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Highlights of the year CWR REVIEW 2009

Our Aims and Objectives Our Charity’s purpose is:

Who used and benefited from our services?

• To benefit the public by promoting the positive teachings and values of the Christian faith.

• Nearly one million readers around the world read Every Day with Jesus, our acclaimed daily

• To bring lasting change for good in the lives of people through our publishing and training programmes. The aims of our Charity are to encourage people to apply God’s Word to everyday life and relationships. Our aims fully reflect the purposes that the Charity was set up to deliver.

devotional Bible-reading guide. • Many thousands of other readers continue to use the six additional CWR daily Bible-reading notes. • CWR publications continue to be distributed free into UK prisons and young offender establishments through the Prison Chaplaincy Service.

The focus of our work

• Over 3,400 Bibles are being read in the 144 registered churches participating in our Bible

Our primary objective continues to be the advancement

Challenge programme, using Cover to Cover

of the Christian faith. The strategies we use to meet this

Complete and the Every Day with Jesus One Year

objective include:

Devotional Bible.

• Our Training Programme – offering various courses for all academic levels from degree level to one-day

• An appeal was launched to translate Discovering the Way into Tamil for distribution within Sri Lanka.

popular seminars. These include courses for ministers,

• 71 new Partners joined during the year primarily as

leaders and church workers and are held at our centre

a result of our ‘Invitation to Partnership Scheme’.

at Waverley Abbey House in Surrey as well as in churches and venues around the UK and overseas. • Our Publications and Resources – both dated and undated, for all age groups. The distribution of these

• Over 300 counselling students trained on our courses at various levels (Introduction, Certificate, Diploma and Advanced courses). • CWR and the London School of Theology (LST),

publications is worldwide through a number of local

under a joint venture agreement, manage and fund

National Distributors in various countries.

the Watford Christian Counselling Service (WCCS), a free counselling service for any members of the public, of whatever faith or none, who wish to take advantage of it. • Many hundreds of people took advantage of our free telephone helpline – the CWR Counselling Advice and Referrals Service – to find a counsellor in their area or to explore their options. • The 7 Laws for Life evening seminar and the Church Leaders’ Forums were held at Waverley Abbey House at no charge to participants. • Much of the Training programme is subsidised by the Charity and the fees we charge do not cover the full course costs. £7,000 in bursary funding was made available to enable a small number of students to attend our counselling courses. An Early Bird pricing structure was introduced, thus widening access to courses.

Training Programmes CWR trained counsellors are found around the world, providing a significant benefit and skill to many and varied communities. Our courses are in great demand as students identify with the unique CWR Model of Human Functioning as it helps them to provide support to a large number of people in need of such input. Training income for 2009 remained static at £608,727 (2008: £609,653), but Training costs, including allocated support costs, decreased by 4.4% to £1,056,932 (2008: £1,106,133).

International UK

During 2009, we spent considerable time looking at ways of developing our International Strategy. For some time,

The level of positive feedback regarding our Training

we have been concentrating our efforts in South-East

courses both here at Waverley and in the regions has

Asia and with senior tutor, Ron Kallmier returning to

been particularly pleasing. Delegate responses to course

Australia, we believe that this aspect of the ministry will

content have included the following remarks;

gain further momentum. Ron will continue to work with CWR particularly in Singapore and Australia.

Pastoral Care in Local Church:

‘You will never know how much you have helped.’ Women’s Events/courses:

‘Because of what you do at CWR, my life has changed forever.’ Insight Days:

‘Now I know how to support people.’

CWR’s commitment to serve the Church in Singapore continued with further ministry visits taking place in March and October. We remain encouraged with the positive reception for the Principles of Biblical Counselling Course by so many in Singapore. None of this could have been achieved without the significant help provided by long-term friend and supporter of CWR, Revd Canon Dr James Wong. A number of training seminars presenting 7 Laws for Life were also held in Kuala Lumpur in October in association with Canaanland, one of our major retail customers.

There was particular interest in the Bible Discovery courses with 260 folk attending overall. Other courses

We were delighted that by year-end, we were able to

attracting over 50 delegates include: Insight Days on

register a new company in Singapore: CWR Care and

Depression and Dementia, Mentoring Others, Renovating

Counselling Asia Ltd, to act as the legal entity for

Pastoral Care, Women’s Teaching Days, Church Leaders’

developing our work in the wider region of South-East

Forum and 7 Laws for Life. For 2010, we have increased

Asia. We aim to seek charitable status in Singapore for

the number of the week-long Introduction to Biblical

this subsidiary company during 2010.

Counselling courses to five due to the strong demand experienced in 2009.

