... be a cop My favourite book, movie and song is... gossip mags, Pearl Harbour and Rude Boy My idea of the perfect date is… dinner then movies It annoys me when... I see bad drivers I love it when... I get home and dinner is ready

I’m really scared of... spiders In the movie of my life I would be played by... me, no one else can play me! It’s not trendy but I like... thick woolly socks I’m always being asked... how to spell my name The qualities I like in a man are... honesty, caring and funny In 10 years time I want to be… having a family and still having fun. aaa

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November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

College Services in Bathurst Since first opening in 1983, the Central West Community College has steadily grown and now delivers its integrated range of vocational training, recruitment and community services in 23 locations across regional NSW. “We have such a great story to tell about our growth and the services we offer”, says College CEO Dianne Kitcher. “Many people don’t realise our offices extend from Albury through to Tweed Heads and our services go way beyond

training and short courses” she adds. In fact today, the College employs almost 178 full-time staff, a team of 80 trainers and assessors and delivers services to more than 190,000 people in 23 communities across the state. The next exciting chapter in the College’s impressive history began in July this year with the relocation of the organisation into one brand new location in the town’s CBD.

JOB SERVICES We are your local provider of the Australian Government’s new Job Services Australia. Our team provides free job search support for local job seekers and tailored recruitment assistance for employers. Call 6330 0900.

AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS SERVICES Our Job Services team in Bathurst – ready to support you.

Central West Community College is your local Australian Apprenticeships Centre providing advice and support for employers, apprentices and trainees. Call us on 1300 302 977.

DISABILITY SERVICES Our Disability Employment Services team assist job seekers to find sustainable employment and work closely with employers to support people with disability in the workplace. Call 6330 0900. Our National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) program provides information, coordination and referral services for people with disability seeking to access further education and employment. Call 1800 051 769.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES The friendly faces of the Central West Community College’s Disability Services Team.

Residential tenants experiencing tenancy related issues are encouraged to contact the College’s South West Tenants Advice Service for free, confidential advice and advocacy support. Call 1800 642 609.


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Bathurst Photo News November 2010

A touch of Spain

“Instant” radio journalist loves immediacy

By ChrIs BeNNetts

Radio journalist Stephanie Borys’ awardwinning reports on the closure of St Vincent’s private hospital confirmed her love of radio as a media — it’s instant. “As soon as we ran the story, we were having doctors, family, nurses, all calling-up, there’s no other media where you can get that response,” she said. In her final year of a Radio Journalism degree at Charles Sturt University, Stephanie could not believe winning at the recent 2010 Australian Commercial Radio Awards (ACRA) ceremony in Melbourne. “It’s out of this world. All the hard work over the months has paid off. I was honoured just to be one of the finalists,” she said. Stephanie smoked-out the highlyunpopular St Vincent’s decision in 2009 while working full-time at local radio station 2BS and at the same time completing her studies. She won the ‘Brian White Memorial Award’ in the Australia-wide, nonmetropolitan category for her coverage of the controversy surrounding the closure of the Bathurst private hospital. “I’m basically working full-time and doing uni full-time, I’ve only got two weeks to go at uni with one more assignment.” Originally from Sydney, Stephanie decided to study at Charles Sturt because of its unparalleled reputation for journalism training. “When I was in high school, I knew that

Award winning: Stephanie Borys with sister Katerina, mum Mandy and dad Michael at the 2010 Australian Commercial Radio Awards in Melbourne. I wanted to go to a regional university to study, and CSU has such a high reputation for its course,” she said. Despite the award, Stephanie has no intention of slowing down or taking a breather. “I will be staying at 2BS. Though I’ll be doing some work over the summer with radio 2GB in Sydney, I’ll be coming back here next year,” she said. Journalism Lecturer at the Bathurst CSU School of Communication and Creative Industries, Kay Nankervis, said it was no surprise that Stephanie had won a prestigious industry award even before she had completed her journalism studies. “Stephanie is a great example of how Charles Sturt University journalism students engage professionally at an early stage in their degree and, as

a result, are widely sought by the industry while they are still students and when they graduate,” Ms Nankervis said. “Throughout her degree, Stephanie has proved herself to be capable, motivated and passionate about revealing information to the public. She richly-deserves her new status as an award-winning broadcaster and journalist,” she said. During her first year of study at CSU, Stephanie was awarded the Channel Seven Scholarship for the three years of her course enabling her to complete work experience with the Channel Seven news team in Sydney. But it is in the immediate and fast-paced world of radio journalism that Stephanie sees her future. “This award has motivated me even more, there’s so much more I want to learn,” Stephanie says.

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Ole! Susan Minchell and Andrea Wills prepare for their end of year Spanish fiesta



Susan Minchell has been bringing a touch of Spanish culture to the Bathurst region for the last two years, through her Flamenco Maduro Dance school. Susan told Photo News that she has always been a dancer, studying classical ballet and contemporary dance, until a chance encounter with flamenco dancing captured her imagination. “I saw a film that featured flamenco and I became interested from there. I started dabbling in flamenco, slowly getting more and more involved.” Susan kept pursuing the art until her hard work began to get noticed. “I was living in Sydney and all of a sudden I was asked to do a show in a Spanish restaurant.” Susan’s skills in flamenco impressed so much on the night that she was then asked to perform in a popular night spot in the Spanish quarter of Sydney. “I was working with some of the best flamenco dancers of the time, so they were much more skilled than I was, but due to my dancing back ground I was able to pick it up fairly quickly.”

Susan continued to work as a professional flamenco dancer at the night spot for the next six years, along with picking up work at the Spanish club and other theatre programs. Susan and her family have since moved to Bathurst, where she has established her Spanish dance school. Susan said that flamenco could be seen as daunting for some people due to its complexity, but if you are willing to show a little commitment, improvement will come fast. “In my classes I work a lot on core strength and stamina, so you get toned and fit. It’s also very good for stimulating the brain because we work in complex rhythms. A lot of people come thinking they are just using their body, buts it’s also using your brain.” Susan’s current class is in preparations for its’ end of year fiesta ‘Algo Azul’ which will take place on the 20th of November at Walshaw hall. It will be an entertaining night of dance, guitar and song and will feature acclaimed Spanish singer Rafael Alcolea. Food, Sangria and drinks will also be provided. For more information on the Fiesta and flamenco dancing, call Susan on 6334 3096.

Bathurst deserves its own PhotoNews. When Photo News comes to Bathurst, a number of things will happen.... → → →

Bathurst will have a bright new shopping and social newspaper that everyone will enjoy Local advertisers will benefit with lower advertising rates through the extra competition Other local newspapers will lift their game due to the new competition and the whole community will benefit!

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If you think you have what it takes to run your own independent newspaper in Bathurst and want to explore the possibilities, contact Bob Holland on 6361 3575 to find out more!

PhotoNews Bathurst



November 2010 Bathurst Photo News



Living a life that matters

Why “Bx” for Bathurst?

By Greg Blanch What is the purpose of our life? We have been trying to find answers to this question for centuries. While some would have us believe that we are nothing more than a result of freaky evolutionary chances, we find it hard to accept that our life is no more meaningful than a flea’s. Life without purpose is hopeless. And so we seek to find meaning in good things like trying to make a difference in people’s lives—in family, friends, and relationships. But what happens when it is all gone? All the people we help will die. So what are we left with? If we rule God out of the picture we will never find meaning. But if God does exist, if there is life eternal, then there is meaning. What we do matters. Relationships suddenly matter again because we are eternal beings. I think we know that we were made for more than death. Eternity wins meaning back from death. This is why the resurrection of Jesus is so vital. The death and resurrection of Jesus show eternity is real, and that Jesus is the only way we can enter it.

Mitre10_BathurstPhotoNews_OutdoorLivingAd_FINAL.pdf 1

By DAViD DiXOn Sing for the love of it: Steve Minchell enjoys spreading the gift of music.

