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Highlights of the year CWR REVIEW 2007

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CWR: a registered charity Objects and activities • The overall objective of CWR is the Advancement of the Christian Faith and to bring lasting change for good in the lives of people through its Publishing and Training programmes. These activities remain firmly based on biblical principles through which people are encouraged to apply the teachings of Christ to their everyday life and relationships.

Founder – Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes

• Our publications cover all age groups and our Training programme offers courses for all academic levels from degree level to one-day seminars. Worldwide distribution of publications and products is through a number of local National Distributors; and our training courses for ministers, leaders and church workers are held at Waverley Abbey House in Surrey, churches and venues around the UK and overseas. Chief Executive – Mick Brooks

Company Secretary – Paul Bexon

Structure, goverance and management • The late Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes founded the ministry of CWR in 1965.

• Two new Trustees were appointed during the year and a further three Trustees were appointed in the first quarter of 2008 as the Board continues to be

• CWR is incorporated as a charitable company, limited by guarantee and governed by its ‘Memorandum &

refreshed following the retirement of Trustees with 12 or more years’ service.

Articles of Association’. • Five Advisory Groups cover the key areas of • Following the full enactment of the Charities Act

Governance, Finance, Training and Events, Publishing,

2006 and the Companies Act 2006, the Trustees

and Resources. A minimum of two Trustees are

intend to revise the Memorandum & Articles of

members of each of the Advisory Groups, one of

Association during 2008 in order to comply with

whom acts as the chairperson.

the new legislation and to ensure that our governing document is fit for the future mission of the Charity.

• The Ministry Strategy Team, made up of the Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive and three senior

• The Board of Directors – who are also the Charity’s

managers meets three or four times a year with the

Trustees – have the ultimate responsibility for the

brief to assess the progress of the ten-year plan and

work of CWR. They, in turn, delegate the day-to-day

to set future strategy.

management of the Charity to the Chief Executive, Mick Brooks.

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Financial Review 2007 • Total income for the year amounted to £3,543,728 (2006 - £3,795,691)

Total income 2001–2007 2001






2007 £4,000,000

• Overall resources expended in 2007, totalled


£3,543,531, giving a small surplus for the year of £197.

£3,000,000 £2,500,000

• With the strong financial performance in recent years, the Directors decided to take the opportunity


during 2007 to invest in the infrastructure of the


organisation and, in particular, to carry out muchneeded refurbishment work on Waverley Abbey


House, the Charity’s major asset.


• This included extensive external works on two




Total Income

elevations of the building, repairs to the stone south staircase and replacement of three hot water storage tanks.

Total expenditure 2005–2007 2005


2007 £4,000,000

• Some £250,000 was spent on these and other works and this was the main reason that the overall financial


result for the year was a break-even situation.


Total incoming resources 2007 Waverley Abbey House Royalties etc


Dated Publishing

Training & Events 4%


Non-Dated Publishing


Voluntary Income £1,500,000



£1,000,000 32% £500,000 Generating Fundraising Publications voluntary trading costs income costs

Training costs

Governance costs

Total Expenses


Balance sheet highlights 2007 • Net assets stand at £3.315m (2006 – £3.314m)

2% 19%

• Fixed assets reduced to £3.156m (2006 – £3.195m)

Voluntary income 2007 Gift Aid



Partners’ Gifts

General Giving

(2006 – £389k)



• The net stock position stands at £390k

• Cash balances were up from £848k in 2006 to £857k 30%

(as at 31 December 2007) • However, a commercial loan (mortgage)


of £903,392 is being repaid • The cash balance includes restricted funds of £286k (as at 31 December 2007) 11%

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Training & Events ministry • The overall Training Income for 2007 showed a 6% increase at £610,918 compared to £574,207 in 2006. Expenditure, including allocated support costs, increased 15% to £1,187,464. • Numbers on the Certificate and Diploma of Christian Counselling courses remain buoyant and over 70 students have been accepted for the 2008 intake for these two courses, run in partnership with the

• One new course, Closing the Back Door of the Church, was repeated four times because of demand.

