Women Every Day
new Christians Starting out on the
Christian life Daily devotional readings for new Christians by Catherine Butcher
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Getting the best from this book
hese 40 daily meditations are specially written to help you get to know Jesus. The notes take you through John’s Gospel, unpacking the basic foundations of Christian faith on the way, then introducing you to the book of Acts and the lives of the first Christians. You are at the start of a relationship which will last through eternity. You might not understand everything you read each day, but this is just the beginning. By using the daily pattern of Bible reading, reflection and prayer, you will begin to understand what God wants in your everyday life. That might mean some changes, but your first priority is to refocus your life on Jesus.
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Learning about Jesus and His love was John’s priority when he wrote his Gospel. He was one of Jesus’ closest friends, described as ‘the disciple Jesus loved’; and when Jesus was dying on the cross it was John He asked to care for Mary, His mother. So, as well as His eye-witness account of Jesus’ life, John gives us the insight he has gained from being with Jesus for three years and, presumably, from talking to Mary about her Son. John notices how Jesus responds to women and several of his stories focus on the women whose lives were transformed by Jesus. To let these Bible readings transform your life daily, find somewhere peaceful where you
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won’t be interrupted. Ask God to help you understand what you are about to read. You might use words like: Father God, I am so glad You want me to know You. I open myself to You. Please help me to understand what I read from the Bible and let it make a difference to my life. Then read the Bible passage in a modern, easily-readable translation. At this stage in your life as a Christian you are not trying to analyse every word. Aim to gain an overall impression of the passage and make a note of any verses which seem to stand out. Maybe they are particularly relevant to something that you’re facing. When you have read the Bible write down any thoughts you have yourself before reading the reflection printed here. The Bible is not like any other book you will ever read. God has a vested interest
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in you getting to know Him intimately and He uses the Bible to speak to you. There is a suggested prayer or thought at the end of each meditation, but don’t be restricted by it. Use your own words to talk to your heavenly Father. He wants you to talk to Him and will respond to you – maybe by reminding you of something you’ve read or giving you a strong impression of what He wants to say to you. What God says will not contradict what He has already said in the Bible. But, at this early stage on your Christian journey, you probably won’t know much of the Bible. That’s why it is important to be part of a church where it is taught and put into practice. There you can find fellow Christians who will help you as you become mature. Find someone with more experience of God than you and take time to talk regularly about what you are learning. Talk to God whatever you are doing, aloud or silently in your head, allowing Him to encourage, challenge, teach and inspire you as you set out on your journey with Him.
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This is love, actually John 1:1–13 ‘… to all who received him … he gave the right to become children of God …’ (v.12)
ver the next 40 days these daily reading notes will help you as you get to know Jesus. As you become closer to Him you will discover your new identity as a Christian, learning to enjoy your relationship with God. Today’s reading is the start of John’s account of Jesus’ life. John was an eyewitness to Jesus’ life on earth. He described himself five times as ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ so he particularly understood what it is like to be loved by God. His story highlights the awesome creative power of Jesus, the One sent by God to demonstrate His love for us. If you know the Christmas story, you might expect John’s Gospel to start in Bethlehem with shepherds and angels. But John begins before the dawn of
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time when Jesus was with God as well as being fully God Himself. Grappling with the concept of the Creator God who is beyond human understanding, John describes Jesus as ‘the Word’ and ‘the light’, somehow capable of allowing us to be born again, to become children of God who is our perfect Father. John doesn’t attempt to explain this further, but this new relationship will become clearer as we read more of his book.
Loving relationship John puts Jesus’ arrival on earth into context: Jesus, born a Jew, came first to the Jewish people who were expecting a king. Most of them did not recognise Him, and now His offer of new life is made to all of us who believe in Him. But this new relationship is not just an intellectual agreement. It has all the complexity of a deep, loving relationship between parent and child; as if our DNA is now
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imprinted with God’s life. Read Ephesians 1 to catch a glimpse of what this means. Father God, thank You for making it possible for me to talk to You as my Father. Help me as I unwrap this special gift of a loving relationship with You.
Getting to know God John 1:14–18 ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.’ (v.14)
here’s nothing quite like living with people if you want to get to know them. Getting to know God is just the same – we need to live with Him. But how can mere mortals approach the majesty and perfection of God? Fortunately, God has made the first move. He sent Jesus to live with us and to show us what He is like. Before Jesus came in the flesh, God had given humanity His guidelines for living. But they only highlighted how far short we fall of His perfect standard. Jesus is
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the only Person who ever lived who has achieved that standard. By coming to live on earth He has made God approachable, and now, by living with us, He wants to show us what God is like.
Living with Jesus What does that mean for you today? Ask God to help you imagine Jesus walking through your day with you. Talk to Him about your life, the people you meet, the experiences you face. You don’t need to use special language. Talk to Him as you would talk to your closest friend. Ask Him to speak to you. Be on the lookout for new perspectives and insights as God begins to reveal Himself to you. Remember God is still the awesome, powerful Creator of the universe. Without Jesus we couldn’t enter His holy presence; but Jesus wraps us in love. It’s as if we’re clothed in non-stick Teflon; our sin doesn’t stick. So Jesus can introduce us to His Father. We might not always understand what is happening in our lives and the lives of those around us, but God wants us to be sure of His love for us. Read Romans 8:28–39, especially verses 38 and 39. Is there anything you face in life which falls outside
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