At the request of our Nigerian distributor, FBFM, three CWR staff travelled to Nigeria to lead a one-week course

CWR and the London School of Theology (LST) continue

for women, to equip them with the knowledge and skills

to deliver the Theology and Counselling course as part of

to help other women, offering training in leadership,

a joint venture agreement. This unique programme began

biblical knowledge and inter-personal skills. The course

in 1998 and combines a highly effective blend of Scripture,

attracted nearly 200 women from a wide range of socio-

theology and counselling – the UK’s only university-

economic groups and denominations, travelling to Lagos

validated theology and counselling degree. The joint

from over 12 states. The week concluded with a short

course is being assessed for accreditation by the British

seminar on marriage held in a local church prior to the

Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).

team returning to the UK.

Waverley Abbey House Waverley Abbey House continues to be used predominately as the base for the Training programme in the UK. Plans for the development of the Waverley Abbey Campus continue to progress in order to provide improved teaching facilities and ensuite student accommodation. We also welcomed 2,080 external clients (including 26 new customer groups) during 2009 and we continue to receive high praise for the quality of their experience;

‘Over the three years we have been coming to Waverley, we have received exceptional support from the staff, and consistently excellent food. Waverley is a beautiful, peaceful and contemplative space for our workshop.’ (PriceWaterhouseCoopers)

‘An incomparable venue for our Head Teachers’ retreats. The service, facilities and levels of care are all first-rate. A rare combination and highly appreciated.’ (Guildford Diocesan Board of Education)

Publishing Programme CWR publications are valued around the world for their

pre-Christmas period. A CWR team, working in

practical guidance and down-to-earth teaching. Every Day

partnership with Compassion UK, travelled to India

with Jesus is the classic daily devotional loved and read

in June for the filming of a new Life Journeys DVD

by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. We

presented by the speaker and writer, Jeff Lucas.

continue to receive testimonies of how these materials have benefited people in many different situations.

The subscription base for our dated daily Bible-reading

Challenging market conditions continued throughout

end we had 21,316 annual subscribers for the various

the year in the international book trade and included

dated materials, a 2.2% increase on the previous year.

notes continued to strengthen during the year. At year-

the demise of the major UK book wholesaler, IBS-STL towards the end of the year; this saw our Publishing

Major projects planned for 2010 include: C.H. Spurgeon:

income drop by 2.7% to £1,767,870 (2008: £1,816,264).

the People’s Preacher (with a DVD docu-drama available

However, publishing costs, including allocated support

as an accompanying product). Pens, a new undated

costs, were substantially reduced by almost 6% to

devotional publication for 3- to 6-year-olds and The Big

£1,824,923 (2008: £1,939,832).

Story, a one-year Bible-reading resource.

Australia and New Zealand During 2009, we switched our Australian Distribution contract from, CMCA to another Australian company, KI Entertainment. We expect to see significant growth arising from this change during 2010.

A selection of our daily Bible-reading notes


Nigeria The daily Bible-reading notes Every Day with Jesus and Inspiring Women Every Day continue to be the

We continue to update and re-issue previously published

most popular CWR publications in Nigeria. Quantities

material in our flagship devotional, Every Day with

have diminished in recent years but are still strong at

Jesus. One new initiative is the addition of an online

approximately 80,000 and 20,000 respectively (per

resource for group and individual study materials. This

bimonthly edition).

includes free downloadable video footage to accompany the online resource, EDWJ Extra. As part of our stated publishing strategy, we have continued to develop resources using staff authors and CWR course material such as Closing the Back Door to the Church written by Ron Kallmier and Andy Peck. Highlights of the past year include: the publication of the CWR Devotional Bible (September) and It Must Be Love (the sequel to the autobiography of bestselling author, Gram Seed). Extension products derived from our dated publications (including the perennial bestseller EDWJ for New Christians) continue to be strong sellers. We saw the continuing success of various series such as; Topz Secret Diaries, Insight Series and Cover to Cover Bible Study Guides. One surprise was the sell through of the total print run of our Christmas Mini Book during the

Our top sellers for 2009

Financial Review Our principal funding sources for the Charity are the Training and Publishing activities as well as voluntary

Total income 2005–2009 2005






donations. 2009 was a testing year due to the effects of


the worldwide recession. Publishing sales were strong despite the serious difficulties within the UK Christian


supply sector. Training delegate numbers on CWR


courses remained high throughout the year as did the


number of students enrolling on the Certificate and Diploma Courses for Christian Counselling. Gift income


remained steady and we were blessed by a number of


large donations in the final two months of the year.


