2 minute read
from OCLife20230615
His Local Community
Orange Lions Club members have paid tribute to long-serving member Bob Cleal, who was presented with his 50-year service medal last Thursday, June 8.

Bob, now 93, first joined the Lions Club in Temora on November 13, 1972 and served the club in various capacities over the years: Second Year Director and First Year Director, Bulletin editor, Treasurer, Secretary, convention chairman and ball committee member.
Moving to the Colour City in 1991 Bob and wife Barbara transferred into Orange Lions Club, where he continued to serve in various roles.
Bob was awarded District Governor’s Star
Call for his service to the community in 1996, among other honours.
Bob was always on the board as a director, and membership chairman, and was involved with the Field Days committee over several years.
District Governor Michale Ryan presented Bob with his service medal at a function held at Orange Grove Care Community, where Bob and Barbara are now residents.
In attendance were fellow residents along with local Lions Club members and Federal Member for Orange, Andrew Gee, who offered his congratulations and thanks on behalf of the community.
“This is a great afternoon, where we honour a Lion who has given a lifetime of service to the cause of Lions, but also to the service of humanity,” Mr Gee said.
Think about all of the causes that were supported throughout those years. Think of all of the people that were helped through all of that good work that was carried out by Bob’s Lions clubs all through those years.
“Fifty years of service to others really is something to celebrate and I wanted to, Bob, offer you the best wishes of the community and congratulations. Thank you for all that work over all of that time and also Barbara as well, who has been with you every step of the way,” he concluded.
Applications are invited for the ongoing full-time position of Electorate Officer (EOB) to fill a new staffing allocation in the Office of the Hon Andrew Gee MP, based in the Member’s Calare Electorate Office in Orange, NSW.
The responsibilities of the role are, but are not limited to:
• Assisting and responding to constituent matters across the electorate of Calare.
• Liaising with relevant Departments, Agencies and Opposition Offices on behalf of constituents regarding matters relating to the responsibilities of the Federal Government.
• Preparing representations on behalf of the Member.
• Data entry and database management.
• Attending community events in the Electorate as required.
• General administrative tasks within the Electorate Office.
• Occasional travel within the Electorate of Calare and interstate travel to Canberra during Parliamentary sitting weeks.
• Other duties as required.
Applicants should possess the following skills and experience:
• Excellent oral and written communication skills and experience in producing targeted communications for a variety of audiences.
• Outstanding interpersonal skills.
• Excellent attention to detail and record keeping.
• Ability to self-manage and delegate.
• Well-developed organisational ability and time management skills.
• Ability to work independently and cohesively as part of a small team.
• An understanding of the Australian system of government and parliamentary processes.
• Well-developed IT skills including Microsoft Office.
• Preparedness to work overtime and on weekends when required.
Job details:
The position is offered under the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 and conditions are outlined in the Commonwealth Members of Parliament Staff Enterprise Agreement 2020-23.
• A commencing salary between $69,170 and $80,757 will be negotiated depending on experience and relevant skills.
• An optional additional allowance may be considered in recognition of, and as compensation for, reasonable additional hours of work.
• Relocation assistance, studies assistance and paid study leave may also be available (subject to eligibility requirements).
• An employer superannuation contribution of 15.4% will be payable.
A probationary period of three months will apply and may be subject to extension.
Applications should be forwarded to andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au and include a resume with the names of two referees and a cover letter addressing the relevant skills and experience required for the role.
Applications close on Friday 30 June 2023. For further information please contact andrew.gee.mp@aph.gov.au.