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from OCLife20230727
Orange Lions held their annual changeover dinner at Duntryleague Golf Club on Thursday, July 13, welcoming the incoming president Debbie Butwell.
Graeme Eggleston was awarded the President’s Award for his commitment to the ‘Give Me Change for Kids’ project. Peter Fuge was recognised for his outstanding commitment to the organisation and his caring for unwell Lions with the prestigious Ian M Stockdale Humanitarian Award.
Probus Clubs began in the UK in 1965 to meet the needs of members for companionship and mental stimulation of retired professional and business people: “pro” for professional and “bus” for business, which makes the title Probus.
Probus quickly spread around the world with the first club in Australia being formed in Hunters Hill, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Dumbarton in Scotland. Ladies Probus began the same year in Bateau Bay. There are now over 2000 clubs, and growing each year.

A combined meeting of all the Probus Clubs in Orange – Orange Ladies, Orange North Ladies and Orange Men’s clubs – enthusiastically decided to hold a luncheon to celebrate Probus during Probus Month of October. The plan is for a luncheon of the combined Clubs at Orange Services Club on Wednesday, October 11. Neighbouring clubs will be invited to join in. It will be a great day enjoying the Probus principles of FUN, FRIENDSHIP and FELLOWSHIP.
To more immediate matters: President Chuck is making progress and expects to be at the August meeting. The EFTPOS machine is up and running so now fees, fares, etc can be done the easy way.
The tour to the Royal Flying Doctor Base at Dubbo was most informative and enjoyable with a tour of the Old Gaol included. The RFDS has amazing facilities and abilities for treating patients in remote areas. Plans are underway for a trip to the restored Zig Zag Railway at Lithgow. Guest speaker this month was the inspiring Dr Steve Peterson who is a quadriplegic, who received horrendous injuries when struck by a car when cycling to work in March 2018. He then spent 63 days in ICU at Royal North Shore, then to Ryde for specialised spinal and brain rehabilitation. After almost a year he returned to Dudley Hospital in Orange.
His work includes virtual GP, drug and alcohol rehab, lecturing and tutes at University. On the public front he is a non-executive Director of Live Better, and has been an Orange City Councillor. Dr Peterson has a very progressive attitude to Remote Health delivery, and is contributing in this area.
Future Speakers include W/O Tom Squires on army life, and Vanessa Gaynor from Uniting Senior’s Gymnasium will get us all fit and strong. It’s all GO at Probus, so make sure you don’t miss the FUN, FELLOWSHIP and FRIENDSHIP. Join us for our next meeting at the Services Club on Wednesday, August 2, at 10am.