CWR ended the year with a small surplus. It is particularly



Voluntary Income

pleasing to record that contribution from each of the


Total Income

Total expenditure 2005–2009

charitable activities improved and that there was a


significant reduction in costs in all areas. The 2010






Budget was prepared against a backdrop of falling


income due to the pressure on donations and with potentially lower sales to our main UK trade wholesaler.


We have budgeted for a turnover of £3.175m in 2010


(slightly down on 2009). £2,000,000 £1,500,000

Total incoming resources 2009 Dated Publishing

Non-Dated Publishing

Training and Events


Waverley Abbey House


Other (0%)

Voluntary Income

£500,000 Generating Fundraising Publications voluntary trading costs income costs

22% 33%

Training costs

Governance costs

Total Expenses

Financial Highlights


• Total income for 2009 amounted to £3,218,802 (2008: £3,322,582) • Overall resources expended, totalled £3,196,707


(2008: £3,499,991) • Overall donor income remained steady at £723,990 (2008: £723,938)



• CWR recorded a £22,095 surplus for this financial year (2008: £177,409 deficit)

Voluntary income 2009 Appeals

Legacies 12%

Partners’ Gifts

General Giving

Gift Aid

Balance Sheet Highlights • Net assets increased to £3,120,296


(2008: £3,098,201) • Fixed assets reduced to £3,098,306


(2008: £3,121,645) 1%

• Net stock position stands at £402,987 (2008: £367,018) • Cash balances stand at £767,790 (2008: £613,720) • The cash balance includes restricted funds


of £286,072 (as at 31 December 2009)

Structure, Governance & Management The ministry of CWR was founded by the late Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes in 1965. The organisation is incorporated as a charitable company, limited by guarantee and governed by its Memorandum & Articles of Association. During the year, this document was thoroughly reviewed by the Trustees in order to update it in the light of recent changes in legislation and to ensure that it is fit for the mission of the Charity in the future. The overall changes were agreed by the Trustees and Members and formal


approval of the new document was received from the Charity Commission in January 2010. The changes

The staff numbers, excluding Directors, totalled 56 FTE

include a development of the main objects to include the

(full-time equivalents) – up from 54 FTE in 2008. The

advancement of education, as well as the advancement

turnover of permanent staff remains relatively low, but

of the Christian faith.

has risen from 13.6 % in 2008 to 15.5% in 2009. Fifteen people left the Charity during the year. A good number of

Formal Board meetings are held three times per

these leavers took retirement after many years’ service

year in April, July and December. There is one Board

with CWR. Director of Training, Ron Kallmier, returned to

Development day held in each year. No new Trustees

Australia at the end of the year and Elizabeth Hodkinson

were appointed during 2009 but one Trustee resigned

was appointed to succeed him in the New Year.

in September. The work of the Board is assisted by six Advisory Groups that cover the key areas of Governance,

Aspire, a Christian-based staff survey, was carried

Finance, Publishing, Training & Events, International and

out in March to assess the core values of CWR as an

Resources. Each Advisory Group meets at least three

organisation. The overall outcome was positive and

times a year, before each formal Board meeting.

assisted CWR’s continuing development of its purpose and ethos. Certain areas for future development were

The Ministry Strategy Team, made up of the Chairman

identified and we plan to re-run the survey in 2011. The

of the Board, the Chief Executive and three senior

regular staff communication meeting continues, during

executives meets three or four times a year. Their brief

which the Chief Executive shares various news and

is to assess the progress of the ten-year plan in each of

vision updates with the staff. This has proven to be a

CWR’s six ministry areas and to set the strategy in order

worthwhile and valued event for all staff.

to achieve the objectives as directed by the Board.

Plans for the Future Plans are being developed to work on a number of key development areas including: • To consolidate the ministry activities in South East Asia and Australia • To continue with the plans for the development of the Waverley Abbey House Campus • To obtain university recognition for the modular counselling courses • To investigate the introduction of distance learning and the online delivery of courses • To reinvigorate and reinvent the format of the dated reading materials

For further information visit our website at www.cwr.org.uk

The CWR foundation ‘There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is Godbreathed and useful one way or another – showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.’ 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (The Message)

Founder Rev Dr Selwyn Hughes

Directors and Trustees Stephen J. Bradley (Chair), Robert G. Bennett, Paul Bexon, Paul V. Buckingham, Sean P. Gubb, Coleen R. Jackson, David Rosser, Fiona J. Stevenson, Mervyn L.S. Thomas (Deputy Chair), Benjamin P. Turner

Chief Executive Michael Brooks

Registered Office Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 8EP UK T: 01252 784700 E: mail@cwr.org.uk W: www.cwr.org.uk Registered Charity Number 294387 Company Registration Number 1990308

Copies of the full report and financial statements, audited by Mazars LLP, are available from CWR upon request

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