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community life | OCLife ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET YOUR GUIDE TO THE BEST PROPERTIES AND BEST AGENTS AROUND THE REGION. — STARTS ON PAGE 27 SEPTEMBER 1 — 7, 2022 | SPIRIT OF ORANGE | FREE EVERY THURSDAY Bookings: 02 6393 8111 www.orange.nsw.gov.au/theatre Orange Civic Theatre THIS IS CORRECT AS OF 29.8.2022 - FOR ALL SHOWS AND UPDATES PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBPAGE WWW.ORANGE.NSW.GOV.AU/THEATRE > 2022 SEASON BROCHURE AND MEMBERSHIP IS OPEN FOR PURCHASE. PLEASE CONTACT THE BOX OFFICE FOR MORE INFORMATION Friday 16 September at 8pm Matchbox 20 Show ROBBIE MORTIMER Saturday 10 September at 8pm Jane Eyre SHAKE & STIR THEATRE CO Saturday 24 September at 8pm INXS Show PREMIER ENTERTAINMENT Friday 23 September at 7.30pm Girls on Tap KYM HALPIN THEATRICAL Friday 30 September at 8pm The AndalusianGuitar PACO LARA Book Week 2022 Dreaming with eyes open... Orange children celebrated reading and the magic of the imagination last week with the ever-popular Children’s Book Council of Australia’s annual Book Week. Take a peek inside at the creative costumes on display at Book Week parades around some of our local schools!


each week is

Hume Highway,


2190. Published by Orange City Life Pty Ltd ABN 14 649 575 333 Spirit

General disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken in preparing this publication, we cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. The publisher accepts no responsibility for letters, notices and other material contributed for publication. The submitter accepts full responsibility for material, warrants that it is accurate, and indemnifies the publisher against any claim or action. All advertisers, including those placing display and classified or advertorial material, warrant that such material is true and accurate and meets all applicable laws and indemnifies the publisher against all liabilities that may arise from the publication of such material. Opinions expressed in the publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. Senior Journalist, David Dixon, accepts responsibility for election comment. Articles contain information of a general nature – readers should always seek professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. Complaints: Orange City Life has a policy of correcting mistakes promptly. If you have a complaint about published material, contact us in writing. If the matter remains unresolved, you may wish to contact the Australian Press Council. © Copyright 2022 Orange City Life Pty Ltd. Copyright in all material – photographs ads – is held by Orange City Life Pty Ltd or its providers and must not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the Publisher. 26-52 Chullora WE CAPTURE

Often, when people ask me about our magazine, they want to know how we can put out the product we do each week for free. The answer, of course, is that it’s all thanks to the support of our sponsors and advertisers. And we are fortunate, in this ever-changing media environment, to have the local business support that we do. We like to think that’s in no small part due to the product in your hands; we work hard to put together a magazine that looks good and is of interest and value to our diverse readership, which, in turn, makes us of benefit to the businesses and private advertisers that work with OC Life.

Printed for the publisher at the News Print Centre,

all the stories, advertising, sport, social photos and community submissions together by

a bit of mystery! There have been more than a few Tuesday afternoons when it seemed near impossible I can tell you! But here we have it, another OC Life done and printed for your enjoyment. EDITOR’S note Jono! Until next week, STARTS18-1921Book Week 2022 Check out what’s happening in our Entertainment Guide www.orangepropertyplus.com.auenquiries@orangepropertyplus.com.au02 6361 4155 1/202 Anson Street Orange 40+ years Real Estate Industry Knowledge, Training and Experience Making the switch is free & easy, with no hidden fees, only exceptional service. Family owned and operated Personal, yet Professional Not Bigger, BETTER! WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37www.cocosorange.com.auWilliamStreetORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and Berryyogurtmuesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with a Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 3



THE OF ORANGE Suite 3/241 Lords Place ORANGE 02 6361 www.facebook.com/orangecitylifewww.orangecitylife.com.aureception@oclife.com.au3575

Thank you to our Sponsors: Orange City Life is grateful to the following sponsors for their ongoing support over many years. These sponsorships, among others things, have enabled us to bring our readers a lot more enjoyment to our publications than would otherwise be possible. In return, we ask you to please support them as often as you’re able.

During the week we received a complaint from a reader that our promotion of an upcoming community open day at Kinross Wolaroi School was not clearly identified as being supported by advertising, when it was. We certainly weren’t trying to obscure the fact they were advertising the event with us, but we will endeavour to make sure that any sponsored content is more apparent to readers in the future. We certainly are not hiding the fact that it’s advertising that pays the wages of our small team and it’s what allows us to put this magazine in the stands each week. Exactly how we manage to pull deadline still

Jody added that they could use another 20 properties like this one across all their services.Veritas House still needs to raise $40,000 to own the property outright and is continuing its funding efforts. Taxdeductible donations to the “Veritas House Transitional Housing Appeal” can be made at: youth-housing-appealveritashouse.org.au/donate/transitional-

“It’s part of the solution. It’s a small gesture, but hopefully, it has an impact — that’s all we wanted to do,” Jody said.

“A lot of the young people that will be in that unit, will be still at school. So providing that extra support to them and while they’re in that unit, we will work with them to find alternate accommodation.”

“Usually, they’re transitioning from either the youth refuge or from the community… it’s supported accommodation, so we do home visits, just to check in to see if they’re okay,” Jody said.

Besides the scarcity of affordable rental properties in Orange, for many young people, not having a rental history can also be a barrier to them securing a lease. With the purchase of this flat, Veritas House will be able to enter into a formalised tenancy with the young person and then provide a rental reference when they leave.

“[This] could not have been possible without the overwhelming support of businesses, individuals and community groups who have supported our fundraising appeal over the past three years.”

t is a simple, two-bedroom apartment but, for some of our most vulnerable youth, it represents a fresh start and hope for a better future. Following three years of fundraising and generous donations from the community, local youth service, Veritas House, has been able to purchase a twobedroom flat in Orange, which will be used to support young people transitioning from homelessness to living independently. “It’s taken a lot,” Veritas House CEO, Jody Pearce said. “Three years ago, we started on the journey to raise enough money to purchase a unit for young people in Orange. And within that time, we had bushfires, COVID, the market went up through the roof — all that kind of stuff.”

OC Life was among a handful of curious locals who ventured up the Pinnacle for a brief glimpse at the winter wonderland conditions.


Jody said they hope to have their first tenants in the property by mid-October.

Persisting, Jody said they finally reached a milestone this year when their fundraising topped $280,000. With real estate prices continuing to rise, they decided it was time to make an offer on a property.

OCLife | community life 4 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022

“Our original target was $250,000, but we thought, ‘well, we’ve got to get in the market’… we’ve got a lot of young people that were needing accommodation, so we purchased the property and took out a small loan,” she said.

Mira Lockwood and son Nicholas making the most of the brief “snow day” at the Pinnacle Lookout.

Spring has officially arrived, but here in Orange, that doesn’t mean winter is through with us just yet. Despite a few tantalisingly sun-filled days hinting at spring in recent weeks, winter weather returned with a vengeance last Tuesday (August 23), sending temperatures plummeting and snow falling at the higher altitudes. Orange residents awoke the following morning to clear, blue skies and the sight of a snowcapped Mount Canobolas in the distance.

The last gasp of winter, or start of a cool spring?

Work will soon get underway to renovate the apartment, including installing better windows and energy-efficient heating.

“It’s a bit of a special milestone,” she said. “To have alternative options for young people that have gone through our refuge accommodation and they’re ready for independent living… “For us, what we don’t want to see is young people getting stuck in the youth refuge because they don’t have options. We get referrals every day and if we can’t actually move them on to other housing options then the refuge gets full and we can’t accommodate other kids... So it’s a bit of a balancing act.”


The apartment will be used as transitional accommodation for young people and will be leased at a subsidised rate for about six to nine months while they seek more longterm living arrangements.

Looking at the weather forecast for the week ahead it appears we will have some relief from the grey, wet weather that has been the norm ofButlate.that may be short-lived as, according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s latest Climate Outlook, Orange has a cooler and wetter than average spring ahead.

With rules dating from the mid-19th century,croquet is a surprisingly simple sport to master.The game is played on a court about the sizeof a bowling green with six “hoops” (smallarches) placed in the ground. Competitors mustnegotiate their own specially coloured ballsthrough the hoops using a wooden mallet.Balls are struck towards the hoops with the aimof “running” each hoop in a specified orderand direction although, unlike golf, playersare allowed to drive their opponent’s ball intodifficult positions for a competitive advantage.Croquet is played with either two players(singles) or four players (doubles) with fourcoloured balls always in play.

“One thing, is that it is a sport that accommodates all ages and levels of fitness,” Rik“Mensaid.and women both play and, as well as the fitness, there’s a fair bit of socialising as well.”Affiliated with the NSW association which allows one membership fee to play in all 67 clubs in NSW, nearby courts are also active in Bathurst, Dubbo, Young, Cowra, and Katoomba.“Orangeis also affiliated with the Australian Croquet Association, so you can actually play at any club in Australia, if you’re visiting another State,” he said. Despite its seeming aristocratic origins, the local club is only too happy to welcome absolute beginners and, with equipment provided, playing the game is surprisingly inexpensive.“We’vegot about 50 members and we play three days a week, two game days and a training day,” Maria Banks explained.

It’s croquet, the “Thought Sport”, with the local club after new members and open to all comers.Whileit’s considered to be the most English of recreations, with images of well-bred ladies and gents whacking balls around a series of “hoops” on manicured lawns outside of lavish country estates, nearly 30 countries play it seriously.Myonly competitive game, in fact, involved a mid-1980s match with a group of Swedes obsessed with the sport on a farm in the middle of a forest near Oslo, as an arctic wind blew from the north. Described as a sport of “skill and strategy… that can be played by people from 9 to 90,” Orange City Life recently caught up with Orange City Croquet Club’s doubles crowd at Jaeger Reserve in Hill Street.

“It’s a game of strategy. If you had to describe it, you’d say it’s very similar to billiards and chess, and a little bit Iike golf,” Club Captain, Rik Mills explained.

“It’s actually a great game to play, it’s a lot of fun and social at the same time,” Rik said.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 5 community life | OCLife “Where our customers are the heart of the community” A vast selection of premiumquality meats... fresh meat The VicToria hoTel 336 Summer St, Orange | Tel 6362 6386 WHAT’S ON AT THE VIC... NOWBISTROOPEN Daily Specials WEDNESDAYSATURDAY Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6 - 9pm Book your Functions & Special Events! with our Menu Packs to suit your needs POKERTUESDAY from 7pm Registration on arrival SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival SATURDAY from 3.30pm Registration on arrival SAT 3RD SEPT 8.30PM - LATE FREE ENTRYYou can use your PARENTS VOUCHERS


—beginnersabsolutewelcomingrepute;sport”“ThoughtbeliesFormoreinformation,contact Rik Mills on 0484 935 793, email: orangecroquet@gmail.com

Croquet a simple gamethat anyone can play


Games —

While almost everyone knows the game by sight with its characteristic mallets striking coloured balls around a lawn, very few are probably aware how it’s actually played (see attached article).

Recommended by the American Heart Association for cardiovascular health, players claim other benefits including exercise, mental stimulation. companionship, and competition.

Question: What international sport appeared only once in Olympic competition — at the 1900 Paris but still enjoys keen following in the Colour

“Basically, you’re not playing against other people, you’re playing against yourself, that’s one of its unique features,” he added.


They’re celebrating 30 years since they were established on spare greens at Orange City Bowling Club, and 20 years since a magnanimous Council established their facilities where they now boost two playing “courts” and a small clubhouse.

“Anyone who wants to have a try can come along and give it a go,” she added. As well as their regular games, the Club also hosts two major Statewide tournaments in October and February/March with children also popping in for a bit of a game during the club’s annual grandparent’s days.

“Businesses will sometimes book a game for their staff, because it’s such a good teambuilding sport,” he concluded.

OCLife | what’s happening at Cadia 6 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 www.danmarjewellery.com.au OPEN 7 DAYS 132 Kite Street Orange. Phone 6369 1513 Offer a warm and elegant touch...For those who preferbrilliance!individual touch... Argyle Champagne andCognacDiamonds CALLDANIELON0411484464 TOBOOKYOURFREEINITIAL APPOINTMENTORHEADTO WEALTHTRAIN.COM.AU TRULY INDEPENDENT Financial Advice Changes Lives MoreandmorepeopleinOrangeareenjoyingthebenefitsofINDEPENDENTfinancialadvice...Shouldyoubeoneofthem? DanielMcGregor (1253135) andWealthTrain (1258202) areauthorisedrepresentativesof IndependentFinancialAdviceandEducationAFSL520963 SPONSORED CONTENT CADIA TEAMS UP WITH CABONNE COUNCIL FOR NATIONAL TREE PLANTING DAY Planet Ark’s National Tree Day started in 1996 and has grown into Australia’s largest community tree planting and nature care event. Recently, members of Cadia’s workforce teamed up with Cabonne Council to plant over 100 Yellow Box trees near Cudal to help form a tree corridor.

( WORTH OVER $100) for your dog when he or she starts annualprevention.heartworm

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Both cats and dogs need protection from fleas, which don’t just cause discomfort and skin problems for your pet, but can even spread into our homes. The warmer weather makes fleas more active, so keep up to date with a regular flea treatment – we will send you convenient reminders. You can speak to any of the team if you have questions about Heartworm, your pet’s vaccinations or flea and worm treatments – we are here to help. Vaccinations – protection for your pet and peace of mind for you! You love your pet. But who else likes them? Parasites and viruses do!

Anyone with an interest in supporting refugees, is invited to attend the inaugural meeting of the Orange Rural Australians for Refugees (Orange RAR) at 4 pm Thursday, September 8, in the conference room of the Community Services Centre, Giyalang Ganya, 286 Lords Place (corner of March St and Lords Place). Meetings will then be held on the second Thursday of each month.

Orange joining other Aussiescountryinstandforrefugees


Choose one of these special offers for your pet, one voucher per household.

Puppies are very vulnerable, needing intensive care in hospital if they’re going to have any chance of recovery. A simple injection will protect your dog, so puppies should have a series of injections starting at 6-8 weeks old. Your precious new pup isn’t fully protected from Parvovirus until after their third needle, so no outside walks or playing with unvaccinated dogs until after that time. After the initial course to protect against Parvovirus and other diseases like canine cough and distemper, your dog will return for an annual check-up and vaccinations, tailored to their needs. Cats need an annual injection to protect them from CatFlu, feline enteritis, and, if your cat goes outside,

Feline AIDS. Regular worming for cats is important –for the good health of your cat and also to protect your Heartwormfamily.

That’s why your pet needs parasite protection and vaccinations must be up to date - especially important as the weather warms up and we all get out and about.

TREATMENTANDFLEATICK for your dog at vaccination time. FLEA TREATMENTWORMAND for your cat at vaccination time.

It is early days for the group, but Gillian knows there are many people in the community looking for ways to do something to help.


The special offers at Mulberry Lane Vet Hospital this September make protecting your pet so easy – we help keep your pets as happy and healthy as they can be!

MULBERRY LANE VET HOSPITAL An ASAV accredited “Hospital of Excellence”

Orange has joined the grassroots volunteer network, Rural Australians for Refugees, with an inaugural meeting planned for Thursday, September 8. Orange Rural Australians for Refugees (Orange RAR) sprung from the Afghan Refugee Working Party, formed last year as the United States-led military forces withdrew from the 20-year conflict. Expanding the brief of the group and joining the RAR made sense, said Gillian Hindmarsh, who will be the convener of the inaugural“Obviously,meeting.now,with the Ukraine crisis… but there are so many — Myanmar, South Sudan — there are so many conflicts in the world where people are being caused to leave their homelands,” Gillian said. “Our inaugural meeting is on the 8th of September, so I’d really like to get the message out to the rest of the community if anyone wants to join the group.”

Cats don’t miss out – they receive a FREE flea and worming treatment at vaccination time too. But why are vaccinations so important?

This month your dog receives a FREE flea and tick treatment when he or she visits for a vaccination.

— JONATHAN ROE — For more information, contact Gillian Hindmarsh on 0412 432 417.

294 Lords Place, Orange OPEN MON-SAT | mulberrylanevet.com.au

Formed in 2001, Rural Australians for Refugees is a network of about 75 groups across regional Australia that advocates for refugees and asylum seekers and assists them to establish themselves in their communities.“That’swhy we are a part of RAR; rather than reinventing the wheel, they are very strong representatives and produce a lot of material that we can use rather than starting from scratch,” Gillian said.

Orange is a “hotspot” for a horrible doggy disease called Parvovirus, which causes severe haemorrhagic gastroenteritis. It’s very contagious, and can be picked up from the ground or even carried on your clothes!

Part of the role of the group, she said, is lobbying governments to increase the number of refugees allowed into Australia and trying to streamline that process. But it is also about having things in place to help refugees settle into the local community.“Itisalsolinking employers with these people so we’ve got networks we’re developing… as everyone knows with employment there is such a need,” Gillian said.“So it is connecting up the dots. Once they come, we can support them with housing, housing is the biggest issue for everybody, but… linking up people who are happy to have people stay temporarily in their home until they get on their feet, some employers are able to provide accommodation, so it is making the links.”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 7 community life | OCLife


is a dog parasite which used to be restricted to the warmer states. Its spread by mosquitoes, and has now arrived in the Central West. Just one bite from an infected mossie can introduce the tiny larvae into the blood stream of your dog, where they grow into worms in the heart and lungs. Dogs can be protected from Heartworm by a convenient annual injection or by chews, tablets or “spot on “ treatments. Its dangerous to start your dog on Heartworm protection without testing for the parasite first. This month your dog’s heartworm test (worth over $100) is FREE when he or she starts on annual Heartworm protection injections.


TELEPHONE 6360 3071 s s

Expires 30th Sept. Phone for an appointment or book online.

The new Orange Rural Australians for Refugees group wants to make things easier for refugees to establish themselves in the region. The photo above was taken in June during the visit of 40 Ukrainian refugees to the region.


Head of Orange Council’s Environmental Sustainability Committee, Councillor David Mallard, said that the wetland shows how a rich environmental and community resource can be created from patches of unused land adjacent to housing.

A Council report estimates that, since 2018 there has been 14 community planting events held at Waratahs with 192 community members attending.

