4 minute read
from OCLife20230622
Quick Crossword Quiz
1 Twisted (4)
3 Those who apply (10) 10 Settle (7)
11 Camper (7)
12 Negotiates (8)
13 Flair (5)
1 In what decade did Australia implement the eight-hour work day for all industries?
2 Which famous poem contains the lines “The time has come,” the Walrus said/”To talk of many things:/ Of shoes and ships and sealing wax/ Of cabbages and kings”?
3 What field of study is concerned with moral issues of biological research and medical practice?
4 In March of which year did the Ansett Australia Group cease operating?
5 The Komodo dragon (pictured) inhabits five islands, including the island of Komodo, in which country?

6 What three colours are on the Jamaican flag?
7 Which sought-after medal depicts three men with their hands on each other’s shoulders?
8 What is the collective term for the odourless, colourless, single-atom gases such as helium?
9 In rowing, which member steers and coordinates the rhythm of the rowers?
10 What is the largest city square in the world?
No. 089 5x5
Insert the missing letters to make 10 words – five reading across the grid and five reading down.
Insert each number from 1 to 9 in the shaded squares to solve all the horizontal and vertical equations. Multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction.

No. 089
The leftover letters will spell out a secret message.
No. 089
Place each of the tiles of letters into the blank jigsaw below to create four six-letter words going across and down.
Drop Down
No. 089
Sudoku No. 089 69 562 83
Fill in the blank cells using the numbers from 1 to 9. Each number can only appear once in each row, column and 3x3 block
15 2 693 8 84 71
82 95 5 983 15 8
No. 089
Starting with the seven-letter word, drop a letter and form a six-letter word. Continue in this manner until you reach the single letter at the bottom. You can rearrange the letters in each step, if necessary.
No. 089
Today’s Focus:
7 words: Good
10 words: Very good
14 words: Excellent
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must be included and each letter may only be used once. No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns, apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Y S
Reference: Macquarie Dictionary Sat 1203
A HUGE THUMBS UP to Mitzi and her awesome staff at the Odeon Picture Theatre, who have organised twice now, a special 10am showing of movies for our Disability Boy’s Social Group, who can only attend at this time on Fridays. The boys (and their carer staff) really appreciate you going above and beyond, and all with a big smile. Thank you, Mitzi!
THUMBS DOWN This big long overdue thumbs down to the drivers who choose to ignore the 1-hour parking signs outside the office of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Byng Street Orange. Please do the right thing by others.
A HUGE THUMBS UP and thank you to sales assistant Sophia from Officeworks. Sophia helped me put together a collage of photos of my daughter who had recently passed away. Her kindness was greatly appreciated.
THUMBS UP to the gentlemen who came to my rescue recently in the Village car park when I fell. They were true gentlemen.

THUMBS UP to the team working on the wetland’s development on the corner of Forbes Road and the western end of the Northern Distributor. What a pleasure to walk along the newly completed circular pathway while observing the local wildlife (birds), sunning themselves on the water’s edge. Your hard work is much appreciated. Many thanks.
THUMBS UP to the Phat Panda team at the Orange City Bowling Club who provided a delicious meal for a family function on the long weekend. The quality of the food was remarked upon by many of the guests visiting from out of town. Thumbs up as well to the Bowling Club staff for helping make it an enjoyable and special occasion.
THUMBS UP to the news and weather presenters on Channel 7 (local). The happy comradery shared between each other is lovely to watch and your professional dress code is inspiring too. Thank you for making this a pleasant experience each night.
THUMBS DOWN to the scam caller claiming to be MyGov and proceeding to tell me to click a link to receive my “youth” allowance. I got the last laugh, considering I’ll soon be celebrating my 86th birthday!

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