Finding your voice By Chris Bennetts

Steve Minchell is a musician who enjoys helping people discover their own musical voice. Steve has spent his career as a working musician, playing in numerous bands, travelling the globe and doing regular spots on TV shows such as channel 9’s Midday Show. He now calls Bathurst home and is enjoying spreading the gift of music. Steve explains that he wants to help people find what they want out of music. “I don’t want to teach people singing, just to have everyone coming out sounding the same. It’s an individual tailoring process 10/26/2010 to 4:26:55 make PM people enjoy what they’ve got.” As well as singing, Steve teaches a range of musical instruments.

“Some people come along, see the guitar and decide to learn a little guitar as well.” “My main interest is teaching people what they want to learn, and bringing out their individual voice. I like to help the person with their singing without changing their personality.” Steve is enjoying his relocation from Sydney to Bathurst, and believes the town has great things to offer. “Bathurst is a great town, it’s encouraging of the arts and there is a lot of choice. The university and BMEC are also great for and culture and the arts.” He offers this advice to aspiring musicians, “Try and keep music pure in the heart, and do it for the love of it.” For more information call Steve on 6334 3096

Ever wondered at the origins of the local useage of “Bx” as an abbreviation for Bathurst? Having worked at a local newspaper a number of year’s ago after moving from Sydney, I was initially confused at notes from other staff and the editor using the initials “Bx” for “Bathurst”, as in “Call Bx Police regarding break-in”, or “Interview at Bx Golf Club, 11am”. The other staff, all Bathurstians, told me that this was local useage, but none knew its origins. Using the web to investigate (which wasn’t available in 1987!) I found a forum site called “Aurfscan, Australia’s premier radio communications monitoring forum”. According to a forum on the site dedicated to police call signs (!), the abbreviation “Bx” was a code used by the police and military in radio communications. The forum states that the use of “Bx” for “Bathurst” is an old Australian Defence Force code created by the Citizen Military Forces or CMF, which since 1980 has been called the Army Reserve. According to the forum, towns like Lithgow were also known as “Lx”, and Bowral as “Bz”. A quick search of the web found a number of instances of current local useage of the term, and even in the name of a local business.














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Bathurst Photo News November 2010

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November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

That rocks! What’s hot on the music charts

Mixed week for the Aussies HOMEGROWN acts have had mixed success on the ARIA charts this week. Zoe Badwi has just hung onto a place in the singles chart, slipping from ninth to 10th, while John Farnham’s new album Jack has slipped one place this week. On the up side, Angus and Julia Stone’s Down The Way album has enjoyed a another rise, from ninth to sixth place this week.

Australian singles chart 1 (2) Only Girl (in The World) – Rihanna 2 (1) Just The Way You Are – Bruno Mars 3 (3) Just A Dream – Nelly 4 (4) Raise Your Glass – P!nk 5 (5) Cooler Than Me – Mike Posner 6 (15) Like A – G6 Far East Movement Feat. Cataracs & Dev 7 (6) Dynamite – Taio Cruz 8 (7) F U – Cee-Lo Green 9 (11) Barbra Streisand – Duck Sauce 10 (9) Freefallin’ – Zoe Badwi

Australian albums chart 1 (1) Come Around Sundown – Kings Of Leon 2 (-) Triple J’s Like A Version – 6 Various 3 (2) Jack – John Farnham 4 (-) Fly Me To The Moon...the Great American Songbook: Volume V – Rod Stewart 5 (6) For Your Entertainment – Adam Lambert 6 (9) Down The Way – Angus & Julia Stone 7 (10) Teenage Dream – Katy Perry 8 (7) Doo-wops & Hooligans – Bruno Mars 9 (4) Recovery – Eminem 10 (5) Science & Faith – The Script

Our Men at Work is Scott from Bathurst Puzzles and Games Name Scott Deen Age 25 Status Engaged What’s your job? Retail Assistant What are your hobbies? Video games, watching anime movies What’s the best movie you’ve seen recently? Iron Man 2

What is your idea of the perfect first date? Romantic dinner and movie What’s your dream job? To be a pilot of a giant robot What would your best mate describe you as? Trusting If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chicken What three bands would you like to see live in concert? Aya Hirano, Bon Jovi, T.M. Revolution In the movie of your life, who would play you? Me—only I’m that awesome

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why? Teleportation, so I never have to get my license What’s your worst injury, how did you get it? A broken finger, from a hydraulic press What qualities do you like in a woman? Smart, nice and modest What qualities do you dislike in a woman? Shallow and nagging Where do you want to be in 10 years time? Owning a business CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS/KIKI HOPCRAFT

A young man in college called his mother and announced excitedly that he had just met the girl of his dreams. Now what should he do? His mother had an idea: “Why don’t you send her flowers, and on the card invite her to your apartment for a home-cooked meal?” He thought this was a great strategy, and a week later, the girl came to dinner. His mother called the next day to see how things had gone. “I was totally humiliated,” he moaned. “She insisted on washing the dishes.” “What’s wrong with that?” asked his mother. “We hadn’t started eating yet.”



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November 2010 Bathurst Photo News


on the FRONTLINE Words and portraits by Kiki Hopcraft

Michelle Jaggers When I woke up this morning my first thought was… I can’t wait to have my morning coffee! My most hated household chore is... cleaning the toilet My favourite song at the moment is… Dream Big- Francine Jarry My favourite food is… homemade bread One thing I miss about being a kid is… Care Bears and sharing a room with my sisters I just can’t resist… squeezing fat babies My favourite invention in my lifetime is… the CD player My three most cherished items are… my health, my kids and my coffee maker If I could buy anything right now, it would be… an awesome 100 acre property with 2 cool houses on it I wouldn’t be caught wearing.... a fat hat and a moo-moo If today was the best day of my life it would be because… I am alive and feeling good One day I will… meet Esther and Jerry Hicks, host an awesome concert, and dance under the moonlight in my own fairy glade!

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Anthony Baillie Senior Fire Fighter Henry Francis Retained Fire Fighter For three and a half years, Henry has been a retained fire fighter, which is a permanent/part time, on-call firie. He enjoys the ability of having a flexible career, working in telecommunications some days and then also being able to have a cool second job, learning new things with the fire fighters. Henry loves not knowing what he might be coming to work for when he puts on the uniform, and also enjoys the comraderie that is present between all the fire fighters.

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The man behind the wheel - that’s who Anthony is! As a senior fire fighter, Anthony covers a whole range of duties, from chores within the station, fighting fires, looking after maintenance, to overseeing other officers. Anthony is a part of something different every day, assisting the community. He finds his career very grounding, and loves the reward of seeing children’s faces light up when they come and visit the station, and seeing the big red truck. He says the real life experience of a firie is very different from television shows that people watch, as it is more than just fighting fires, it’s about being a pro-active part of the community as well.


TOP 10 EXCUSES FOR FALLING ASLEEP AT YOUR DESK 1 “They told me at the blood bank this might happen.” 2 “I wasn’t sleeping, I was trying to pick up my contact lens without hands.” 3 “I wasn’t sleeping! I was meditating on the mission statement and envisioning a new paradigm!” 4 “Amen” 5 “This is just a 15 minute power-nap like they raved about in the last time management course you sent me to.” 6 “Whew! Guess I left the top off the liquid paper” 7 “I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work related stress.” 8 “This is one of the seven habits of highly effective people!” 9 “Boy, that cold medicine I took last night just won’t wear off!” 10 “Darn! Why did you interrupt me? I had almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem.”

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Bathurst Photo News November 2010




Learning from the Garden By Chris Bennetts

play and explore. “We have a sandpit complete with ‘dinosaur bones’ for the kids to dig up, a cubby house, a fairy garden and we recently got a boat which we plan to turn into a pirate ship.” The garden is something that the kids have taken ownership of, they look after it because they are proud of it,” Emma explained. The garden has been developing over the last year and is due for completion in the coming months. The centre would like to thank all the parents and grandparents who have given time and resources to make the Adventure garden such a wonderful place for the kids.