OCLife | community life 8 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 WED TO SAT 4PM-8PM 0401 072 027 Check our Facebook for the Menu 37 William Street ORANGE | Ph 6362 8611 Pauls @ CoCos DINE IN OR TAKEWAY Pizzas ~ Wings ~ Pasta ~ Chips ~ DimSim CoCo’s CAFE TRADING HOURS Monday to Friday 6.30 – 4.00pm Saturday 7am – 1pm Closed Public Holidays 37www.cocosorange.com.auWilliamStreetORANGE Ph 6362 8611 Delicious! Best known for their delicious fresh food burgers, coffee and yummy desserts. With both daily & weekly specials they have something to tickle your taste buds. CoCo’s offers a wide range of gluten free, home cooked meals, all day breakfast and catering available, eat in or take way. Portuguese chicken Salad wraps Poached Eggswith Avo smash and Berryyogurtmuesli Black Bean Vegetable Burger with Sweet Potato Crisp Pumpkin Fetta Tart Sweet potato fish cake with seeded pumpkin fetta salad GETAPPOUR MEAL DEAL $50 2 Pizzas, Barramundi Bits & 1.25 litre Soft Drink www.orangehearingcentre.com.au 1/256 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800 02 6360 1884 Hear the difference YOUR LOCAL HEARINGINDEPENDENTCENTRE KAYAUDIOLOGISTMCINTOSH • Diagnostic Hearing Assessment • Excellent Hearing Aid Fittings • Superior level of client service • Valuable ongoing support • Latest technology • All manufacturers • Private and ProgramGovernmentAustralianHearingServicesclients • Employment / Pilot Testing ALL STAFF COVID19 VACCINATED Valuable natural regeneration areas don’t have to take in vast expanses of adjoining land.

From a blank body of water beside a semi-rural footy field, the whole area is now alive with native grasses, birdlife, insects, and the call of frogs.

The Waratah Wetlands were established around a natural water catchment besides the booming sports precinct in the growing north Orange area on what was once a nondescript farm dam with a few weeds around its perimeter.

A major component of the project, has been the level of community participation with major tree planting days held to complement the work. As well as the new picnic setting, local service clubs have also played an integral part in the project including Orange Rotary Club hosting planting days on the site as part of their annual Sustainable Living Week activities.

The seat and table were donated by the Club to celebrate 75 years since the establishment of the international community service volunteer group’s first Australian club at Lismore.

“Council have done a real lot of work here to get it to this level of regeneration, there’s whole species of sedges, juncus, and other water-loving plants.

“This is the growth corridor for Orange, it services an area for about 12,000 people.

“We started the work here to regenerate the area almost five years ago with a grant from the then Salinity and Water Alliance,” Cr Mallard said. “It’s a natural reservoir, it runs from an existing drainage line from the Botanic Gardens,” he added.


“There’s any number of waterfowl who have also made their home here,” he said, pointing out native species in and around theThewatercourse.areaisalso busy most weekends with the increasing number of locals from adjacent housing estates utilising its walking path to enjoy nature and keep fit at the same time.

“This equates to 576 person-hours with a dollar value for the community participation, based on $25 per hour, being $14,400. The 192 community members planted 4660 native tube-stock in the area, (24 tube-stock each),” the reportWhoeversaid.claims credit, the final result is a regenerating natural wetland area hosting a range of native plants, animals, fish and insect species, which also makes a great natural walking area for the evergrowing north Orange precinct.

“It’s come up really well, it’s a jewel in Council’s Crown,” Cr Mallard said proudly.

New seating and table picnic setting at the Waratah Wetlands donated by Canobolas Lions Club.

A recent gift of a garden seat and table by Canobolas Lions at Waratah Wetlands, highlights that any old corner of unused allotments, can provide essential environmental and recreational benefits in our growing urban areas.

“For them, this has become a nice open space with a pedestrian bridge at the end of the dam allowing access for everyone.”

“jewel in C ncil’s Cr n”

From left, Pat Kilby, Phil Baker, Peter Chilcott, Garry Murphy, Councillor David Mallard, Roger Smith from Orange Council, Ross Beattie, and Norm Bembrick.

The project was resourced with an initial $42,000 grant for revegetation of the site with another $9,000 to assist with community tree planting days.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 9 Michael Paddison 0414 447 467 Sue 0414Barber635526 Tisha Ataria 0428 777 651 contemporaryhomes.net.au info@contemporaryhomes.net.au contemporary homes LANDEDJUST BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME. PREMIUMLANDFORSALE Are you looking to buy premium land in forContactOrange?ustodaymoreinformation... Lot 16 Ploughmans Lane 880m2 Lot 17 Ploughmans Lane 877m2 Lot 138 Applebox St 504m2 Lot 195 Wollemi St Lot521m2194 Wollemi StLot521m2401 Charlotte St 581.3m2 Lot 405 Milne Street Lot789.2m2193Wollemi St Lot521m2159 Wollemi St 521m2 HOUSE & PACKAGESLANDAVAILABLENOW


In 2021/2022 Orange Hospital received over $254,000.00 in donations from a number of very generous benefactors such as United Hospital Auxiliary Orange, Orange Lions Club, Friends Assisting the Community, Premi Babes, Running for Premature Babies, Sydney University School of Rural Health. In addition, to these donations for equipment, The Hospital Auxiliary have also donated $54,000 to assist people in the community pay for high cost medications. In addition, Rotary Club of Orange Daybreak - have donated $150,000 from fundraising toward Orange Hospital Clinical Trials which has previously been acknowledged. Orange Health Service would like to acknowledge these donations and express their appreciation and share some photographs of some of the items purchased as a result of these generous donations.

The Occupational Therapy department would like to thank the Hospital Auxiliary for the generous donation of funds to purchase our two new tilt in space commodes. These commodes are being utilised daily on our Rehabilitation and Coronary Care Unit’s for the safe provision of personal care to patients who require higher level seating and postural support. Through your generosity and kind donation we continue to be able to provide safe, patient centred care to patients admitted at Orange Health Service. Thankyou! – Jenna West, Occupational Therapy & Diversional Therapy Head of Department.

Medical A has received a very timely donation from “Friends Assisting the Community”, a blanket warmer to keep their Haematology, Oncology and Palliative Care patients warmer over these colder months. The generous donation is greatly appreciated, Thankyou! – Danielle Stringer, NUM, Medical A.

Peter Young, Head of the Physiotherapy department and his team send a big Thankyou to the Hospital Auxiliary for the 5 new Patient Transport Chairs pictured. They will also be soon receiving a Quietcast Saw from Hospital Auxiliary which is on order. Thankyou!

Panda WarmerThe Special Care Nurserystaff would like to thank the Running for PrematureBabies and Glenn Atkinson’s“Push from the Bush” organisations for thegenerous donation of lifesaving neonatal equipment.Many babies have benefitted from the BabyPanda Resuscitation Cot inthe photo.DeonThankyou!Adamson, NUM – Paediatric Ward and Special Care Nursery.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 11 2021/2022 Orange Hospital

The training Simulation Lab at Orange Hospital appreciate the generous donation from the Hospital Auxiliary which allowed for the purchase of the adult and baby QCPR manikins. Both of these manikins provide live feedback on the quality of CPR including depth, rate and hand position, as well as feedback on the quality of delivered breaths. These skills can be difficult to assess, however with the help of these manikins and the ipad, assessors and staff being assessed can clearly see what is required to improve their performance in delivering basic life support. We believe that with the use of these manikins in annual basic life support assessments and other training scenarios, staff are much more skilled and qualified to deliver more effective life-saving treatment. Thankyou! - Sam Collins, Clinical Nurse Educator, SIM Lab. The Sim Lab would also like to thank Sydney University School of Rural Health who donated funds for a Lung Simulator which has been ordered and due to arrive late September. The ASL 5000 Lung Simulator will allow us to ventilate our high fidelity manikin on any ventilator in the hospital. Advantages include being able to get a higher number of staff trained over a shorter period of time and run higher fidelity critical care simulations which involve ventilators. At this point in time, we are unable to realistically simulate ventilator scenarios. Thankyou!

Thankyou! – Chloe Weekes, ClinicalPsychologist, Orange Health Service

The Community Paediatric Team would liketo thank the Hospital Auxiliary for providingthe Community Health Psychology teamwith the Griffiths Developmental ScalesThispictured.equipment will be used in theDevelopmental Clinics, which will offerdevelopmental screening from birth toschool age, for babies from Orange whoare born prematurely (under 34 weeks).

The Operating Theatre staff would like to thank the Hospital Auxiliary for their generous donation to purchase an ERBE. The ERBE is used for removal of polyps and cancers from the bowel. This Machine is already in use and has been shown to reduce tissue damage. The ERBE unit is a diathermy unit that has been specifically designed for use in endoscopy procedures including Colonoscopy’s and ERCPs. It significantly decreases risk of perforation and bleeding following cancer and polyp removal or biopsy. The ERBE is a wonderful addition to the Orange Hospital Operating Theatre, Thankyou! – Deborah Campbell, Nurse Manager, Operating Theatres. Theatre staff would also like to thank Orange Lions Club who have generously donated over $24000 to purchase Paediatric ENT Emergency Airway Instruments which are due for delivery in late August and “Premi Babes” who purchased two monitoring machines for use with post- operative paediatric and adult patients also being delivered . Thankyou!

Local motorcycle club, United Riders Australia, are holding a fundraising social ride to support youth mental health services at Headspace Orange.

OCLife | community life 12 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 To join in or follow along, visit: facebook.com/groups/unitedridersaust or phone Mark on 0405 848 556, or Wal on 0448 912 361. www.danmarjewellery.com.au 132 Kite Street Orange. Phone 6369 1513 Custom Design made jewellery pieces, it’s our speciality! After hours appointments available Rhodium Plating , Resizing & Modification Diamonds & Gemstones to your specifications Guaranteed natural stones and quality craftsmanship provide several quality services including Danmar Jewellery

“There’ll be a breakfast thing there, where the local P&C will raise funds for their school in Spring Hill then we’ll go from there and travel around the central west,” United Rider Australia secretary, Dave “Wal” Walter said. “Start at Spring Hill, we’ll head down the back way through Neville to Mandurama… and head to Cowra and, in Cowra, we have lunch arranged there and then we’ll head towards Manildra and back to Orange and finish up.”

Wal said United Riders members regularly support other charity rides all over the State and they would like to invite riders from everywhere and anywhere for their September ride. “We welcome all types of riders to enjoy the day,” Wal said It costs $25 to attend the charity ride, and there will be raffles held throughout the day, with approximately $7,000 in prizes to be won. All the proceeds will go to Headspace Orange. Headspace Orange Community Awareness Officer, Emma Crisp, said the event is a great example of people coming together to smash the stigma and support local young people.

“It’s amazing that the club have chosen to support us and help spread the message about the importance of mental health. They were really keen to find a way to partner with us and give back to young people in the community,” Emma said. Breakfast will be served from 8am, Saturday, September 10, at the Railway Hotel in Spring Hill with “stands up” at 10am.


After a two-year delay due to COVID, the charity ride will kick off on Saturday, September 10 at the Spring Hill pub.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 13 Payment: Cash and eftpos. ELEVATION Garage More Information call Angela McGee 0413 900 770 New and Salvaged Fashion Footwear Furniture and Homewares Saturday and Sunday, Sept 10th & 11th 10am - 4pm both days ORANGE, NO. 4 MT LINDSAY DRIVE (NEAR DUDLEY HOSPITAL) PARKING AT MT LINDSAY LOOKOUT PRESENT THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND IMMEDIATELY RECEIVE 10% OFF NON SALE ITEMS Spring is in the air andELEVATION Garage is open to share curious wares with the shoppers of Orange and surrounds. ELEVATION Garage has unique one off pieces to accent your home or wardrobe. There maybe something just right for you!

Okay, before you lynch me, please know that I love books. I love reading to my children, with my children, being read to by them and reading on my own. When they were tiny we did the toddler sessions at the library and we have spent many an afternoon after school, snuggled up together on their lounges, choosing and reading all the picture books they have. We have thousands of books at home, and more bookshelves than any other piece of furniture.

“I threw it out,” she sheepishly replies. I take a deep breath and try to decide what words to shout first; do I point out that clothes are expensive and we need to keep her outgrown things for her sister, or do I explain the environmental impact of our consumer driven throw-away society? In the end I go with, “Just….why?”

The enoughgood-parent with Emily Thompson

Got a cooking question you need answered? Any suggestions on what topic Ruben should tackle next? Get in touch with us at OC Life or with Ruben directly @rubenlopezmesa

Ingredients: - 3 ripe avocados - ½ fresh jalapeño chilli, finely chopped - 2 tsp. coriander washed and chopped. - 1 red onion, chopped - 1 tomato, diced - ½ lime, juiced - 1 tsp. salt Steps to follow: - Halve the avocados, remove the seed and use a spoon to scoop the flesh into a bowl. - Add the chilli, coriander and onion. Mash together with a fork. - Gently fold in the tomato, lime juice and salt. Season to taste. - Serve with your choice of nachos, or veggie sticks for a gluten-free idea.


But still, I’m all for Miss Eight having any joyful experiences that school can provide, as she started kindy in 2020. Like all students in Year two this year, this is both her last year in infants, but her first chance to experience all the special days that COVID took from them.

She explains that at the age of 11, the horror of being in matching PJs was unbearable so she tossed them in a fit of Asrage.punishment, I put her in charge of Book Week costume, and say the stupid, regretful words: “Anything you come up with out of your wardrobes is fine.” Despite the fact that I should know better, I watch them gather up black clothes, jewellery, paper and tape, congratulating myself on my excellent parenting and sit down with tea. Not 30-minutes later, Miss Eight approaches me dressed head-to-toe in black with necklaces taped inside her jacket and proudly hands me a hand-drawn booklet.


However, I HATE Book Week. I get that the school is promoting literacy and the kids mostly love it, but seeing a sea of expensive Marvel and Disney costumes parading around the oval I can’t help but feel a disconnect with the stories we know and love. Particularly the year Miss 13 (Miss seven at the time) went dressed as a fairly generic horse riding protagonist of her favourite book at the time, and was criticised for a “low effort costume”. The year before she’d been Wonder Woman and won an award for the $45 outfit we’d reluctantly bought.

Avocados have gained popularity in Australia due to their amazing nutrient profile and diverse culinary applications. They are rich in fibre, potassium, awesome healthy fats and powerful antioxidants.Theinteresting thing that is happening now is that, while grocery prices keep skyrocketing, there’s currently a surplus of cheap, ripe Aussie avocados. So, if you love this fruit and like to make avo on toast, guacamole or green goddess bowls, now is the time to stock up. There are a couple of reasons for this surplus: firstly, it’s been a record production year, especially in Western Australia. Secondly, many growers planted new trees over the last five years in response to increased demand. These new plantings are now coming into production, making for a surplus of fruit and sending avocado prices plummeting. In fact, according to their latest reports, both Hass and Shepard avocados are the cheapest they’ve been in over 18 months. So I don’t know about you, but to me, it sounds like it’s time to make a lot of guacamole at home! Would you like the recipe?

Book Week

As such, I ask her if she has any ideas about a Book Week costume. She looks at me blankly, so I covertly order our groceries in paper bags this week (despite being more expensive than the non-recyclable environment ruining plastic bags they’ve switched to in the name of “saving the environment”), and begin reading ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ every night to lower her expectations a bit.

OCLife | community life 14 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022

“I’m not wearing a PAPER BAG,” she announces when I casually suggest it on the third night of the story. I ask what her plans are then, wondering how poor they will make me. The Very Hungry Bear is her first suggestion, and one I love, because two years ago, I bought the girls matching teddy bear onesies, and Miss 13’s should fit her! I send Miss 13 to fetch it for me.

Note: In order to keep the vibrant green colour of the avocados, add the lemon juice on top and cover it with plastic wrap so there’s no contact with the air.

“No character I’ve ever read about is worth dressing up as, so I’ve written my own book!” she announces. I look down at her problematically titled, “Miss Eight, the Black Thief” as she explains it’s a story about a stunningly devious jewel thief who dresses in black and steals jewels in the night. She also wears cool shoes… and is a ninja, she assures me. At least it didn’t involve a trip to Spotlight.


ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 15 PH: 6360 2249 | orange@pcycnsw.org.au | www.pcycnsw.org.au | Anzac Park, Seymour St ORANGE facebook.com/pcycorange PCYC is a charity empowering young people to reach their full potential. > BOOK NOW FOR TERM 4 AND GET 50% off TERM FEES* * MUST BE A PCYC MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE Fun, friendly relaxed environmentto meet new friends and learn gymnastics skills. CLASSES LIMITED TO 12 STUDENTS Come and Gymnasticstry MUST BE A PCYC MEMBER TO PARTICIPATE NEW CIRCUS CLASS STARTING SOON LIMITED SPACES AVAILABLE Classes available : TeenGymnasticsRecreationalParkourTumblingTrampolineWAGKinderGymandAdult classes.



The recent appointment of former Planning Director, Mark Dicker as General Manager, offers the chance to refocus on issues of most importance to the 3500-population rural council located south of Orange. Having effective “people skills” and the ability to communicate with everyone, are some of the key attributes of a good GM, the councillors all said.

“I think a general manager should be a good strategic thinker and communicator and be able to act as a conduit between staff, councillors and the public,” Deputy Mayor, Councillor David Somervaille said.


REGISTERTODAY!!! Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951

“The same goes for sub-divisions like those at Millthorpe, we have to make sure they are sustainable and for the whole community,” heHeadded.saidthat the key role of a general manager, is to be a man for all seasons.


OCLife | community life 16 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 Credit eligibility, lending criteria, terms & conditions, fees & charges apply. Minimum initial loan amount of $150,000 and up to 95% of the property value. No Offset account, no Redraw and no participation in the Relationship Rebate. Rate reverts to our Essential Low Rate Variable Home Loan after first 2 years. The Essential Low Rate Home Loan is currently 4.44% p.a (Comparison Rate 4.50% p.a.*). *This comparison rate is based on a $150,000 loan over 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Orange Credit Union Limited. ABN 34 087 650 477 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 240768. SameSwitchtoalocalwhobacksYou.lowratesforinvestorsandowner-occupiers.5.24% PA Essential2YearFixedRate 4.64% PA ComparisonRate* Lock in repayment certainty, so you can get back to what matters most. Talktoustodayon63624466 GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER (FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeNEWREGOSJUNIORGETA FREEGLOVE SCANTHEQRCODEORCONTACTUSTO...PamKelly-0419013951HeathWilliams-0417892889Email-bletchington.softball@gmail.comFacebook-BletchingtonSoftballClub REGISTERTODAY!!! GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER SCANTHEQR(FridayEvening)&A-Grade,B-GradeSoftball-Under16yrs,Modball-Under13yrsTeeball-B-5-7yearsTeeball-A-8-9yearseveryone:WehavesomethingforC-GradeCODEORCONTACTUSTO... REGISTERTODAY!!! Facebook-BletchingtonSoftballClubEmail-bletchington.softball@gmail.comHeathWilliams-0417892889PamKelly-0419013951 GIVE SOFTBALL AGOTHIS SUMMER


“He has to be very consultative in all his dealings with councillors and staff and ratepayers,” he added.

