Highlights of the year CWR REVIEW 2006
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Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes Founder of CWR
27 April 1928 – 9 January 2006
CWR: a registered charity Structure, governance and management
A life lived every day with Jesus Central Hall Westminster hosted a poignant service
• CWR is a charitable company, limited by guarantee
of thanksgiving for Selwyn Hughes on 9 September
and governed by its ‘Memorandum and Articles of
2006. Nearly 2,000 people filled the famous venue:
family, friends, colleagues and supporters, all giving praise to God for a most extraordinary life of Christian
• The Board of Directors – who are also the Charity’s
service. There were representatives from around the
Trustees – have the ultimate responsibility for the
world – including, of course, Wales.
work of CWR. They, in turn, delegate the day-to-day management of the Charity to the Chief Executive.
Songwriter and worship leader Graham Kendrick led the congregation in several hymns. The first
• Following the death of the Founder, the Board has
was Jesus is King, frequently Selwyn’s choice as an
been greatly encouraged by the many expressions
opening hymn at our events around the world. Welsh
of continued support for the ministry of CWR. It has
tenor Huw Priday sang a stirring and moving rendition
restated its commitment to build on the foundations
of Here is Love, evocative of the 1904 Welsh Revival:
which Selwyn Hughes laid so well.
and a stillness fell as the words resonated deep in
Mick Brooks, Chief Executive, commented:
people’s spirits.
‘CWR was founded in 1965 by an ordinary man on an ordinary day. Having known and worked with Selwyn
The colourful, smiling ranks of the Children’s Choir
for nearly two decades, let me assure you he was
from the Watoto Villages in Uganda melted hearts as
at heart an ordinary man like you and me, but an
they raised their voices to praise God. Moving tributes
ordinary man who put his life into the hands of an
were brought by Joel Edwards of the Evangelical
extraordinary God.
Alliance, Fiona Castle representing the worldwide
• Two new Trustees were appointed in 2006. We hope that further appointments will be made during 2007 as serving Members with twelve or more years’ service retire from office. • The structure of the Board Advisory Groups was slightly revised during 2006 to better reflect their role of advising and making recommendations to the
family of Every Day with Jesus readers, Trevor
‘J.I. Packer once remarked that a “vision of a
Partridge, long-term friend and ministry partner and,
pygmy God, produces pygmy Christians”. Selwyn’s
via video, Larry Crabb, American psychologist and
understanding of God has never been small. Derek
biblical counsellor.
Tidball, Principal of the London School of Theology, commenting on Selwyn’s life, summed him up so well:
Selwyn Hughes died of cancer on 9 January 2006. He
“… one of God’s entrepreneurs who saw opportunities
was a remarkable man whose life was adventurous,
where most of us would only see difficulties …” Selwyn
prolific and hugely significant. As pastor, teacher,
knew a big God, not just in his head but his heart and
counsellor and writer, his extraordinary ministry
through the adversities of life he knew, and I quote,
touched six decades. He seems to have been in at the
“the problems ahead of us are never as great as the
start of almost everything significant in church life in
power behind us”.
the UK for as long as anyone can recall: charismatic renewal, themed Bible reading notes, large-scale
‘As I have commented before, Selwyn for me is an
celebrations, tours of the Holy Land, prayer for revival,
example of a life well lived – a life spent every day
Christian counselling and even the use of the OHP!
with Jesus.’
• There are five Advisory Groups in total, covering the key areas of Governance, Finance, Training, Publishing and Resources. A minimum of two Trustees are members of each of the Advisory Groups. • During the year a new Ministry Strategy Team was established comprising the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive and three Senior Managers. This team meets three or four times a year to assess the progress of the stated ten-year plan and to set targets for the next stage as directed by the Board.
Financial Review 2006
Training & Events ministry graduated in Counselling at Certificate or Diploma
CWR Income 2001–2006 2001
level at the London School of Theology. 2006
• We have commenced work to investigate the
re-accreditation of our long Counselling courses £3,500,000
in order to meet professional standards in the light of forthcoming Government regulation, expected in
2008–09. £2,500,000
• We renewed our Joint Venture agreement with the £2,000,000
London School of Theology and our relationship with • The overall income for Training & Events for 2006 was £574,207 – slightly lower than in 2005.
the University of Wales continued with respect to the accreditation of our courses.
• We appointed key teaching staff during 2006, including Andy Peck and Mike Nelmes.
• A record eighteen different events for women took place at Waverley, at different venues in the UK and at two locations in Poland. The eight-week day release
Training / WAH
• Our top revenue earning courses were the Certificate and Diploma of Christian Counselling
well attended.
and the Introduction to Biblical Pastoral Care
Income • The Charity exceeded budget throughout 2006, recording
course, Women Ministering to Women, was once again
and Counselling. The long courses are both over-
CWR Income split 2006
a £602,580 surplus on income of £3.796m (expenses
Gifts 34%
Training 15%
• A week-long School of Christian Counselling was held
subscribed for 2007 with several applicants deferred
in Bahrain with attendees of over fifteen nationalities
to 2008.
and from five continents!
Waverley Abbey House 3% Publishing 48%
• For the same period last year (December 2005) there was
• 150 students completed either the Certificate or
• Two CWR staff members attended a separate
Diploma levels in Counsellor Training at Waverley
Thanksgiving Service for the life of Selwyn Hughes in
during 2006; and a further 20 CWR students
Nigeria arranged by our national distributors, FBFM.
a bottom line surplus of £228,788 with income of £3.204m and expenses of £2.975m. • However, exceptional income of £383,335 from the Selwyn Hughes Estate should be taken into account when
Waverley Abbey House and estate
comparing the year-on-year results. • For comparison purposes, the true picture of regular ongoing activity against budget is a surplus of £219,245.