London School of Theology. • The Women’s Ministry events continue to maintain • These courses received accreditation with the Counselling Society and the Certificate course

very high attendance levels, including the eight-week day-release course, Women Ministering to Women.

received accreditation (level 3) from the Association of Christian Counsellors.

• Seminars specifically designed for women were presented at Waverley, churches around the UK, and

• 180 students completed five Introduction to Biblical

visits were also made to Geneva, Nigeria and Guernsey.

Pastoral Care & Counselling courses. • The 7 Laws for Life which Selwyn Hughes regarded as • A team returned to Bahrain following the successful counsellor training programme in 2006, in order

his legacy to the Christian Church, was a major focus and was presented at 11 different churches.

to extend this training; and as part of our overall development of the ministry in Singapore, a series of counselling courses took place there in late 2007.

• During the year the 7 Laws seminar was committed to DVD, to enable this teaching to be more widely available. The release of this major teaching initiative

• Pastoral Care courses have been a most successful

is planned during the first half of 2008.

new initiative this year, engaging pastoral carers and church leaders from a wide range of churches.

• The first podcast was produced towards the end of 2007 and it is intended that podcasts on pastoral care issues will become a regular feature of CWR’s ministry in 2008.

Waverley Abbey House and Estate • 60 new external groups were introduced to the

• To ensure that the efficiency of the bookings

facilities at Waverley Abbey House during 2007 at

procedures is maintained as client numbers increase,

two successful reception events.

2008 will see a major upgrading of our event management software.

• Almost 1,000 new guests were welcomed to the House in a year that saw over 10,000 guests and delegates pass through the House.

• The Charity was one of many other UK organisations to sustain a major theft of roof lead from our Grade II* listed building, Waverley Abbey House.

• Further receptions will be held in 2008 as we look to make the exceptional standard of Waverley facilities

• The Woodlands were again used by the youth

and food known to more organisations, especially in

organisations, Urban Saints and the YMCA for their

the local community.

youth camps during the year. However, the YMCA have indicated that these events will not be part of their programme in the future.

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Publishing ministry Bestsellers for 2007

1. EDWJ for New Christians – 25,429 sold 2. YP’s Guide to Starting Secondary School – 20,675 3. Cover to Cover Complete (Hardback) – 11,273 4. EDWJ One Year Devotional ‘Bread for the Journey’ – 8,225 5. YP’s for New Christians – 7,891

• Total Publishing Income recorded an encouraging 5%

• Highway Code for Parenting followed Highway Code

increase, from £1,786,444 in 2006 to £1,880,614.

for Marriage as a key resource for families and both

This figure includes £411,074 from sales and royalties

titles were major sellers during 2007.

through our international distributors and agents, down from £447,581 in 2006.

• From January 2008, CWR products will be represented to the UK Christian book trade by the

• Overall publishing costs, including allocated support costs, rose 6% to £1,934,329. • One of the Key Publishing Initiatives was the

sales team of an international media company, Integrity-Provident. • Through a special appeal, we have been able to send

production of Cover to Cover Complete – a Bible

4,000 copies of Cover to Cover Complete to help equip

reading programme taking the reader through

church leaders and pastors in the developing world.

the Bible in one year in chronological order. The publication includes maps, charts, diagrams and

• Another special appeal enabled over 20,000 copies

devotional thoughts for each day and was launched at

of the YP’s Guide to Starting Secondary School, to

Madame Tussauds, London in September 2007.

support pupils as they make the transition from primary to secondary school, to be sold at a heavily

• To date, over 100 churches and 3,000 readers have

subsidised price of 99p.

committed to follow this or our Every Day with Jesus Devotional Bible in reading through the Scriptures in one year.

• Translation work continued during the year, with various publications being translated and published in Romanian, German, Persian and French.

Staff • Staff numbers remained stable during 2007

• A new position of Personnel Officer has been

and turnover of permanent staff has again been

established to enable CWR to develop more

encouragingly low, reducing from 17% in 2006 to

centralised procedures in respect of the recruitment,

12% during 2007.

induction, training and development of staff. This is essential in a climate of changing charity and company regulation and increasing amounts of complex employment legislation.