Cr John Newstead said that current projections of budget deficits for the small shire, may mean some belt-tightening in the near future.

“We may have to rein in our spending a little bit, there’s a lot of development going on, especially in Millthorpe.

Recent appointment of former Planning Director, Mark Dicker as General Manager of Blayney, o ers the chance to refocus on issues of most importance.

“One of the challenges is to manage the growth of the Shire, there’s a lot of development going on. “We have to meet the demand for new housing without disadvantaging the people that are already there… it’s a balancing act to preserve the character of a village like Millthorpe,” he added.



“It’s a role that’s essentially like being the chief executive of the organisation,” he added.Hesaid that balancing development in the booming shire over the next decade is a vital role of the Council.




Cr Bruce Reynolds said that getting the finances right for a community with a relatively small rate-base, is also essential.




Managing the growing pains of a booming shire, is one of the major challenges facing Blayney Council over the next 10 years, councillors believe.





“I’m all for development, as long as it doesn’t destroy the villages,” he added. He said good interpersonal skills were the attributes that he sought when the councillors interviewed the position’s applicants.

“When we were looking for a new GM, we were after a ‘people person’, someone who could get on with ratepayers and staff, and also quite good with the councillors,” he said.



“I suppose financial sustainability is one key issue… we have to maintain a road network that has been under pressure from three years of above-average rain.

Mr Dicker’s appointment followed the decade-long stewardship of predecessor Rebecca Ryan, who recently landed the same role at Queanbeyan-Palerang Council in the State’s south.






New Blayney GM’s brief — finances and sustainability




It will now be a case of working up some costings with MidWestern Regional Council and then sitting down with the new government in Canberra to discuss the best way forward.




ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 17 Andrew GEE MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR CALARE YourYourCountryVoice 1/179A Anson Street PO Box 673 Orange NSW 2800 (02) 6361 www.andrewgeemp.com.auandrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au7138 For regular updates and news, follow me on Facebook and Instagram @andrewgeecalare ORANGE ELECTORATE OFFICE Authorised by Andrew Gee MP Suite 1/179A Anson Street Orange, NSW 2800. RUNS ON THEORANGEFORBOARD √ $54.8 million for the new CSU medical school and centreresearch √ $34.8 million for Dixons Long CrossingPoint √ $54 million in water security pipelines around the WestCentral √ $1.9 million for The Orchard accommodationcrisiscentre √ $2 billion for Great WesternupgradeHighway √ $3.8 million for the raising of Suma Park dam wall at Orange √ Federal establishedCorporationInvestmentRegionalandbasedinOrange √ $12 million for the Southern Feeder Road project √ Dept InfrastructureofbranchmovedtoOrange √ $2 million for the Forest Road duplicationBridge √ $14.7 million for Mission Australia’s Benjamin Short Grove Aged Care facility √ $100,000 for new stadium seating at Wade Park √ $3 million for a second radiotherapy unit at Orange Health Service √ $10 million for the ConservatoriumOrange & Planetarium √ 24 hour rescue helicopter service for Orange and region √ $14 million for highway upgrades between Lithgow and Orange √ Bat/hail netting funding for orchardistslocal √ $1.2 million for CCTV in BathurstOrange,andWellington √ 42 mobile phone towers and base stations across Calare

Pictured: Andrew with Orange City Council Mayor Jason Hamling at the corner of Park Street and Shiralee Road. A roundabout will replace this intersection as part of the new road project.

For information relating to financial assistance, small business support, replacing lost documents, Recovery Centre locations and more, please contact Service NSW on 13 77 88 or visit www.nsw.gov.au/floods


Given construction costs are expected to rise even further, and also the need for a back-up contingency, the minimum amount needed to progress the project would be a further $15 million to $20 million. There are now two courses of action in order to progress the project –seek more funding from the Federal Government or look at proceeding with the project with existing funding but reducing the scale. Reducing the scale would involve improving the roads on the existing route (as opposed to a new crossing site) and reducing the scope of the crossing to a lower-level bridge or culvert crossing.

Stage 3 (along Dairy Creek Road) wrapped up in February this year - it’s a dream to drive on and I can’t wait to see the completion of Stage 4!

Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Australian Government’s Disaster Assist website at www.disasterassist.gov.au/

The previous Coalition government committed almost $35 million to the project with $5 million of that being an election commitment, and most of the $29.8 from previous budgets is still there in the kitty.

Since the days of the gold rush, residents across the Central West have been lobbying for a crossing over the Macquarie River at Dixons Long ThePoint.project will be a game changer for the region. It will slash travel times and open the region up for tourism and business, and connect a number of local government areas including Mudgee/MidWestern Regional, Dubbo Regional, Bathurst, Lithgow, Cabonne and Orange.

Tenders for the project have now come back and due to rising construction costs of up to 30%, the tenders have come in up to $10 million above budget. It’s an unfortunate reality of the surging inflation which Australia is facing, and it’s affecting projects across the country. The tenders also identify some additional costs in improving access roads on the Mudgee side in order to get heavy vehicles and components in.

The ol’ gumboots sure are getting a work out this winter!

I’m still fully committed to seeing the 170-year vision become a reality. I’ll do everything I can to see it finished either in its current form with additional funding, or in a scaled back version.

I’d like to thank Mid-Western Regional Council and project leader Ray Kearns for their outstanding work as well as all of the representatives of our local Indigenous organisations and nearby farmers, whom we’ve worked very closely with on this project.

This final stage will even better connect residents and workers in West Orange to the hospital precinct and Cadia mine, as well as the Mitchell Highway heading towards Lucknow.

Inflation and increasing construction costs have impacted the Dixons Long Point project on the Macquarie River but the campaign for the new crossing, and the determination to build it, are as strong as ever.

It was great to stop by Cudal Public School recently to meet this year’s flag bearers, Gabby, Sam and Jordan! They proudly help raise the flags each morning on the school’s brand new flag pole! The 3-piece flag pole, which you can see in the background, was installed thanks to a $2,000 grant from the previous Coalition Government under the Saluting Their Service program - doesn’t it look great!

Congratulations to Orange City Council and everyone involved in this monumental project so far.

Disaster assistance is now available to help residents, small businesses, non-profit organisations, primary producers, and the local council in Cabonne to recover from the severe storms and flooding throughout June and July.

I am excited to announce that Stage 4 of the Southern Feeder Road project in Orange will soon be underway! At present, the Southern Feeder Road finishes at Anson Street but Stage 4 will see the road extended all the way through to Pinnacle Road. Stage 4 is being made possible thanks to a $1,241,618 grant from the previous Coalition Government, having contributed a total of $12 million to the entire project under the Local Roads and Infrastructure program

To apply for a concessional loan or primary producer grant, contact the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593 or visit the Rural Assistance Authority.

18 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 Bowen Public School St CatholicMarysSchool 2022 Book Week

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 19 OrangeSchoolPublic 2022 Book Week

OCLife | community life 20 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022

Spring clean your home loan with new interest rates

“Orange Credit Union offers the same low home loan rates for both investors and owneroccupiers so you won’t be penalised with higher interest if you choose to rent out your property instead of living in it. This is a big incentive for regional investors and may help ease the housing shortage across the Central West.

“As a customer-owned bank, Orange Credit Union has a long, proud history of backing locals and this also extends to backing our valued, loyal customers in times when they need it most,” he said.

Following the latest consecutive RBA cash rate increases of 50 basis points in July and August, Orange Credit Union has reversed the trend by decreasing interest rates on Fixed Rate home loans by up to 100 basis points (1.0% p.a.) effective from 25 August 2022.

Chief Executive Officer, Andrew de Graaff said Orange Credit Union carefully reviewed interest rates across all savings and lending products to remain competitive and offer greater repayment certainty for those customers seeking to refinance to a better deal.

Warren and Elvi WillisInge Trevena, Margaret Turnbull and Rita Hildendeutel

Home loan customers seeking to ‘lock-in interest repayment certainty’ are set to enjoy greater peace of mind after leading regional customer-owned bank, Orange Credit Union today announced interest rate reductions across all 1, 2 ,3 Year Fixed Rate home loans.

Same low rates for investors and 4.64%owner-occupiers. ComparisonRate*

Golden anniversary for Warren and Elvi — PHOTOS BY HENRY DEROOY — Congratulations to Warren and Elvi Willis who’ve celebrated their 50th weddinganniversary. OC Life’s photographer was on hand to snap the happy couple who were out for dinner at the Ophir Tavern on Saturday night.

“It’s important to explore the many options available such as mortgage offset, regular repayments, no fees for early repayments, no ongoing fees, considering split or fixed rate loans for repayment which could save thousands over time.” Orange Credit Union offers tools to help our customers manage their home loan repayments. Customers can use the online mortgage repayment calculator to see how adjusting their loan amount, term or interest rate will impact them or help pay off their loan sooner. To view the latest banking and borrowing interest rates, go to orangecu.com.au Talk to Team Orange today on 6362 4466 to arrange a ‘Home Loan Health Check’.


Orange Credit Union is offering a free ‘Home Loan Health Check’ with a specialist lender to understand the many options available to help you get a head start on your home loan. Mr de Graaff said: “We understand interest rate changes can affect every household differently and budgets will need to be adjusted and rebalanced along with the market. The days of staying with a mortgage provider for 25 years is no longer a reality for many home buyers and we understand your personal circumstances can change.

Warren Willis, Aaron Willis and Elvi Willis

“We are listening to customers who are shopping around and seeking greater peace of mind to ‘lock-in repayment certainty’ and manage their budgets with increasing cost of living pressures.

Credit eligibility, lending criteria, terms & conditions, fees & charges apply. Minimum initial loan amount of $150,000 and up to 95% of the property value. No Offset account, no Redraw and no participation in the Relationship Rebate. Rate reverts to our Essential Low Rate Variable Home Loan after first 2 years. The Essential Low Rate Home Loan is currently 4.44% p.a (Comparison Rate 4.50% p.a.*). *This comparison rate is based on a $150,000 loan over 25 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. Orange Credit Union Limited. ABN 34 087 650 477 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 240768.

Talktoustodayon63624466 are listening to customers who are shopping around and seeking greater peace of mind...

While the major banks were quick to pass on the full RBA interest rate increases to home loan customers, Orange Credit Union only passed on 30 basis points to variable home loan rates for both July and August absorbing 40 basis points for our customers over the past 2 two months. Personal and car loan interest rates are unchanged at this time. To reward savvy savers, Orange Credit Union has increased rates across savings accounts including its popular Kids Super Saver (now at 1.00% p.a.). The new Term deposit for 12 month term increased by 50 basis points to 3.00% p.a.

“It is something everyone will just want to come and see for the joy and excitement Charlie and the Chocolate Factory presents!”

ORANGE CITY LIFE | entertainment | OCLife OPEN 7 DAYS | 107 BYNG STREET | 6362 1353 | WWW.THEMETROPOLITANHOTELORANGE.COM.AU PROUD TO BE A PUB the sundayawesomeroast SUNDAY ROAST 15 THE AWESOME + RoAstED VEg + roast veg ROAST SUBJECT TO CHANGE EACH SUNDAY - GROUND FLOOR ONLY Every FRIDAY / SATURDAY AT 8PM Live Music ✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴✴ lamb mondayshank MONDAYS ground floor only + the works red wine gravy or $22 for 2 shanks$15 t-bone + chips & veg or chips & salad$15 Free Entry See the OAGS students shine in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at the Orange Civic Theatre 6pm Friday, September 2; or 10.30am and 6pm Saturday, September 3. Based on the famous novel by Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is being brought to Orange Civic Theatre Stage this weekend, by the students of Orange Anglican Grammar School (OAGS). The production features an original score composed by Marc Shaiman with lyrics by Shaiman and Scott Wittman (Hairspray) and a book by David Greig. The score also pays homage to the Leslie Bricusse/Anthony Newley score from the 1971 film with songs from the motion picture including “Candy Man,” “I’ve Got a Golden Ticket,” the “Oompa Loompa Song” and “Pure Imagination.”

And despite their inexperience, Kyle said the young cast has continued to impress with every rehearsal.

“We have some excellent vocalists and some excellent actors and they’re just bringing this show to life!” he said.

“We went to do one back in 2020 and COVID cancelled it, so we are trying again,” Mr Palmer said. We went for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because it is one that everyone knows, that everyone likes, they grew up listening to the Roald Dahl stories everyone has watched one of the movies…

It is the first musical production for the school, Orange Anglican Grammar School teacher and show producer, Kyle Palmer said. The show features a cast of students from Stage 3 all the way to Year 11 and a production team of teachers and parent helpers.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Debut musical theatre outing for OAG students

The world-famous Willy Wonka is opening the gates to his mysterious factory, but only to a lucky few. Young Charlie Bucket and four other golden ticket winners embark on a lifechanging journey through Wonka’s world of pure imagination…

OCLife | entertainment 22 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 on what's SEPTEMBER Coming events... SEPTEMBER 10 Orange Civic Theatre — Jane Eyre SEPTEMBER 16 Orange Civic Theatre — Matchbox 20 tribute featuring Robbie OrangeSEPTEMBERMortimer24CivicTheatre — INXS Show SEPTEMBER 30 Orange Civic Theatre — The Andalusian Guitar Orange Wine Festival Night Market Opening Film: Blaze, 7pm Beautiful Minds,11.30am Huda’s Salon, 2pm We Are Still Here, 7pm SATURDAY September Odeon 5 — Travelling Film Festival Calendar Girls, 11.30am Broker, 2pm The Quiet Girl, Compartment4.30pmNo.6,6.45pm SATURDAY September 3 Metropolitan Hotel Live music at the Metro, every Saturday from 8pm Victoria Hotel - 4 on the 4loor Featuring Vivian, Ramon, Munted Loose Units and Implexive, 8.30pm SUNDAY September 4 CWA Hall Robertson Park Spring/Summer Concert Series – Crow Mountain and Amy Viola, 1pm Odeon 5 — Travelling Film Festival FRIDAY September 2 Metropolitan Hotel Live music at the Metro every Friday from 8pm Orange ConservatoriumRegional Golden Gate Brass, 6.30pm Orange Civic Theatre Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 6pm Odeon 5 — Travelling Film Festival SATURDAY September 3 Orange Civic Theatre Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 10.30am and 6pm Odeon 5 — Travelling Film Festival

The play, based on the 1925 Agatha Christie short story ‘Traitor’s Hands’, is a tense courtroom drama set in the famous London courthouse known as the ‘Old Bailey’.

Girls on Tap is a high-energy, theatrical tap show celebrating women and female empowerment throughout the ages.

JAM Orange’s Spring/Summer Sunday Sessions concert series continues this Sunday, September 4, at the CWA Hall in Robertson Park, with Crow Mountain and local favourite Amy Viola, who’ll be joined by Bear Gillan. Crow Mountain are an Australian old-time country and folk group, performing original, traditionally flavoured tunes of unnerving honesty and effortless beauty.

“So the audience will be limited to 50 and they will be in the jurors; dock, the media dock and there will be people sitting in the courtroom as part of the proceedings,” Peter said.


Drawing on their Blue Mountains roots, Megan Legg (mandolin) and Ben Thomas (banjo and guitar), alongside Paul Abrahams (double bass), blend oldtime, bluegrass instrumentation with honey-dipped harmonies, painting aural portraits of human frailty and grit, sorrow and strength, love and redemption.

They have released two EP’s, ‘Shallow Water’ in 2018, and ‘The Higher We Go’ in 2020. Their first full-length album is due for release later this year.

Hall stage will be Orange’s own Amy Viola who will join Bear Gillan to highlight tracks from their soon-to-bereleased album. Amy Viola is an exciting local musician weaving folk, roots, and Radiohead together to create songs that express the fragility of life and the beauty that is found in our darkest moments. Her intricate, captivating performances range from hushed moments of intimacy to riotous, raucous hoe-downs, and her musicianship and voice is described as ‘sublime’ by Kate Ceberano.

from Ticketek online or call 6393 8111.

JanelightingEyreAfire in your soul Orange Civic Theatre, 7.30pm Friday, September 23.

Sunday Sessions

Old Carcoar court becomes Old Bailey in new Pinnacle Players production

theatrical tap show celebrates women throughout the ages

This family-friendly concert kicks off at 1pm Tickets are $30 and can be purchased by visiting www.jamorange.com.au or at Landers Music, Summer Street Orange. Refreshments will be available.

The ladies of Girls On Tap multitask live on stage –whether they are dancing, singing, tapping and playingthe piano at the same time or using their daily hair careroutine to tap out fun rhythms with a can of hairsprayand a hair brush. Girls On Tap takes a look at female life both good and bad: Legacy and sisterhood versus betrayal by ourfemale counterparts, stereotyping and objectification bytheIt’smedia.ashow that’s making a statement, but having a lotof fun doing so! It’s Gershwin to Girl Power and everything in between!There’s a powerful, live rock version of Rolling in the Deep, a fierce film noir style jazz routine reminiscent ofGolden Era classics like The Band Wagon and Singing inthe Rain, a tongue-in-cheek take on the stereotypical 1950s housewife, and so much more. Fabulous, female and guaranteed to entertain: Girls On Tap is sure to appeal to people of all ages.

Crow MountainAmy Viola with Bear Gillan


ORANGE CITY LIFE | AUGUST 25 — 31, 2022 23 entertainment | OCLife

Tickets at or call 6393 8111.

First opening in London in 1953, the play has been adapted for film and television and continues to be performed all over the world.

Local theatre troupe, Pinnacle Players, have announced that their next production will be Agatha Christie’s Witness for the Prosecution.