• Day delegate numbers (for all business) rose to 6,009 (2005: 5,551). • Total bed nights (for all business) increased to 4,896 (2005: 4,580). • Delegates were appreciative of the high standards of the food, facilities and
Balance sheet • 2006 saw a further overall improvement in the finances of the Charity.
service provided by the House and the staff, as evidenced by their evaluation reports. • A severe storm in August caused flooding in one part of the House on three
• Net assets stand at £3.315m (2005 – £2.712m).
floors. This resulted in an insurance claim and the need for some extensive
• Fixed assets increased to £3.195m (due to the addition of Selwyn Hughes’s estate).
redecoration works.
• The Net Stock position stands at £390k (2005 – £440k). • Cash balances were up from £489k in 2005 to £849k at the end of December. • However, a Commercial Loan (Mortgage) of £958k is currently being repaid. • The cash balance includes restricted funds of £265k (as at end-December 2006).
• The Woodlands continue to be used by Urban Saints (formerly Crusaders) and the YMCA for their youth camps, and over 500 young people were involved in these events during 2006.
Publishing ministry
Plans for the future
Sales Overview • Overall turnover (£1.786m) up 7% on 2005 • Dated subscriptions (£246k) up 10% on 2005 • International turnover (£448k) up 5% on 2005 • Online Store turnover (£82k) up 45% on 2005
Bestsellers for 2006 • Every Day with Jesus for New Christians – 25,261 sold
Six Ministry Tracks
• Every Day with Jesus One Year Devotional: Hope Everlasting – 17,138 sold • What is a Real Christian (all formats) – 12,316 sold
Every Day Devotionals / Cover to Cover / Topical Life Issues / One-year Editions
• Robber of the Cruel Streets – 6,662 sold
PUBLICATIONS AND PRODUCTIONS: Cover to Cover Bible Discovery • Our programme of new title publishing continued. • 2006 was the first full year for the two latest dated publications, Cover to Cover Every Day and Mettle. Both were well received. Every Day with Jesus remained the UK’s top-selling Bible reading notes. • The imaginative ‘Feed the Whole Family’ marketing campaign was very well received. This focused on our seven bimonthly daily devotionals targeted at different types of reader.
• The strategy of using our course and training materials as sources for new publications continued to develop: the year saw products published out of our Waverley Abbey Insight Days, How to be a Secure Woman seminars and Why Revival Waits tour. • Translation of selected publications into various languages continued in 2006. • We were involved in six book trade and consumer exhibitions during the year.
• We signed a new two-year agreement with our National Distributor in Australia and made visits to
/ Bible Studies / Children’s / Youth / Pastoral Care / Leadership / Media and TV
• Our website continued to develop, helping it to attract
Christian Living / Localised Training / Video Training Courses / Church Liaison Support
TRAINING: Counselling / Seminars / Pastoral Care Programme / Higher Education / Further Education / Adult Education
PROJECTS AND EVENTS: Waverley Abbey Experience / Revival / Prayer / Partners / Waverley Abbey Youth
Distribution / Translations / Seminar Programme / Publishing / Training / Church Resources
growing numbers of visitors.
our distributor in Canada and our USA publishers, Broadman and Holman.
• We are discussing with local church leaders in Singapore the setting up of a permanent CWR
biblical integrity and academic excellence for all of our training courses.
presence, in order to facilitate the growth of our Training and Publications ministries throughout SE
Partnership and giving
Asia and ultimately into Indonesia and China.
• We plan to present Selwyn Hughes’s 7 Laws of Spiritual Success during two regional tours in various places throughout the UK in May and September 2007.
• Our Partners are highly regarded by CWR. These committed people
• We are progressing the expansion of the Waverley
not only give financially to the Charity but also provide the prayer
Abbey Campus via our architects and the
backing that our ministry so depends on.
Borough Planners in order to provide additional
• S eventy-one new Partners joined the Partnership Plan during the year. • Total gift income (excluding the Selwyn Hughes Estate) rose 16% to £904,780. • A total of £455,945 was received in legacies (including the Selwyn Hughes Estate).
repairs and renewals to the main House.
accommodation, training and administration facilities on the Waverley site.
• CWR is embarking on a major publishing project for 2007 – Cover to Cover Complete. This is a complete
• We are continuing to develop three levels of Christian Training – higher, further and adult education
chronological Bible reading plan featuring charts, timelines, illustrations and the full Bible text.
– through the Waverley Abbey Campus. A renewed focus on Pastoral Care will shape some of the newer courses in 2007.
• We distributed books and resources free of charge to Christian leaders and children’s orphanages in fifteen developing nations
• We are implementing a consistent programme of
• Plans are progressing to equip Waverly Abbey House for the recording of TV programming. This will enable CWR to become a content provider for Christian
• Validation/accreditation of our courses is an ongoing
in Africa and Asia, and to prisoners here in the UK. We also sent
process, particularly as legislation changes. CWR
remaindered books to Book Aid and the OM Ships Ministry.
remains committed to maintaining the balance of
television in the UK and worldwide.
The CWR foundation ‘There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another – showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.’ 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (The Message)
Copies of the full report and financial statements, audited by Mazars LLP, are available from CWR upon request
Founder Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes
Directors and Trustees Robert G Bennett, Stephen J Bradley (Chairman), Paul V Buckingham, Daphne J Cox, Ann C Lenton, David Rosser, Mervyn L S Thomas, Benjamin P Turner
Secretary Paul Bexon
Chief Executive Mick Brooks
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CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP, UK Tel: 01252 784700 Fax: 01252 784734 Email: mail@cwr.org.uk Web: www.cwr.org.uk Registered Charity No. 294387. Registered limited company No. 1990308.