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The Super Easy Way To Make More Money

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There are lots of ways we can make money. We can work for it, we can work longer hours to make more money or get a new job that pays more money. We can save money and invest it to make money. We can borrow money to invest, however, that comes with added risk as the loan will need to be repaid. But there is one way to make more money that is so easy and sitting right under everyone’s noses, yet most people are going through their working lives letting the opportunity pass them by!

What is it?


Your superannuation.

Super… you might think it’s boring, you might think it doesn’t matter, some people even get the idea in their head that it’s some kind of government conspiracy, but the reality is that super is the easiest way you can make more money for yourself. For starters, as of 1 July this year, 11% of your pay will be getting sent to a super fund and getting invested. So, even if you pay no attention and do nothing, the government is ensuring something’s automatically happening for your future benefit. 11% of your pay getting invested every year and the growth on those investments over time, is why super already works to a certain extent.

But… what if you did pay attention and did do a few things to supercharge your super?

What if you are in a fund charging you higher fees than you need to pay? Avoiding paying high fees is one of the easiest ways to boost your return over time, yet most people don’t know how to work out what fees they are REALLY paying and super statements don’t always make it easy to find the true level of fees.

I’m constantly amazed by the level of fees some people are paying to their super fund, and for many people, it’s not until they come and have a chat that they find out the true story.

Now, imagine on top of making sure you were paying low fees, you also invested a little more smartly than just the default option your super fund puts you in. Super funds have to invest members money somehow, so for those who choose not to do anything, most funds simply have a one-size-fits-all option. But with a little bit of education and advice, you can get your super working harder to get higher returns over time.

And then imagine that you understand and took advantage of the tax benefits of making extra contributions to super. It is money for jam for those who know how the system works! You get to pay less tax while at the same time creating more wealth for yourself.

I don’t work for a super fund, I don’t work for a big financial services company, I’m a 100% independent financial adviser. I have no incentive to be talking up super other than because it works! And the opportunity for you to take advantage of the system is right there waiting for you.

So, if you’re in any doubt about how much you might be missing out on (and most of the same concepts apply regardless of your age), don’t let any more time pass you by. Give me a call for a free initial chat, and let’s see how super easy it might be for you to make more money.

Just how big a difference these things can make may surprise you… and your future self will thank you!

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