Charlotte Brontë’s gothic tale of a spirited orphan in search of love, family, and a sense of belonging, Jane Eyre, blazes through Orange on September 10.

Witness one of the most iconic pieces of English literature retold in a faithful, yet fiercely original, new stage adaptation from the nationally-renowned shake & stir theatre co, whose other productions have included, Animal Farm and Dracula. This stunning new production, featuring original music written by and performed live on stage by multi-ARIA Award winner, Sarah McLeod, will set a fire blazing in your soul. The Orange Civic Theatre performance is on Saturday, September 10 from 8pm.


And in a major treat for all, also appearing at the CWA

The Pinnacle Players’ production, due to debut in November, will take place in the village of Carcoar’s historic courthouse.Theplaywill be an exciting and immersive experience, Pinnacle Players founder, Peter Young said.

OCLife | social scene 24 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022

The show saw Joy Felizardo, accompanied by pianist Davis Shaw, perform “great songs from great books about great musicians” — all of which can be found in the library’s collection.

Matthew Madafiglio and Tom McCann Karin Place and Joanne Boland-Clements Piper Brown and Catherine Rolls

Orange City Library and local theatre troupe, the Pinnacle Players, presented a unique ‘Library Up Late’ event on Friday, August 26 — From Page to Stage.

Library up late — PHOTOS BY CEC TILBURG —

Gloria Marsden and Vanessa Kidd Anne and Greg Frost The Pinnacle Players came out in force to support fellow ‘Player’ Joy Felizardo.

Approximately 70 people attended the musical/literary crossover event, enjoying a selection of nibbles and wine served before the performance.

Joy Felizardo’s friends and family showing their support Joy Felizardo

LIFEandTIMES with ANGUS GIBB Indoor plants


I love my indoor plants. We have a number of them in our house. A few lilies and cyclamens, a dwarf umbrella plant, a fern, and some succulents.


During the colder months, we also have a flowering bougainvillea — quite possibly the only one in Orange! There is something refreshing about an indoor plant. Being greeted with beautiful colours, really does lift the spirits as you see the flowers come into bloom. Watching these plants grow during the course of a month, reminds me just how much life there is around us.

I have always loved having an indoor plant. Ever since I was 17, I have had at least one indoor plant in the house I have lived in. It started when I moved out of Myhome.best friend and I decided that we wanted to have a peace lily in our house after watching the movie, Hot Fuzz. We thought it would be a fun little thing for us to invest our energy into since we weren’t allowed a pet. Ever since those days, I have always had a peace lily in the house to remind me of those days. There is, however, a downside to our indoor plants. Firstly, there is the problem of overwatering and running to get a towel. This happens far too often. Mostly because one of us will water without mentioning it to the other. The other problem is, that some of them have decided to grow little fungi during these colder months. Besides these downsides, indoor plants really are Duringwonderful.these winter months, my indoor plants give me small reminders of the lush green growth of spring in the midst of a grey world. They give a glimmer of hope in the moments when I feel flat.

If you’re not a Bluey fan, then it’s pretty easy to find out what all the fuss is/was about by hitting YouTube or any social media platform, but in summary, the episode was called ‘Family Meeting’, and Bluey’s dad Bandit got nailed for letting one rip. From the show … “Dad blew off

Did someone let Fluffy off the chain? Not in America, evidently. Okay, so you’ve seen the word ‘fart’ in the header. Don’t send in a ‘thumbs down’ if you don’t like the word fart, just choose not to read the column. Easy. Anyway, I received a text message from my daughter in America last week alerting me to the fact that an episode of the legendary kids’ TV cartoon series ‘Bluey’ had been censored (banned) over there because of ‘inappropriate’ content. What would you think is inappropriate in the land of Mom and Apple Pie? Graphic violence? Drug use? Course Language? Death and Destruction? Nope, none of the above. Farting was the culprit. Not even saying the word ‘fart’ mind you, just a mention of and reference to the act was enough to see the whole episode not make it to “air”.


right in my face … you’re the fluffy king”. [For those interested, Bandit is voiced by the lead singer of awesome 90’s band ‘Custard’]. No mention of the word ’fart’, just lots (and I mean lots) of references to a ‘fluffy’, plus ‘whoever smelt it, dealt it’, and ‘you were ready to blow’, and of course, the all-timer ‘hey, pull my finger’. Classic. Hilarious. Truly Australian. Part of every home when growing up, classroom, bus and car ride. Even Bluey’s mum drops one in the episode and gets busted. But it’s all too much for Disney Plus, who said it didn’t fall within their guidelines. Back in 2001, the movie Shrek (one of the best-animated flicks ever, says me) would not have been a tenth as funny without all the fart gags. Why, even Princess Fiona pops off in the mud bath. And who could forget that line from Donkey, “I had my mouth open and everything”. That was 21 years ago, but the taboo still exists, it wouldWhenappear.newsof this banning was reported on early morning TV in Australia, it came with the screen header ‘fart fiasco’. The newsreader even said the word fart twice during the report.


It is a strange thing to think that a piece of organic matter provides such comfort. After all, it cannot talk back to me. But each individual plant does something for my soul. As I look at each one, I see intricate beauty and design. They each reflect the good design of God. He made each of these plants, and every other one, simply for his good pleasure and for our enjoyment. Every time think about that, it blows my mind. The beauty of our world, even the plants that I have in my house, have been made for my enjoyment. In Genesis 1:12, in the Bible’s account of the beginning of all things, it says this: The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good It is good. For me, the goodness of God can be seen in the beauty of the created world. It shows me the wonder, creativity, and love of a good and gracious God. That gives me a reason to get up in the mornings and gives me comfort on days when it all feels too much. This is why I love my indoor plants, because they are living reminders of the living God who has shown himself to this world.

26 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 ON SALE SEPTEMERWEDNESDAYFROM31STAUGUSTUNTILTUESDAY6TH2022 Specials available from Wednesday 31/08/22 until Tuesday 06/09/22 or while stocks last. Retail quantities only. No trade supplied. We reserve the right to correct printing errors. Pictures used for illustration purposes only. IGA Liquor supports the responsible service of alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol not sold to under 18’s. 210 PEISLEY STREET, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 7233 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 6AM-9PM | SUNDAY 7AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU 82 SUMMER ST, ORANGE NSW 2800 | 6362 0775 OPEN 7 DAYS: MON TO SAT 7AM-9PM | SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM WWW.IGA.COM.AU IGANS12923_310822 Steggles Chicken Breast Tenders 400g Selected Varieties $11.88 per kg Arnott’s Selected140-190gShapesVarietiesFavouritesCadbury 570g Selected Varieties $1.75 per 100g Cadbury, Pascall or The Natural Confectionery Co. Bag Selected150-350gVarietiesMixPurposeBrunningsT-BoneAustralianSteakAllPotting25LitreBulla Ice Cream Sticks 8-14 Pack $425 ea ProfessionalDynamo Discs 28 Pack Selected Varieties 45¢ each Pepsi, Solo or Schweppes 24x375mL Selected Varieties $1.94 per Litre $475 ea Better than Half price $175 ea $375 ea $1750 ea 5 pe 1010r g o oor TTBAususstraaliaiaanBoneneneoStteakakea 5 CNatCadu Australian Strawberries 250g Hot PRICE! $3 ea $12 per kg $10 ea Thanks DAD FATHER’S DAY 4TH SEPT $29 kg $1250 ea 50% Off Dynamo Discs $2 ea SAVE $9.80

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 27 ORANGE PROPERTY MARKET BEST PROPERTIES BEST AGENTS FOR THIS WEEK’S LATEST LISTINGS www.orangecitylife.com.au CUTE AS A BUTTON, NEAT AS A PIN This home has been well maintained and over the past few years has been updated with style and quality inclusions. There is a split system and wood heater providing comforting warmth during the winter months and refreshing cooling over the hotter months. The two bedrooms are a good size and the bathroom has been renovated. The covered outdoor area is ideal for entertaining and can be extended into the carport areas. An extra bonus is the outdoor toilet close by. The garage has been divided into 2 rooms ideal for the hobbyist, those looking to work from home, guest accommodation, teenage retreat or as a mancave. Land Size:- 373.1m2 Rates:-$2039.19 This home is ideal for those looking to downsize, increase their investment portfolio or get away from renting and into a first home. Make your appointment to inspect today. MARIE FOX t. 0412 166 132 8 BUNA STREET, ORANGE $415,000 PROPERTY OF THE WEEK BROUGHT TO YOU BY MCCARRON CULLINANE 2 12

28 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 285 LORDS PLACE ORANGE Double brick home in premier location • Full of character and period features • Well maintained, with potential to extend 321 $875,000$850,000CONTACT ROGER BURRELL 0438 017 416 roger@williamsmachin.com.au FOR SALE PLEASE GET IN TOUCH WITH US WE HAVE LONG AND SHORT TERM CORPORATE TENANTS LOOKING FOR FURNISHED PROPERTIES... LOOKING TO LEASE YOUR PROPERTY? PH 02 6362 6966 37 SALE STREET, WWW.WILLIAMSMACHIN.COM.AUORANGE 379 ANSON STREET ORANGE Freshly renovated interior 4 bedrooms with built-ins Polished timber floor, ducted heating and cooling 412 $650,000$690,000 CONTACT MARTY LYDEN 0404 070 391 marty@williamsmachin.com.au FOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 12.00 – 12.30pm OPEN this Saturday 10.30 – 11.00am 23 MCCARRON PLACE ORANGE • Entertainers kitchen with breakfast bar, dishwasher & 900mm oven • Rear yard access with room to build a shed Open plan, quality living • 4 bedrooms, all with built-ins. 422 $750,000$790,000 CONTACT MARTY LYDEN 0404 070 391 marty@williamsmachin.com.au FOR SALE OPEN this Saturday 11.00 – 11.30am FOR SALE 6 SWEETHEART DRIVE ORANGE 422 CONTACT AGENT • Brand new executive family home • Vaulted ceilings, quality high end fittings • North facing living areas • 801m2, rural views to Mt Canobolas CONTACT: ROGER BURRELL 0438 017 416 roger@williamsmachin.com.au INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT

These sizable vacant blocks are situated in a desirable elevated location in Millthorpe surrounded by established homes and gardens and are conveniently located close to shops, Zoned RU5Village zone in Blayney Shire, blocks are available to buy together or sold separately.

Clancy of the Overflow may have seen “the vision splendid of the sunlit plains extended” but the two men I spoke to some time ago saw another side of droving not mentioned in Paterson’s romantic poetry.Theytalked about train droving. This term completely confused my computer when I googled “train drover” and asked me plaintively if I meant “train driver” until I took a firm hand and repeated my request.

John and Russell are men with long experience on the land and are experts at managing stock.

Train drovers were stockmen who loaded sheep and cattle onto the rail trucks to be taken to the sale yards in the city. Theirs was the responsibility of keeping them upright and healthy on the overnight journey.Thedrover slept in the appropriately named “dog boxes” with his dogs in cages beneath the seats. His job was to ensure the safety of the stock by climbing along the side of the carriage to prod them carefully with a long staff to make sure they were still standing. This was done every two hours when the train stopped at a siding to take on water.

John comes from generations of landholders and has worked with sheep and cattle all his life.

The train drover would look to see if there were any down and, if so, he had to get right into the truck and crawl between the legs to physically help the sheep to their feet.

Both men agreed that it was messy and sometimes arduous work. The drover controlled and looked after the stock, but those who kept the train going were obviously in charge of the journey to the sale yards. There were sometimes unexpected events.Tom,who was a guard on the western railways for many years, had the last word.

It’s stories like this that make the collection of oral history so worthwhile.

Contact:$1,950,000 Marie Fox 0412 166 132

“I was working a stock train from Dubbo to Orange where we stopped every twenty miles for water,” he said. “We were pulling thirty-six trucks of sheep with a drover on board.“Westopped at Yullundry, between Yeoval and Cumnock, and the drover naturally assumed we would wait for the usual half-hour while we took on water and he inspected the sheep. The driver suggested to me that we had time to go on to Cumnock for a warm cup of tea on the platform. Unfortunately, we forgot about the drover who was on his trucks checking his“Whensheep.we pulled into Cumnock on that cold winter’s morning, there was the drover like an icicle in the freezing wind, clinging to the side of the truck!”



Copyright HelenMcAnulty 2022

TRAIN DROVERS “As the stock go slowly stringing Clancy rides behind them singing.”

'Brynvilla' 188 Carbine Rd Forest Reefs This superb 48 sq home has been designed to take full advantage of the brilliant views looking out towards Mt Canobolas. Perfectly private and ideal to raise a family, produce an income and live in a clean sustainable environment. Approx. 8 Acres 5 bed - 2 bath - 4 car

1B Morley Street (1026m2) $480,000 1 Pitt Street Millthorpe (1121m2) $500,000 Contact: Marie Fox 0412 166 132 'Morella' 1257 Bundalah Rd Euchareena Foresight in planning, careful paddock management, meticulous selection of improved pastures, plus regular applications of super and lime – have all combined to make ‘Morella’ an exceptional sheep/wool production property 490 ha or Approx. 1,225 Acres 4 bed - 2 $2,500,000batho.n.o considered Contact: Brian Cullinane 0418 637 338 'Delmar' 249 Lookout Rd Orange With peaceful rolling hills, a picturesque creek, small scenic valleys plus a welcoming country farm house – ‘Delma’ ticks all the boxes for those seeking an idyllic country lifestyle. Providing tranquillity in close proximity to excellent city facilities 105.2 ha or Approx. 260 Acres 3 bed - 1

In 1935, the Orange Council built new cattle, sheep and pig saleyards at the southern end of Edward Street, and the railway erected trucking yards nearby at East Fork, adjacent to the sale yards, for the unloading of sheep, cattle and horses. In those days, about 60 per cent of stock came by rail and large numbers were from Bourke, Coonamble, Cobar, Ivanhoe and stations in between. There were often up to thirty rail trucks loaded with cattle or sheep arriving for sale at the yards. The transportation of stock and produce was carried out by the railway until the early 1960s when road carriers took over almost completely.

Russell has enormous experience handling stock, mainly sheep, and understands the arduous work of the train drover who loaded sheep onto trucks and slept in the dog box. “If a sheep goes down on its side, it has to be got up,” he said. “That’s why they had to be prodded every couple of hours.”


Cullinane 0418 637 338


1 Pitt St & 1B Morley St Millthorpe

“They made their peace eventually by restoring him with piping hot cups of tea.”

30 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 Auction Friday 9th October, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst 94 Nile Street, Orange - Endless Potential Located a short 5-minute walk to Nile St Cafe is this surprising 3 bedroom family home. With an open plan living area, spacious kitchen area with ample storage, potential 4th bedroom or study. Outside at the entrance of the home you will find a ramp for easy access and a fully enclosed yard with rear lane access perfect for a trailer or caravan. This family home has plenty of potential and is ready for you to move in. • 626m2* block with a fully enclosed yard, spa bath in main bathroom • Ceiling fan, reverse split system & underfloor ducted heating AUCTION Agents James Taylor 0457 792 800 Brooke Tonkin 0400 286 541 Open Saturday 3rd September 9.30am - 10am 18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 31 Auction Friday 9th September, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst Situated in a popular & tightly held Orange estate, is this beautiful brick veneer family home only a few years old. 4 generous bedrooms, open plan living, kitchen & dining all flooded in natural light. Ready to entertain family & friends outside with an undercover alfresco area, a low-maintenance yard with rear yard access from either side of the home. 5Kw solar system, 19 solar panels. Located close to Botanic Gardens. AUCTION Open Saturday 3rd September 10.15am - 10.45am Agents Peter Bromley 0404 037 729 Brooke Tonkin 0400 286 541 8 Japonica Place, Orange - Immaculate family home Auction Friday 9th September, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst 760 Tallwood Road, Forest Reefs - Productivity & Lifestyle “Wilkens Estate” 60.06 hectares* (148acres*) just 10minutes* to Millthorpe, an ideal location known for its relaxed lifestyle, high rainfall & productive soils. 3 bedroom, 1 bath cottage w/ a wood fire & reverse A/C + building entitlement. Shed with workshop, hay shed, steel cattle yards with crush & loading ramp, utility shed with laundry. 6 paddocks with water supply, 2 equipped bores. 5 x 2 bedroom, fully equipped cabins. AUCTION Open By Appointment Agents Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Bed Redfern 0457 770 062 18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney

32 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 Auction Friday 23rd September, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst “Eagle Farm” 172hectares* (425acres*) of idyllic lifestyle land, 20km* from Orange with sealed road access, a dwelling entitlement and sites boasting views across Mt Canobolas. 12 paddocks, rich fertile, basalt, open country with shade & shelter. Exceptional pasture. Excellent water with 8 dams, reliable rainfall, frontage to Flyers Creek & a bore site. Wooden & steel cattle yards with crush and loading ramp, steel sheep yards. AUCTION Open By Appointment Agents Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Peter Crampton 0409 132 269 57 Pilcher Road, Spring Terrace - Highly Productive, Idyllic Lifestyle Open By Appointment Agents Peter Bromley 0404 037 729 Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney Auction Friday 23rd September, 10.30am The Auction Centre Bathurst 410 Moorilda Road, Barry - Build Your Dream Rural Lifestyle “Fairview” is located in the historic Moorilda district, first settled in the 1820’s. Known for its high rainfall and carrying capacity, “Fairview” is a quality grazing property on 177 acres*. The soft rolling country has a stunning northerly aspect and a superb outlook extending to Mt Canobolas making it the perfect location for your dream home. AUCTION Open By Appointment Agents Ben Redfern 0457 770 062 Sam D’Arcy 0401 612 996

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 33 517 Browns Creek Road, Blayney This luxurious family home is truly something that must be seen to be appreciated. Sitting proudly on 5ac* of manicured land, the home was constructed to take advantage of the extensive north-facing, mountainous views & to capture warmth from the sun, allowing rooms to be bathed in natural light. Sale $1,450,000 - $1,550,000 Open By Appointment Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 Sale Contact Agent SALE Open By Appointment Raylyn Road includes the sanctuary of an expansive 4-bedroom 2-bathroom residence secluded away from the rest of the world, hidden on approximately 3acres*. This amazing haven also offers the bustling business of ‘Towac Valley Cabins’ with its additional 3 self-sufficient cabin cottages with minimal maintenance. •Cabins 1 & 2 sit as 1-bedroom 1 bath, cabin 3 is a 2-bedroom 1 bath cabin Agents Kurt Adams 0428 747 050 Michael Kennedy 0428 243 222 12 Raylyn Road, Canobolas - An Oasis of Opportunities 18 Sale Street Orange NSW raywhiteemc.com 02 6362 0211 Ray White Emms Mooney 26 Castle Vista Way, Blayney Located approx. 30 minutes to Bathurst, 35 minutes to Orange & 3 hours to Sydney. Positioned in the newly established Highlands Estate of Blayney, this block offers amazing views & represents a fantastic opportunity to construct your new home. •957m2* block, 2km* from Blayney CBD Sale $270,000 Open By Appointment Lucy Nell 0400 726 897 SALE SALE