The ABC Developmental and Learning Centre in Bathurst would like to introduce everyone to their magical ‘Adventure Garden.’ Centre director Emma Kentwell said as 2010 is the Year of Learning for Sustainability, staff and parents thought it was an ideal opportunity to teach the kids about looking after their environment. “We wanted the kids to learn about their planet, and how important it is to give back to it instead of always taking from it.” The garden features a vegie patch, a worm farm, a compost heap and a chicken pen. The

garden also has an array of low maintenance native plants. “The native plants are very self sufficient and don’t require a lot of watering, we want to show the kids that water conservation is very important.” The garden also provides for the centre’s kitchen. “We serve meals here at the centre, so we use the fruit, vegies and chook eggs from the garden in the cooking. The kids help us collect the produce, so they get a kick out of seeing it come from the garden to their plates.” Emma said. The garden is not only great for teaching kids about bio-diversity, it is also a place for them to

Social graces and correct etiquette are now more important than ever to gain an edge over your opposition in all areas of life. No longer is it just about appearance, in this modern age it’s now necessary to have these qualities for school leadership positions, show girl contests and when you are seeking work placement, especially for attaining success at an interview. There is also a lot more to etiquette than knowing which knife and fork to use, it is learning to be a kind considerate person, being respectful and having integrity. That’s where my Absolute Edge of Poise workshops can help. Absolute Edge of Poise workshops are very unique, I coach all forms of etiquette and social graces, other topics covered include healthy eating, eating disorders, self esteem, respect, positive thinking, interview presentation and preparation , hair, skin care , makeup and general grooming. In the mature age workshop I advise on what to wear and more importantly, what not to wear. The three R’S are also a fundamental part of my sessions: Respect for yourself, Respect for others, Responsibility for your actions. Recently I did a day workshop with Blayney High School Year Twelve at Highland Heritage, a lengthy session on interview preparation was necessary to give confidence and the skills required to find work. Highland Heritage owner Jacky observed for the day, it was a wonderful surprise at the end of the workshop when she announced several of the students were offered work positions. Absolute Edge of Poise workshops will get you through doors and over hurdles you never thought possible, opening up a world of possibilities and opportunities. My personal development and self improvement workshops will instill a sense of pride and value that will last a lifetime and guarantee results. For further information, please contact me -

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Bathurst Photo News November 2010


whatkidssay Ivy, 4

Wheels stay on with Aero Club training

What is your favourite food? Sandwiches

Kevin Wilkins thought he knew everything he needed to know about safe flying, until his plane’s wheel felloff mid air! Flying high: Kevin Wilkins at the controls of the Bathurst The Bathurst Aero Club Vice-President Aero Club’s Cessna with Jerry Trevor-Jones looking on. credits veteran instructor Jerry TrevorJones with a life-long safe flying Stanislaus College, chosen out of 115 applicants Central West Flying and Smart Air. record, except for on one occasion. to receive a $7,000 learn-to-fly scholarship to The club offers training from small ultra-light “Jerry taught me to fly, but he didn’t teach me obtain his Recreational Aircraft licence. planes in the Recreational Aircraft category about wheels falling off! I remember that flight, With 115 members, the Club has benefitted up to General Aviation right through to I skidded quite a long way down the runway,” from the boom in hangars and planes at the commercial flying. Kevin laughs. regional airport with the costs and congestion But with aero memorabilia and antiques around Treasurer and doyen of the Club, Jerry also had at Sydney’s airports encouraging many flyers to the Club, it is the flying that is the glue that to call on years of flying experience himself head west. holds the club together. after his engine failed completely in a flight in “A lot of people who have learnt to fly just love “But we’re also a social club for people who love western NSW. to do their own flying. It’s cheaper to rent here flying as well as a flying club. There is within any “I had engine failure but I was lucky, I landed in and the weather’s better,” Jerry said. aero club, where we all get together and talk a paddock between Bourke and Waanarring.” He remembers the 1950’s when the Committee about flying, ” Jerry said. The two incidents would have struck a chord was dominated by ex-World War II pilots like With a simulator for beginners in-house, the with the Club’s long-time patron, the legendary “Frenchy” Smith who flew Pathfinders for the club also owns its own Cessna 172 for training flyer Nancy Bird-Walton. Lancaster Bombers during the European War. with safety a major consideration at all times. “Nancy was our patron for a good many years, “A lot of blokes back in the early 1950’s were ex“One of the things we do stress, is flying safety, she came up quite regularly in the late 1990’s Air Force blokes,” he said. we do hold seminars and courses,” Kevin said. for our annual dinner,” Kevin says proudly. With the club’s hangar named after the halfThis also includes flying competitions involving But it is exactly this type of emergency situation century veteran, Jerry is an institution who has that the Bathurst Aero Club members are drilled pilots completing circuit work, cross-wind never lost his love of flying. landings, and short field landings, which are all in and trained for by the Club. “I’ve been flying for 50 years; my first plane was adjudicated by Jerry. The two men are long-time colleagues and a De Havilland Chipmunk DH C-1. I’ve been “For these competitions, Jerry is judge, jury and friends at the Club which coordinates training involved with training for 30-years, I just fly for executioner,” Kevin says. and safety competitions for pilots at Bathurst fun,” he says. Both men believe that the safety standards in Airport. “The emergency stuff is very good, you just Australian aviation are world class. “We were founded in 1938 and our role is hope you never get to use it,” Kevin says. “The General Aviation course is very well exactly the same now as it was then. The prime For local pilots who do, they may get to thank laid-out, the ‘what ifs’, with a lot of practice purpose of the club is to organise flyer training, the training and support they receive at going into it, the safety of pilots is as good as we’ve done that over the years,” Jerry explained. Bathurst Aero Club for their soft landings and anywhere,” Jerry said. Because of the specialist nature of this work, happy endings. The Club’s commitment to training and safety this role is now outsourced by the Club to has seen a local student, John Downey of St

What do you want to be when you grow up? A grown up If you could make me dinner, what would you make? I don’t cook, my Mum does Why did the chicken cross the road? He has to run across the road when the cars come! If you had a million dollars, what would you buy? A hippo What is your favourite TV show, and why? Sesame Street Who is your favourite superhero, and why? I don’t like any If you could be any animal what would you be and why? Dog How do you know when you’re in love? You play with them What makes a good friend? She plays with me Who is your best friend in the whole world, and why? Sidney What is a holiday? Visiting people Are brothers or sisters better? Sisters What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? I haven’t done anything naughty

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November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

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I have always been interested in massage and the healing benefits it brings to the body and mind and when I heard that the Advanced Massage College was running massage courses in Orange, I signed up. I am about to successfully complete the one year course and it’s been a fantastic and rewarding experience. This course offers hands on experience, fantastic support and encouragement from the Principal and trainer and the course is structured at an easy to follow pace. I would have to say that it has been a life changing experience for me and really opened my mind. Treating real patients and seeing positive results has been very satisfying. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested. It will set you up to be one of the best therapists in town along with me!

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For the past 10months I have been studying Remedial Massage with Claude Phillips, an inspiring and passionate Remedial Massage Therapist. There is nothing better than having a teacher who loves and believes in what they do and has an amazing passion for the natural environment and healing. In this course you not only learn Remedial massage practices, you learn anatomy, physiology, about life, nature, values, stress and human nature. This course has been a very rewarding course and changed my life for the better! I love that you can heal and help people with massage. During the course students are giving the opportunity to treat real patients with real problems and it is the greatest feeling when you can see how amazed patients are with the results and how much better they feel.

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Bathurst Photo News November 2010


happy birthday

It’s showtime! Meet Fernando, Chicky and Mama Mia who are this week’s pets. They are Chihuahuas that know how to dress to impress, and who love visiting nursing homes and pre-schools to cheer people up...