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Partnership and giving

Partners leaflet 2007

• Voluntary Income remained resilient in 2007,

Legacy brochure 2007

• Legacy Income continued to benefit from our

following the exceptional level of last year due to the

sustained legacy-awareness programme of recent

legacy from the Estate of our founder Selwyn Hughes.

years and a total of £92,094 was received in 2007.

• The 2007 total of £859,495 compared favourably

• We are grateful to God for the financial support of our

with our more typical level of gift income, for example

Partners and supporters who continue to sustain the

the £778,393 received in 2005.

Charity by their giving and prayers. Plans are in place for a new DVD promotional programme to promote our Partnership Plan during 2008.

Plans for the future • Consolidate and develop the ministry in Singapore and Malaysia • Develop new media including content for TV broadcasting, online learning and webcasts • Pursue university validation and accreditation for CWR courses • Re-engineer and repackage our dated material; especially Every Day with Jesus • Establish the status of current planning permissions • Complete the external refurbishment of Waverley Abbey House • Celebrate the 21st Anniversary of Waverley Abbey House on 6 September 2008 • Visit Australia and New Zealand with a CMCA/CWR ministry tour in September • Plan for succession – due to the imminent retirement of several senior staff

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CWR in South East Asia • CWR is committed to applying God’s Word to everyday life and relationships. For more than 40 years we have experienced God’s hand of blessing in many remarkable ways, as we have been faithful to this call. From a very small beginning the scope of the ministry is now multi-faceted and global. Through the decades CWR has remained firmly rooted in Scripture and entirely dedicated to seeing Christ’s Church flourish. • CWR is best known for its training courses and Bible reading notes, especially Every Day with Jesus that is

Esther and James Wong with Mick Brooks

read by nearly a million people each day and in more than 130 countries. The late Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes founded CWR and led the ministry for many years. Selwyn Hughes saw and endorsed the thrilling vision that now spreads out before Chief Executive Mick Brooks and his team. • In 2007, and in response to a clear leading from God, CWR established a permanent South East Asia ministry presence in Singapore. This has been done in partnership with Rev Canon Dr James Wong, a good friend of the ministry and of Selwyn Hughes. We are excited to be working closely with Christians in Singapore and reaching out with them into the neighbouring countries of South East Asia via our various daily reading notes and training courses. • CWR has always considered Bible-based training that has meaningful everyday application, essential in equipping individual Christians and the Church to fulfil the Great Commission. However, for Christians to truly benefit from training they need to be growing strongly in their relationship with Christ. This is why CWR places so much emphasis on helping Christians in their daily spiritual disciplines.

‘I first met Selwyn Hughes and Trevor Partridge when they visited Singapore in the early 1970s. The churches in Singapore had just begun to experience the charismatic renewal and many people came to know Jesus Christ and were spiritually hungry for the Word. Selwyn’s visits, ministry, teaching the Word and the distribution of EDWJ devotional notes were a great blessing to the Christians in Singapore. I have been involved with the ministry of CWR for more than 30 years, organising the various Counselling and Caring seminars over the years. Now that CWR has re-established itself in Singapore, the mission and ministry of CWR can reach out further to the churches in the region – especially to Malaysia and Indonesia where there is also a great spiritual hunger and harvest of souls into the kingdom of God.’ Rev Canon Dr James Wong

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The CWR foundation ‘There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is Godbreathed and useful one way or another – showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.’ 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (The Message)

Copies of the full report and financial statements, audited by Mazars LLP, are available from CWR upon request

Founder Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes

Directors and Trustees Stephen J. Bradley (Chairman), Robert G. Bennett, Paul V. Buckingham, Daphne J. Cox, Sean P. Gubb, Coleen R. Jackson, Ann C. Lenton, Hugh J. Osgood, David Rosser, Fiona J. Stevenson, Mervyn L.S. Thomas and Benjamin P. Turner

Company Secretary Paul Bexon

Chief Executive Mick Brooks

Registered Office Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP T: 01252 784700 E: mail@cwr.org.uk W: www.cwr.org.uk Registered Charity Number 294387 Company Registration Number 1990308

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