34 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 2-4ASHSTREET,ORANGE Auctiononsite11am23/02/2022 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager Well-maintained 3 bedroom home located in a quiet and desirable location. The property features two living areas, one at the front of the home and the second a large, north-facing open plan style kitchen, dining and family room with beautiful timber floating floor. The kitchen is modern and is the focal point of the open plan living area and has plenty of bench space, dishwasher and generous pantry. The 3 bedrooms all have built-in robes and ceiling fans and are central to the bathroom which also has a bath. You will fall in love with the covered outdoor alfresco area at the rear of the house which is fenced and overlooks the secure rear yard and single garage with carport and workshop. Other features include solar panels, dog yard, veggie patch and a generous block size of 811m². 15 victoria Street, orange $699,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 3 1 1 PLENTY TO LOVE ABOUT THIS GREAT HOME This centrally located property is only two blocks from Cook Park and five blocks to the CBD. The property boasts three north facing living areas that are interconnected, the lounge alone is an impressive 7.5 x 4.3m and it joins the dining which joins a casual sitting area just of the kitchen. The four bedrooms are very spacious and all have built in robes with the master also having and en-suite. The property has been in the same ownership for a very long time and has beautiful gardens and some very impressive trees all siting on a huge 1,159sqm (approx.) block. Other features are double attached garage with internal access, ducted A/C, Orange High school zone and close to Duntryleague and Elephant Park. 167 Woodward Street, orange $999,000 - $1,049,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 4 2 1 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 3rd 10.15 - 10.45am "YACKERBOON - STAGE 4" This large block of 1,804sqm (LOT 110) is about to be registered and then can be buiton. The block is only 3klms to the CBD, close to Wentworth and Duntryleague golf clubs and Ploughmans wetlands. Compare similar size blocks nearby and you will see that this is a resonable price for a block this close to town with ALL town services and concrete layback already in place. New exciting sub-division close to town • All town services connected • All other blocks sold to mostly owner occupiers 251 CARGO ROAD, orange $595,000CONTACT Chris Tyack 0438 258 590 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 3rd 12.00 - 12.30pm



After 50 years, it’s time for the owner to move on and pass this family home onto new owners. Situated close to the CBD of Orange and in the school catchment for Orange Primary and Orange High School this quaint cottage has three good sized bedrooms, a pleasant central lounge with reverse cycle A/C and central eat in kitchen. The bathroom has a bath, shower and toilet, a separate and there is a great sunroom at the rear of the house overlooking a well maintained fully There have been some additional measures put in place for an older person, such as handrails in the bathroom and a ramp at the rear of the house. Medical practitioners take note – this block in Peisley Street is becoming a hub for medical based businesses and the property has heaps of room for a carpark, this property would be well suited to medical or health related business (subject to council approval) or even a second dwelling (subject to council approval). Peisley Street, Chris Tyack 0438 258 3 3rd 11.00 - 11.30am



1 2 OPEN HOUSE Saturday

enclosed garden.

orange $695,000CONTACT

Cornerblockwith2xroadaccesses Landareaapprox.1,406Ha,buildingareaapprox.1,620m² 2gantrycranes ZonedGeneralIndustrial OfferedwithVacantPossession Formoreinformationorforaninspection,contactGaryBlowes 0418635248|gary@blowesre.com.au Celebrating50yearsinrealestatein2022 CnrLordsPlandKiteSt,Orange 0263621233 BLOWESRE.COM.AU cnr lords place + kite street 02 6362 1233 Celebrating 50 years in real estate in 2022 GARY BLOWES Director 0418 635 248 Commercial Sales + Leasing CHRIS TYACK 0438 258 590 Residential Sales Manager MARG LONGHURST 0499 013 427 Sales Co-ordinator SHARISSA GILL 0477 063 857 Property Manager ABIGAIL PALMER 6362 1233 Office Manager 8 edward St, orange GIVE US A CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION • Competitively priced for a secure complex • Great quality sheds LEASING NOW CONTACTMargaretLonghurst 0499 013 427 23 Scott Place, orange • Over 400m² building area, including shed, mezzanine and office space • Substantial land size (over 1,800m²) • Highly desirable location • Fully sealed site CONTACTGaryBlowes 0418 635 248 or Margaret Longhurst 0499 013 427 AUCTION TODAY 1/09/2022 11AM, HIVE ORANGE ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 35

36 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR PROPERTY CHRIS OR JOHN ON 6362 5999 NOW SELLING ‘KINROSS MEWS’ 99 BATHURST ROAD, ORANGE A BETTER LIFESTYLE AWAITS YOU HERE IN THIS NEW GATED COMPLEX A new development consisting of two and three bedroom villa units and town houses. Designed for your security and peace of mind. A heated indoor communal swimming pool for your enjoyment. A premier area close to James Sheahan High and set on a 1,055 m2 block. The spacious airy and light filled sunroom is the heart of the home with slow combustion wood burner. The large sprawling back yard has a solid multi-purpose shed and there is access from a public reserve road with native bush behind. CALL JOHN ON 0417 887 738 ATTRACTIVE OFFICES OPPOSITE ORANGE CITY COUNCIL PRECINCT Floor area approx. 180 m2 Available now RENT: $70,000 PER ANNUM+ GST A FIVE BEDROOM FAMILY HOME WITH MUCH TO OFFER 51 SUNDEW CIRCUIT, ORANGE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE COMMERCIAL FOR LEASE OPEN HOUSE SAT 3rd 12.00pmSEPTEMBER-1.00pm AUCTION THIS SATURDAY ON SITE 11:00 AM, SAT 3RD SEPTEMBER 2022 12 OAK STREET, ORANGE ARGUABLY, ONE OF THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER STREETS IN ORANGE ENORMOUS POTENTIAL Split level brick veneer home with 3 bedrooms. Lovely tree lined street outlook from front patio. Double carport, workshop and garden sheds in large back yard with rear access. Attractive office complex conveniently located just of Summer ApproximatelyStreet.120 m2 in floor area consisting of 4 separate office rooms, a spacious light filled reception area, kitchen/ meals room and air conditioning throughout. Available now. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE WITH PARK OUTLOOK RENT: $40,000 PER ANNUM + GST OPEN HOUSE SAT 3rd 10.30amSEPTEMBER-11.00am


and dining encompassing high ceilings, a gas heater, and updated vinyl flooring, which flows into the low-maintenance kitchen with electric cooking and an abundance of cupboard space. There are three good-sized bedrooms, main bathroom featuring a shower over a long tub, plus carport that offers rear yard access into the North-facing secure backyard. Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 Cameron Foley 0429 775 680$630,000 -$650,000 $425,000 1 TODD PLACE, ORANGE You will find this beautiful North facing brick home perfectly positioned in a quiet cul-de-sac within Bel-Air Estate. With neat and tidy interiors framed by a secure yard and patio for outdoor entertaining. This wonderful home features two living areas, one bathroom and kitchen complete with gas cook top and electric oven. Comprising of three bedrooms complete with built in wardrobes, a single lock up garage with internal access, this property deserves your inspection. Sophisticated Family Home 49 PARK STREET, ORANGE Listing!New 13 2 131 Quiet Cul-de-sac Living! TRANQUILITY & CHARM IN THE HEART OF ORANGE 13 1 OpenSaturdayHome11:00am14 1 OpenSaturdayHome10:00am NewGuide!Price POTENTIAL IN PARK STREET

ORANGE CITY LIFE | 14 2 Are you still looking for a block of land that is a good size? Are you still wanting to build your dream home? North Orange location on a 669sqm block. Close to Bunnings and North Orange Shopping Centre. If you are keen to know more details give Jen a call and be one of the first to find out more.


This charming unit is located in one of Orange's best locations, directly across from Moulder Park nestled in leafy Warrendine Street. The unit sits at the back of the complex, ensuring privacy as well as peace and quiet. Featuring 3 large bedrooms with built-ins and ceiling fans, as well as a 4th room which would make a good spare room or a lovely sitting room with a beautiful northerly aspect. The main bathroom is spacious with an additional shower in the Noralaundry.McNamara 0431 320 230 Presenting a sophisticated residence showcasing space, light and spectacular studio surrounded by established gardens, this spacious home is perfect for families. Located in a peaceful and private location, this Bel-Air home oozes charm and serenity. The heart of the home is the cosy family room complete with wood fireplace and double doors leading to the large undercover alfresco. Set on 1166 sqm, the home also offers a second living area, entertainers' kitchen with walk in butler's pantry and a drive through single 58 SIEBEN DRIVE, ORANGE Situated in East Orange with an abundance of potential, 49 Park Street is the perfect property for an investor or a family looking to add their personal touch. Positioned directly across from Bowen Public, this family residence boasts a functional floorplan comprising of four good sized bedrooms with built-ins, a central kitchen with an adjacent dining area and light-filled living area. This property presents a superb opportunity for families to buy into a veryContactconvenientAgent $405,000 all the boxes! The property has recently been painted and features open-plan living

Stephen Townsend 0427 631 957 LOT 408

BRAND NEW AND BEAUTIFUL This brand new house has just been completed and is waiting for its new owner to move in and make it a home. It is a gorgeous property outside and in with an attractive façade, low maintenance landscaping and beautiful finishes throughout evoking a bit of that very popular Hamptons vibe. With neutral tones and spacious rooms that are light and airy with high ceilings and big windows, this home is truly warm and inviting. There is a media room, a sitting room or office plus an open plan living area leading to the covered patio. The kitchen, with its walk-in pantry, stainless steel appliances, island bench and pretty blue tiles adding a delightful pop of colour, will impress even the fussiest of cooks. There are four great bedrooms – the master with a luxurious ensuite and walk-in robe and a practical family bathroom with separate toilet. The compact block size and easily maintainable yard means you will have plenty of free time on the weekends to enjoy your new home with friends and family. This home offers so much more than you think, and inspections are invited and easily arranged. JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 $799,000-$849,000GUIDE:4 2 2

START YOUR PROPERTY JOURNEY HERE Whether you’re looking for a first home or your first investment property, this home will get your foot on the property ladder at an affordable price point. Already sporting low maintenance cladding outside, add in some fresh paint, some new flooring and a bit of elbow grease inside and this would easily become a great home that’s both easy to live in and easy to lease. There is a big lounge room with a big gas heater for winter warmth, a dining area off the kitchen, three good sized bedrooms and a toilet separate to the bathroom. There is a secure shed on the property tucked behind a front fence and there is scope in the private backyard to add a nice

deck for some outdoor living space. An estimated rent range of $350 to $370 per week adds the potential for some good long term returns for the savvy investor. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 58 LEURA ROAD $399,000 3 1 1 PRICENEW OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 11.15-11.45 REGISTERED AND READY TO BUILD This block of land is nicely placed in a brand new estate in a very sought after and popular part of West Orange. Adjoining the lovely Poplars Estate and surrounded by other quality and good sized blocks, this offers a wonderful opportunity to build your very own home perfect for your style and needs. A very decent 914.4 sqm in size, the block is fairly level and has the advantage of the best northerly aspect of all the blocks meaning you will have a gorgeously sunny north facing backyard once done and you will be the only ones to have that! It is a short drive to town, a pleasant walk to the nearby wetlands and zoned for excellent schools. All town services are ready and available and registration is done. It’s ready to go! Excellent blocks like this one are becoming increasingly difficult to find so take the chance to have a look at this one. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 LOT 19 CARWOOLA DRIVE $550,000


38 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. WELL AND TRULY #1 1 Stirling Avenue has an enviable location directly across the road from Wentworth Golf Club. This very appealing home has so much to offer, light and spacious, with open plan dining/living/lounge with uninterrupted views across the tree lined golf course. It’s like living in a resort! 4 bedrooms, plus an office, separate family room and another huge entertaining area allowing all family members to escape to their own private zone. A self-contained studio has its own separate entrance with a living area, 5th bedroom and bathroom perfect for a granny flat, home business, or Air BNB opportunity. Bring the whole family and inspect 1 Stirling Avenue, very likely it will be voted by the whole family as their #1! CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 1 STIRLING AVENUE PRICE GUIDE: $1,075,000 - $1,150,000 5 3 2


A HOME OF GENEROUS PROPORTIONS This grand home stands elevated in one of Orange’s most prestigious estates. A home of generous proportions, it boasts two living areas, a formal dining and third study area/library. There is a luxurious feel that comes from the expansive living areas, detailed archways and sweet doll-house style windows. There is a stunning top-of-the-line kitchen with stone bench tops, high-end appliances, and large island with waterfall edges. Appliances include a built-in microwave steamer, oven and 90mm gas cooktop. There is heaps of room in the walk-in pantry. Upstairs, there are five bedrooms, all of them enormous with built-in wardrobes. Outside, the lovely alfresco area is perfect for entertaining and is sheltered amongst the established country garden. You’ll love that it is a short walk from Wentworth and Duntryleague Golf courses and is surrounded by some lovely walking trails and parks. Additional bonuses include a third toilet downstairs, zoning for Calare Public and Orange High, gas wood-look fire and walk-in linen cupboard. Truly an impressive home, book your inspection today. MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948





gardens are lovely and



solar panel systems, under-house storage and a sweet, picturesque dam.


be hard-pressed trying to find a box it doesn’t tick,

CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 29 MCCARRON PLACE 2 YOU WON’T GET BETTER With elevated views, space and privacy; there are plenty of reasons to make the move to Cargo and enjoy living in a superb property in a wonderful country town. Sitting proud on 1.5 acres this four bedroom, two bathroom home offers something for everyone. Inside, the bedrooms are generous in size and all have built-in wardrobes, with the main bedroom offering lovely views, walk-in robe and ensuite. Recently renovated the kitchen is functional and trendy. The main living area is an enormous space which has 180-degree views and has double doors that lead out to the verandah. From the verandah you can watch the sunrise and enjoy the views of Cargo’s rolling hills and surrounding countryside. Outside, the property truly There are two huge sheds, 6.6kw The there is You’ll living here is change Snap


TICKING ALL THE BOXES This neat and tidy home is the perfect example of the quintessential four bedroom, two bathroom, two car garage home. It has two living areas that are light-filled and provide plenty of room for everyone to spread out and relax in comfort. The kitchen has all the mod cons and a handy breakfast bar for a quick meal on the go. The master bedroom ticks boxes with its walk-in robe and ensuite and the other three bedrooms are all comfortably sized and have built-ins. There is a fresh and functional main bathroom, and the toilet is conveniently separate to that. The backyard is private and secure with a sunny patio. Being located in such a nice area with great school zoning and proximity to nearby walking paths, this home functions wonderfully as both a family home or a solid addition to your investment portfolio. In fact, the home is currently leased until September to good tenants who would be happy to stay on. There is a lot to recommend this property so come and see for yourself.

plenty of grass for the kids and pets.

5 2 2

& COMFORT This beautiful and spacious home is full of charm and has been immaculately maintained and thoughtfully updated. You will love the white picket fence and cottage garden that frame the inviting front verandah. From the moment you walk into the home you are greeted with stunning timber floorboards, high ceilings, plantation shutters and a gorgeous colour scheme throughout the house which adds a modern and fresh twist. The room sizes are very well portioned and are perfect for family living. Outside, the yard is established and needs little maintenance. There are plenty of places to sit, relax and soak in the peace and quiet that this style of living has to offer. This is a wonderful home in a lovely country town and well worth a look. JACOB 0428 130 60 $475,000

2 x

a lifestyle

$789,000 4 2

you won’t regret.

it up, it won’t last. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 20-24 DALTON STREET, CARGO PRICE $780,000-$820,000GUIDE:4 2 8 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 10.15-10.45 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 11.45-12.15 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 39

NOT A CENT TO SPEND Perfectly presented and well maintained, this immaculate three bedroom home is just the fit for those starting out, as well as investors looking to get into the market. It features a comfortable lounge and dining area and has been freshly painted throughout. The house is cooled and heated by a split system and a cosy wood fire. All three bedrooms have built-ins, the main bathroom is in great condition, as is the separate toilet. It has a carport and single lock up garage, plus excellent access to a whopping big back yard you could put a 3 bay shed in with room to spare. The owners are on the move but are more than happy to rent the home back for a short period of time or look at a longer settlement if needed. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 41 TORULOSA WAY $585,000 3 1 2



substantial block has been utilised to its best advantage including rear yard access at the side with space for a trailer or caravan, a dedicated BBQ area and garden shed for storage. The inground pool will delight you come summer and there is a powder room nearby so there’s no traipsing of wet feet inside. CONTACT: CHRIS MASON 0438 629 417 21 ROSELAWN DRIVE PRICE $870,000-$900,000GUIDE:4 2.5 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 1.00-1.30 READY FOR BUILDING! This subdivision is an extension of an already established and highly desirable area of Orange. The block on offer is a 464sqm level block, which is registered and ready for building. You’ll love being able to build within close proximity of town, schools and day-care. Zoned for Calare Public School and Orange High School. If you’re looking to build, this is one to walk over! CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 34A TURNER CRESCENT $329,000 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 9.30-10.00

CLASSIC COUNTRY STYLE Seclusion and privacy top the list when it comes to this lovely family home. On a huge 1,872 sqm block and tucked away from any surrounding homes, you will love the serenity on offer here. The home is a gorgeous country style with a classic verandah spanning the front of the house and with big picture windows taking in the views of the yard on all sides. With spacious living areas including a more formal lounge and dining space and a lovely sunny open plan living area you will feel at home wherever you are in the house. The neutral-toned kitchen with loads of bench space and stainless steel appliances is an inviting space in which to cook hearty country fare for friends and family. The master bedroom is separate to the rest and has a walk-in robe and luxuriously spacious ensuite. The remaining three bedrooms are all a good size with built-in robes and offering plenty of space for the kids. The family bathroom is huge with a corner spa bath perfect for soaking your cares away. Outside, in addition to plenty of green space for the kids to run safely in all directions, there is a timber deck and a single shed.

