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The Mulhollands – a m sp ng l e s ry

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Gwyn Mulholland was born into a motor racing family, from an early age travelling in the back seat of the family car to club events all over the state. But it was in a bowling alley, not at a race track that Gwyn found his ultimate prize – his wife Helen, and together the happy couple have shared their passion for motorsport these last 35 years.

It was at the age of just 15 that Gwyn first took part in a rally, acting as navigator for his father. The father-son pair won that first outing and Gwyn has continued to compete ever since earning himself many wins in whatever event he can field a vehicle.

But it was a game of tenpin bowling in 1987 that led to Gwyn meeting his future wife, Helen who would share his lifelong passion. Early on in their relationship Gwyn took Helen to the Oberon-Black Springs rally where she got her first taste of motor racing.

While Helen was under the impression she was just there to spectate, Gwyn asked her to give him a hand.

“I had no idea about motor sports,” Helen said with a laugh.

Despite the freezing weather and her lack of knowledge at the time, Helen was hooked.

“The rest is history,” Helen said, and her love for motorsports grew from there.

“It was almost immediate. I love cars — we’ve got nine at the moment!” she said.

The pair married in October 1990 and have always complemented each other with their hobby, as Gwyn travels around competing in rallies and hillclimbs while Helen navigated, or o ciated.

The couple have participated in historic rallies and helped set up the Australian History Group. Helen has proudly served as Secretary and Committee member of the Bathurst Light Car Club and is now a Life

Member and devotes a lot of her spare time to the club. She has also served as secretary during their motor rallies for many years.

During the 80’s and 90’s the Mulhollands introduced their sons to the racing world as they raced all over the state and the ACT with their five go-karts.

Helen has been the Motorsport Australia, formerly known as CAMS (Confederation of Australian Motor Sport) Delegate for about 20 years for the Bathurst Light Car Club, and has only missed a handful of State Council meetings, due to o ciating at events.

She is a member of the Orange Gnoo Blas Classic Car Club and helps them organise their annual car show. She is also a member of the Gunnedah Motoring Enthusiasts Car Club, and assists the Lithgow Sporting Car Club.

And in 2000 Gwyn was named the Motorsport Australia O cial of the Year for NSW.

For the last 18 months Helen has spent time at Raleigh Raceway helping with their new Rallysprint track as Secretary, Steward and General O cial at rally sprints and a rally cross.

Helen has been accredited as Silver Secretary, Silver Steward, Bronze Circuit, Bronze Rally, Specialist Alcohol Testing O cer, Timekeeper, Course Presenter and Assessor.

After many years of commitment from Helen and Gywn, they were recognised with the 2022 Motorsport Australia Service Star — an award to honour those going above and beyond whether as competitors or those who work tirelessly behind the scenes.

As busy as the two are, Helen doesn’t see herself slowing down anytime soon.

“I’m always doing stu ,” Helen said. “I’m 75, and retired, and I believe that once you retire you have to have a good interest, because if you don’t, people just vegetate.”

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