2 minute read
The more things change, the more they stay the same….
from OCLife20230615
We all know that complaining about the local council is a popular pastime here in Orange – just as it is the world over I’m sure.
But we were amused to stumble across this laundry list of complaints about our fair city, written 100 years ago by the poet
What Visitors See
Come to Orange in the Summer. Spare me days, the climate’s grand The Aldermen will be so pleased — They’ll grab you by the hand; The Council’s advertisement
Did you see as you came through?
In the Sydney daily papers
On the Central platform too; The local ‘rags’ don’t advertise — Their circulation’s sad;
And now you’re here you won’t forget Your thirst is not too bad;
Just walk up to a drinking stand
It is there you’ll come a thud.
As you drink you are rewarded
With a squirt of Orange mud.
The weedy, muddy, water gives — Us all the bloomin’ pip; What O, a local swimming bath — We’d go brown at every dip
Why ain’t we all got gravel!
Or swelling in the neck!
For the want of clear, clean water — We’ll be slinging in our ‘checks’
What about a pumping station
From Summer Hill creek to town
Which will give us ‘boshter’ water, Not the tack that’s dirty brown. Is the Orange Council brainy!
Or is it just a dud?
Turn the taps on for improvement — Not for squirts of weedy mud.
And Wade Park is the Sports Ground
With the worst of cycle tracks.
How to find a local champion —
On a track like camel’s backs
Ask an Alderman, he’ll tell you —
Well you may meet with abuse.
To lay a proper cycle track — Costs ‘dough’ so what’s the use.
The Crossing are ridiculous — For motor, bike or pram.
Should you break a spring, that’s your lookout— There’s no one cares a d—
Why can’t we be like Bathurst!
Where crossings are a treat, But of course, as we’re in Orange — We’ll put up with all we meet.
The Post O ce and the Station— Are disgraced for want of paint
That big iron pipe in Summer Street Looks particularly quaint. That overhanging hedge wants cutting O our thoroughfare.
To save continual dodging — Of our heads, likewise our hair.
Here’s another Council bloomer
Those wood squares of four by two, From the pavement to the roadway Pulls the heel from o your shoe. The great big-headed nails stick up And bash against your feet.
How will the Voice be set up?
It’s about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by setting up an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice. A referendum is the only way to change the Australian Constitution.
The Voice would be a permanent body that gives independent advice to the Australian Parliament and Government on matters that affect First Nations people. The Voice aims to help the Parliament and Government to make better decisions and deliver better outcomes for First Nations people.
How it’s set up would be determined after the referendum with input from First Nations people, the broader public and the Government. The Parliament would then make a law to set up the Voice.
The intention is that its members will be chosen by and representative of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from across Australia.
Be ready for the conversation, get informed at Voice.gov.au
Why not a well-made concrete slab To liven up the street.
Get an eyeful of the cabs — gaw’s struth,
One look is quite enough, They’re not all crook remember— no, But some are blooming rough.
And don’t forget the council grants Permission for these to run.
There are a few that look true-blue, But the balance get’s the bun.
The ‘’nags” that drag the rough stu are old and done their dash.
The old grey bloke, for instance, Has fought life’s blooming lash, Like the cracked and busted footpath Up our main street near the Park And there’s lots of other things that seem To us are in the dark.
LES LIST. Summer Street, Orange.