COULD THIS BE YOUR DREAM HOME? This spacious family home is perfect for the buyer looking for a low maintenance lifestyle in an attractive area close to the gorgeous Botanic Gardens and North Orange Shopping Centre. The spectacular gardens are a botanical delight themselves having been established over many years and designed to be easy care as well as beautiful. The home is stylish with a formal lounge and lovely open plan living that both open onto the covered al fresco area that overlooks the inground pool and is perfect for entertaining with blinds and fans added. There are four great sized bedrooms with the master suite having an ensuite and walk-in robe and there is a three-way bathroom with spa bath perfect for unwinding at the end of the day. Every nook and cranny of the

9 MURRABA CLOSE PRICE $730,000-$760,000GUIDE:4


bathroom and


internal access

door and

CONTACT: ADAM SAVAGE 0419 232 416 19 SEVILLE PARADE PRICE GUIDE: $829,000 - $859,000 5 2 2

al fresco area perfect

storage cupboard hidden

A TRULY LOVED HOME Located in a one of Orange’s loveliest cul-de-sacs, nestled amongst a beautiful country garden is this large four-bedroom home. Boasting multiple living areas and a huge sunroom off the back of the home, there is space in the home for everyone plus some. The sunroom is perfect for enjoying the north-westerly aspect, making it a perfect hangout in Orange’s long winter months. Generous in size, there are four bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, with the master boasting an ensuite and easterly aspect. Outside the garden is maintained by multiple water tanks, drip irrigation systems and greenhouses. It’s a lovely spot to enjoy a spring day where you can enjoy the privacy and vibrant colours an established garden brings. Additional bonus features of the home include ducted reverse cycle heating and cooling, 22 solar panels and zoning for Calare Public and Orange High. MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 2 2

are four good sized bedrooms all

built-ins and a walk-in robe in the main.

stylish black and white delight

quality finishes, practical

ducted air conditioning and a double garage


attractive package. CONTACT: MICHAEL WRIGHT 0421 360 948 3 BREEZE ROAD $779,000 4 2 2 OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30OPEN HOMES: SATURDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 11.00-11.30 LISTINGNEW

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 41 39 SALE STREET, ORANGE | 6363 1000 | PFISHER.COM.AU ALL PROPERTIES CAN BE VIEWED BY PRIVATE INSPECTION OR VIDEO CALL, JUST CONTACT THE AGENT. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE CONDUCTED UNDER STRICT HEALTH GUIDELINES. A UNIQUE PROPOSITION Rarely do you have an opportunity to purchase DA approved sites with the capacity to build 7 standalone 2 bedroom villas. The first stage of this development is complete with four villas already well established. The residual land on offer, sitting directly behind the first stage, totals 2,719 sqm in size and provides a generous amount of space for each of the new villas. There are equally great prospects for an investor to build the new villas and retain them as investment properties or alternatively to on-sell some or all of the newly developed homes. Molong has proven to be a very strong investment town with great growth in property prices and consistently low rental vacancy rates. Such a unique proposition is well worth your consideration as the potential reward here is great. CONTACT: JACOB EVANS 0428 130 789 70 HILL STREET, MOLONG PRICE GUIDE: $550,000 - $590,000 LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT There is absolutely everything to love about this warm and inviting family home. Spacious, full of character and meticulously maintained. The many features and perfect presentation of this home are sure to delight the lucky new owner. 5 bedrooms, the main with a walk-in robe 4 with built in wardrobes, 2 dining rooms and 2 living rooms. The modern kitchen overlooks the undercover pergola and back yard, with its fernery, firepit area, and chook yard. There’s even a lock up shed for extra storage. the 2 bathrooms, and the laundry are also a modern design, with a 3rd toilet in the laundry. Heating and cooling are taken care of with 3 R/C systems throughout. This appealing and versatile home offers space for harmonious living for the whole family, inspect today, you’ll find it hard to leave.

EASY BREEZY FAMILY HOME This easy breezy home is fresh and functional and perfect for a relaxed family lifestyle. It’s brand new and with its attractive façade and clean, crisp colours inside you will feel right at home from the start. There is a gorgeous open plan living area with a lovely, well-appointed kitchen with loads of bench space, pretty subway tiles and classy pendant lights. The light and airy lounge area is perfect for family time and the dining space opens onto the covered for a relaxing BBQ while the kids play in the low backyard. The three-way family the ensuite a and the laundry is fantastic with storage love the walk-in behind the barn-style there with With and reverse cycle with this is truly an

galore. You will

good looking plantation shutters,

larger than usual backyard allows for a family pet or the keen gardener but is manageable to maintain. 3/96-98 Anson Street Orange Great place to live or fabulous investment- minutes from schools and town 21 a b ac b ac b c1

OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30am FOR SALE $620,000 Great for the first home buyer or wanting extra income, this home will suit you. Four bedrooms, built-ins, tidy kitchen and large backyard. Enquire today! 34 Orchard Grove Road Orange Affordable family home or Investment Opportunity 41 a b ac b ac b c1


Zambrero’s “Mexican with a Mission” — due to their matching of meals sold to charitable food donated in poorer countries — opened on Summer Street in 2015, followed by popular American chain, Taco Bell, serving their first enchiladas late last year. With Guzman y Gomez kicking off later this year, we’ll soon have the “trinity of taco takeaway” in the Colour City to choose from.

the best

Guzman, like Zambrero, is actually an Australian business, if one established by two expatriate New Yorkers living inTheySydney.first opened in Newtown in 2006 and has since “gone global” with stores now in Singapore, Japan, and even the home of tex-mex, the United States. Their name is supposedly inspired from two childhood friends of its founders.WhileMexican-American food has long been popular in Australia, fast-food outlets until recent times have had a chequered history with such US-based brands such as Taco Amigo and TacoTime, and even Taco Bell for a period, coming and going over the years. The store being built in east Orange on the corner of Endsleigh Ave and Bathurst Road, will be one of more than 150 restaurants for the chain.

SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30amOPEN HOUSE FOR SALE $570,000 21 a b ac b ac b c1 11/131A March Street Orange

size. 7 Emily OrangePlace Established Location 42 a b ac b ac b c2 OPEN

kitchen adjoins a spacious living area with plenty of room for entertaining, or you can enjoy a barbeque or relax on the covered back deck.

township of



enclosed backyard and


NEWPRICE Amazing property, fabulous views! CONTACT AGENT

both worlds; high

FOR SALE $570,000 bright and airy The

acre holding

The lovely townhouse is in a quiet and established complex within walking distance of Orange’s CBD with its cafes, shops and lifestyle options.

SATURDAY 10.00 - 10.30amOPEN HOUSE



Current construction of “el principe of tex-mex takeaway”, a Guzman y Gomez, on the Bathurst Road, will bring Orange’s Latin quarter to three outlets in the near future.

FOR SALE $790,000 - $820,000 with outstanding views to the North East at the end of a cul de this lovely large family includes a large fully is certainly looking to up HOUSE SATURDAY 11.00 - 11.30am This 250 has of yielding, quaint Canowindra charming older is partially A modernised kitchen and open living area enhanced by a sleepout and three separate verandahs. 1487 Longs Corner Road Canowindra 32 a b ac b ac b c4

fertile soils, well established pastures, ideal for sheep and cattle yet close to the

Then there were three…

OCLife | community life 42 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 MORE PROPERTIES WANTED WE HAV E BUYERS WAITING Ph 0428 650 675 | scottmunro.ljhooker.com.au Email scott.munro@ljhooker.com.au




a must to inspect if you are


DATE TIME ADDRESS PRICE RANGE 3.9.2022 10.30-11.00 8 Buna Street, Orange 2 1 1 $415,000 3.9.2022 10.00-10.30 10/10 Franklin Road 3 1 1 $399,000 3.9.2022 10.45-11.15 99 Warrendine Street 2 2 2 $749,000 3.9.2022 11.00-11.30 2/23-29 Wakeford Street 2 1 1 $350,000 3.9.2022 11.30-12.00 2 Palermo Street 3 1 1 $629,000 3.9.2022 11.45-12.15 13 Eyles Street 3 1 1 Auction 3.9.2022 12.15-12.45 5/190 McLachlan Street 2 1 1 $372,000 3.9.2022 12.30-1.00 23 Redgum Avenue 4 2 2 $860,000-$890,000 3.9.2022 12.00 - 1.00 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 3.9.2022 10.30 -11.00 12 Oak Street 3 1 1 AUCTION 3.9.2022 12.00 - 1.00 99 Bathurst Road Contact Agent 3.9.2022 10.30 -11.00 12 Oak Street 3 1 1 AUCTION 3.9.2022 11.00 - 11.30 285 Lords Place 3 2 1 $850,00 - $875,000 3.9.2022 1.00 - 1.30 379 Anson Street 4 1 2 $650,000 - $690,000 3.9.2022 11.15 - 11.45 23 McCarron Place 4 2 2 $750,000 - $790,000 Open Houses For week 1—7 September, 2022

3.9.2022 10.00 - 10.30 34 Orchard Grove Rd 4 1 1 $620,000 3.9.2022 11.00 - 11.30 7 Emily Place 4 2 2 $790,00 - $820,000 3.9.2022 9.30am-10.00 94 Nile Street, Orange, NSW 2800 3 1 Auction 3.9.2022 10.15am-10.45 8 Japonica Place, Orange, nSW 2800 4 2 2 Auction 3.9.2022 11:00am 11/16 Warrendine Street, Orange 3 2 1 Contact Agent 3.9.2022 11:00am 27 Rothery Street, Carcoar 3 1 3 Contact Agent 3.9.2022 10:00am 49 Park Street, Orange 4 1 1 $620,000 Open Houses For week 1—7 September, 2022 DATE TIME ADDRESS PRICE RANGE

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 43 SPORTSCAM WITH HENRY DEROOYsport@oclife.com.au hawks VS kws OC Life caught some of the final-round junior netball action at the Anzac Park Stadium on Saturday where the Hawks defeated the KWS Giants.


As anticipated, both sides started the game with great intensity and aggression. After five minutes of play, Cowra was first to get on the scoreboard after successfully converting a penalty goal to put them ahead 3-0. But in the 12th minute, the Emus levelled things up with a penalty goal of their own. With the Emus starting to play some explosive rugby and growing in confidence, the visitors finally cracked the home side’s defence in the 29th minute. Ollie Harvison muscled past a pack of the Cowra defenders to score the opening try and give his side an 8-3 lead.

Another penalty in the final four minutes saw Angus Roberts again put the ball between the posts, extending his team’s lead to six points and securing another grand final appearance for the OrangeEmus.Emus will now face Bathurst Bulldogs in a big showdown for silverware this weekend at Ashwood Park, Bathurst.

Coming into the second half, the Eagles immediately put pressure on the visitors, scoring their first try just three minutes after the restart.

The Emus held on to their slim lead for the next 25 minutes, but Cowra’s attacking pressure eventually paid dividends when they crossed the line for a try, in the 68th minute, to capture the lead.

The home side started on the front foot, with their high-pressing football creating some early golden opportunities inside the opening minutes.

Emus’ deciderconsecutiveeighthbooksstrikelatean

Barnies’ lead didn’t last long, however, as Dubbo Bulls pulled back an equaliser just six minutes later. A lapse in concentration allowed the Bulls to cut through Barnstoneworth’s backline, with a wide attacker putting the ball on a plate for his team-mate to score in front of an empty net. With a top-four spot on the line, Dubbo was desperately chasing a winner in the last 25 minutes of the contest. As for Barnies, they were content on defending the 2-2 result to maintain their top-four status.Inthe end, a draw was a fair reflection of this exciting battle. Both teams have qualified for the 2022 Western Premier League finals, and given their final placing at the end of Round 22, Barnies and Dubbo will face each other again in the first week of the finals series this Saturday.Finishing in fourth spot means that Barnies will host their elimination semifinal game against Dubbo Bulls on the Bernie Steadman Field. The game kicks off at 3pm this Saturday.

Barnstoneworth United have secured fourth spot in the Western Premier League after a dramatic 2-2 draw with Dubbo Bulls FC in the final regular round on Saturday at Jack Brabham Park. After a 2-0 win against Mudgee in the previous round, Barnies were looking to conclude the regular season with a solid performance to ensure top-four safety before the finals.

But, after a strong start by Barnies, the Dubbo Bulls stunned their opponents in the fourth minute by scoring from a wellexecuted corner kick. From this point on, the visitors failed to provide any genuine threat in front of goal when in possession. Despite trailing, Barnstoneworth continued to play attacking football with sequences of passes from wide areas to the central position in the final third. This quick ball movement provided several goal-scoring chances for Barnies attackers, keeping the Dubbo Bulls goalkeeper busy between the posts. Even though the Bulls were under relentless pressure, some good fortune and disciplined defending, ensured the visiting side led 1-0 at the break. After the interval, Barnies ramped up their attack to chase the essential equaliser. Five minutes after the restart, their pressing attack yielded results when passes around the 18-yard box found the feet of Duncan Logan, who rifled a shot that hit the left post and rippled into the net.Barnies then scored their second goal through Rowan Edwards in the 59th minute. The right-winger latched on to a delicate through-ball, confidently striking it into the bottom-left corner to give his side a vital lead.

An aggressive charge up the field from the Emus saw Charlie Steele-Park, who crossed the line to score his side’s second try, successfully converted by Angus Roberts from the sideline to give Emus a precious 18-15 lead.

Both clubs boast 29 Blowes Cup premierships between them, which should make this weekend’s contest an exciting affair.

The Emu’s extended their lead to eight points on the cusp of halftime when Angus Roberts kicked another penalty goal.

A win would guarantee a third-place finish, while a draw would be enough to hold out the fifth-placed Dubbo Bulls. But given the Bulls’ high goal-scoring form in the last couple of rounds, it was always going to be a tough assignment for the Barnies backline to preserve a clean sheet.

After surviving a tricky test against the Dubbo Roos in the elimination semi-final, the Emus travelled to Cowra with hopes of causing an upset against the strong Cowra Eagles side.

A late blitz by the Emus was enough to beat the Cowra Eagles 21-15 in last Saturday’s Blowes Cup preliminary final clash.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 45 SPORT with ANTHONY BARBAGALLOsport@oclife.com.au

The Eagles, still licking their wounds from the loss to Bathurst Bulldogs in the major semi-final, were hoping to book a grand final appearance in front of their home crowd.

Under increased pressure, the Emus were treading in dangerous territory heading into the final 10 minutes of the contest.

Barnies secure top-four spot after thrilling draw with Dubbo

As a result of eliminating the competition’s minor premiers, the Emus will play in their eighth consecutive grand final this weekend when they take on the Bathurst Bulldogs.

OCNC Craig Harvey Mechanical thumped LS MID WEST EYES 74-27, wrapping up the minor premiership.



Division 1 Netball: Round 14 Action

For them, competitive games remain one of the few remaining physical activities that have not been eroded by our increasing and unfettered attachment to the new technologies that have seemingly taken over so much of our lives.

The Orange Tigers Youth Girls lost 27-14 to Bathurst Bushrangers in last weekend’s grand final at George Park.

In the other preliminary final, Dubbo CYMS beat Mudgee Dragons 34-4 to set up an all-Group 11 grand final with the Forbes Magpies.

After stunning Trundle Boomers in the semi-final, it looked like the Warriors could pull off another famous upset in Oberon to qualify for the 2022 Woodbridge Cup grand final. But despite their bravery, Orange United still fell short in their fight against the Tigers.

Orange United Warriors lost 44-28 in their preliminary final clash against Oberon Tigers last weekend.

It wasn’t the fairytale return to the biggest footballing stage in the Central West, but it’s definitely a learning experience for this young team.

Another wet weekend, another day of washouts for much of our local football (soccer). We all know the term, “helicopter parenting”, but how about “helicopter sporting”?

After a fantastic season, the last step towards silverware success proved too much for the green-andgold. With St Pat’s undefeated all season, it was going to take something special to defeat this well-drilled side along the way to the 2022 title.

Forbes Magpies defeated Orange CYMS 42-30 in last Sunday’s entertaining preliminary final at Spooner Oval. Unfortunately, this means CYMS won’t be participating in this weekend’s Peter McDonald Premiership grand final.

Orange Tigers Youth Girls fall short in grand final against Bathurst Bushrangers

The Tigers started well in the opening quarter, kicking two goals to take a 12-0 lead into the second quarter. But, after a strong start, the Tigers’ healthy lead began to shrink when the Bushrangers got going in the second set of 15 minutes. Despite the concerning opposition comeback, the Tigers still led 13-11 at halftime. In the second half, however, the Bushrangers continued their push in attack and eventually kicked five more goals to take the sting out of the contest. As a result, the Tigers only managed to grab one point in the last two quarters before their opponents lifted the title.

As we’ve found out over the past few years, every decision you make has consequences, nothing is without a series of other impacts.

Cancellations for local sport should only be because of perceived physical danger to the participants, not to save the grass that grows back in the summer anyway. SPORT TO PUTS hearwe’dcommunity,sharewouldstoryaDosport@oclife.com.ausport@oclife.com.auyouhavesportingyouliketowiththelovetofromyou.

contact Anthony at Western Premier League: Round 22 Action Waratahs crowned Western Premier League minor premiers

Woodbridge Cup Finals: Orange United miss out on grand final after going down to Oberon Tigers

Group 10 Westfund Senior League Tag St Pat’s cruise past Orange CYMS in grand final to claim League Tag title

No one wants to see children getting injured on slippery fields, but how much damage can a 12-year-old really do, slipping and sliding around Brabham Park for an hour or so each Saturday?

It’s not Old Trafford or the Melbourne Cricket Ground, our sporting fields are largely untouched for much of the warmer months, so what’s more important, the grass, or kids’ health and wellbeing?


August are our coldest and most humid months with maximum temperatures below or at 110C We have an average of 16 days rainfall in August and 94mm of rainfall; July has 19 days of rain with, on average, 75mm precipitation; with 17 days of rainfall and a mean 66mm in the gauge each June.

The Sky Blues knew they were minor premiers before heading into last Saturday’s game against Parkes, so this could be one of the reasons why the North Orange side didn’t play their best football on the night. On the other hand, the Cobras had to win if they were to snap up the last finals spot.

Later, after a great run-around and fantastic match, we went to the local community centre for afternoon tea put on by the local ladies. These are the types of experiences that make country footy so much fun.

