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Looking to build your dream home? This


Saturday, March 18, Peter Fisher Real Estate are hosting onsite inspections of five ready-tobuild lots in the Canobolas View Estate, where you can meet with experienced building professionals who can answer any questions you have about building a home.

The five lots range from 423 to 576 square metres in size and are priced from as low as $270,000.

“It’s an estate in a nice quiet area and there are some really cracking views back over Orange towards Mount Canobolas hence the name,” selling agent Michael Wright of Peter Fisher Real Estate said.

“And there’s a mixture of sizes there, some larger blocks just under 600 square metres, and there’s a couple of smaller ones – that’s just to try and get into the a ordable part of the market.”

But the real advantage of the lots on o er in Canobolas View Estate is that they have all been registered, or are very close to being registered, and so are ready to build on without delay.

“That’s the big thing, people don’t have to wait. If they’ve got to a builder who’s ready to go it’s virtually ready to start building on,” Michael said.

“It just means that people know where they are going. Rather than having to wait a year or two years, as quick as they can get the builder there, they can get started.”

Michael said professionals from Banksia

Building and Hotondo Homes will be available to chat with on Saturday about all aspects of building a home and details of the house and land packages they can o er.

“We’ve got plans drawn up for the blocks for both three-bedroom and four-bedroom designs, just to give people a bit of an idea,” he said.

“Give people a bit of a price guide so they can walk away there with: what it would cost to build the house; how long it would take to build the house; and just tick a few boxes for people, we hope.”

For one particular lot, Michael said that, in conjunction with owners and builders, they could o er a buyer a three-bedroom, one-bathroom, single-garage home starting at $580,000.

“That would be a ‘first-in, best dressed’ situation, but that’s one in particular that we would really like to get away for a special deal for somebody.

The onsite inspections and information session will take place from 11am to 12 noon this Saturday, March 18. See below for details or give Michael a call on 0421360948 for more information.

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