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Seniors Happy Life

Seniors Happy Life

With the equipment, it is anticipated that the new ORC Recital Hall will provide one of the most superior music spaces he $250,000 donation from the Cadia Legacy Fund will enable the purchase of a highfidelity audio system, a front-of-house speaker system, and a suite of high-quality industry microphones and accessories.in regional Australia. The venue will have the capability to host everything from small classical music chamber ensembles, contemporary jazz, big band, folk, pop music and will also be an ideal venue for graduations, festivals, lectures, masterclasses, AGM’s, conferences and corporate events.


Cadia General Manager, Mick Dewar, said Cadia Legacy Fund focuses on supporting strategic projects which

ORC Chair of Management Committee, Dr Pam Ryan, said the donation will help ensure the music comes to life within the building.

“The Orange Regional Conservatorium welcomes Cadia Valley Operations as our very first Founding Benefactor. We greatly appreciate this generous grant for the purchase of high-quality technical equipment. It will undoubtedly enrich the music experience within our beautiful Recital Hall.” vast selection of premium quality meats...

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