We do get it… playing on soaking wet fields damages the grass which takes months to repair. But isn’t that what the fields are there for?

With soccer, unless goalkeeping or unsure of foot, there’s no reason why a child should get any muddier than in a game on the school oval in their school uniform at lunchtime.


Some of my greatest memories are of playing football in the rain, getting soaked, and then coming home to homemade soup and a hot fire. This was also playing in the rugby codes in the forwards, where you definitely get down and dirty in the mud as the game progresses.

It’s no great revelation to say that Australians generally, and our sports administrators in particular, have become many times more riskaverse than their predecessors.

After defeating Parkes Spacemen in the elimination final, Daniel Mortimer’s men appeared to be playing their best attacking footy. But, while the former Group 10 premiers showed plenty of strength in this department last weekend, defence let CYMS down against this well-prepared Forbes Magpies outfit.

Add to this the fact that we have been, and remain, in a La Nina (wet cycle) climate event, since early 2020, and one can see that we have more than our fair share of the proverbial wet weekends. For children playing sport, however, continuity is one of the central ways for them to remain engaged and invested in the process.

My son’s game, set down for sunny Cudal but unilaterally called off by the local football association, eventually went ahead after negotiations with the local club, on a dry, firm field in beautiful 140C weather.

Unfortunately, Orange CYMS lost 34-10 to St Pat’s in their league tag grand final last Saturday at Carrington Park.

Peter McDonald Premiership: Orange CYMS’ season comes to an end

Lithgow Panthers defeated Orange CYMS 4-2 at Saturday’s qualifying final in Lithgow. The green-andgold put on a spirited performance, but it wasn’t enough to get past the minor premiers.

The regular season of Orange’s premier netball competition came to a close last Saturday. OCNC Craig Harvey Mechanical claimed the minor premiership, going on an impressive undefeated run for the entire campaign. The Vipers comfortably claimed second spot with 37 points, while OHS Hornets clinched third place with 30 points.

LIFE STUDIO finished fourth with 29 points, only beating OCNC Our City Real Estate, on goal difference.

Time was when kids would play football in almost all weathers. I recall watching my own children 20 years ago running around playing football in Central Tablelands’ winters in the snow and sleet and rain, all of us absolutely freezing, and making memories to last a lifetime. Yet in recent years, it seems that more weeks of football have been cancelled or postponed than played.

The effect of continually stopstarting sporting seasons because of wet fields, and then trying to have two-game catch-up weekends, is to dispirit and unsettle young sportspeople.

After a tremendous season, Waratahs will look to continue their fine form going into the finals. The Tahs will host second-placed Panorama in a preliminary final on Saturday, September 10. Adam Scimone’s men will enjoy a break before battling it out for major silverware success. CYMS finish painful season on a positive note Orange CYMS finished the 2022 campaign on a positive note after their 2-2 draw with Lithgow Workies last Saturday at the Marjorie Jackson Oval. The green-andgold finished in 10th spot with 10 points.

Waratahs have claimed the WPL minor premiership. Despite losing 4-2 to Parkes Cobras in the final regular round, the ‘Tahs have finished top of the standings with 44 points.

While we’ve “enjoyed” (if a farmer), or endured (if not), three relatively wet winters in Orange, it’s not as if the cold and sleet and rain of the past three months have been exceptional.June,July,and

One only has to have a child sick for a couple of weeks, or, two or three games cancelled due to weather, to see how little enthused they become at the thought of running around a soggy field in the winter wind, chasing a leather ball.

The Hawks claimed sixth place with 22 points, while LS MID WEST EYES and KWS Firsts finished with 17 points at the bottom of the table. The Vipers cruised to a 69-29 victory against Hawks Marvasti Security.

AFL Central West Youth Girls

OCNC Our City Real Estate and LIFE STUDIO shared the spoils in a unique 48-48 draw. OHS Hornets survived a slight scare against last-placed KWS, with the former premiers coming through in their 44-31 win.

Women’s Premier League Hockey Orange CYMS miss out on grand final after losing to Lithgow Panthers

The P&C will have food and drinks available. There will be prizes for best dressed and a raffle. “So get behind us Orange. Come on out, and bring your friends along for a relaxed, social, and fun afternoon that is a bit different. You’ll be dancing for worms!” Ms Lund concluded. The bush dance will be held on Saturday, September 10, between 3–8pm. Tickets are $20 for adults, $5 for children. Contact Bec on 0419 238 094, or email: bec451@gmail.com

The postponed trip to Millthorpe Museum is definitely back on — get your name down so you can have a comfortable lunch break. A good visit to this museum can take several hours, so a lunch break is a good idea. It is a short drive from Orange so we can carpool for transport; all details will be ready at the Wednesday, September 7 meeting.


Future guest speakers will include: Dr Damien Lindberger, from CSU Medical School; Dr Chris Russel, who will speak on the care of Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes; and Tim Leahey from the Tony Leahey Ford is ready to give us the latest on electric cars.

For 20 years providing a friendly face, a hot tea or coffee, and a bikkie, for those making a court appearance — everyone who ever volunteered with the group or patronised its services, is welcome to their goodbye farewell.

Continuing shut-out of the non-denominational Christian-based group since 2019 in providing its support to those facing the weighty prospects of the law, saw convenor Helen Hart (pictured), reluctantly pull up stumps.

kids communicate

THE robus NOTES with Keith Rawsthorne

President John Read welcomed everyone, particularly Bernie and Des who have been unwell, as well as inductees Brian Fritz and Ian Webb, plus a visitor, Ray Haynes. Ian has been a teacher in Industrial Arts and is fairly new to Orange with his wife, Jenny, President of Inner Wheel.

Truism: “As I get older people think I’ve become lazy; the truth is I’m getting more energy efficient.”

There were also a number of apologies, which is also good, as we like to hear from members when they can’t attend so we know that they are okay.

Figures include: one in five men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime with about 24,000 men diagnosed with the condition each year.

Nick spoke of how it is difficult to contain the cost of printing with paper costs increasing by 80 per cent. The CWD is part of a large media company with 700 staff including 600 journos. He revealed that Orange now has six staff, including two photographers. The paper began as the Western Advocate in Orange in 1934 becoming the CWD in 1945. He added that, newspapers are great recorders of history with news and photos going back into our past. He believes that country papers have a bright future with the CWD being available online for a much lower cost than as a hard copy. He added that the CWD has a high turnover of staff as it is seen as a stepping stone for journalists with the long-term goal of many being the Canberra Press Gallery.

Learn the tips, tricks, and tools to boost the oral communication skills of children with speech therapist, Karen Trengove at Orange Library.

Guest Speaker: We were grateful for the time of Nick McGrath, the editor of the Central Western Daily. He is a Sydney boy who studied journalism at CSU and had experience at several papers before coming to Orange. He is also a first-grade rugby referee and is married with a young family.

The event is aimed at parents, early childhood educators, support staff, and teachers.

October 10 — We will visit the Bathurst Train Museum and other sights as time allows November 11 — Lunch visit to the Stuart Town Pub. Travel by train on a $2.50 ticket. Also, expect the Christmas Party luncheon in December.

However, a simple blood-test could save your life, it’s that simple.

It was so great to see a packed house for this month’s meeting.

The bush dance is a family-friendly event with well-known local band, November Shorn, entertaining. “The fantastic thing about a bush dance is that the music gets you tapping along, and before you know it you will be up and dancing,” Ms Lund said.

Orange Prostate Cancer Support Group

At the talk, Karen will provide information, books, and resources on this fascinating topic.

One wonders, is it the hope of spring freeing up those old bones?

Brian meanwhile is an electrical fitter originally from the South Coast where he had a career at Point Kembla Steelworks and also worked in the coal mining industry. Welcome Fellows! Be reminded that annual fees are also now due and you must be a financial member to have Probus insurance on activities.

Fundraising bush dancing to help school get a wriggle on It’s sure to be a toe-tapping, partner-swirling good time at Bloomfield Hall on Saturday, September 10, as their Spring Terrace Public School P&C holds their first-ever community bush dance. The fundraising dance will help the P&C purchase an industrial-sized worm farm and around 20,000 worms for their “Wormies Eat it Up“Thisproject”.isnot the ordinary little worm farm that people might have seen before or even have at home,” Birgitte Lund, grants officer of the P&C said. “It is industrial-sized and will be able to cope with all of our school’s organic and paper waste.“Itis hard to imagine what 5 kilograms of wriggling worms looks like, but that is the number we need to kickstart the farm,” she said. “The worms alone cost $700.”

Orange Prostate Cancer Support Group will be holding an information stand at Bunnings on Saturday, September 10. With 630,000 Australian males currently facing the risk of prostate cancer, the group are raising awareness of the disease to those most at risk.

For more information, come along, or call Charlie on 6361 1830.

“The band calls the songs and teaches everyone how to do the dances as they go, so young and old, and total newbies as well as old hands, can get up and give it a go.”

Farewell lunch this Friday Orange Court Support therapist at on helping

Men’s Probus meets next at 10am, Wednesday, September 7, at the OSMC. Come and join the friendly fellowship.


Karen’s talk is on Wednesday, September 7, from 5.15pm with tickets via eventbrite: communicator-speech-pathology-talk-tickets-407832296377www.eventbrite.com.au/e/becoming-a-good-

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 47 yourspace | OCLifeHave something of interest to share? Send to reception@oclife.com.au

Activities coming up: September 28 — Croquet, beginning at 9.30am. Gear and instruction will all be supplied, and a social cuppa will be on for anyone not playing.

Keeping up their unobtrusive volunteer spirit, the group is also holding a raffle at their big sendoff with the proceeds going to a child whose parent is incarcerated.

Local charitable group, Orange Court Support is holding its farewell luncheon this Friday after the service recently closed down.


Orange Court Support’s farewell lunch for all volunteers, supporters, and helpers is on Friday, September 2, from 12 noon at Anything Grows, Summer St. To RSVP or for more information, call Helen Hart 0428 650 234.


10TheWollemipinewasdiscoveredin whichstatein1994? TQ650.SEETHETV+GUIDEFORANSWERS TRIVIATESTANSWERS#650 1ash,fl2grape,3relevant,4simple transferprotocol,5below(8848 metres),6CelibateRifles,7cassowary, BarryJones,9Carmen NSW.

Lawrence, 10

Sep 1: Lily Tomlin, comedian-actress, 83. Barry Gibb, of The Bee Gees, 76. Dr Phil McGraw, TV talk show host, 72. Craig McLachlan, actor, pop star, 57. Natalie Bassingthwaighte, singer, TV personality, 47. Marcos Ambrose, racing car driver, 46. Sep 2: Tony Windsor, Quirindi-born politician, 72. Mark Harmon, US actor, 71. Pru Goward, politician, 70. Jimmy Connors, US tennis player, 70. Gai Waterhouse, horse trainer, 68. Patrice Newell, model, TV presenter, author, 66. Keanu Reeves, US actor, 58. Salma Hayek , Mexican actress, 56. Matthew Dunn, Aussie swimmer, 50. Keith Galloway, footy player, 37.

Sep 3: Al Jardine, US singer, The Beach Boys, 80. Andy Gri ths, children’s book author, 61. Charlie Sheen, US actor, 57. Mel McLaughlin, sports presenter, 43. Sep 4: Dawn Fraser, Olympic swimming champion, 85. Noah Taylor, actor, 53. Deni Hines, singer-songwriter, 52. Samantha Armytage, TV presenter, 46. David Littleproud, politician, 46. Beyonce Knowles, US singer, 41. James Bay, singer-songwriter, 32.

Sep 5: Bob Newhart, US comedian, 93. Joan Sydney Matron Maggie Sloan in A Country Practice, 84. George Lazenby, Australian-born James Bond actor, 83. Raquel Welch, US actress, 82. Gareth Evans, former politician, 78. Michael Keaton, US actor, 71. Frank Farina , footballer, 58. David Brabham, racing driver, 57. Matt Geyer, footy player, 47. Alicia Banit, actress, 32. Hayley Raso, soccer player, 28. Sep 6: Rogers Waters, from Pink Floyd, 79. Simon Reeve, TV personality, 61. Rosie Perez , US actress, 58. John Polson, director-actor, 57. Saeed Anwar, Pakistani cricketer, 54. Tim Henman, English tennis player, 48. Pippa Middleton, sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, 39. Sep 7: Gloria Gaynor, pop singer, 79. Julie Kavner, the voice of Marge Simpson, 72. Chrissie Hynde, US singer of The Pretenders, 71. Andrew Voss, rugby league commentator, 56. Shannon Elizabeth, US actress, 49. Nathan Hindmarsh, rugby league player, 43. George Bailey, cricketer, 40. Evan Rachel Wood, US actress, 35. Harrison Craig , The Voice winner, 28.

10 The Wollemi pine was discovered in which state in 1994?

TQ650. SEE THE TV+ GUIDE FOR ANSWERS TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS #650 1 flash, 2 grape, 3 relevant, 4 simple mail transfer protocol, 5 below (8848 metres), 6 Celibate Rifles, 7 cassowary, 8 Barry Jones, 9 Carmen Lawrence, 10 NSW. 9WhowasAustralia’sfirstfemale premier?


OVER $1,000 OF PRIZES TO BE WON EACH MONTH are you a WINNER? Orange City Life, Suite 3/241 Lords Place Orange or email reception@oclife.com.au and mark each entry with the competition name DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO... I LOVE IGA JANNET TREEWEEK LOONEY LOTTO DARRYN PRIEST FIND PINNY KERRIE CONGRATULATIONSLYNCH TO OUR WINNERS FIND "PINNY"AND WIN GIFT VOUCHER WIN $50 A WEEK! I LOVE IGA We have a voucher for Orange Tenpin Bowl valued at $60 to give away each week, so the family can go bowling! Each week we’ll hide a small version of "Pinny" (pictured) somewhere in OC Life. It could be anywhere. To enter, simply find him, write your name and phone number on the back of an envelope, along with the page number you found him on, emails are also welcome at reception@oclife.com.au Put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among correct entries each week. ENTRIES CLOSE 12.30PM TUESDAY EACH WEEK. sponsored by We have a $50 gift voucher to give away each week from Ashcroft’s Supa IGA. To enter, simply tell us your name and contact phone and what product features in the Ashcroft’s Supa IGA ad in this issue of OC Life. ENTRIES CLOSE EACH TUESDAY AT 12 NOON. sponsored by LOONEY LOTTO PLEASE NOTE: YOU NEED 1 X 8, 1 X 2 1 X 9, AND 1 X 5 TO WIN THIS WEEK DELIVER OR POST ENTRIES TO “LOONEY LOTTO” TO WIN: If you have a personal or business phone number with these 4 numbers appearing in any order within it, put in an entry and we’ll draw a winner from among all correct entries each week. WIN A GIFT VOUCHER FOR COFFEE AND CAKE, THANKS TO COCO'S 8295 sponsored by


BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK Keanu Reeves, in The ResurrectionsMatrix

TRIVIA TEST What word means both “showy” and “a sudden outburst of flame or

Frontignac is a variety of what? Which is the correct spelling: relevent, rellevent, relevant? In computer talk, what does SMTP Is the peak of Mt Everest above or Which group produced an album called “A Mid-Stream of 9 Who was Australia’s first female premier?


178 34 49

Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”.

a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary. There may be more than one possible answer.There may be more than one possible answer. IN CO GE NT FFFA UR NC No. 047Edgeword Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down. Wordfind ANVIL APRON AXE BELLOWS BLADE COAL FORGE HAMMER HEAT IRON KNIFE OIL QUENCH SHAPING SMITHY SMOKE SOOT SPARKS STEEL SWORD TEMPER WROUGHT

Sudoku No. 047 2 524 1 67

Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form The out Theme:

9 Where was the first place in the world to have 100 per cent of their electricity come from solar power for one hour?

a secret message.

leftover letters will spell

T M A BS NE E A 20 words: Good 30 words: Very good 40 words: Excellent Today’s Reference:9-LetterFocus:

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 49 Quick CrosswordQuiz 1ACROSS Clear (5) 4 Female killer (9) 9 Having a small piece broken off (7) 10 Examiner of accounts (7) 11 Turn to use (7) 12 Virgin Mary (7) 13 Inscribing onto a hard surface (9) 15 Paraphernalia (4) 17 Counterfeit (4) 19 Central American country (9) 22 Unopened rose (7) 25 Changed (7) 26 Continuing (7) 27 Strain (7) 28 Release (9) 29 Rate of progress (5) 1DOWNOrator (8) 2 Limit (7) 3 Copy (9) 4 Infuriating (9) 5 Kingdom (5) 6 Closed (5) 7 Baltic capitalcountry;Tallinn (7) 8 Story in instalments (6) 14 Promise (9) 15 Signs of welcome (9) 16 Blue (8) 18 Appoints (7) 20 Travel business (7) 21 Actor, — Schwarzenegger (6) 23 Scottish child (5) 24 Ism (5) No. 047 1 The song Journey to the Past, which received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song, is from which movie? 2 Accounting for more than 5 million deaths around the world each year, what is the world’s deadliest plant? 3 Which country is the leading producer of raspberries? 4 In which country was the Jonestown settlement? 5 After 10 weeks at sea, where did the Mayflower drop anchor on November 21, 1620? 6 In what year was the first Fabergé egg made for the Russian Imperial family? 7 Prince Albert II is the son of which Hollywood movie star? 8 Patricia Arquette (pictured) plays Kate Barlow in an adaption of which Louis Sachar novel?

Macquarie Dictionary Sat 1610 No. 047 No. 047Crossmath Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. subtraction.additionperformedandMultiplicationdivisionarebeforeand × = 58 × + × × + = 26 ÷ + × + = 9 = = = 71 8 25 No. 047Drop Down

628 96 127 27 76

10 Who served as Vice President for Abraham Lincoln during his first term in office?

Blacksmith No. 0475x5 MLS GL MND NR YSSInsert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down. SolutionsQUICKCROSSWORD SUDOKU 945612783 729345618 314257869 263874951 531786492 697138524 178593246 486921375 852469137 9-LETTER abase,ABASEMENT,abate,abates, abeam,abet,abets,absent,bane, bans,bantam,base,baseman, basemen,basement,bast,baste, bate,bates,batman,batmen,bats, batsman,batsmen,beam,beams, bean,beast,beat,beaten,beats, been,beet,bent,beset,best, beta,bets,samba,stab QUIZ 1.Anastasia2.Tobacco 3.Russia4.Guyana5.CapeCod, Massachusetts6.18857.Grace Kelly8.Holes9.SouthAustralia 10.HannibalHamlin WORDFIND 5x5 Secretmessage: Workinghotmetal PUzzLESANDPAGINATION © PAGEMASTERS P TY LTD | pagemasters.com MALPSAGILEMONADNURBGASSSY DROPDOWN OUSTERSSURESTUSERSRUESSUEUSSEDGEWORD CONCUR,COFFIN,URGENT,INFANT CROSSMATH 9 × 5 7 = 58 × + × 8 × + 6 3 = 26 ÷ + 1 × + 2 4 = 9 = 71 8 25 OS U S T E R S 020922Dubbo & Orange PUZZLES…. PUZZLES…. PUZZLES….