What’s the worst thing your owner does? Rouse on us for barking What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done? Chewed the leg of the dining room table, when left at home What’s the best thing you’ve ever done? Cheered up the people at the nursing homes, in our outfits Who is your best friend? Jack the border collie What is your favourite treat? Chicken McNuggets What would be your ultimate animal career? Movie stars

How did you get your names? From Abba songs To what do you attribute your good looks? Our petite stature, and stylish way in which we dress To what do you attribute your wonderful temperament? Our upbringing, and the love we receive from Mum and Dad Town or farm? Farm What’s your job around the yard? Keeping mice under control What’s the best thing your owner does? Share us with the public, and encourages children to love and appreciate dogs

Be prepared this storm season

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Nov 4: Sean “P. Diddy” Combs, 41, rapper. Matthew McConaughey, 41, actor, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Jeff Probst, 48, Survivor host. Loretta Swit, 73, played “Hot Lips” Houlihan Matthew McConaughey on TV’s M*A*S*H. Curtis Stone, 35, Australian born celebrity chef. Tony Abbott, 53, federal opposition leader. Nov 5: Bryan Adams, 51, singer, Summer of ‘69. Art Garfunkel, 69, second half of Simon & Garfunkel, Bridge Over Troubled Water. Kate DeAraugo, 25, 2005 Australian Idol winner. Nov 6: Ethan Hawke, 40, star of Dead Poets Society. Sally Field, 64, actress. George Young, 63, guitarist, The Easybeats. Rebecca Romijn, 38, played Mystique in the XMen films. Jon Hume, 27, guitarist for Evermore, Light Surrounding You. Nov 7: Mark Philippoussis, 34, tennis Delta Goodrem player. Joni Mitchell, 67, singer, Both Sides Now. Mike Goldman, 38, Big Brother co-host. Matt Corby, 20, 2007 Australian Idol contestant. Nov 8: Guus Hiddink, 64, former soccer coach. Brett Lee, 34, cricketer. Tara Reid, 35, actress. Bonnie Raitt, 61, singer, songwriter. Jack Osbourne, 25, son of Ozzy. Nov 9: Delta Goodrem, 26, singer, Born to Try. Luke Covell, 29, Cronulla Shark. Nick Lachey, 37, Jessica Simpson’s ex. Nov 10: Allan Moffat, 71, four-time Bathurst race winner. Tim Rice, 66, lyricist, Evita. Jessica Tovey, 23, played Belle on Home and Away. Chris Joannou, 31, Silverchair guitarist. Ricki-Lee Coulter, 25, Australian Idol co-host. Chris Lilley, 36, comedian, We Can Be Heroes and Jessica Tovey Summer Heights High.

Call Country Energy on 13 20 80 to report a supply interruption, fallen powerline or other power-related incident.


November 2010 Bathurst Photo News



K X n o c Fal

The first Ford Falcon sold in Bathurst It was a time when Cassius Clay was winning gold medals, America was racing to the Moon with New Rocket Technology and The Soviet Union was sending Sputniks into orbit. It was 1960 and In September of that year this XK Falcon rolled off the production line and just one month later it was the first Ford Falcon sold in Bathurst. Since then the car has had 6 different owners all around the state but the current and definitely proudest owner is George Redding. George bought the car in 2000 after stumbling onto it in an auto trading magazine he found on the front lawn that lay around his mechanical workshop for 3 months. Recently the XK won the Best ‘Car of Show’ at the All Ford Day at Eastern Creek Raceway. George said “The car has 104,000 miles on the clock and has never had the engine or driveline rebuilt in any way which is remarkable considering the car spent a number of years lying idle in a museum. I guess they don’t make them like they used to!”

On this car, even the paint is original with only minor touch up work. The car has the factory 144 cubic inch 6 cylinder engine and 3 speed gearbox and a heap of factory accessories. One of our favourite things about the car is the genuine Ford Picnic Radio which can be removed from the dash so you can listen to the radio on your picnic. It also still has the original woven Picnic Basket. The Hubcaps are a standout too, they were called “Super Turbo Dress Trim” by the factory option book, and the original owner actually wrote his name and address in each hubcap in case they ever fell off. Some other nifty accessories are the rear venetian blind, sun visor, front wind splitters (the chrome bits on the front guards) and bonnet ornament. 1960 was a time when there was so much excitement about new technology and the future and you can really see this in the design of this great car. George is absolutely passionate about his pride and joy and it shows in the outstanding presentation of the vehicle.

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November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

your photos, your say


The Thumbs

Thumbs up to Evie, a waitress at Elie’s Cafe for her genuine, happy and friendly attention.

The Photo News In Focus pages are generally used to enable readers to contribute photos and comments that they want to share with others. To give you the idea of how these pages are presented, we’ve included a few bits and pieces that we hope you’ll enjoy. The page also includes another popular Photo News feature where readers send us Thumbs up or Thumbs down items they’d like published. Generally these are more Thumbs up than Thumbs down because we like encourage good practices or actions rather than bad ones. Again, we’ve included a few generic ones to let you see the type of thing we do.

Thumbs up to the  unknown man who returned a lost wallet to its owner recently. The grateful owner said that not many people would do that these days and was ecstatic with the gesture! Thumbs up to the  very kind and honest young gentleman who handed in the money dispensed from a local bank ATM recently after a customer had thought her card hadn’t worked. May good karma come his way, she says.

 Thumbs down to people

PhotoNews Bathurst

6 7 1 9 2 4 5 8 3 8 4 3 6 5 7 2 1 9 9 2 5 8 1 3 4 6 7 1 3 4 5 7 2 6 9 8 2 6 7 4 9 8 3 5 1 5 8 9 3 6 1 7 4 2 4 9 2 7 8 5 1 3 6 3 1 6 2 4 9 8 7 5 7 5 8 1 3 6 9 2 4 A Z A N I NG E R E Y S A S A T A N G OO L E T E D

Locals may not go into the Visitor Information Centre too often but be assured, it’s something we can all be proud of. It’s beautifully presented and maintained and well worth dropping in for a look. Take this display near the front door depicting Bathurst’s history with Cobb and Co.


Nice display


Like to give a Thumbs up or Thumbs Down for the next issue of Bathurst Photo News? Email or call 6361 3575

When you live in a place everyday you sometimes miss some of the great things going on around you. Take the garden beds in the centre islands up William Street. Right now they look fabulous and Council is to be applauded for keeping them looking so great.


vandals who smashed the Easy Living Footwear window on the weekend.


 Thumbs down to the

Well done Council!

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

who deliberately or carelessly litter our streets, parks and playgrounds. It’s irresponsible, makes unnecessary work for those who have to clean it up and it spoils our environment for everyone else.

© Lovatts Publications -

who don’t supervise their children when dining out. This person said that it is not the responsibility of wait staff to mind a child or ensure their safety, especially when parents are asked repeatedly to control their child’s behaviour.


 Thumbs down to parents

It’s not often you see a tree that looks like it’s on life support but this one in King’s Parade looks that way. Apparently it’s done this way to accommodate the spectacular Christmas lights that glow during the Festive season. Sounds feasible but certainly looks unusual.

3 6 5 2 7 4 2 8

biscuits. They’re so delicious and they’re always so fresh.

Tree power

6 1 2 3 4 9 8

 Thumbs up to cafes that provide home baked cakes and

8 6 3 9 4 4 5 9 1 8 7 6 4 5 9

Thumbs up to those who wore such interesting costumes for Halloween on the weekend – particularly for the one’s brave enough to hit the streets in broad daylight!

Our camera caught the Panorama Chorus group performing during the Spring Spectacular Garden Weekend last week. They performed before an enthusiastic crowd on the lawns of Miss Traill’s House and the generous applause that followed was thoroughly deserved. Very well done ladies!


especially a young girl who was lovely, at Go Vita Heath Store!

Rousing music


 Thumbs up to the super friendly and helpful staff,

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Beekeepers Inn • Antiques of rare and unique Australian historical significance • Fully licensed Cafe with a menu to please all • Regional farm shop stocking a huge variety of goods with great gift hampers available • Honey tasting and live bee display • Beeswax candles and cast iron giftware Progress on the Bee Keepers In Brewery is making great improvement. Central Rangers Brewing Co are not far from putting down their first brew. Located midway between Bathurst and Orange, open 7 days 9.00am to 5.00pm for all day breakfast, morning and afternoon teas. We have an extensive lunch menu from a quick snack to three courses. Fully licensed with a good range of local wines. Don’t forget your private function, birthdays, engagements, weddings, meetings, make sure you book now for your Christmas party.



November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

in in

Hi, Welcome to my column where I will be offering beauty tips and skin care advice.

Let’stalkBeauty With Corina @ Beautytalk

Leptin Green SLimminG Coffee TASTES GREAT –AMAZING RESULTS • Natural slimming coffee, the best herbal slimming formula • 100% natural and herbal antioxidant and weight loss enhancer • Easy-to-use & powerful, suppresses appetite safely Green Coffee 800 formula is a “drug-free” dietary supplement that was developed from a blend of herbal extracts. When used with a healthy diet plan, Green Coffee 800 curbs your appetite and stimulates your body to burn fat and calories. The herbal extracts and minerals used in this product have been gathered from all over the world to make this all natural diet supplement. Green Coffee contains the antioxidant qualities necessary to cause thermo genesis which increase the metabolism of fat. Chromium, Panax and Vanadium increase carbohydrate burn and metabolic rate. Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting. Heartleaf starts the fat burning process while curbing appetite. The ingredient Chromium dinicotinate glycinate plays an important role in the production of insulin, controlling hunger, and in metabolism. Ginseng helps to maintain energy levels while dieting. Green Tea Leaf extract is a major antioxidant that increases mental awareness and helps diminish appetite, it also can lower cholesterol level and reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol. EGCG – Epigallocatechin gallate is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants, superior to vitamin C and vitamin E. It may provide health effects by protecting our cells from oxidative damage from free radicals. A number of chronic diseases have been associated with free radical damage, including cancer, arteriosclerosis, heart diseases and accelerated ageing. Precaution: Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women, cardiovascular disease and stroke patients, Never for those with Diabetes. * This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Orange Central 6361 3133 Bathurst Chase 6334 3533

Our Women in Business this week is Lisa Sams, the busy mum and owner of Crepes Royal, who wishes there was a beach in the Central West

What’s your job? To bring delicious food and good service to Bathurst What do you like about your job? Meeting the customers What do you consider your greatest achievement at work? Running the business by myself What are your hobbies? Gardening,

being with friends and family If you were given three wishes what would you ask for? A great holiday, to win Lotto and to live by the beach What do you love most about the Central West? The people and the convenience


you can read this issue of Bathurst photo News and recent copies of central west photo News (Orange) online!


Deep thoughts What was the best thing before sliced bread? If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages? If a pig loses its voice, is it disgruntled? Two wrongs don’t make a right, but two Wrights made an airplane. If quitters never win and winners never quit, what fool came up with, “Quit while you’re ahead”?! When cheese gets it’s picture taken, what does it say?

NEXt ISSUE! Look for the next issue of Bathurst Photo News in your letterbox on December 4 & 5! For advertising enquiries, call Matt on 6361 3575

PhotoNews Bathurst


Bathurst Photo News November 2010


Words and pictures by DAVID DIXON

Tim helping tell racing’s Australian story Tim’s current project, the National Motor Racing Museum at Mt Panorama, tells the story of motor racing in Australia.


im Pike believes that all museums are about telling stories. Tim’s current project, the National Motor Racing Museum at Mt Panorama, tells the story of motor racing in Australia. “All museums work the same way, all that changes is the subject matter and items. All museums are about telling stories,” the Acting Manager explains. Tim is also Collections Manager at Bathurst Regional Council for Bathurst Regional Art Gallery, Chifley Home, and the Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum, but it is the Motor Museum that is focusing his attention at the moment. Mt Panorama, as Australia’s most famous touring car track, is also the ideal location for the premier motor museum in the country. “Because of the Mount, we’re ideally situated for it,” Tim said. “This track started in 1936 as a bike track. Up to 1974, it still had open car and bike events, from 1963 onwards it became the big race and that’s its recent history,” he said.

And it’s the loans of priceless motor racing history that keeps the National Motor Racing Museum going. “The big key to the Museum is the lenders. The cost of the cars, you’re talking hundreds of thousands of dollars each, Bathurst Council is not on the market for that. “The way we get around that is the generosity of the lenders. The vast majority of the vehicles, probably 85 per cent are loaned.” The benefit for the owners is the comforting thought that their beauties are being immaculately cared for and admired by about 30,000 visitors a year. With state-of-the-art security and warning systems, the museum is a long way from the small display opened in 1988 from a feasibility study by the Bathurst Light Car Club. “The Museum started as a tent in the 1980’s and moved over here into a small hall, there was a committee that ran it then. “But, like all private museums, they struggled and Council took it over in 1997,” Tim explained.

Tim Pike at the National Motor Racing Museum, cars and bikes from all forms of racing in Australia.

“Its mission is to promote the understanding of motor racing in Australia, I think it does it very well.” Trained at the University of NSW and working for years at the National Maritime Museum in Sydney, Tim applies the same professional standards to the Motor Museum as to any other collection. “With all the museums and galleries, you’ve got a lot of display stuff and back-of-house stuff. We get all the items in and out, acquisitions, deeds of deeds, loans agreements, that sort of thing,” Boring stuff, until you realise that the items on display are some of the most famous and iconic motor racing stock in the country. Such as the 1937 Hudson Terraplane converted to a racing monster as a “George Reed 1950 Special” or the XC Falcon that finished in the famous Ford 1977 one-two finish that still remains the marquee’s finest hour. Or the Ariel Red Hunter from the famous Repco Round Australia races from the 1950’s or the 1965 Ford Cortina GT 500 from the big race. “Most of these cars are privately owned by people who are very passionate, we’re very thankful for what they can provide,” Tim said. “We have upwards of 40-plus vehicles and 50-plus bikes plus other equipment, photos, signage.”

The eclectic mix of touring cars, motorbikes, open wheelers, rally cars, and other exotic racing paraphernalia is a result of that move, he explained “When Council took it over, we made the decision to make it the National Motor Museum, and not just focus on Bathurst,” he said. But as well as the vehicles, the world-class collection of old motor racing shots is an often overlooked aspect of the museum. “My favourite bit is the photographic collections, that’s where the good stories are. We’ve got thousands of photos of what’s on the track, what’s off the track,” he said. He described the Museum as being “run on a shoestring” with no Federal or State support: “Council is doing it on its own.” Still recovering from the 10-hour days associated with the Bathurst 1000, his work ranges from organising loan agreements, negotiations, to organising repairs for cars, to handling cash at the tills, to making sure staff have their breaks. “Its mission is to promote the understanding of motor racing in Australia, I think it does it very well,” Tim said.

All forms of racing, including speedway, feature in the collection.

Some of the classic vehicles in the collections are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“King of the Mountain” The Peter Brock statue outside the National Motor Racing Museum.

The Museum has come a long way from a tent in the 1980s.


November 2010 Bathurst Photo News



By John Miller

Don Williams Business Burgess Caravans and Trailers What is your official title? Proprietor What is one thing your business is well known for? Good service

All aboard for Cobb & Co

How long have you lived in the Central West? Since 1977 What are your hobbies or interests? I love motor homing, and used to be a keen baseball player

This photo, possibly from the 1870s, shows the departure from Cobb & Co’s booking office in William Street, Bathurst, of a coach loaded with passengers bound for the Lachlan area. The booking office was located just to the south of the intersection of Howick Street and the large building to the right is believed to be the Australian Joint Stock Bank. Cobb & Co was established in Victoria by American Freeman Cobb in 1853 but in 1861 he sold the business to a syndicate comprising Rutherford,

How long have you been the boss? Since 2004 How many members of staff do you employ? Three What is the most popular product or service you sell? Caravan repairs and parts What is your favourite Central West business? Bunnings What do you love most about the Central West? The climate If you had the power, what would you change in the Central West? To fix the water situation in Orange; Bathurst has adequate water, but Orange needs fixing.