52 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY PUBLIC NOTICES Philippa Mitchell Professional Bra Fitter By everywomenBrasMob:Appointment0499991650forallthroughstageoflife PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Norman J. Penhall Funerals ORANGE & DISTRICT 6361 7777 or 6362 3751 Office & Chapel, 31-35 William Street, Orange REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES HERE IN Fond Memories Thanks to Norman J. FuneralsPenhall We thought of you today But that was nothing new We thought of you yesterday and days before that too We think of you in silence We often speak your name All we have are memories and your picture in a frame Your memory is a keepsake From which we will never part God has you in his arms We have you in our hearts Always Remembered, Never Forgotten Sandra, Stacey, Brooke ♥ Warren Patrick KINGSTONJohn (Waza) 10.8.1962 ~ 2.9.2021 TRAININGCOMMERCIALPROPERTY Breeder id. 2100083474. RPBA p 6523. Bin 600670712 johnson42orange@hotmail.comPhone:0404466881 King Charles Cavaliers $1800 - $2800 neg Chihuahuas $1000 - $1500 neg Cavoodles $1800 - $2800 neg Cavoodle $1800 - $2800 neg STILL FREE EVERY THURSDAY FOR SALE • 119.7 sqm commercial space • Currently consulting rooms • Large reception workspace/waiting area • Generous internal storage areas • Parking front of building. Disabled access & amenities • (Possible option addition 65.7sqm ground floor & 34.7sqm first floor) • Outgoings not included in rent Commercial lease $5,999/month Available October (earlier by negotiation) Call Now Meredith 0414617899 Centrally Located CBD Office Space Call Victor w 0455 299 043 PICTURE FRAMING Shop 18, 212 Anson St Plaza Orange saucedesign.com.au/framing New & DesignerRecycledClothingPh: 63600706 145 KITE STREET, ORANGE (THE OLD CINNABAR) OPEN TUES-FRI 10-5pm • SAT 10-3pm’ish Beautiful Designer Clothing, Shoes & Handbags. Frockwork has a Fabulous array of After Five Wear, Stunning Dresses for Weddings & Graduations. All Sizes & styles. ORANGE 23 Cameron Place ORANGE 0418 869 897 BLIND SHUTTERS & AWNINGS HIGH QUALITY AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE Most products carry a 5 - 25yr warranty BUDGET BLINDS & AWNINGS A local Orange business est. 2012 servicing the Central West Call Milissa for a free measure & quote 02 6369 0173 or 0437 10 60 60 www.bbao.com.au - info@bbao.com.au 0421 861 262 • From one wall to full house • New houses to repaints • Free quotes • Fully licensed and insured • Interior and Exterior • Specialising in Restora�on • Dulux Accredited 0422 022 968 SABpainters@outlook.com IG-sabpainting22 3 Qualified Tradesmen 3 Free Quotes 3 Free Advice 3 Internal/External 99A MOULDER STREET ORANGE OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 8-5PM ORANGE TYRE SHOP ph: 6062 3995 TYRES FOR ALL MAKES CARS 4WD PLUS ALIGNMENTSWHEEL Anywhere Skips “The mobile skip bin solution” We deliver. You fill. We empty. Fred Palmer 0447 966 838 Domestic Waste Specialist - Locally owned and operated, servicing Orange and surrounding areas Email: www.anywhereskips.com.auanywhereskips@gmail.com TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES GUITAR0458LESSONS096453$25 for half hour tuition Call MargaretHill...

Residential - from one room to the whole house New houses to repaints, No job too big or too small Fully licenced and Insured Local family business 0448 600 095 upanddownpainting@gmail.com Lic. No. 340514c PAINTING UP& D WN CHEAPADS! packagesAdvertisingfromaslittleas $16 per week. Phone 6361 3575 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 53 CLASSIFIEDS 6361 3575 To book your ads simply phone and use your credit card or call into our office at Suite 3, 241 Lords Place, ORANGE CLASSIFIEDS CLOSE 12PM EACH FRIDAY • From small to large jobs – one room to full house • Internal and External • New homes or repaints • CallMaintenanceGlenn 0467 599 668 ghbpaintingmaintenance@gmail.com &PAINTINGGHBMaintenance Lic. 330255C FAST RELIABLE SERVICE Over 25 years experience • Domestic • Rural • Commercial • New installations or maintenance Call Scott 0407 414 609 scott@sdselectrical.com.au • 24hr Emergency Service • Commercial & Residential Locks • Window Locks and Deadlocks • Master Keying and Restricted systems • Automotive and Computerised keys • Locally Owned and Operated for over 30 years Canobolas Locksmiths 169 March Street, Orange Call Ian: 0417 204 176 or Dale: 0417 491 936 keys4u@bigpond.com MASTER LICENSE NUMBER 407 966 923 24 Hour Mobile Service When you have lock problems – call us! Also deadlocks and window locks for houses and cars supplied and installed 151 Peisley St, Orange or 0417 204 176 Canobolas Locksmiths keys4u@bigpond.com WE FIX LOCKS!NEW LOCATION experienced builder SpecialiSing in... •Renovations • Kitchens • Restorations •General Maintenance G A & r l bruce Lic. No. 203054C Phone Geoff on 0427 422 816 E robynandbruceg@bigpond.com HorseCatteryKennelsagistment Dog DoggyWashDay Care Long term bookings info@springsideboarding.com.au www.springsideboarding.com.au 0438 270 374 • Undercover • Safe clean secure dog kennels for boarding use. • Individual exercise yards. Dog B&B Shangri La Amaroo Rd Molong 6366 8789 0447 468 789 WASP treatment From $150 25 years experience Call Craig... 0447 002 193Eagle Eye Pest Control Lic. no. 4558 100%NESTELIMINATEDGUARANTEED BUILDER For your: w Addition w New Home w Alteration or Heritage H 40 years experience H FOR ALL ENQUIRIES PHONE Max 0492 803 983 Lic: R79571 J K ADAMS ROOFING Call Jeff 0407 151 419 • Roof repairs Tile,Tin or Slate • Re-guttering and fascia • Re-roofing • Quality Leaf Screening Systems 40YRS EXPERIENCE LIC. 159748C Contact David on 0402 259 orangeonfarmbutchers@outlook.com891 Find us on Facebook OrangeOnFarmButchers For all your home-kill needs, we come to you. • Fully qualified butcher • We can butcher to your requirements • Servicing Orange and surrounds 3 Australian owned and operated since 2008 3 We specialise in carpet cleaning, lounge and upholstery cleaning, stain removal, bleach and colour repair, tile and grout cleaning and rug and mat cleaning. Servicing all of Orange and surrounding suburbs. 3 Free Carpet Spot Cleaner 3 Contact us today for a free quote! aidan@excellentcarpetcleaning.com.au % 0422 322 469 experienceOver13+years TRADES&SERVICESTRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICES TRADES&SERVICESPETS&LIVESTOCK www.lindfieldgroup.com.au Call 6360 1136 Hot Water Systems Blocked Drains Leaking Taps Burst Pipes PLUMBING 0437 211 614 0417 904 328 Awesome THAI MASSAGE Thai Traditional Massage Swedish Massage Deep Tissue Massage Warm Coconut Oil Massage Thai Remedial Massage + Hot Stones Neck, Back, Head and Shoulders Discounts for pensioners and multiple bathrooms Reduced price for repeat business • Bathrooms • Showers • Patios • Laundry’s SAFER and NON-SLIP Tiled Floors WATERPROOFING w Bathroom Renovations w New Homes w Block Walls w Commercial and Residential Quality job at competitive rates Fully Licenced & Insured Work completed with a Warranty Certificate 0422 815 431 E: geoffshaz@gmail.comLicNo:271458C 0422 815 431 or 0428 614 178 Lic No: 271458 Call for quote Call James on james@green4lifeoz.com.au0428668754 • Solar Energy for your Home & Business • Experienced in-house Installers • Battery packages • Finance options available Helping Orange go Green CENTREPOINT ARCADE Shop 4, 226 – 232 Summer St 0419 979 773 REEL Memories • DVD’S Cult & Classic • Die Cast Cars etc • LP Records/45’s • Movie Posters etc • DVD Packages made up for Rental Libraries (Conditions apply) REEL MEMORIES 0417 313 494Call Malcolm: Specializing in general home and hobby farm maintenance You can trust us for prompt & quality work www.malhandyman.com.au


Although Arthur Millard was a monster, he received the transforming forgiveness of God and is now living in eternity.

These three Orange East Public School students were engrossed in their books during their lunch break as the CWD photographer visited the school on a sunny day in May 1955. The girls are Marilyn Hocking, Jennifer Smith and Robyn Ross. We wonder if these young readers maintained their love of books in later life.


Orange East students reading


Bart Millard had a horrendous childhood. His father, Arthur, beat him badly and, on one occasion, Bart couldn’t sleep due to the pain. At age 11, Bart’s mum sent him away to a Christian camp for respite from his father and it was here he began to believe in God. One Sunday, as Bart prepared to go to church and sing in the worship band, he told his father he wasn’t hungry. Arthur responded by hitting Bart over the head with a plate. Bart left home bleeding. But as he sang in church, it was broadcast on the local radio station and his father, who was listening from home, heard Bart sing “Amazing Grace”, and Arthur’s life began to change. Arthur turned from a monster into a man that Bart one day hoped to be. Arthur died in 1991 from pancreatic cancer and, reflecting on his father’s death, Bart wrote the song “I Can Only Imagine”. Recorded by his band MercyMe, the song went on to become the bestselling Christian single of all time, it even inspired a movie.

Photo courtesy CWD Negative Collection, Orange & District Historical Society. The society holds a work day at Heritage Cottage, 148 March Street, each Wednesday from 10.30am to 4pm (with a lunch break from 12-1.30pm). Members are available to answer enquiries at this time. Have

OCLife | time warp 54 ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 CROSS purposes

A BIG THUMBS UP to Orange Funerals for a excellent job, so kind.

THUMBS UP to the kids who sang ‘Annie’ at the Eisteddfod. It was my favourite part of the whole weekend!

THUMBS DOWN to the man who got sent off in the mixed netball. Mind you, they do have some sexy players in that team (I’m just window shopping, not cheating on my hubby).

THUMBS DOWN to a coffee place in one of the big shopping centres. The lady who served me was extremely rude and abrupt. I actually liked this coffee place, so disappointing.

THUMBS UP to the nice lady giving me the 12 Harry Potter collectables at Coles supermarket. Thank you!

A BIG THUMBS UP to Dr Judith and staff at Mulberry Lane Vets. We recently had to say goodbye to our old lab, Delta. The next day we found a hand-delivered sympathy card with her paw print and a lock of her hair in our letterbox. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.

A BIG THUMBS UP to Orange City Bowling Club. Job well done.

THUMBS UP to Phil Coles and the story about him (OC LIFE August 25–31) What a great work ethic. Many people could take a leaf out of his book. Well done!

A BIG THUMBS DOWN to the person who left the dog poo on the footpath in front of Bed Bath N’ Table.

THUMBS UP to the kind customer Maria, who paid for the rest of my shopping as I had forgotten my card and had limited cash. It was very appreciated and I will “pay it forward” to someone else who is in need.

THUMBS UP to the lady in front of me at the check-out in Woolworths North Orange who gave me a beautiful bunch of yellow roses she had just bought. They are still giving me much joy over a week later. Have a wonderful day and keep smiling. Life is good!

THUMBS UP to Tahnee at Jumbled. I went to collect my daughter’s birthday present — a beautiful artwork — and it wouldn’t fit in my car. Tahnee went over and beyond and organising transport for me. She was so lovely and understanding, despite me trying to fit it in my small, messy car during the snowfall.

ORANGE CITY LIFE | SEPTEMBER 1—7, 2022 55 Home LoansCar LoansPersonal LoansSavingsFinancial PlanningInsurance Proudly supporting your 'Thumbs Up' moments Locals. Backing locals. orangecu.com.au AFSL/AustralianCreditLicence240768 Show us your THUMBS — EMAIL: reception@oclife.com.au | FACEBOOK: inbox “orangecitylife” | SMS 0459 022 084 this is a text only number STANDARD SMS RATES APPLY OCLife | thumbs

THUMBS DOWN to all the restaurants, shops, and businesses that still don’t provide wheelchair or disability access.

THUMBS DOWN Two years ago, my husband and I had met all the requirements to have handrails installed around our much loved home, but we are still waiting. In that time, my husband has had three falls at home and was recently hospitalised with a broken bone, it will take weeks for him to walk again.

TRIPLE THUMBS UP to Orange Hospital. A huge ‘thank you’ and hugs to all the doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other staff for the expert and prompt care given to me to keep me alive. Thank you is not enough. The road to better health is a slow one, but one I am truly grateful for. The people of Orange are lucky to have such a great team of doctors and specialists.

THUMBS UP To Robbie, Bree, and Aaron at Optus, for making such an easy account transition for my husband and I, who aren’t very tech savvy. Your help was very much appreciated.

A BIG THUMBS DOWN to the young lady I witnessed layer cheese on croissants and then dig her hand into a large bag of ham with not a glove to be seen. Not at all hygienic at the best of times, let alone with COVID.

A MASSIVE THUMBS DOWN to everyone who keeps making silly complaints in the ‘Thumbs’section of OCL. For example, I just read one about how fuel prices aren’t going down like in other places. It’s a business, not a charity. And yes, complaints about the roads are fair, but saying “how hard can it be” is stupid. It is hard. Get some common sense people.

THUMBS DOWN to the person in Orchard Grove Rd who persists in parking trucks and wrecked cars on the nature strip. Pedestrians, mainly school children, can’t use the opposite footpath as there is work being done.

FOR MORE INFO CONTACT CINEMA ODEON 5 MOVIE CLUB - $20 PER YEAR, AND ALL MOVIES (EX 3D) ARE THEN DISCOUNTED TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE • BOOKINGS RECOMMENDED Parking available at rear, enter March or Byng Streets • ALL CINEMAS HAVE WHEELCHAIR ACCESS 43 WILLIAM ST ORANGE • 6362 0213 (ADMIN) SUBSCRIBE AT WWW.ODEON5.COM.AU TO HAVE PROGRAMME EMAILED WEEKLY. HEARING/VISUAL IMPAIRED EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE Programme for Thurs 1st to Wed 7th September 2022 ONLINE BOOKING IS PREFERRED ACCEPTED HERE redeem your vouchers for Odegift cards. ������ MY MONSTERSWEET PARENT VOUCHERS EXPIRING OCTOBER SAT, SUN 10.00, 2.45 MINIONSTHERISEOFGRU 102 MINS $10TIX THURS, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 4.15 SUN 7.15 THOR 134 MINS $10TIX MY MONSTERSWEET THURS, MON, TUE , WED 1.45, 7.15 FRI 1.15 SAT 4.00 SUN 4.30 TOP MAVERICKGUN 146 MINS $10TIX THE SUN 1.00 MET OPERA HAMLET E 221 MINS SAT 7.00 SUN 2.00 Happy Father’s Day THURS, MON, TUE, WED 11.00, 4.30 FRI 10.30, 4.00 SAT, SUN 10.30, 2.30 CRAWDADS SING 140 MINS WHERE THE THURS, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 10.00, 4.30 SAT 10.15, 5.00 SUN 5.00 LEO GRANDE 134 MINS GOOD LUCK TO YOU, THURS, FRI, MON, TUE, WED 2.15, 4.45 SAT, SUN 12.15 INVITATION 120 MINS THE 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 12.15, 2.30, 7.15 Fri 2 nd 12.15, 2.30, 7.15 Sat 3 rd 2.45, 7.15 Sun 4 th 7.30 Mon 5 th 12.15, 2.30, 7.15 Tues 6 th 12.15, 2.30, 7.15 Wed 7 th 12.15, 2.30, 7.15 108 MINS BEASTTHE 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 10.45, 1.30, 7.00 Fri 2 nd 10.45, 1.30, 7.00 Sat 3 rd 1.15, 7.15 Sun 4 th 7.15 Mon 5 th 10.45, 1.30, 7.00 Tues 6 th 10.45, 1.30, 7.00 Wed 7 th 10.45, 1.30, 7.00 141 MINS TRAINBULLET THE 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.30 Fri 2 nd 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.30 Sat 3 rd 10.00, 12.15, 5.15 Sun 4 th 10.00, 12.15, 5.15 Mon 5 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.30 Tues 6 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.30 Wed 7 th 10.30, 1.00, 3.30, 6.30 123 MINS THREE LONGINGYEARSTHOUSANDOF 102 MINS Thurs 1 st 12.15, 6.4510.00 * Fri 2 nd 10.00, 6.4512.15 * Sat 3 rd 12.15, 7.305.00 * Sun 4 th 10.30, 7.305.15 * Mon 5 th 10.00, 6.4512.15 * Tues 6 th 12.15 10.00, 6.45 * Wed 7 th 10.00, 6.4512.15 * 141 MINS SUPERDRAGONBALLHERO FLUX GOURMET 126MA HUDA’S SALON 106 R THE GIRLQUIET 110 R WE ARE STILL HERE 105 M NO.6COMPARTMENT 122 MA GIRLSCALENDAR 98 MA BROKER 144 M BLAZE 116 MA MINDSBEAUTIFUL 107 R SAT 4.15 SAT SATFRISUNSUNSUNSATSUN2.004.307.006.4511.302.007.0011.30 ShortIncludesFilmVOICEACTIVATEDIncludesShortFilmPOLENTAIncludesShortFilmSTONEFISH17M5G13M $10TIX JAWS *Japanese with English subtitlesENGLISHDUBBING

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