Whitney & Hall, Wagner, Robertson, and B & C Robertson & C Pollock. Rutherford was the general manager. The new company established itself in Bathurst in 1862. Basing their coach design on American Concord coaches, their factory in Bathurst built their vehicles with leather thoroughbraces, enabling swift travel in rugged Australian conditions. Blacksmiths and wheelwrights from Victoria were employed in the factory. The first factory was on the site of the Black Bull Inn and remained there

until 1881 when a new factory was opened in William Street, opposite the booking office. From these beginnings, Cobb & Co became the biggest and best transport system in the world, with branches in all Australian mainland states as well as New Zealand, South Africa and Japan.





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November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

YCL-250 Popular Student Model Made from a durable ABS resin and nickel silver plated keys, this instrument holds many features of a professional model. Presented in a stylish Nylon Zip Up Case.

PSR-E323 The perfect beginning for anyone learning music


61 touch sensitive keys giving piano playability and added expression. Learning music is fun and easy with Yamaha Education Suite lessons and 102 preset songs.

Your mobile recording and production studio

YFL-211 Easy Playing with a Clear Tone

Featuring two mic preamps, unique Cubase AI knob controller and bundled with Cubase AI recording software. The CI2 interface and controller provides a plug-and-play solution for recording and editing your songs and compositions. With a maximum resolution of 24bit/48kHz, the CI2 offers you professional studio quality recording at home. PC and Mac compatible. Limited stock.

Made from durable nickel silver plate metal it is the perfect starting point for any student. With split E mechanism, sturdy ABS Case and case cover.

YDP-141 The ideal digital piano for beginners Beautiful wood grain finish, complete with sliding protective key cover. Record yourself and playback your performance. Graded Hammer Standard action designed by Yamaha, a company with over 100 years experience in making world-class pianos. Includes built-in metronome, music book and piano bench.



Incredible value and great style for the whole family to enjoy

The ideal way to start


61 keys and 100 different accompaniment styles. Remarkable sound and amazing value.

88 weighted keys that feel just like a real piano. 305 built-in song set ups and the ability to download more from Yamaha’s Music Finder Plus website. Includes stand, sustain pedal and power supply.

Your music. Make it with Sequel 2 Easy-to-use music studio software allowing you to compose, record, edit and mix your own music with your computer. PC and Mac compatible. Student I.D. required to purchase the education edition.

P95B The ideal portable solution Dynamic sound and natural piano touch packed in a slim, exceptionally affordable instrument that’s perfect for home, school or the rehearsal room. Includes music rest, sustain pedal and power supply.



Play on the brands the pro’s demand

Loud or silent - it’s your choice

Quality Yamaha shells, ball-clamp tom holders with double braced hardware.

Excellent value for the beginner or hobbyist. With 100’s of traditional, electronic and exotic drum sounds, you can build your own drum kit and play along to your MP3 or to the 22 preset songs to recreate a live concert in your headphones.

PST3 PACK A complete starter package Brass copper based alloy 14” hi hats, 16” crash and 20” ride.






Built especially for younger players

Impress your party guests and start playing guitar now

Excellent quality entry level acoustic solid top guitar with deluxe features

Awesome acoustic electric guitar

Get started today with this popular beginner bass guitar

A great sounding 3/4 size guitar. Available in natural gloss finish. Limited stock.


Everything you need to get started, featuring a great quality guitar and all the accessories: gig bag, strap, strings, string winder, capo, pitch pipe and picks. Available in natural gloss finish.

Features the same design concepts as Yamaha’s premium high-end guitars. Available in natural gloss or matte finish. FG700MS - $349.

Seize the power and sound famous fast! Introducing the new Valvetronix+ Series amps, all featuring a 12 AX7 tube for true valve tone, 99 ready-to-play presets, 25 in demand effects, plus an all-new Power Level control to increase or decrease volume. Available in 20, 40, 80 and 120 watts. VT20+ $249 and VT40+ $349.

This solid spruce top, thin neck and low action guitar, adds value to the classic FG series with the inclusion of an in-built tuner and pre amp. Available in natural gloss. FGX720SCABL black finish - $649 and FGX720SCABS brown sunburst finish - $649.

This four string bass guitar will suit any style of player.

Everything you need to start your rock star journey with this great guitar and 15 watt amp pack Featuring excellent accessories including, DVD/CD learn to play book, guitar cable, digital guitar tuner, strings, bag, picks and strap. Guitar available in five colours: black, old violin sunburst, red metallic, lake placid blue or natural. Limited stock.


Great sound has never been so portable

PATHFINDER 10 Little yet loud Powerful 10 watt amp that is perfect for home practice, backstage warm-up and recording.

MINI3 Great things come in small packages

Great for rehearsals and small performances. This easy-to-use, detachable 8 channel dual 150 watt powered mixer is paired with two 8” speakers.

The ultimate portable modeling amp; agile and versatile with features that make it the perfect fit for every musician!

HS50M Professional Studio Sound Yamaha’s best selling powered studio monitor speaker. 70 watts of bi-amplified power (includes amplifier).


IN 25 ek we the of class

Bathurst Photo News November 2010



with Paul Tierney

The School Excursion

50 kids in a confined space. Varying ages. A couple of teachers. It’s 2 degrees. It’s 5:30am. It’s too early to have eaten much breakfast. Sydney is the destination. About 4 hours to get there, give or take with the traffic. The kids say “Can we put a video on?”, and the bus driver says “Sorry, it broke last week”. You are just going through the mountains and the noise of clomping footsteps comes from the middle of the bus. The teacher looks around and there’s a student racing for the front, hand over mouth - you throw the child one of those special ‘bags’ with the plastic ring. The barf bag saves everyone on the bus from two hours of very unpleasant experiences. Just. This is the scenario for all schools in the Orange district as they embark on a journey to the big smoke for a Sydney excursion. These ‘excursions’ can be for a variety of reasons, but a lot of the time it is to give our students the exact same opportunities that are available to the ‘city’ kids. For example, seeing the Sydney based version of a play or production that is being studied as a text for the Higher School Certificate, or to visit the art gallery, etc. Kids are pretty resilient. They’ll be on that bus at 5:30am, get home at 10pm, then jump back the next day like nothing happened. Not so the teachers, who may be a little lacking in ‘bounce’ for the lessons ahead for a new day. It’s a huge responsibility, taking an excursion. It’s even more pressure if the journey is an overnighter. Some of sports journeys are overnight, and our ski trip went for a week, and the Prep School traditional excursion to Canberra was a three nighter. After the circus that happened with the NSW State of Origin team this year (where they left 2 players behind), I think an extra ‘count’ was added into everyone’s risk assessment. I shudder to think about leaving a child behind, because they were spellbound by ‘Blue Poles’ and missed the bus. Earlier this year, I went on a trip with the school to an ACT Brumbies match in Canberra. We left with three busloads of kids at 3:30pm – got to Canberra by 7. 7:30pm kickoff was enough time to get a pie and a drink (and for most of our students, a chance to buy one of those stupid inflatable baseball bats that they used for the duration of the match). A thrilling Brumbies victory gave our kids a chance to cheer, and get themselves on television, as well as catch a few autographs from their heroes. On the bus again by 10pm, home by 1:30am. Superb. A great evening was made even more perfect when we made it home without one student needing the barf bag, and then, as they got off, a group of the young ladies all said “Thanks for taking us, that was awesome.” Perfect.

Carenne Public School This class has been lucky enough to go and see the movie ‘When the War Began’ and has been following the story by reading it in class together. PD/H/PE has also been extremely popular with learning about the body and the digestive system, and having some hands-on time making fake snot and vomit. Fun! Other activities include learning about natural disasters, and some of the students were also lucky enough to visit the snow fields and have a great time skiing.

Paul Tierney is the Director of Development and a mathematics teacher at an Orange School.

KIDS speak Question: Why do kangaroos jump? School: Carenne Public School

Callan • age 6

FaITH • age 6

MOnTana • age 6




Kangaroos can jump so high, and so far!

They are jumping high because they are going over to the Playdoh

Baby kangaroos jump out of their bed, and the mummies can jump high to the sky!


November 2010 Bathurst Photo News

Lucus Richard Perry Skye Minori Lynch

Born 16/10/10

Born 18/10/10 Weight 4220g

Parents Joy Gearon and James Perry of Bathurst

Parents Eriko and Stuart Lynch of Bathurst

Siblings First child

Weight 3990g

Grandparents Cherie Gearon, Ros and Doug Perry, Michael Gearon, all of Bathurst

Siblings Jasmine (3 ½ yrs) Grandparents Fran Lynch, David Lynch, both of Perth, Kazuko and Komatsu Hano of Japan

Great - Grandparents Von Gearon of Oberon, Lyn and Brian Charlton of O’Connell, Merrell Traves of Bathurst

Mason James Anthony Still

William Caleb Smith

Born 17/10/10

Born 19/10/10

Weight 3765g

Weight 3510g

Parents Miriam and Matthew Still of Oberon

Parents Mary and David Smith of Bathurst

Siblings Morgan (3yrs)

Siblings Isabelle (5yrs), Amanda (3yrs)

Grandparents Jim and Judi Creighton of Bathurst, Tony and Dianna Still of Black Springs, Jean Still of Bathurst

Grandparents Athol and Robyn Smith of Forbes, Julie and Tony Makdessi of Sydney Great - Grandparents Norma and John Smith of Grenfell, Colin and Leila Dawes of Forbes

Zoe Indigo Berry Born 18/10/10 Weight 2585g Parents Jennifer and David Berry of Bathurst Siblings Step-brother Kaleb (14yrs), Step-sister Jordan (10yrs) Grandparents Cliff and Betty Berry of Bathurst, Rose and Jeff Baldwin of Newcastle BREASTFEEDING




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Breastmilk contains live white cells and active antibodies to help baby fight infection Advertising space supported with a smile by

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Bathurst Photo News November 2010






BOOt Bargains Baxter Western Boots are just $149 at Bathurst Work with Bob Holland and Country in Stockland at the moment. That’s a cool $30 off.




super price! Petrie’s Mitre 10 has a pretty flash looking 7 pce steel outdoor setting on special at the moment. $399! Check their ad on page 6 and see what we mean. smart rent If renting your furniture or household appliances such as fridges, TV’s etc. appeals, ring Country Furniture Warehouse in Orange (6361 1022) and ask how their Smart Rent facility works. Basically you rent what you want for 12 months and then pay just $1 more to keep the items. It’s proving very popular and by the way they’re open 7 days. right image Ladies interested in getting professional advice from a colour and image consultant should talk to Robyn Robertson in Bathurst. Robyn can help you discover how to dress, what colours suit you best in makeup, clothing etc. and how to put it all together. She’s highly regarded so call her on 6331 3964. nice shOes There are shoes and there are shoes. If you appreciate quality, comfortable shoes and don’t mind paying extra for the privilege, Easy Living Footwear could be just the store you’re looking for. Many people swear by them.

Shape up with Shapemaster If you prefer a method that’s easier, offers a gentler approach to exercise with the focus on shape, posture and wellbeing, Shapemaster could be your answer. Shapemaster’s powered range of equipment is the latest phenomenon to hit the gymaphobics and the over 40’s fitness market overseas. It’s G Nenhance helps posture; improve mobility and flexibility as well as PIyou SHOP muscle balance, tone and strength. For the majority of regular users it comes as a wonderful revelation to not only see the improvements to their body but also how it assists with improved sleep patterns and pain relief.


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There are any number of reasons to put Annie’s Ice cream on your must visit regularly list. Whether it’s a serious mouth watering ice cream fix you need, some of their ‘to die for’ pancakes, a shake, coffee or something else, it doesn’t really matter as long as you decide to give yourself that occasional treat like this. Apart from the fabulous food and drinks, the whole atmosphere is one that simply makes you feel good and if you let your imagination run wild a bit, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine ‘the Fonz’ making an appearance as the whole place has that 50s and 60s feel about it.

G PPIinNmind Annie’s HO SKeep


for when next you want to have some fun or want to treat the family.


Surprises galore!



One of the really quaint shops in Bathurst is the Ginger Cat in William Street. This is one of those shops that’s it’s fun just to browse through and enjoy all the beautiful things they have on display. Of course there’s lot’s to buy and once you arrive, be prepared to be tempted. The store is also very tastefully presented which makes it all the more special. If you like beautiful things or you’re looking for that special item for your home or you want to buy someone a gift that’s not your usual, take time to drop into the Ginger Cat and have a browse. We’re sure you’ll enjoy the experience.





trivia test 1. Which ballet,

with music by Tchaikovsky, is set at Christmas?

2. Vienna is the

1. Articles of clothing 5. Mideast region, ... Strip 7. Squall 8. Looking quickly 9. Less tight 12. Pullovers 15. Sheep trimmer 19. Long Eastern garment 21. Unconnected 22. Mislead 23. Venture 24. Enrolled



does the term “cherry” refer?



18 20

9. Who was the boy


10. On which river

Trivia Test answers (256)

1 The Nutcracker, 2 Austria, 3 indispensable, 4 Rob Sitch, 5 brand new ball or red mark made by a cricket ball on a bat, 6 herbivores, 7 Easy Rider, 8 research and development, 9 Peter Pan, 10 Fitzroy.

Puzzle number 30.

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

Brought to you by


I am an Oscar-winning American actor born HOW in TO PLAY 1951. In 1989 I married To solve a Sudoku puzzle, my son’s nanny. every I was number from 1 to 9 the voice of the must Genieappear in: in Disney’s Aladdin.My Each of the nine first big break came vertical columns HOW TO PLAY in the sitcom Mork Each of the nine horizontal rows and Mindy. My best Tonine solve a Sudoku puzzle,  in Each of the performances were 3 x 3 boxes every number from 1 to 9 Good Morning Vietnam, Remember no number Dead Poets Society and must appear in: can occur more than Good Will Hunting. once in any row, column


6 2



5 8 8 6 3 2 6 9 6 8 2 4 1 6 1 23 2 54 39 33 472 8  Each of4the nine or box. vertical columns 8 11 98 9  Each of the nine Wise words... Who am I? 8 5 2 4 CENTRAL WEST PHOTO NEWS horizontal rows I am Robin Life isn’t13A about [advertising space]  Each of the nine 8 7 Handy Williams Cross finding yourself. 3 x 3 boxes CentralWestHandy13Ablank.pdf 6 5 2 Life’s about creating 1 4 65 Remember no number © Lovatts Publications 25/02/2010

If we only have the will to walk, then God is pleased with our stumbles.

Puzzle number 1.

Copyright © Lovatts Publications

can occurRating: more than once in any row, column or box. Puzzle number: CW009.



3 4 5

6 2 3





8 6 9

6 5 2 7 4 2 82


© 243

puzzle & quiz solutions Stepdown solutions 243 Bobsled, lobbed, lobed, bled, bed, be, b.


3 7 8

3 8 on page 18 (In Focus)1 9 Solutions 7 3 4 5 2 1 9 8 6 5 1 95 8 6 3 2 4 7 Old Fashioned 8 6 2 9 7 4 5 3 1 5 2 13 24 78 36 49 57 81 65 92 ICE CREAM PARLOUR

© Lovatts Publications -

Win a $50 meat6 tray!

Copyright © Lovatts Publications

Entries close November 19th and we’ll draw our winner on Monday November 22nd in our office at 3/241 Lords Place Orange at 10am. Our winner will receive $50 to spend at the Bathurst butcher of your choice.

Copyright © Lovatts Publications

Who am I?

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5 8 9 7 1 6 2 3 4 1 2 9 8 space] 7 6 4 5 3[advertising 3 2 1 9 4 8 6 5 7 8 3 2 4 5 9 1 7 6 The ‘Smiley’ you’re 6 9 5 1for 8 looks 2 3 7 4 looking 9 1 7 6 8 3 4 2 5 Rating: Can you find Smiley? If you can you Do not put anything in the envelope, just 9 8 1 7 3 4 2 5 CONDITIONS OF USE: exactly like this6 one... could win to – 3 it addressedThis 1 2 7 8 9 send 5 6prize. 4a great puzzle is provided for single use only.2 7 3 4 5 9 6 1 8 We’ve hidden a small version of our Bathurst - Find Smiley Competition Lovatts logo and copyright information must 9 News not be removed, however you’re free to edit4 5 6 2 1 8 7 9 3 5 It 1 Photo 7 3 8 in6the 4paper. 2 somewhere ‘Smiley’ logo all other components using the supplied .eps could be in an ad, amongst the photos, 3/241 Lords Place 2 6 7 5 9 3 8 4 1 file. For further information, please contact in a story, or anywhere! (not including the Orange 2800 Katrina Keppie in our Syndication Department: cover Smiley 9 5 2 7 1 3 4 8 6 though!). What you have to do is find him! When you do, write your name, address and contact number on the back of an envelope along with the page number where you found ‘Smiley’.



See bottom of this page for answers

yourself. ~ George Bernard Shaw

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter, rearrange and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the lone letter at the bottom. Your solution may differ from ours.

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Cnr George & Church Sts, Bathurst Bathurst City Centre 6331 8088 • 0413 019 929

capital city of which country?

Who am I?

tq256 PN_20100729


FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030 © Lovatts Publishing Group 2009 © Lovatts Publications -


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See bottom of this page for answers

Which is the correct spelling: indispensable, indespensable, indispensible?

is Rockhampton situated? FILE: Sudoku - Level 3 - 1030



Who played anchorman Mike Moore in ABC TV’s Frontline?

who didn’t want to grow up?



R and D stand for?

In cricket, to what does the term “cherry” refer?

8. What to the initials



1. Silly laugh 2. Encounters 3. West African republic 4. Paper fastener 5. House lizards 6. Annoys 10. Cruel man 11. For all eternity, ... after 12. Glass pot 13. In proportion, pro ... 14. Opposite of west 15. Pickled 16. Scrape 17. Regard as equivalent 18. Sharply bent 19. Funeral toll 20. Small flutes




What are animals I am an Oscar-winning that do not hunt orAmerican actor born in eat meat called? 1951. In 1989 I married my son’s nanny. I was the voice of the Genie in Disney’s Aladdin. My first big break came in the sitcom Mork

Dennis Hopper starred in which 1969 cult film?


Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper starred in which 1969 cult film?

7. Peter Fonda and




Good Morning Vietnam,


What to the initialsand Mindy. My best R and D stand for?performances were in


that do not hunt or eat meat called?


6. What are animals

Find our Face in the Crowd and you could win a $50 family treat at Annie’s Ice Cream in Bathurst. If you win, you can grab your friends or family and take them along to Annie’s for a good time. You can treat them to ice creams, drinks or any of the great treats they offer. Somewhere in this issue of Bathurst Photo News you’ll find the face shown above. Once you have found it, write the page number and location on the back of an envelope along with your name, address and daytime contact number. Send it to : Bathurst Face in the Crowd, Photo News, Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800. You can also email an entry to Entries close November 19th. All entries will go into a draw to be made in our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, Orange NSW 2800 on Monday November 22 at 10am. The first correct entry drawn wins the prize.

Who was the boy Dead Poets Society and who didn’t want toGood Will Hunting. grow up?




5. In cricket, to what


On which river is Rockhampton situated?


Who am I? I am Robin Williams

anchorman Mike Moore in ABC TV’s Frontline?


tq256 PN_20100729

4. Who played



Stepdown solution Bobsled, lobbed, lobed, bled, bed, be, b.

correct spelling: indispensable, indespensable, indispensible?

Trivia Test answers (256)


3. Which is the

Authorised by NSW Permit No. LTPM/10/00548

Face in the Crowd

1 The Nutcracker, 2 Austria, 3 indispensable, 4 Rob Sitch, 5 brand new ball or red mark made by a cricket ball on a bat, 6 herbivores, 7 Easy Rider, 8 research and development, 9 Peter Pan, 10 Fitzroy.

capital city of which country?


Bathurst Photo News November 2010

Little Drew Cutler and Logan Merrick, enjoying time in the park with their mums!

Sisters Ivy and Bronte collecting some special mail from the post office on a nice sunny day

John Ledbrook and Marie Pleash enjoying the morning out at Elle’s

Brian Pleash and Ellie Issa taking time out at Elle’s Café

Kane and Amanda Polsen, spending time together, and having a lovely lunch

Michelle Jaggers and sister Heidi Magee, grabbing some lunch from Banjo’s

Gai and Mark Buttsworth relishing time for a relaxing coffee

Gary and Kiara Tattersall, getting ready for home, after a lovely swim at the indoor pool

Mothers Group ladies Rebecca Coffey with Imogen, Jaime Tickle with Wyatt, Annita Rowlandson with Jimmi, and Courtney Ward with Kai

Olivia Thomas and Nanny Denis Morris, enjoying a beautiful morning at the playground

Wednesday Ladies Tennis group, getting ready for a smashing round of tennis, on a lovely sunny morning

Maddie, Monica, Claire and Vivienne enjoying a splash around, during sport time for school


November 2010 Bathurst Photo News


Bathurst Photo News November 2010

Stuart Robinson, Liz Osborne and young Jake enjoying a break at Annie’s Ice Cream.

Mat and Alicia Howard brought the family all the way to Bathurst from Hazelbrook to pick up their new dog ‘Dash’. The kids are Amelie, Annie, Caitlin and Liam. While here they were enjoying the beautiful surrounds of King’s Parade.

Brothers Frank (left) and Harry Brown enjoying lunch in the park after Frank’s cricket team had earlier won their match. Go St Pat’s White! Harry’s game was set down for later in the day.

Visitors from Canberra Amanda Baston with young Tallara Blanco enjoy a local playground. Smile Tallara!....please????

Spring Spectacular Garden Weekend Last weekend garden lovers and visitors flocked to some of Bathurst’s best gardens during this year’s Bathurst Spring Spectacular Garden Weekend hosted by the Bathurst Gardeners’ Club. Photo News visited Miss Traill’s House, one of the gardens open for the weekend, to capture some of the activity. Judy Baylis and Barbara Addington were busy selling tickets to the Spectacular Garden Weekend at the Visitor’s Centre when our photographer caught them.

Visitors to Bathurst - Marion Norbill from Murrurundi, Marcia McInnes and Gai Mannion from Quirindi, were among a bus load of visitors to enjoy the gardens.

Enjoying the Garden Weekend were Colin and Sue Friend, Joan Stuckey and Emma Crozier.

Patty Gee, Marg Barnes and Flo Robinson were more visitors from Quirindi enjoying the weekend.

Garden Club members Vic and Terry Fatseas greeted visitors at the gate at Miss Traill’s House.

Manning one of the stalls at Miss Traill’s House were Beryl Harvey and Diane Kajons from the Bathurst Gardener’s Club.

Hundreds of people enjoyed the local gardens including this one at Miss Traill’s House.

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